1-H. SANDERSON. V. S. W. H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RES‘DENCE. RICHMOND HILL NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS ‘20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Frank Dcntun, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthm A. Mncdnnnld Hurry D. Anger Tel. M. 3631 RICHMOND HILL. THORNHIIL AND UNIUNVILLE REAL ESTATE A lamze stock of A. gamerqn: “Mapraughton Money to Loan at Current Rates Dentgnk _ Grgver &_ Field VILLAGE Tomntn Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. ‘ ~_ . Richmond Hill- Oflice (‘ Liberal’ Ofï¬ce). evm‘y Thursday forenopnr. ' Maple, Thursday afternoon. . , A ‘ \Voodbridtze, Saturday forenoon. BARRISTER. Somcrron, NOTARY ETC PIANO TUNING Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respnnded to'. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Tul'unï¬) . 1; « ‘ {{0} Phone Belmont 1347 3 1nd. Phone LICENSED ’AUGTIONEERS mm COUNTY OF :YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to 'sales at every duscripï¬ol). Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought. and Silk] on cmnmissiox)._ “All sales at- rendrd to on shm't‘est‘n‘iltice, and can- ducth by the mustnpproï¬e’d melhqu.,~ Pan-on;qu solicited. J. H. PRENTICE 415 Bulliol St. 300 BERESFORD AVE... W EST TORONTO Phone Junctmn ’72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All nmil orders will recein prompt: attention. - (End el'xakcrs ck Emhalmurs. Ofï¬ces Snlimtm' fur 'l‘elvphnnv Main 2777 . * . I Maple 1) K‘i‘ng' , , Liconsed Auctit'meérs fol flw‘flnxlntynfl York. Sales nttendud t'o nn'xshnrtest, notice, and at reasonable mites. I Patronage snliqiled I lEchel 133."; l)<3ver L. T. C. M. I’ian 0 and ‘7oice Phone or mail me attended to. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3}. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG., 13 KING STREET \VEST; BAxmusnm SOLICITOR NOTARY {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide Sr, f’ï¬ces 1, East. Tux-(mu). _ , LNaughtum Block, Aurora. uHmrny- aw 1Tb? Tliwn nf Aurrii-a J- T. SAIGEON RICHMOND VOL. XXXIXQ 451 per annum, in advancefl VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Kept 30511 :7. Qauidson Organs Repaired. Expert. Work Bari-isteré. Solicmrs, am .GE‘ AND F‘ARM PROPERTY ALW'AYS 0N HAND. WRIGHT B ROS WILLIAM COOK II. Nanghton â€"-AGENCY-â€"â€"- mail messages promptly i to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL MANAGER r. h 1.1. M. ACHER OF Funeral Furnish ng above places Residence ‘Elgin Mills Residence Phone 41.4 C. WALKINGTON \Vulmn, ,Auxdl‘a T.’ E. BOYNTON Gorgnlgy made. village. An exchange in York County com- ' plains that, people in [but tuwn whu l beautify their homes are having their‘1 flnWers stolen. \Ve nu- glad to say that in Richmond Hill. flowers "mil plants are left, in front of residencesl and stures, and no complaints are amide. This is a good Sign for anti J. R. Aikenhend. Mr. A. E. Leh: Prmcipul uf the Public Schnul. children of the Sabbath school give patriotic selections. and there be specile music by the choir. Major \V. J. Morrison, of Toronto has been appointed superintendent; of the ToronLu municipal feugh. and G. (7. Ellis, of Florence.()nt.. usfurm tore- nmn uf the same institution. Bnlh these men have seen service at the front, and the government; in given) them the pasitinns fullmved iLs pnl - cy nfgiving the preference to returner? soldiers when public pusiLions Were vacant. A platform l‘ï¬evtvin the Methodist Chm-c 1 at the usual hour. AC on Confedm-ution \vill Fares them every Advance in Prng ‘ Owing to the great :IdvunCe in the cost of everything that goes into the publishing of a newspaper, The Liber- el mi and after the ï¬rst of August will be $1.50 a year. The great. nmjority of Weeklies in the Province have ul- xeudy raised their mtvs, and we. trust that, few of our subscribers will Cdncel their subscripticus on account of the advance. Nu new suhscriplitms at the present rate will be taken after the ï¬rst uf August. I Lleuk. Reny Grunt, second son of ( Mu. (Ht-H9.) Gmnt. funnerly of this I \illqge, who was gazetted as a flying nfï¬uer nhservvr. returned to Tut-(mm ‘ nu Tuesday. Tuesday's. Star x'efvx-s w Ilit'l)!_.." Grunt as followsâ€""Linn. Gm:er roluvmsv after twa years and u half of serVico.a'nfl is :mmng the battle- !scu-yed herriég hearing, a severe frac- “tmiejuf bhleléftï¬ 1632', while all the lmver I muscles 01“ his right leg were complete- H‘y £11110“!th .Lfifllt. Grant, was engaged in the Vimyï¬iquconflict and was with one \of two machine: to return out. of six‘ sent on an important misï¬ou I while the battle was raging. his pilnt luSing'";r_limh., Liquuï¬mnt Went. over- sousiilth thq ï¬n'SLjGfliiï¬digtI) contingent in~19LL He 01‘ imgny in the 4th anttzllinnv. “031m ~‘ ’ i-ngjnany of the énvxtlyï¬eugéijg'eifli‘gi 'mirthe \Vestern (mum.- Heixeceii'“ “Lï¬isicurinuissinn nn Ithafieldf He|~e§mcd ju’fomnto un ‘l'engyn ye_:i1-ag<y§§nt,3ï¬_wflly retunmd .Ln Englmidï¬mdéiï¬ course in the AirSerij‘e.†- ‘he ’éstinjet. were taken up, and 'ed thupfllleouunly mustruise this $450,033 a ' ‘ mp'y of {He Bner wall, was appointed czu'u- takm; nftllé York County Municipal Building. Adelaide Easb'nt H. salary of $600., wlth freevfire, light; and apart- u..,..‘~£. me-n ts‘ York ‘ Iessiou shat-km Village. A.1-eéolution rpqved'by W. H. Pugs- ley.was (Lu-x;in aflpt'oving the Boxden Militéxyy'Sgnï¬icé‘BilLf ' * George Ghapp‘c’lle, n returnvd mem- hPx‘bf the Princess Fats and a veteran of the Bner Wu)". was annninrm] r-nru. Aï¬cimï¬ 23th, :1 School. , “ï¬lms beepiflmï¬ded to have a change M WQljJty'fpi-JKR ‘Gul’s Branch of the Ag’z‘sfllax}. - Ameeting of this Branch ’§6.1fled:£quhlxréday afternoon. June 'a‘t .thtéc o’clock. in the Public :I’h‘g ZSe'wing‘ Cnmmittee win meet \{kj‘v Monday at‘thnee o’clock and all the. ladies of the village are invited to game and wmk With them on those ‘ 'ays'. ~ ~ ’ ~I The‘Red-ï¬mï¬.'Auxiliury met in the fume. iScthI; h Mnnday. June 25th. ‘DguiingJul-y; In! August, meetings will beï¬ï¬xilvd ï¬g}; h9»'i:1st Monday of each ’m’ign'th . onlyï¬'flfbe ’Socieï¬y ask that figichr} house‘ “fill contribute to the 11mm!»st subscriptions for another six mnnthï¬md even the smallest amount p,‘ . .mg‘st‘acceptable. Low Fares to Western Canada wu are going “'est. take advant- the low Humuseekex-s‘ Excursion offered by the Canadi m Nor- Ruilwuy, good leaving 'l‘bl'onto Monday. lineralure and all information, to Reid. Station Agent. RICHMOND cuunticoymcil (:IOSed its June .zo'n gaitm‘day, Tth'illage uf §\‘usl,incolipoxaled as :L Pollce OffiCers Apno‘inted Methodist Church Red Cross Notes 1 memn will be n Chm-c 1 Sunday hour. Addresses ttion will be given Lieut. Grant Back County Cauncil In Essentials, Unity; in sappointed cure- ‘ounly Municipal held in 7 evenng bearing 1 by Rev. Lehman. HILL; The xvi {I wi 1 fl'ulu HiHm-ost \vvl'e 9mm! frmn Lhn 1 Non lhview . (m 'TIIHSdu: brethren h 11111,"!!! U them dllri a ‘h-Lndsn \vhu hu- Hil), an} Mr. \V 'V‘any Grunt. SUI) hf l‘Il-‘- Mwn :1- genuhrd humn, h .dly'm :inm], but Lhe sense uf Inn‘ng dune his mi:ny lmLh 011 [and and in the air Lain the cnngn‘gï¬tinn. and Dr. Ste“: quse 9f 'l‘uruntuï¬will give a putrilglic address. II) the ev‘enlng ll-w, {ulnjx‘lvr will spvnk mi "Our (‘ulmtfy,_ Fifly Years «If Uunft-del‘utiun." 'I‘limnhill Sunday Sclmul Picnic will be held nu [he Mun‘sg grounds “Values- day. July 4th. Riclmmnd Hill 8. l’iCnic lms bum St'l fur letlll'dn)‘, July lllh. The guml \vishés of Llw \vlwlv‘ on!) gl'ggnliun gm wilhwm- pnpulur and highly t‘su-wnt'll nwmlwrs, Mr. and Slrwzn Lun lhvir lmna‘ymtmn (Hp. lid 'nlm fur llwix life in Lln-ix' m-w mime lwi't‘. ' _ The guud wish gl'ggnliun gm \\' highly t‘su-mm-zl Slrwzntnnl Between Richmund Hill and Tin-omn. Service same us at pro-sent except that of train nmv lvuvimz anuntn 9 “U p.111. Monday. \‘l'vdnvsday and Friday mi and after the allure il‘lLk‘ will leave 9.45 p.11]. al'ri\ ing Riclmmnd Hill [0.4-2 p.11). ' Bplwr‘mi Rithnmnd Hill and Funny Sound. ’I‘rnin nmv leaving Riuhm-mu Hill 10.0.") mm. except Sunday. 1.45 p.11). Saturday only. I'll and :«fn-l' thr- above date Will lt‘ilVK‘ at 10.42 p.m. “ml 1.40 p.11). returning lewve Parry b‘mnid Same tune :is‘ at present. Fur furtlr-l' particulars sm- lulvst Lime lulile fnldvis or apply to U. Reid, Station Agent. Richmond Hill. . Sunday. July 15!; Puliï¬iitic Servicps In the nmrning Ulv Sunday Schme wil In cannot-lion with lht‘ Summl'r Change hf Train Svrvit-(enn lhv Cun- ndinn Northern Railway o-fl’eclive June 16th, (he fullnxving clinngvs will he made: Fm-tnntvly. theownvr if this lwl'd is kin-ping rPcm-ds nf each cmv that he ("mills and has Linu satisfaction ofknmv. ing that six um of his fifteen cows earned nvm- $150.00 ouch. \Vich milk weighed every tenth «My, and u cnmpusil'v sample tested once a mmflh. the actual yield of each mnv fur hei‘full’perind of lactation can lw found with hut little trouble. Milk and fee-d recmd fmms m‘i- {rs-9 on npplicntinn'th the-Dairy DiVisiHlL Ottawa. A study uf records should mean an increase in ynni' cows. mun~ inf: capacity by at. lwlst ï¬fty prl‘ cent. in three van-us. ~ \tht did yullrhest cmv Pam fur you last, year? A sm‘en-venr-uld grade in :L th nvau' Oxford Milli. ()nt.. that milked from March 30. 1916. to Jun. 13!). 1917. gave 363.9 lb. fut. which at 45 cents per pnnnd Pquuls [ho substantial sum of $163.75. I’exhnps yull gvt more. mm OUR NEW SERIAL STORY STARTS THIS WEEK \ll Subscribe now, so as rot tn miss a single installment. ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE ‘28. 1917 Department 0! Agriculture Presbvterian Church nu )Pï¬ Fraternal Visit Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†Change of Time 29 3 story will interest you. lw tion. :1th Dr. Stru- will give u putt-intu- manning the Iuini<tvr letnhly pm‘seJ‘ I.0.0.f ,Kll hul'c Pnth «My. *(1 Once a null nnw i n can be ‘ Wisinn. s should nVs mun. per cent. w i! I) p.11 [ thw I. )pl VHUH) ii and Inn m'm Bunv uf [.iv‘wux‘ inspuclms 'aw :uh isv umrw st ricl ulwdivnm rvquiring n surlnv 1 side of own-v unvsL ri- Acvm-Jing stamlmd hut Ln he on ( deigl‘rnyml mid w.st qllm‘ns. n MI Bye:- I'Ppnl'tted raw-rm} Emu-pom: 0 sh l Yutd um] w that, 3“th ’Thr‘ annual (‘L'llllly “(u-k1 [will In \v'ic: The npiuiuu lhut, lhv prvgr Iudga D". l Ml (in y Dun]. 'I‘Vlr l)?'l| ‘Ulpn. Allk‘ ‘y \ven- f: \IUUI‘L’UL. Installation of Officers Thv (mm-s (,f Richmond ‘ "we-Ling. Wt' ‘ cveâ€"‘Iling by 'gv and H. A. “'m. Bro. L Ilnp. Thvfnl lhe- mulling y ll) 1n lII Ill The Canadian Rockies in Huh u- lhreeyems bee kvpl iu York Coun ty Beekéepers 11d Stating 5 mlst [)1- pu A. M isil. h: the p»- ('s'. l): vpi lll'rlll 0 Entel Re I“ 11) n l I'I-nluw by mum‘ 1h w h rum-L1 nt [IN‘ I: Ml m-wm (.luur. In «such Hg run-e. I'm I'mnn push-d pl-nmlnrnlly. R. \\"m'. Bros. J. Nichulls. assisted Imnn and Wur. l uwing are [he U111! “NIH! :II’IH‘I‘I lll fur In wimp Richmo’nd Lndgm M., Mach-d at the duly installed Mon- h we Hi lie-1' r-uusin Miss in Mills. anions 1' Dr rinms mun-cling xul hv the Out, Utlllllllxi‘lulll‘ K, tn ius‘ fupnn .1 ILlw rrgululiun [, on [m- imwr Him": In each .n h! whh Italian imiltulv the Iv predicted “mud nut he (‘1:Llllly. v had dis- '(md in his I 5.. present HP hull [hi iâ€) Ill ll) lll\'l [HIV L‘t‘L Ht‘fll vamng 102m)!“ sad to hvuw A'Afll 1 lug: DICEXISES. h~ «WV. {a (123-. I Richmonq Hill ruwr. 'hurn- n Imâ€" I “19 Hilly. [hut NI flu “HI illv. Juy In km H Id 3H- Mr. Frank Converse Sm TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN 3.0. Box 436 All infm‘lnntit RES] DENUE Newmarket granite Works G. W. LUESBY will Hill 01-2 CCM)USSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER. ETC‘ Real Estate and Insurance \Vill Phone No. 23 , v..â€" Fr'iduvl cnowxs AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce Inr‘nh'd in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30am]. to 5p.m- the Urnan Han. Graduate Royal Crnllrâ€"‘ge of Dvntul Sm‘gmwm. Tm-nntu, will be at Richmond Hill evixy‘ Tuesday and Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Vi†"3(pr :l at his Home VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING \Vill he in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September I. 1916 Address Nordpimex- Building 70 Yonge St. anonl IDeaJer and.inï¬porter of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cub to crder J. IE. NIlexven D. H. PI'NKERTON. V.S H. A. NICHOLLS THORNHILL Oummissinnm. Cnnvoynnrpr eLc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Assucinte of II}? Royal ()nllege of Music, Lundm), England) I resumn his clause»; at Richmond 1 an W‘ednesdny, September '13th Fm 1mm»; and Paulwuhn-s apply 2.3 [\Hmny Avvnun, 'l‘nrunlo RICHMOND "BELL mist and Prvshytex-i unduclm Richnmnd Hill Mr. David D LICENSF PHONE 1834 tL. LwlpllxrlJuQ BIOTARY PUBLIC Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITI‘ER If “Cf EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC OFFICE AND 1’. mmï¬xcm Kin†( )nt‘. m‘ S. SHEPHERD INDE l'rspm [Single copies, 3 cts. TH E ll] . I \. C. M. PAINTER PAPERHANGER GHAINER. ETC. umi t ,â€" Sou . LASHEB hnnv U7 \Yr‘stun "1 Yf‘nge Street Ph Ymk (letu'nl Soviety limited nnmhm of pupils sludiu. Richumnd Hill Chmirums: In Chmch Ifle A HOT! )L’NTY n Dick SIatér 5‘ 1H Playing at, lhq m'n'y nf Musk d Tlmrnhill [urnluhed THORNHILI J 1‘ fur Tut-(mm and P949] and Sirncae Echiin Residonc a Phone 183 [UNE \V '1‘ O N ‘m-unto (I. Musi Smith 'vrontc ddress 44 12 51 ill