. C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill Annex Richmond Hill __________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" You can preserve with any kind For Lunch --- Pineapple Whip of granulated sugarâ€"and you may get satisfactory results. But CAdd enema†cup Dnminim rystal sugar and the juice of Why n°t be sure? Use sugar that one-half lemnn to one can grated you can depend on because of its pineapple. Ben! the Whites «if ' ' two eggs stiff and add to the umformlty' ï¬rst mixture. Then fuld in n ' small jar 0f heavy cream beaten Fine preserves are produced by thick. Chmund ww- the proper blending of sugar and fruit. “Dominion Crystal" sugar will make it easier for you to get uniformly gocd results. “Dominion Crystal†will blend with the fruit juices; there will be no “candying†or crystalizing of the ielly or jam; and the full flavor of the fruit will be developed and preserved. Other housewives have proved by results that “Dominion Crystal" is the ideal sugar for preserving. The price is right. Try it. To get satisfaction out of your preserves, put “Dominion Crystal" sugar into them. Order yours now. Don’t work over a hct range through the hot summer days The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove gives you the same service for cook- ing. baking or washing, without the excess heat. Think of the comfort. The New Perfection here illustrated is a two-burner design. We also carry three- and four-burner models that will give you the same cooking space as your rangeâ€"with or without cabinets or ovens. Some advantages of the New Perfection : gauge glass on oil reser- voir; top 14 inches wideâ€"plenty of room ful‘ cooking utensils ; con- venient height; handsome line of cabinets; lights instantlyâ€"ready for full work in a minute; regulates instantly and pesitively; all parts are durable; and it provides clean, odorless combustion. Call and see them; the prices are right. Have a cool kitchen. Made 111 Canada H Papt to s!‘ and am" WALL PAPERS Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance Norman Batty IllHu FOR FURTHER INFORMA'I'ION WRITE OR SEE Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belrrmnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Richmond Hill Hardware Co. For Sale on Easy Terms '. G. Savage & Son G. A. McDonald 8: Sop Proï¬ts Most Who Serves Best†HAVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves mach Limeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over. and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this pa per. J. T. LOCKE & (20., [0 Adelaide St. E, Toronto Add one-half cup Dominion Crystal sugar and the juice of one-half lemon to one can grate-d pineapple. Beat the Whites nf two eggs stiff and add to the ï¬rst mixturv. Then fuld in a small jar of heavy cream beaten thick. Chill and serve. Phone 18 IRICHMOND HILL. 0NT., JUNE 7. 1911 Lnuk ()ui, fur the Cast-195's and Coats and Hummers und Chu-ks just behind \ the Auden-suns and Agni-s :Ind Bales; the ancis' and Flu-rs and Flynns and Finches. the Guuldings and Gondnns, the Humberstnm-s and Han-pens. the Irwins and lousons. the James’ and Juhnstuns. the Lindsays, Lascelles. and Gen. Lees. Montgnmerys. Mc- l Brides. Mullmllands and Niculs. Rich- ardsons. Risehruughs. Rnutlifl’e and Rohinsmw. the Streets and the Sun- keys. Squire \Vilsnns und \VeLhm-ills and \ansnns, Woods and Miss ‘VhitP. There is hope for us all. Not only has the singing of the. birds come. but the frost. and thy snow are fadng into rememlu-uncrs, and nature is swelling ilul‘ lnL-usL with 1-9sun-ectinn puwe}: The apple U 095 um msy will) blos- som, and the hinds’ neslsfullnf young. Sun!) the old timers will hale from the North and Hie South. the Eustand \Vvst, clasp hands and recall the days when we all went huret‘nnted, waded in the punls by the rmulside, and dis- uwul'ed than the pnllywogs hud dupr their Luils. and the must beautiful liL- lle frugs w‘ere hopping out. of sight, as if the \vmld exists ful' them only. \Ve willï¬ud dishes and tables on hand at, the church. and Mr. H. B. Schmidt with his (:mnniittee Will we]- come us to the "0 be Joyful." at, New- ton Brnok church. Do not be shy and wait fnran invitation. It is t0 be, New- tuu Brook, with the minister to say grace at the table. and Dave James in the Chair. Newtun Bl‘fluk punt, pies- ent and future. gentle and simple. one familynruund the home tree. With smiles and kisses, with juch and gmud will. with sympathy and sandwiches. with songs and speeches. and hard boiled eggs. with layercakc and laugh- tei',:u1dtlmse who cannot hake may bring oranges :mdhnnnnus; and the newspapers will send reporters and salt. and let all your friends know and come along. The assembly will be democratic. 0n the Svcund SnLlllduy afternoon in June, which will he June 9, the people who were scheming 65 VHIIS ago to es- cvzpe u licking for some transgressiun 0r misapprelwnsiun, will be as happy and can: free as if they had never known original sin. They will cmne early in the aflermmn, in autogon the Metl-opnliLnn. in carriages. flying um- chincs. wheelbanuws and on font, any old wav so as to get, there. They will bring an old table cloth. with baskets and lmxvs of outnhles, and with me ' juynusness of early days will meetand ‘ greet each other, and be lmys and girls once- more. A . 11‘ A Newton Brook Oldâ€"Timers AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE Overseas Envelopes MRS. HOPPER. COR. YONGE AND VAUGHAN STs PHONE x0.“ Expert on all kinds of Hunter re- pairs. High-class \‘ulcnnizing with double-tread tim- stitching work. A large stock of parts always on band; also all kinds and sizes of tires and accessories. Free air ser- vice supplied herp, 50 why l)l"Pl|k your buck pumping tires by hand. Excelsior Motorcycle Agency; sta- tionary engine \vm'k; stnrage hat- teries reclurged; bicycles repaired. Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop ge9QQ999®§eaasesege6eaeg 5.; its Dangerous to mm a"; a Sloan’s Drug Store QSWQSQQSQQGQGQGQfKESQSQfl ii w k HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS LOW RETURN F'ARES WESTERN CANADA ONCE. A WEEK 'I'O Eonvenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Standard and Tourist Sleeping Car: and Colonist Coaches For Tlckets, Reservations. Literature and lnformatlon, apply to C. REID, STATION AGENT. L. Curtis with cheap, unreliable drugs. don't keep that kind, backed by more than a quarter of a century’s experience, is behind every ounce of drugs we sell‘. » are pure, refreshing: and reliable. Use them for Winter‘s Wind and Summer's Sunâ€"you will appreciate the difference 05!“ (one! Creams and Powders Our Reputation Spend the Summer Months in It will pay ynn well. Grunt de- mand fm um graduates. \VP we“: asked tn ï¬ll 126 positions in th) mcnlhs and 240 dming two other mouths. Do untdtlny. Entm' nmv. Large (-utnlugue mailed on quuest. College npun all your. Strictly ï¬rst- clnss in 1‘. ldepurlmems. Yunge ahd Chum-s Sts.. Toronto, \V. J. ELLIOTT - - PRINCIPAL \V e