J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. Tel. M. 3631 W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RES'DENCE. RICHMOND HILL VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW’AYS 0N HAND. RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Bar'risteiï¬j Strdic'tors76ac _ "n. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS '30 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept- at, the above places Frank Danton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. {\[ncdrmald Han-y D. Anger Money to Loan at. Current Rates Dentgn,_ Grover & Field BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings. ' ‘3 Biqhmnnd Street, \Vest. REAL ESTATE Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Libel-31’ Otï¬co). every Thursday for-enoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodhridge, Saturday forenoon. PIANO TUNING Calls by phnne or otherwise prompth respunded to'. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Patronage solicited Schial attmition given to sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and snld on cmnmissiun. All sale nt- iended to (m shm'test notice. and enn- glicted by the_tnos§npproved methods. J. H. PRENTICE 415 Buniol St. Turunln Phone Belmont, 1347 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctxon 72. TWENTY~F1VE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR COUNTY 01“ YORK AND ONTARIO .T. H. Naughton BARRISTER SOLICITOR “NUTAR Y {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide SL. Ofï¬ces { East. Tm'nntn. LNnugthn Block, Ann-0m. ‘ - . , The ann of Aurora Emu‘ltm fm {l M. \Valrm). Amman lludm'lnkers a Emhallners Maple King Licensed Auctioneers for the Uuunt y of York. Sales attended to un shm (05!; notice, and at reusnnnbh- rates. Patronage snliclted Tqume Main 2777 TEACHER 0F l’iauo and ‘Voioe Ethel I‘: . gamerqg “MagNaughton Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 53c. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. l8 KING STREET , WEST: J. T. SAIGEON RICHMOND HILL VOL. XXXIX. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER goï¬n 3. ?auidson Organs Repaired. Expert Work 1 per annum, in advance.) WRIGHT B ROS WILLIAM COOK TAGENCYvâ€"- MANAGER L. 'I‘. C. M. Residonce Elgin Milk Residence thu- 4L4 C. WA! KIN T. E. BOYNTON Ehrvur 1nd. Plume G())‘u_)le-y J'IUN M is for the Million things she gave me. 0 means uuly that she's growing Old, ’1‘ is for the'l‘enrs were shed to save. me. H is for her Heart of purest guld, E is fur her Eyes with iuvellght shining, R means Right and Right she‘ll al- ways he. Put them :ill to-gether they" spell “Mather.†A Wind that means the world to we. M is for the Mercy she pnssesses, 0 means that I owe her all I own, '1‘ is for lhe Lender sweet Gal-9559s H is fur the Hands that ude a hunch, E means everything She’s done 10 help m9, R mains real and Regulm- you see. Put ‘bt‘lll all lo-gether they spell “Mather,†_ A wurdghutgueuns the world to me. I‘ve been around the warm you bet, have been a lot to school, I‘ve sometimes been called smzut, and sonwbinms called a fool. But still some educated folks sup- pused to he so swell. Would fail if they were culled upon a simple word to spell, Now if you'd put me to me test. There’s one dear name that I can spell the best. \Vhen I was but a baby, lnng ht‘ft re I learned to walk, , \Vhile lying in my Cradlv, I would try my best to talk, It, wasn’t, long lwiom I spnke. and all the neighbors heard, .‘Iy folks Were- vny proud ut‘ me, fol "Mother" was the wnrd. Though I’ll never lay a Cllillll to fame. I’m satisï¬ed that. I cam spell the name. pose tn he at the reuniun, and Ullti us hnw Newtuu Broak luceived its name; that it was his mother's suggestion which \Vds adopted at the seennd meeting called to decide the name fur the P. 0. He always associated the name with his memory nf her, nnd Would recitv :1 song that most fully expressed his feelings. and Which the chairumu desired to be added to the l‘epurt. And lhcn another said t0 um, Speak to the women vuLers. And so I say don’t, stay at, hume G0 to the poles in molars; And let uld partlvs go to hang, From prejudices sever But stand for truth and x ighteousness And God bless your endeavor. How the yuung people delighted me, but the generatiuus had came sliding on the scene, and the Rigeln-nughs gut: me ullLunglednp.e\‘e1-yLimeI talked to them about their mother. they had In inform that I- was spanking uf their grandmother. and I had to give it; up. for We people. who puse. :lS uctn. geraniuan moving toward the century nun-k must soon give up. Then Tessy Ruthe: turd whom I knew as n. roselmm in marrying, became a wife and u huslmnd :u, the szune moment. Au ievou- Mus. Husband. . The Metropolitan) Railway that don't know huw to tautle ~100tleâ€"l00t but sureeches from pain in its inward parts. stopped at, the church gate at Newton Bruuk. couldn’t get, Lhrungh the crowd. “McKenzie and Mann" Were powerless. for once We beat the corpm'ntiun, but thanks be, for some of us \vere so stiff it Was all ,uur pedal extremities would do to reach the high step, it; was ulnmst ncase 0f loco-ataxia whatever that is. The tables \vm'eluailvd with dainlios. Never saw such n. display of the culinary au-t since I was a. child, also ('l'l‘SS and lentuce, white icicle ladishes and pink ones. tmnutues, oranges and bananas and all other ewe-Lexus in sea- snn. Saints and sinners of four gener- atiuns all fed Lhe saint! way; about, 200 of then) were registered, an honest crnwd. I cnnnted the tavelve (luzen teaspouna aftm- all ‘was over. and mm a solitary spoon mi and hand shul gvnm'ntion uliml cream cunes. Ih and tho licking illustrated. \tht, mz‘mm y and ILI The words of the Song are entitled \Vh Newton Brook Oid-Tim RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1917 Agzu‘ 01' Detroit; cameyn» pur- I'vmains nfsmile‘s nd shakes; with rm climbing up th: (mes. their mouths “MOTHER ' \V ( ; nfsmile‘s, und jnkos as; with tlw lntrst ing up th: sides: of ice 'il‘ months all :ltwisL. process never better In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; had. : smile- with 1d wh-IL u. ’l‘lw \VnmI-n’s Institute: will meet Htl t‘ie hnnu- nf Mrs. D. \Valslm. l 0219- \‘imv. wal MONDAY afternn- n at 3 o'clock. Mm. 'l'umlinsun of Ike De~ ( pan-tuith will give an addiuss on \Vul‘ \Vurk. Mrs. Batty mid Mrs. A.Gi Suv- I age will render Vr-cal savlns, a. Id Mrs. Norman Glass will recital). Thu “'1 men ’ of the village are cordially im iLu-l. Much regret, is felt by th» Auxili ll‘_\‘ ever the relirement nf Mrs. McMalmn frmn Llw Prasuiuncv. The fullmving ufï¬cvrs wen- «Is-Mm]: Prt‘sidentr-Dr. Lillian Lzlng~turfl 15L7Vice-Pres.â€"Mrs. McMahon. The Auxil'i'nrv chided tn (:nntinlu the Envelope System uf mum hly c-m lributiuns. The Sewing Ct 1691 articles made These consist of sheets, pilluw cast»: 'L'ne Sewing (Yuulmiupc wan 1691 articles made during the yv These Consist of shirts. pyjuu sheets, pillow cnsns. tmvvls etc. The KniLtmg Committee luvc sll peg 821‘ pairs of sun-ks. - The Girls' Branchr ulsu have shipped huge quantities of surgiml suppliss ang» knitbed goods. , , W ___ w ~--_...- mung, uuuuu e m. but vcry WSL WI‘lUJen on the present war. The ï¬rst instalment will appear in an early issue. You’ll like Tommy; it is a strong, soul-stirring tale of the great world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero is a Lancastershire lad. He didn’t want to go to warâ€"not at ï¬rst. “Let ’em as wants to ï¬ght the Germans ï¬ght ’em†said Tommy. Then one day he heard the cry of suffering Belgium; he head the call of his own motherlandâ€"_he gave up the best job he ever had and enlisted. He went to France; he fought a good ï¬ghtâ€" against himself as well as the enemy; he won the D.C.M. andâ€" the‘eest girl in the world. A splendid story splendid, it“. Watch for the ï¬rst instahnent. ' \‘xJJN‘Lix ns. . ... . Surgical Supplies Sawing Supplivs Knitting Supplies Sund1~ivs.. ... . Balance on hand Bal. on hand Jun Unnntions .. ... Uullvclinns . . . . . Knitting . . . . . . . . Mvmlwx-slip . Sum]: ios . . . . . . .. The Rvpmts of the yeals work are briefly (unlined here, and the \vm-km'~‘ are glad lhdt it is :m increme- over the last years wox k. l)‘ of (ivory dnHur that IS dimmed In lhv Canadian Red Cross Snciety. only 2!: Cents gut-s t'ux-e-xpe-nsvs and 97.} u-nls goes for supplies. He made a stirring :lppc-Hl Ln thv auxiliarv. In incn-nw their effort-2‘ tn "met HIP ill()l‘8:l'~‘(d cents gut-s t'urexpm‘ goes for supplies. H :lppc-Hl tn thv m1in their etfm-ta‘ to um need of the next you: ing and pain H!1LlS:l( brave Canadian Buy than ever. The Annlul RIr’L‘liHQ‘ nl' thr- {rd Crth Auxiliary was hvld (In Tlmsxhv. June 12m in (he PuMir: Snlnml. The Auxiliary was nddreswd by Mr. Kim man Snmvrvilie of Ihn Udlludlull Rm] Um“, whnl-xpluinvd many lu'um'hvs (if Red Urns; \mG, and proved that the Stmimy is dining in \Vm'k must eï¬ictently. with the aid nf thmlsnllds (If annnuuy helpels. He said that nlll In symp by the w uniun fnlh' the war, .11 Sxtlnduvi \vhn hm] hwn 0: year. \vhn wm-e Snu'dun (Nnm'y Jnhnstlm (Pally (Walk of 10-4 ANichnl (um) nf Jimmy). Mull A \'e1)m-, M rs. Montgmuery) v “Guthvling hm laud.“ fer-ling whn h. 2nd Vic.» P.-esÂ¥.-n1.-s."i‘£.L-1<L" Sucwuu-yâ€" Miss Amm Boyle. T e SIH'H~MI‘F. Greene. If your subscription is not paid up, send in the money at once and make sure that you do not miss a single instalment of the new story If you are not a regular subscriber, subscribe now. This new story is worth the full subscription price of $1120 per annum. n-Iti'ms )the ch.Ii| m This, our wine & -j‘n H) Lunxmn's opening rs-u ferrnce was m-uiv Lu won cullvd :l\V:I_V din-in \Vrl‘e‘ old-timers, MN. Ianvy )1ttl1.~h:|\\',) Mrs. (PnHy Sunkvy). Mrs. 0-! Avenue Hum]. Mr. m) of the twins \Villit \Ir. ‘Rnht. Street. 91-) 1 Mrs. Brel'vmn (Vi rv) vf 25 Admiral th with the sadness an an the m-XL “Id-limms “'9 {hp victorious n-nr‘iit' 1d HH‘ date “'1†he ch:- Red Cross Notes Expe hum Receipts wns hvld on Tupsxl-nv. P Public Stfhnol. The Iddreswd by Mr. Nur- new serial story, is ope of_ they’very best written on Mn. nd ilm-es H, 1916. .‘5 M $722 Wye/0%cf/fly Adm i ml 1rd from when thu sufl'm- iï¬cv among nnr will be greater QEWW‘ 1:“ $ 2013 61 $ 2045 ‘6‘ SUD" l‘PDlH‘U‘d Hupmm 509 61 303' 75 613 27 81 US) 410 ll 2h) 458 36.") 922 10 13 marks (him 9") a cry Rt rht‘ lll Thus “"111 “IN, touch xm-in [he 54 S4 16 On 63 ‘nd 71 Hurhm nhnntu hic_'y w .ml lel Mr. Guilld assaulted him. nu! mu! prufune and abusive langxng . 'l‘hn dovfr‘mhnt Wa-r “Hr-wed to go nu en nwndvd wu- t "(9. by paying Ilw costs. $3.35 m- two days imprisunuwnc. m Cw-il Hughéé uhi ll apps-um defend. Ht, had \V. Ghuld was uplwfm-v mugiï¬'x-nles J. H. Sil))lil‘l‘\'l’l) and H. A. Ni 'han \Imulnv M'Pning, charm-d with assault m Cyril Hughes, it buy :o'lnlli 12 years 0M ll apps-nth that a sun of the defend. nt; had firispule-d \vixh (‘IPVi' wm - Immd wu lmnk llpun national life shall In- st-lvctmi Lu receive our support, and that lhwu' lust, lit"- shnll al‘fnn'd ‘mw- pumf hf chnmc‘r‘r, tn give hope [ll-Kl lhI-\' wnl mvl snuply hmv Lu L110 um) nl‘ p-uly lamb-ls. hut, \\'h.- will demand upling and pl'ngrcssn'e legis- lutiull. Conscription of (-ur ymmg man if carried must. he :1(w\.np.miml hy sunn- measure fur Lint uf wrullh. Nu nllwr course. will give sullal'iu'llull ur rem-ive general suppnut nf ullr “mph, \l'lln Wlll not; enrlnrsv [ln- s‘ gun-me \\'.‘ll' sacriï¬ces made hy many of our young men while others map wealth from blond prul’its. The call fm- tx-uc citizen- ship was new-r mun- insistent. \Vhile international cnnfllcts .111? rubbing the world Imtions hf their choicest, mun- houd purlisiuns are shtmwle-ssly quarrelng over party Llitfmences at grasping tummy nnL hmwslly obtained by war opportunities. A Nuliunnl Govrrnnwnt uughL t0 coutrul until the War is nun. Failing that, dm‘elupment {mm rhu pxem-nt politic-I1 siluuLiun I'Pstiil llIll~'L lll'l't'SS~ arlly he had [u [11- cumtilulimml mellu-d If an vlrcli-m. “In! lhr-nl God l'mllid lh'IL ch 25 inn citizvns slnll cuminue In nlum' llwnmrlvvs in In: L‘iIllli'Li away by p u ty influvnm-s [0 vnle fur cundillucx n in: are ll-m- mil}: Ln l;’ll'[VCl:lll1]~. ()m are-“L (liï¬iI-ully is‘ Lliv-i \ve- 11.1w ~n lnng‘lWPH Hw‘pnliih e- Lu [MI-{y cmuuui. llml \W (In hut kthV hnw [u nmkr n I: 1nï¬h-nveh4ltu im- pllnv mn- [\wli'. r3. Bin \\‘r- can :u lunsL llv‘nl :ml llHL clam mm] with t lax-g . have brought :uldei responsi- bility us lheymakucleurer our con- ception of duiy to the state. Even our belief in the claims, not (if pal-Ly feulty. hut. (If the many messing re- furms which await :lctiun in nuiuus spheres of public syn ice, must he ilt‘id 1n zihcyuncu until the: Win unimpaiin is successfuly ClanllHik‘li. For A National Government Editor of The Liberal: It was my privelege to share with ()Ihcrs the pleasure nf seeing the mnimnt statesman sent, by the govern- ment of Git-at Britain to discuss war negutiutions with our United States ally. The extension of his visit to Canada has surely enabled him to plliltt‘ some truths befm-e us which we sh« ll do well to cunsider carefully. l‘eihaps none other could have ex- celled if indeed they could have equall- ed v. -alfouz' in the choice address aml hap iy 1resentati0n of thoughts. by uhiun hi2 has helped to muuld (‘mad 3.) thuughtiand pun-pr 59 during the pa t f -w days. Duuhtless equally f0 Innate an (i valuable cuntrilmtions were made by him in all his addresses to (.ur com-ins aciuss the hmder. Tn- gether they have becunu: a unique servi v w the l-Inplrv, “hich as he hims ll iulimaLs-d u-uuhl nutwe-igh all othr-r, “huh during his lung public life iL has lwen his pruuil [ll'lVll ‘g‘: Lu rend 'v lingund (lllpllt‘. To our people. Llw lquh, su rlmily presented, from evn-ry [llmifullll frmn whence llt’ ndtllnsuulï¬nnl :llmie- his audiencesâ€"lint, thv- m-nnlv ut (Mmula in all things, Charity. (our Cl 5:5 or Twn Davs a. Bm \\‘r- can :u at chm†men with k llpnll national life HENRY MnYLu fdllh. N47) (dhf'l‘ H‘Iiun nr reveive lll' pr'nplr', “'hII wspnlniu- Ihnl kin-\V (~11 In im- su «‘lpdrly "um frum :tlmu- his it Canada I responsi- PO. Box Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN \ViH he in Richnmnd Hill on Thursdays after September 1. 1916' Address Nul‘dr'l'llwl' Building 22‘) Yonge St. Tumntc Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY RESIDENCE Graduate Toronto College of Music in KINDERGARTEN MUSIC Classes in Richmond Hill and Thornhill All information furnished (Assmiute of the Royal College of Music, Lnndnn, England) will resume his classes at, Richmond Hill on \Vednesdny, September 13th Fm (sums and Particulars apply 2.’ Albany Avenue. Toronto PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist :md Chuirnmster St. Paul‘s Presbyterian much, Toronto Conductor Ym-k Choral Society \Vill :13c9pt a limited number of pupils at his Hmm- studio, Richmond Hill COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN'TCR. ETC Real Estate and Insurance Riohmono Hill ’1‘. (9r . Rvsid ence add I'K‘SS Victoria Square Lint-mm] AllClithOl‘S for Toronto and the Ul‘lllllll‘s ht ank, Peel and Simcne Phunv U7 \Veston Phone No. 23. CRO‘VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce lnr-nn-d in Standmd Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce hmurs 9.30am). to 5 p.m- Richmond \Hill Dr. C. La Verne Pattison Hnn. Graduate Royal Dvmui Stu-gejms. annnu VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cm to order D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. THORNHILL Oummissioner, Cnnveyancer ,etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 4.36 RICHMOND HILL . EARLE N EVVTON Mr. David Dick Slater LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK PntrnnnuPund influence respeckt’ully solicits-d NOTARY PUBLIC Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1834 Mrs. F. H. Echl-in . A. NICHOLLS PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER EDWARD FRANCIS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE , ï¬r 1iug‘. ()nt. S. SHEPHERD North Yonge Street Ii 3 I (913 “'en 5: Son NOTARY PUBLIC [Single copies, 3 cts A. R. C. PAPERHANGER GRAINER, ETc. . LASHER Phone Nu AINTER Tm-nnLn. will»be at, e‘vm-y Tuesday and FI'iddV. r P. 0. address Gurmley. R.R. 2 Residence Phone 183 THORNHILL Cnllogn of No. 49 4% 12