Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1917, p. 1

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$1 per annum, in advance.] VOL. XXXIX. Ethel E. l)cver L. T. C. M. TEACHER OF‘ Piano and Voice J. T. SAIGEON G. WALKINGTON Maple King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Telephone Residence Elgin Mills Main 2777 ResideIICe Phone 44.4 J. H. Naughton BARRIS’I‘ER SOLICITOR NOTARY {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide St... Offices I East. Toronto. LNuughton Block, Aurora. . The Town of Aurora 801mm". for M. \Valton. Aurora JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 300 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. attention. M J. H. PREN’I‘IGE T. E. BOYNTON 415 Balliol St. Gorniley Toronto BC. I Phone Belmont 1347 Ind. Phone ‘ LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 0t every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Patronage solicited. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to'. I WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. SOLICITOB. NOTARY ETC Toronto Office. Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal’ Dace). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates Join .7. Z’avidson I .PIANO TUNING Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNH ILL Organs Repaired. Expert Work Dentgn, Grover & Field arristers. Solicrors. &c NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Macdonald Ilarry D. Anger A. Cameron - MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDGn. 18 KING STREET WEST, Tel. M. 3631 M WRIGHT BROS. Undertaken-s dc Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILI AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS ON HAND. RICHMOND Prize Winners (Continued from last week) FOWL Andalusian Henâ€"Harry Chapman 1 and 2. Cor-kings Cockâ€"â€"Harry Chapman 1 and 2. Dorkings Henâ€"Harry Chapman 1 and 2. White Leghorn Cockâ€"Robt. Storie- housr. Jiro. Brillinger. \Vhite Leghorn Henâ€"Robt. Stone- I house. Jno. Brillinger. Houdan Cockâ€"F. E. Sims 1 and 2. Hondan Henâ€"F. E. Sims 1 and 2. Buff Leghorn Cock~Harry Chap- mil". Buff Leghorn Henâ€"Harry Chapman 1 and 2. Barred Plymouth Rock Cockâ€"Harry 'Chapuian. Jiio. Brillingcr. \Vhite Plymouth Rock Cock v-JHO. Bi'illingei'. White Plymouth Rock Henâ€"Harry Chapman. Jno. Brillinger. Silver Spangled Cockâ€"Edwin Laug- staif l and 2. Silver Spangled Henâ€"Edwin Lang- stafl l and 2. \Vhite \Vyandotte Cockâ€"Harry White Wyundotte Henâ€"H. Chap. man. Edwin Langstaff. Golden VVyandOtte Chapman. Golden \Vyandotte Henâ€"H. Chap~ man I and 2. Silver Laced \Vyandotte Cockâ€"â€"Ed. Langstatf I and 2. Silver Laced \Vyandotte Henâ€"H. Chapman. Edwin Langstatf. Rhode Island Red Cockâ€"Jim. Bril- linger. Rhode Island Red Henâ€"J. Brilliuger. Orpingtons (any other) Cockâ€"Harry Chapman. Ino. Brilliuger. Bantam Cockâ€"Harry Chapman. Bantam Henâ€"Harry Chapman. Pit Game Cockâ€"Edwin Langstaff. Pit Game Henâ€"Edwin Langstafl’ l and 2. ’ : Chapman 1 and 2. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE I All mail order: will receive prompt; Cockâ€"Harry Ducksâ€"Robt. Stonehouse, Edwin Langstalf. Drakeâ€"Root Stouehouse, Edwin Langstal'f. Goose Toulouseâ€"Edwrn Langstafl’. Ganderâ€" Edwin Langstal’f. Pigeonsâ€"Ed. Father. Turkey Bronze Cockâ€"Edwin Lang~ Turkey hen. Edwin Langsth staff. Rhode Island \Vliitcs Cockâ€"Jim. Brilliugei'. Rhode Island Brillinger. White Henâ€"J no. G. J. Lawrie. Judge. FR U IT. ROOTS Etc. Table Applesâ€"J no. Biillinger. (looking Applesâ€"Jim. BI-illinger. Collection of Potatoesâ€"Herb. Jones. Early Potatoesâ€"Rubi. Stonehouse. Late Potatoosâ€"R. Frisby & Son. Swede Turnipsâ€"Jâ€"tobi. Stonehouse. Canned Fruitâ€"Mrs. W. TvudalI. Picklesâ€"Mrs. \V. Tyndall. Catsupâ€"Mrs. \V. Tyndall. Home made “’iueâ€"Jno. Brillinger'. George Keith, Judge. DAIRY A Societyâ€"Miss Kirkland. T. J. Spaulding, Jno. Brillinger. B Eby Blain & Co.â€"â€"T. J. Spaulding. C \V. H. Pugsleyâ€"T. J. Spaulding. D \V. J. Hillâ€"T. .l. Spaiilding. E The T. Eaton Co.â€"-Miss Kirkland. F F. E. Sirnsâ€"â€"T. J. Spalilding. 41b. Loafâ€"R. \V. Dove. ' Home-made Bunsâ€"R. \V. Dove. H. C. Bailey, Judge. FINE ARTS AND LADIES' \VORK Knitted Socksâ€"A. Haist. A. M. Russell. Knitted Quiltâ€"Miss McVean. Crochet Quiltâ€"A. Haist. Miss Mc- Cutcheon. Napkinsâ€"A. Haist l and 2. Table Matsâ€"Miss McCutcheon 1 & 2. “ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of HENRY BLANCHARD. late of the Village of Richmond Hill. in the County of York, deceased. Pursuant to the statute in that be- half. notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of Henry Blanchard. late of the Village of Richmond Hill. in the County of York. Esquire. who (lied on or about the lllh day of March. A. D.. 1917. are required on or before the 20th day of June, 1917. to send to Clarence A. Skeele. Richmond Hill. executor of the said deceased. a statement of their claims with their names and addresses and the security. if any, held by them. And take further noti:e that after the liistmentioned date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of . the said Istate among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall then have ie~ Ceived notice. “ In Essentials, U HILL. ONT.. THURSD Dated this 18th day of May, A. D.. 1917. COOK & GILCHRIST 33 Richmond St. \‘Vest. Toronto. 46 4 Solicitors for the Executor. nity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Eyelet Embroideryâ€"L. B. Fisher, A. Haist. Roman Emb.~â€"Miss McCutcheon. L. B. Fisher. Jewel Emuâ€"Miss McVoan. L. B. Fisher. Solid Satin Stitchrd and Eyelet Eirib.-â€"A. Haist. Miss McCutI-heon. Oriental Eiiih.~L. B. Fisher. Miss McCutcheon. Shadow Enib.â€"L. B. Fisher. A. HMISL Norwegian or Hardnnger-L. B. Fisher. A. Haist. Wallachian Emuâ€"Miss McVean. Miss McCutcheon. Punch Florinâ€"«Miss McCutclreon. A. Haist. Honiton Laceâ€"Miss McCutchcoii. L. B. Fisher. Point Laceâ€"Miss \IcVeari, Miss Me- Cutcheon. Duchess Laceâ€"«Miss McCutcheon. A. Haist. Battenhurg Laceâ€"Miss McCutcheou. Miss McVean. Cluny Laceâ€"A. Haist. L. B. Fisher. Irish Crochet Laceâ€"Miss McCutcho- on. L. B. Fisher. Nettingâ€"Miss McCutclieon. L. 8. Fisher. Tintingâ€"Miss McCutcheou, Miss Mc- Venn. Italian Cut \Vorkâ€"Miss McCutcheon. A. liaist. ' Rickrack and Crochetâ€"A. Haist. Miss McVI-an. Crochet V’Vork in Silkâ€"Miss Mc‘ Cutcheon. L. B. Fisher. Crochet \Voi-k in \Voolâ€"Miss Mc- Cutcheon. L. B. Fisher. Crochet \Voi-k in Cottonâ€"Miss Mc- Veiin. Miss McCutcheon. Crocheted Yokesâ€"Miss McCutcheon. Miss McVean. Hemstitched TmVels --A. Haist, Miss McCutcheon. Knitted Bath Towelsâ€"Miss Mn - Cutclii-oir, A. Haist. Handkerchiefsâ€"«A. Haist, Miss Mc- Cutcheon. 5-o'clock Tea Cloth in SrlKâ€"Mils Mc- Cutnheon. A. Haist. 5-o’clock Tea Cloth in Linenâ€"A. Haist. Mls‘: McCutcheon. Table Centrepiece in Silkâ€"A, Haist. Miss McCutchemi. Table Centrepiece- in Linenâ€"L. B. Fisher. Miss McCutclieori. Table Dollies in Silkâ€" A. Haist, Miss McCutclreon. Table Doilies in Linen~L. B. Fisher, A. I‘IulSl. Queen Anne Darningâ€"Miss McVean, L. B. Fisher. Mexican Drawn \VI-rknL. B. Fisher. A. Hoist. Outline \Vor-kâ€"Miss Mchan. Miss McCutchvon. Bead \Vorkâ€"L. B. Fisher. Miss Me. CutchI-oii. Coronation Braid VVor-kâ€"Miss Mc- Vean. Miss McCutI-heon. Tray or Carvrng Clothâ€"A. Haist 1 I and 2. Sideboard Scar-f, Silkâ€"A. Hoist l and 2. ' Sideboard Scarf, Linenâ€"A. Hnist l and 2. Sofa. Cushion in Brillingei-, A. Haist. Sofa Cushion in Cutcheou. A. Haist. Pin Cushionâ€"Miss McCutcheon. L. B. Fisher. Slippers Knitted‘A. McCutcheon. Slippers Crotched#L. MiSs McCutcheon. \Vool Shawlâ€"Miss A. Hoist. I \Vool Fascinatorâ€"Miss Mth'an. L. B. Fisher. Ladies’ Einb. Blouseâ€"A. Haistl & 2. Burnt \Vood \Voi-kâ€"A. Ilaist, L. B. Fisher. Burnt Leather Miss McVean. Silkâ€"Miss Cora Lirien~Miss Mu Hoist. Miss B. Fisher. McCutcheon, \Vorkâ€"A. Haist. I . 13ml li‘ AY. JUNE 7. 19l7 MoqumI-liv “Workâ€"Miss McCutclie- on. Miss McVeari. Rama \Voi'k~â€"~L. B. McVenn. Reed \VorkwA. Haist l and 2. Fisher. Seed \Vork~â€"I.. B. Fisher, A. Haist. Fancy Apron â€"â€" A. L. B. Fisher. Fancy \Vork Bag‘Miss MI-Cutcheon. A. Haist. \Vork BasketkL. Haist. Paintng in Oilsâ€"A. Haist 1 and 2. Painting on Satin. Silk or A. llaist I and 2. Painting in \Vatei‘ Colors~Mi5s Mc- Vean. A. Haist. \eril Carving-Mins McVI-an. L. B. Fisher. Photrgrnplrs-â€"A. HHISI, Miss Me- Cntchoon. Coinsâ€"Miss McCutcbcon. Miss Mc- Venn. Pen and Ink Drawingâ€"A. IIaist. PenI-il Drawingâ€"A. llais‘. Charcoal Drawingâ€"~11. Hiiist l and 2. Painting on Chinaâ€"( Group lâ€"«Miss E. McNair l and 2. Group Zâ€"Miss E. McNair l and 2. Group 3â€"Miss E. McNair l and 2. Group 4â€"Miss E. MrNair- l and 2. lump 5» A Haist. Miss MI-Nair. Group of Three Placesâ€"Miss Mc- Nair l and 2. Painting on China~Floral Group Iâ€"A. Heist. Miss E. McNair. Group 2-â€".\Ii<s McNair. A. Hriist. Group Râ€"A. Hoist. (iii-imp 4â€"A. “Hist. Group 5~â€"A. Haist. Group of Three Piecesâ€"A. Haiut, Miss McVean. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Pencil Drawingâ€"A. Hurst. Pen and Ink Drawingâ€"A. Haist. Charcoal Drawingâ€"A. Haist. Crayon Drawingâ€"A. Haisr. \Vat’r (‘olor Drawingâ€"A. Hoist. Heist. B. Fisher. A. Miss [Single copies, 3 cts. SHEPHERD PAINTER PAPERHANGER GRAINER. ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT. PHONE 1834 44 I2 â€"-_______ Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be at. S. Vpivm_ Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friday. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ol‘lice Inmited in Standard Bank Build. ing. Office hours to 5p.m- J. K. l‘IcIflxven & Son Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe Phone 67 Weston D. H. PINKERTON- V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE King, ()nt. Phone No. 23. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Conveyancer .etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Riohmonc. Hill I EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC . . . . . . COMMISSIONER. CON"EY\V"ER. ETC. SPGCiilI. Original Drawrugâ€"A. Hurst. ‘ Post Tyndall, Jones. Handkerchiefsâ€"Effie Dove. Fancy \Vorkâ€"Efiie Dow. Judgesâ€"Mrs. McMahon. Miss Me- Nair, Mrs. Glass. Miss Heise. Mrs. Nicholls. Miss Jean Boyle. Mrs. Hulse. Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Heacock. GAMES AND SPORTS Foot Race 100 yds. open~Victor Ol'l, \Valter Finch. Foot Race 100 yds., 15 yrs. and under- â€"B. White. \Vilhur Bone. Foot Race 100 yards. 12 years and under~ H. Mitchell. E. \Vliite. Girls Race 75 yardsâ€"C. Flannagan, A. Tyndall. Girls Race 50 yardsmL. Tyndall. F. Batty. Foot Race g llllle‘~Vlt‘ltll' ()rr. L. Cull. Cards -â€" Zella Ella ’0“ Wedding The first June wedding took place on Friday evening when Dorothy Mc- Kenzie. only daughter of Mrs. John DIUKPI zie. was united iir marriage to Frank Rumble. by Rev. R. Her-bison. in the Presbyterian Churclr.The church or is beautifully decorated with cherry lilo<sonr<. The bride looked charming in a suit of cream serge. with a. ht‘H-lâ€" tiful bouquet of orchids and lilyâ€"of-the valley. The bride was given away by hi r uncle. Mr. Howat of Thauiesrille. The popular-in of the bride was evi- denced by the large attendance of vil- lagers at the. \wdding. Among the guests \vere sweral r'PIulIVi-s and friends from the City. The bride and groom left by :into for Toronto. and thence for a visit to Montreal. wo->â€"â€"â€"«â€" Division Cour t. Will be held here ‘ next Tuesday. June Ill. \ ». \f’nâ€" wflgfifl’ocf/fl . This, our new serial story, the present war. is one of the very best written on The first instalment will appear in an early issue. You’ll like Tommy; it is a strong, soul-stirring tale of the great world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero is a Lancastershire lad. He didn’t want to go to warâ€"not at first. “Let ’em as wants to fight the Germans fight ’em” said Tommy. Then one day he heard the cry of suffering Belgium; he heard the call of his own motherlandâ€"he gave up the best job he ever had and enlisted. He went to France; against himself as well as the enemy; the' best girl in the world. A Watch for the first instalment. If your subscription is not paid he fought a good fightâ€" he won the DOM. and~ splendid story splendidly told. up, send in the money at once and make sure that you do not miss a single instalment of the new story. If you are not a regular subscriber, subscribe now. worth the full subscription price of $1.00 per annum. 'Mr. This new story is [P.O. BOX Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL B. H. LASHER PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER North Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL Phone No. F" [a ’I‘. (air. 14. X7 0 IN LICENSED AUC’I‘IONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully Solicited Residence address P. 0. address Victoria Square Goi'inley. RLR. 2 ]. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Choirmaster St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a limited number of pupils at his Honiestudio. Richmond Hill VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. (Associate of the Royal College of Music, London. England) will resume his classes at Richmond Hill on \Vednesday. September 13th For terms and Particulars apply 25 Albany Avenue. Toronto Mrs. F. H. Echlin Graduate Toronto College of Music in KINDERGARTEN MUSIC Classes in Richmond Hill and Thornhill All information furnished RESlDENCE THORNHILL Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN \Vill be in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September]. 1916 Address Nor-deliner Building 2320 Yonge St. Toronto Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granite; and Marbles Building Stone cut to order Residence 436 Phone 183

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