fable time cussron on this very important suhjvct. RICHMOND HILL, ONT..-JUNE 14.1917, .The Misses Page visited with Mrs. John Hicksmr in Aurora last Saturday. The‘ Village Councrl has made a bathing pIaCc 150x33 t’t. lor boys at \Vilsou’s Pond, Mill street. Mr. Walter Eyer of Toi-onto has ’ again removed to Lake \Vilcox to re. open his summer resort. I Mr. L. Doner has taken the contract 1' for the hrickwoi k of the new Sterling l Bank building at Thornhill. " Here’s your chance to secure sugar for prose-r \‘ing purposesâ€"1 1 lbs. for $1, $8.50 a cwt. G. A. McDonald & Sou. ‘Elder H. R. Hoise of (J‘ormloy ab! ‘tendod Communion Scull-es at the 'lunker church at Stayner last Sunday ‘ A Garden Party .vrll he held on the grounds of St. i\:ary’s Chlll'chtif Eng- land, S~rtu1day.Juue 23. particulars later. “’atch for The sovoral parts \voi-c well taken Saturday svcniug \Vllt'li the Womcn,s Jilstllult‘ repeated the entertainment 1 l l \\'1iiciirlicygm'o on tnc rvcuing of 1.1182“le llf May. Sabbath School anniversary serviCrs at. Hcaat‘oad .Sunilay. June 2.4. Bcv.L. E. Atkiusr n wrll preach morning and running. Maple Methodist choir will furnish the mu<ic in thc evening. The Uniin Picnic of tlic Holstein Breeders" Associaii: n and the U. l“. U. at BoudLake yesterday was a. corn- plrtc sticCcss. ’l‘hc particulars with the prize list will be given in next issue. Mr. J.Madison “’iight will conduct a series of meetings for the Disciple-s of Christ, at Sherwood.boginning rirxt Lord’s Day. Jude 17. Morning service- at lU'3Uzafteruoou at 3; cvcning at 7.50. All welcome. ‘Forty-liour devotionalservices will commence in St. Mary’s 1{.C. Church Sunday at 10.45 a.rn. Thor-e will also he service at 7.30 p.m. On Monday the hours will be 25.30 emu. and 7.30 p.m. and on Tuesday I) a.n). and 7.30 pm. At Division Court-on’l‘ur-sday.bcfore Judge Uenton, Edward [)cvine surd the (Jan. Nor. Exp. Co. for $00, tho cost. of a consignment of straw briry plants said to no destroyed throuin negligence. $150 and costs. Judgment was given tor The annual irireting of ‘the York Brekeepers Association will be held in Victoria. Hall, Uulourille, on Satur (lay, June lotuat 2.30 pm, for l‘lt‘cllull of ofï¬cers and other important busi- noss. As European Foul Brood has broken out in Sit-i k County, Consider- will be .set. aside for dis- Every Beokeper is ulgtd to be present. In stuckâ€"stone butter clocks witl Covers sizes 2. gals. No... l gals. 65s.. 5 gals. 80c.. Ggals. 90c. each, dustbane, a sanitary sweeping compound tin 25c.. Edwardsburg Cor-u syr up 5 lb. pail loin, 500d cooking ï¬gs lb. 10cm, pt'llllt'S good _si7.e' 111.150.. Silllï¬thvt‘l‘Silllntlll wiiitc tin l5c.,.rualt vinegar gal. Silo. cider vim-gar 40c. gallon. good rod salmon {5 1b. tins 2 SNitzer. for 350. Atkinson & [n the ï¬rst dra'ft of ministers in the Methodist Conferencr, the following are named in .this district : Davisviile, E. Harold Toyr; Eglintoh. J. A. Ran- kin; Newton Brook and \Villowdale, P.A.Jourdan: Downmiew. J. Morgan; Thornhlil, R.B.Beynou; Richmond Hill, B.R. Strangways; Alaplb. Hugh Brown: Edgelcy,J. L‘.L‘i. Morris. Rev. J. R. Aikenncad has been put down for Shelburne. Last. Saturday. County constables Thompson of Richmond Hill, Myers of Mimico, and Simpkins of Bradford went to Holland Landingto search the premises of Peter Hodges suspcctctl of selling liquor. They did not find irl quor, but they found in his house. SIS counterfeit money in 2.") cont pieces. The man was arrested and taken be- fore Magistrato Brunton on Tuesday. ruid was retriauded fora week. . | “H‘ "'#~â€"â€"â€" 1 Religious Census At the suggestion of the Sunday School Association the Churches of, South York are taking a religious census of their district. In this work all the churches Anglican. Roman Catholic. Methodist. Prosbytt-rian; Baptist are taking part. The purpnsc is to get each family and each person young or old into touch with the church of their preference. The llioli mond Hill churches coverthc \illagn and the township from the towulinc on the north, wrstto the third. iii- olusivo, cast to the 2nd Markham, in- clusivo. and south to lot 18. The work is to start Tuesday. June 19ihi and it is hopt-d a sufï¬cient number of workers will volunteer-to ï¬nish the task in a couple of aftcrnoons and evenings. Mr. Gco. Sims will superin- tend and direct tho wort: in this section. Printed cards are supplied to > be ï¬lled in with the information dr- sired. In connection with the canvass a‘ meeting of roprosoutatiws from tho’ difforent churches is rallvd for Satur- day. 7.30 pm. at tho l’rcsliytrrlau Mansr'. W. C. T. U. The Annual Mei-ting of the \V. C. ’J‘. ‘ U. "was held on Tuesday evening last. , when the following ofï¬cers and supts. of Departments wri-c olectod for thc . ensuing year: Presidentâ€"Mrs. Sloan. Vice Presâ€"Mrs. Hoibisoii. Coin-Souâ€"M rs.-St irling. Rec Secâ€"Mrs. McMahon. Twasâ€"Mrs. J. 11. Snudorson. Evangelist i0 Supt â€"â€"Mrs. Cook. Flowvr Mission Supt.â€" Mrs. .1. Sanderson. Missionaryâ€"Ali's. Morison. Pressâ€"Mrs. McMahon. Juvrriilo and Sunday Schoolsâ€"Mrs. Allen. Parlor Meetingsâ€"Mrs. \V.A. \Vright. Purity and Mother's Meetingsâ€"Mrs. Aikr-nhcad. Legislation Movlt‘. Medal Contestâ€"Mrs. Stirling and I Mrs. N. J. Glass. H. l and Franchise â€" Miss Soldiors and Sailors "Mrs. Aiken- head and Mrs. Cook. Mrs. llrr bison gave an (‘XCPllt‘nt llillll‘l' on "A Mr (Ir-l Union" which was much appreciate-d by all present. 4.9-â€" Change of Time In connection with the Sumnn r Change of Train Svrxiro on the Can- adian Norther n Railway effecthe .lurin 16th. the following changes will be made: Brtwrt’n Riolmioiid 11111 and Toronto. 5‘01 \‘ltft' snow as at present except that of train now loin lHLE Toronto 9.00 p.m. Monday. \Vodiiesday and Friday on and after the, above rlrrte will leave 9.43 p.rn. arrhing Richmond Hill 10.43 Lil). I Bolwrou Richmond Hill and Parry Sound. Train now loaving Richmond v day Hill 10.13.") a.m. oxr-opt Sunday. 1.15 iriu. Saturday only. on and aftcr the above ('lato will lravc at. itLlZ p.11). and 1.40 p.m. ri-turniiig loar‘e Parry Sound sin-w time as at Pi'iâ€"scrr‘r. For forth I- particulars si-e' lalcst limo table foltli-rs or apply to 0. Bold. Station Agent. Rir'liiiiond lllll. a»â€" Empire Day Empire Day was duly observe-d in the Public School. Tilt‘ r hair was iak~ en by Mr. H.A. Nirh:»lls. chairman of the Board of Education, w ho in a few wollchosen Words pointed out the ob- jccts of Empire Day. Shot t, patriotic :Itltli'(*.~SPS were given by Rm s. \Vell- wood. Haughron. Akcuhoad and Hon hisou. dealing wu h the spirit of Em- pii'o, and the Fifty years of Confcdrr- aiion of tho Canadian Provinces. The aprorhes \\'('l c intr-rspersrd by Patri- otic Rocitations. Readings and Chorus- es by the pupils of tho school. At the close Principal Lehman thanle the parentsforllieirattcridance.aii(1lioprd more Would be pi-esr-nt on ful ure occa- sions to (:oleln-atc the day cspvcially set apart for the inculcatiou of a loyal patriotic spii it of Empire. â€"â€".-â€". Presbyterian Church Sunday, June 17th. the minister will preach at the morning service and l’rotcs5or 1‘. R. ltobirisr n of Toronto Uiiivei sity, representing the Dominion Alliance at, the owning sori ice. llrv. S. O. Graob also ‘l'Pplt‘SL’nil-I‘g the Dominion Allianoo will preach :r'. Thornhill Church at 2.30 p.rn. Our church along with tho other churches of the village will tnko a religious ronsus of the township beginning on June 19th. This is a good work and a good lllllllllt'l' of “or kcis are needod for the task. mm lllrs. W. Davies We are now nearing the end of the season and on Saturday next our stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Milliner‘y will be ofl‘crcd at grcatly reduced prices. Your and comiurrison invitrd. inspecrioii Laces, Hosiery, Undcrclotliiug, Vests, Ribbons, Collai‘ettcs, Veilings, Flowers and Fancy Notions. MRS. W. DAVIES YONGE STREET RICHMOND 1111.1. Auction Services 1 Many izrr-riiors out: =ng an aiiotioni-M' because he “knows tho peoplo.†Other farunrrs. like big busiuoss cont-urns. engage the man lu‘culls‘t‘ of his ability and “cord. Certainly lllt‘lf‘ :llt‘ many good am:- tioiioers, but. as in t-llii‘l‘ lincs. tin-re is one who oxrols. who who has; ripnppctl himself by clr-sor study. more goiioral, . extensive and Spl’tfldl li'ultililg‘rllit‘ who is a. teacher. rrrwgnized as "an ox- port and an authority." That Iliirli is. THE MAN who can got the BEST RESULTS. And in [11yl‘t‘ClllL1.(‘II\4_‘l'~ 111;: many liunrlrr-rls of salos. I liuvo M‘K‘lll't’tl ii'»\'llt‘li from i to 2'.) pr'r cont. MORE than ihuy l‘jillt‘t‘lltl. and in my lirst sale in Guolpli district this Spring iif'l‘hos. Arkoll‘s. l snout-oil 18 PER L‘l‘lN'l‘ MORE ill iii \11'. Arkrll cx« pi-thd. lle was moii- than ploasod. and his brotln-r. llvnry, known 1 throughout the agricultural World as a brecdcr-of pure-broil stock, wroto: “I was pirsont at my biollit-i's salt', and was \ or y much ploascd with the l way you condos-[rd it." l (lonlloiuon, lot mo got vou BETTER . Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods .good buildings. .idoal homo. PRICES. MORE MONEY for your“ s'ot-k at Auction. 1 CAN DO 11‘. Book ino at tho oi'iisc of Dr. J. 11. Ssiii‘le-isoii. Isp‘ 'ili.to in Farm and l’xrdiqrceil Stu-rt; Kiln, A Warning Parties are warned against throw iug cans that had paint in them. on the south sido of the (1.1.“ at Boyle‘s pond. A fow days ago Mr. Arthur Boyle hid it yaluahlu cow poisoned at that. plat-e whor r slio was pasturing. \Vhon it. was found that the cow was notingi ,sli'angcly Dr. Kelly VHS. was sent for. and his at once diagnosed the case as paint. poisoning. The place was \isit,- ind. and sew (‘l“|1 paint cans were found. The cow dird after suffering tivo or three (lays. _â€"~ooo- Special Notice Please liolp the ladios of tho Ri'd Cross Society by having your wastr- roadv at the front. of the liouso on F1 i- next. June 15th. (lonveyanr-es Could 'not, he prr-crirt-zl Inst, wm-k. but Will he on hand trvriioii'ow. Friday. 4o-"â€" MARRIED S'rtinrâ€"PriENTu‘icâ€"At Toronto. Trim».- day. May Sili.1917.1cytliollov. 1)r. Shrildu. Ina Huth soooud dauglitor’ of .1. ll. Prentice to Armand Stump, boil] .oi' Tor‘miliv. lllEl) I3A$SIVG'I‘1l\V:\ITlC-â€"1\bllit‘lf‘ï¬ltlr‘ll'VJ of Son. Potori\l(:()ritr-r. Richmond Hill. on '1‘liuisduy, .llllli‘ 7. 1917. Blur). Ann. widow of Ilio 1::tc \\'ui. Hass- 11l£Illi\\‘:lltiâ€"‘. “$1047.; years. Interment in (Vohe-r’s‘ Coin-old. on Sunday. (‘e'uiolriyn __4..-.___._ Vhitr- liloliSi-s plain and firiH')‘ s‘ : ig-e with lrr-ge or lll:'\’1llll]l collars. nim :y ï¬niShr'tl with wide hour or r-rigoil “121'. larc 1.25 and 1 50.. lllrit'k sill; not roilâ€" ing fancy border yard 33:3. a row :issor-tuioril. of liltllt"~' fancy ('I'ii.'ll\' in silk rrcpt‘. In iriiuisotir’. \‘oil“ etc. from 2|) to tillc. oarh, children's all whiti- lllitltl_\"." undo ofiWill inizldy cloth with bolt suit-lied to uni-t. sailor Collar and culls-.1acvdat. llt't'b wilh whiio or rrolorovl iiiirldy litCos, size; ti to 11 yrs., t'ii"l1 (lilo. Atkinson r“; Switz-r Bill lt‘l papvr. pi inied according lo law. at ' hr Liberal ()lll(‘t'. ill) minis a lllllltll'r d. \\'hy not get a stock ln'foro an :I(1\Hl)(,'t‘ in [\l'lCl‘. - V') Local Agent Wanted 1701’» RICHAIOND HILL. and district. “I‘ll 15) OLD RELIABLE {CON I‘lllld. NURSERIE‘S.“ To sell for Splendid list. of storm. _ For Fall plant Eng 1917 and Spring planting 1918. Including many new varioties which we alone control. Send for new illustratod cahilo also AgI-r.t’s proposition: l1.‘.il-l\rirni‘ frec oulil. Qxclusiu‘ Tori llt)‘. y. Liberal commission‘s. STONE and WELLINGTGN The Foothill Nurseries. (Emotion-a 1:37) TORONTO â€" ONTARIO FRENCll DRY CLEANl‘lG is. as the name irnplirs. a method introdurod by in» [Pl-ouch for cleaning 69$¢69$660$©9¢6®W609M90MM“MWOWW of all garmentsor in urn-rials. It may lie usod without injury on the litrost fabric as wi-ll rho 1](‘;I\'lt|' goods. Laov. silk. “111'â€. cotton, “utter-proof and \i‘oollrâ€"ii proof and (\‘oollon goods: alr-‘n fratliois. fur-s, straw and loatlicr may all bc i-lruiut-d without fear of shrinking or putting out of sliapo. It is callvd dry (loaning because Water is no: usrd in tho process. C. I. “S lllNAS. 1.;ruiidi y. VVaut 4&62-3. \‘(VYOR ; \V'AN'I‘EILâ€"A station‘s ’ z with \vould liko to grit irrrteruily Vi 3:; k, or light, \\'oik liv lllt‘ day in the \‘illwgu. Apply N..l. Flaiiliigaii. lloso- \low. llir-hnn-nd [lill. ll) 2 C1215†1’il'l‘:\'l‘()l{Sâ€".\ (printile of \ f) Sand Point. I s for solo. Apply to L. 11. t‘ilwrnv'nl. l'iirine Jill). Maplo. ill {)AHTUIHC FOR lllCN'l'sGood pas- ture for rattle 1W.) acros iun, ploniy of \\';lir'r'. Apply li. \V. 1*). litii-naby. .leli'ci‘son. - 48 3 CRTâ€"On Monday, 3.1:.) wot-n , Jcl‘forson ainl Thorn band- sonic small Imby mink ricckl linrling same please iiotiry 1;».- l.ilni:il Uliicr. A suitrtblo i-c‘nairl will to givrn. 43 2 trili‘ E‘ARM FOil SALEâ€"1 am instructod [t‘ 6t‘ll (‘lltâ€" of tlic \‘ciy brunt firms in th‘lillltil.tl l'lill district. Composing: about 11.3 acrrs, with a complete set of An ideal furor-an ()wnor retiring. \Vritc me for particulars. Long, the Auction- t‘t‘l. 87 King 1%.. 'i‘r.)routo. it) tf FOR SALEvâ€"Holid 1Hle lion-:0, with‘ clrctric light and lixtnrrs and modvrn Ct‘lth‘lllt‘llt‘t‘S. Large lot 50x 33* 1" Church St†Richmond Hill. N.)lc1{£-iizic. Pilaf. .\iiy-‘ QGNCRETE'KOESE Dry Goods-House Dresses in ï¬ne stripe of grey sizes 42 only... neck and arm holes, Sleth‘, (li‘awcis anklc mm WWWâ€"u..- m Men :1 black cotton hose or ofgood quality mini, and white, collar of blue, finished with embroidery,'full skirt $1.90 , llousc Drc~s Aprons. made of assorted striped prints, spectal value each 800 Corset COx‘ers, made ofgood quality camoric wrtli square yoke in front of torchon lace, ï¬nished with narrow lace and baby ribbon each 4:80 Men’s Ecru lmlbiiggan under‘we'ir, shirts loner .- “550 length each Men‘s working shirts of blue and blue and white r .‘ l, .- . . - ' ‘ snipe cnambi}, black and whi.e drill, and minor dark patterns pr. ....75 to 1.00 W 200 o... Natcin Co'th sex, dark heels and toes... 'i i 1.5 ft) W ii I Draws-rs to match, lace trimmed... 150 “p. snort sleeve summer vests, low nec l< had wrtli edge of lace cach...._ ....i3t0180 ....20 to 25C 'Lmllcs umbrellis black cotton, taffeta covc-r=, stitched edge. handlcg. on it Ian cy trimmed ebony 1.25 STORE .\l-’).'DA Y A}? a l) ‘i‘i'lillNC31).’rY WW®®Q®0M®®€>Q 004900 2'; 94) For Working Pants, 1 lbs. lie is for solo. pi int-s on oiilirr unzlos or irmalos. r... E. @uri’iabg S l‘.1 1.1.IOX Il lC’u‘ ISTER Diixi‘iir; “ALI/MARK. Clydesdale. [15- l 3751 (17.30) the property of Robt. ‘ (lox (\5 Sons, Amber. will travel l throuin East York. Dollar, Victoria Htlrtiri'u. tiuiom illo, (Ioiicord, Steele’s L‘ornois. Yong-c St. etc. Terms $1.3. - llaioii Tomlev ('lydcsdalo. (177.79 [lililllfll tho proper ty of T. 11. Legge. iioino stabu- T-‘ioprianr-cviilo. will llv:\’.’)1 [lll‘t ugh Ililll't; ('iiy. ‘v olloie, ‘ .‘lupli'. 1 l’: lt'll" illi'. Terms $1.3. rulqrn .‘.i.l--. .“-1.ili\ll‘:ui 1p, Atrium, (1.3; l;§.l‘.Ȥ...-. )1-ri'vIlriroii.Clydesdale,(18“le[17284] it“; mm). : l _\' of .Ias. Toi-anco. home stablc.Dominion Hotel.\Voodhridge, will travel through chiiihurg.01air- i Ville, Multon, Thistletowu, etc l Terms $11}. fxm-iw Print-t». imp., [rim (17023,. Vol.35, tho property of tho \Vrn. {oliiiisiii Stork Far-m. lioinc stablc ‘ T\.'.~.vio:i 13:1 oii. will tritvol llioirgh Yoi k. Vaughan and Maikhain'l‘own ships. llirliior-nd Hill. Irrngsttoi -i.nl 'l‘liorohill. Torms $15. . Also Running Botlts with black or white rubber soles and blue or white tops. Try us and you will ï¬nd our prices right. N J. €iinA§§§$, ‘Yonge Elm-eat. $990666? $999¢¢ sowweweemmooocowmmwwmm Overalls, Shirts, Sax, etc. ooooooooooooooooooooooo O EEHQELANB LAKE FARMS Tli'ltl silo, AVONDALE PONTIAC EOHO (under lease). a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA, the wrrld’s htSt record cow for milk produc- tion and Unu-rdian Ilocoid for butter. 41 lbs. Only one other 41-11). bull in Canada. Our lll‘l'tl of one hundred include nearly ï¬fty daughters of a 33.31.“; son of tho grout KING SEGIS. brother to the sires of three World's lt‘tftiltl L‘O\\'Sâ€"â€"llitrllil e 50.08. Sr. ~Lyra-old 46.84. Jr. 4~yi'.-old 40.32 .luiiior llt‘ltl sir-o. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, #1 half brothnr to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of a 30 lbs. Segis cow. If this combination of brooding interests you, write for FARM .vr STOP 55. YUNHE ST. RADIAL :1 Jefferson, “Ont. iiwun’ GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley ALL BRANL [1135 OF THE TRADE . STRICTLY éTTENDED T0 â€".- PATRONAGE SOLICITED _ AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED F. l. WUUDWARD. , n...