Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1917, p. 5

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Special services of n pntxiotic nature will be held in ’l‘rlntity Church. Sun- day, July 1. morning and evening. In the evening the _Orangmnen of Thom. bill will attend in a body. The June Show uf flnwers. fruit and vegetables 0f the Thumhill Horticul- tural Society will he held in Victoria Hall Saturday next fwul 3 Lu 9 p.111. Tea. will he served frnm 410 7. Pro- ceeds donated to the Prisuuers nf W'ar Fund. A cordially welcome is extend- ed tn all who can attend. Admission flee. anox-iul Services Relative to Ed. Morgan. sun of Her. 3. Mm-gan, who went inverse-us, and has been missng :since June 2. 1910. will he held in the Melhudist Church. \Vnodlu-idge. on $unday, July 1. Rev. F. L. Brown, superintendent of missions. will preach, and short addresses will be given by Dr. Routley of Maple. and Mr. Fem-- suu of \‘Veston. Service at ll 1m. The St. Thomas Dmly Times in giv- ing an accuuatnf the Sunday exercises in connection mu: Alma College xefers particularly a: the Singing nf Miss \Vinnifled Aikenheud in these words; "During the uflextory Miss Aikenhead sang“Umue UuLo Me" by Cocnen in :1 manner that l-eflectedcrediL on student; and college, in Vuieeg,.ez)unoiation. style and devotional spuit, Mis‘s Aiken- head revealed a chaaamflug personality". Rig 3": Tabules cure dizziness. As next Monday will he observed lhroughoutUnnndu as Dominion Day, the King has asked that the day he eelebmu‘d in u [mtrintic manner. Reeve Pugsley requests that the flags be displayed. and humes in the village be decorated as much as possible. Mr. D. Hill. Mr. \V. Inues and Mr. J. Inm-s tapent the laLLer pun uf the week at, .their summer cottages :Il: Barusdalv. Muskulm. seeing that their boats etc. were in gum] condition for their visit inter in the season. The MigspsBarker.millim-rsatThorn- hill. announce else-where in this paper that they will sell the lmlzmce of their Summer sbunk at, greatly 1-sduccd prices. U;le and see (hem. and get, :1 sh.u-e of the bargains. Dx's. Ralph Imd Lillian Lnngstuif and children hnpe to leave Friday. July 6. Mr :1 month at their cuxtngu at Lake Joseph, Muskoka. In their ahsvnce their Wurk will be taken by Dr. Pent,- lemd and Dr. Johns. ane Bible Class will have (Ire-mu Social \Vc‘drmsday. July 1h» hmuc nf Mr. W'. J. Orr. (5L cvssion nf Vaughan. Adluiss ceuLs; children 15) cents. A meeting of the Richmond Hill Farmers’ Association “ill be held at, Hotel Richmnnd Friday evening of this week. Members are requested to L _ _.;- H "A Mr. J. R. Aikcnhwul, Mrs. Aiken- heztd and sml James luuurred to St. Thmn'ls last Week and attended lh'e Uummcncmnenb Exmcises at. Alma College. The new serial stul'y “T Joseph Hqung cmmm-mn issue at Ilw Llherul. 'l‘ xis; be interesting. D1) uut‘fail The Hmdnt-d Epwm l h Lenng puz- pnsu giving an Ive Cream and S(m\\ - hex'ry Sncial 0n the, church lawn Thurs- day, July 5. AH un- Welcome. Mrs. \V. R. Pmctnl‘ and Miss Kath- leen Proctnr vislml with M: s. McMahon and Mrs. Ruwo Hulmdny nfternuun and evening. Cunntv Lodgv ufi‘icm-s uf \Vrst York. And District nflit-ers of \szt Tux-onto paid a visit to Victoria Orange Imdge last evening. Misti gradual- \‘m Thomas RICHMOND HILL. ONT., JUNE 29, \9“ ()zlrlrmd uf \n-sh‘x'n nun~ also a small quumly uf hunkwhent fm' sued. car of slabs at. (110 Elevuwr. Fire prnclit held on Mundn sharp. MW. M. Unlisnn and huhmn nf ('hnthum m \VH'k «I Mr. ML‘Mubnn's. Miss Gray of Port Crelit Spurn, [he Week-end with Miss Ilellz' McMuhun. Misa‘ Ire-ne- spending a f Mm. Louschnr‘t Thursday “ith M and Mus. A. H. n. .- present (My eve week. ’4“: vâ€"~._ ‘il ing his sisters Stirling. Billldpl_‘a(‘,ti(‘f‘ will bu held VVednes Dr: Shlght 0f Bell \Vinnih-I-d Aikenlwnd has: [ml with hunm-s in phllm‘zlnt‘. music at Alum College. St. \VOODBR-IDGE THORNHILL Hing ins-tendon" Monday this A. H. Rowe; :- \V:tlluce of \Vnndln'idge in few (luyb with Mrs. Mylks. Mrs of km y "Tommy" by uvmres will) this l‘lfis promises tn md Miss Nmmh I are spending a Mrs. Alle av. July 4, at. 011‘. (5th Cun- Admissiun 2'3 'm'nntn spent F. McMahon nivm-sitv I. to read it. an Ice and Phone 28 n " V'V "lâ€"V and was very much pie way you conducted iL." Gentlemen, let me get PRICES, MORE NON stock :«L Agction. I 1 Book ms- at the office Sanderson. Ispecialize Pedigreed Stock Sales. Store will be closed from for Fall Styles and Stock. We are looking forward to many days of Sui Summer Miliinery will be necessary. But prepar: for Autumn and Fall Displays. Hence we are ofl'eri our stock at greatly reduced prices. Call and see us pected. He was I and his br'nLhel throughout the ug a breeder of pureâ€" "HV “H... 1 UV “‘4 prr UL‘IIL. MORE than they expected. and in my first sale in Guelph district. this Spring utThns.A1-kell‘s. I secured 18 PER CENT MORE than Mr. Arkell ex- pected. He was name than pleased. and his meher. Henry, known throughout the agricultural would as a breeder of pureâ€"bred stuck, wrote: “I was present at my hmther’s sale. “nA --- r» u ‘ ' Certainly there am many good am:- tiouéers, but. as m othvr lines. thvre is one who oxuels, (me who has eqlupped himself by clvser shady, more general, extensive and spacial [miningâ€"(Inc who is :L tear-her. recognized as “an ex- pe-rt and an authority.” That man is THE MAN who can get the BEST RESULTS. And in my record. cover- ing many ll'undreds 0f SHIPS, I have secuu-d owners from 4 t“ 22 pm. cent. Man an”. n, A . MEEEmery at Haif Price many uu‘lnel‘s engage :m auctioneer because he “knmvs the people.” Other fm‘mvrs, like big business concerns. engage the man because of his ability and record. Many farmers engage because he “knuws ([191 We are now nearing the end of the season and on Saturday next our stock of Ladies’ and Children's Millinery will be offered at; greatly reduced prices. Your inspection and comparison invited. Laces, Hosiery, Underclothing, Vests Ribbons, Collarettcs, Veilings, FIOWers and Fancy Notions. Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods is. as the name implivs. a method intruduced by [hp French fur cleaning of all garments or materials. It may he uwd withmnt injury 0n the finest fulnic as Well :15 [b9 heavier goods. Luce. silk. lilwn. cotton, \vaterpnmf and woollen proof and woollvn gunds: also feathers. furs, straw and leather muv all be cleaned withnnt fear uf shrinking m' puttng out of shapcl. It is culled’dly cleaning because Watel is nut. used m the process. Auction Services Auction Safes Saturday. July 7â€"Anctiu The next. umvting of the Council 02‘ the Municipality of Vaughan will he held in the Town Hall, Vel- low, on Rev. S. C. Rnbinsnn is away mu «1 fnur weeks" vacation and his wmk is being taken by Rev. Dr. (Jul-nuance] of ng. A number of ladies from the village attended the meeting of the Hope Sewing Cncle lust “‘L‘t‘k all. the home of Mrs. T. O. Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. I market. spent last Snml (If LIP. J. T. Suigcun. On Sunday lust the puT Mvthudist Church was 0 Mr. L. McAuIey of Tux'nnh‘ Mr. J. S. Newtm) is Entrance EXHlllillilIil and Mr. T. McCoy-mm: the Public Schtml here YONGE STR Vaughan Council ;) p.11». Terms six mnnths. J. H. I’rcntlce, uuct. huduy, July 9â€"Auctinn Sale of 45 acrus uf first-class standing melhy and mixvd lmy. in 3 and 10 acre lots‘ on Int 11, 0011.23. Eilbi York, the pro- perty of J. H. Smith. Sale at, 4 u'cluck. Terms 5 months. J. H. Prentice, :mct. of In? :It 10 FRENCH DRY CLEANING I‘PS nf gum] stand \Villuwdulo: alsu tons Uf (:lm‘er h: \V. A. “Villa-H. suld in 5 and 10 :1 Monday. July 2,1917 Mrs. W. Davies (Omitted in vx-mr last week) MRS. W. DAVIES ‘. let me get you BETTER ORE MONEY fur vnul- ction. I (JAN 130' 11‘. the Office of Dr. J. H. I §pelcii§lize in Farm and REET It 10(I'L'lnck MAPLE 7â€"Auctiun Sale (If stapding tmmthy h ulnmng mummy hay also a stack nf about 31' hay. the prnperty we]. Thu timothy to 1021011: lots. Sale at ungmzed as “an ex- ity.” That man is m get the BEST I my record. cuver- c. 1. HINAS. (bevheuvier goods. cotton, \vaterpmnf and woollvn goods: RICHMOND HILL t the pulpit inf, the MISSES BARKER used wnh Lhé presiding at the In dl Tlmlunhi” k is presiding in ,vaId of Ne‘w- my at, the hmne oécupied Laundry. July 16 to August 13,‘ while arranging V 0R SALEâ€"Solid brick house, with elvuu'ic light and fixtures and modem cnnveniences. Larch lot 50x 2'10 foot. Church St. Richmond Hill. A bargain. N. McKenzie. 39-t,f. { ARM FOR SALEâ€"J am instructed to sell one uf the very best farms in Richmond Hill district. Cmnpusing alums 115 news. with El. cumplcte set of gnnd lmilding$ An ideal farmâ€"an I ideal home. Owner retiring. \Vrile me for particulars. Long, the Auction~ em, 87 King E.. Toronto. 40 tfl \MANTED~\Vm~k by the day in Richmond Hill nr Vlcmity. Mrs. McQueen mth door south of the Bakery. 50 2 IANO FOR SALE- Heintzmun Piano, cosL $4503. year :xgn. Must be suld by 31d July tr) close an estate. Make an offer. Apply at, once by letter. Box (39, Riclnuund Hill. 51 TRAYEI)~(‘.-mw tn the premises S (If the [Indra-signed. Int 23. (2011.6, Vaughan, ulmnl the 20m of June. a young bull. Owner may haves-[me by pl'uving px‘upm-ty and puyingexpensvs. Geo. Julian, Plume Muplu 438. 51 3 “OR SALEâ€"A seven mom hnnsv, h:qu acre lut‘, driving shed and stable. lcts of cherries. plums and other fruit trees. run the 4th nf Mal-k- hum. Apply at, Liht'l'ul Office. 52 4 [V Persons having plum in the Richmond Hill Cvmetw y are requesth (0 see that, H19 monuments or tmnh- stnnos are kept, in pl'upPr' IPphil'. A number of stmws in the cemeter an- m a neglected and dilapidated con- dition. C. N. Cooper, chain-mam ovum-- tery committee or J. Blanchard. cm v- baker. 51 2 Send fnrnew iHu‘sh-att-d cnl; Mso Agl-nc’s pmpnsitinn; hnn free outfit . Exclnsh v Ten-ilm-V Liberal commissions. days of Summer weather when But preparation must; be made we are offering the remainder of “THE OLD RELIABLE FUNTHILL NI'RSERIES And take furthvr nnlin the lust mentioned date! will proceed to distribute the (slate :mmng the pn [hereto having regald I claims uf which notice sh been u-cc-ived. Dated this 15th day of 1917. half. anicc is parties hAYin; estate of tho who did] un 01 of March 13.1). J before the {any In David Jnnw the ExecuII-ix stutmm-nt of I names and add: if anv. held hvl STONG-BEAmsmâ€" 27(1) ofJune. 191 by the Rev. R. E. ish hf Bhlhm. TORONTO Local Agent Wanted STONE and WELLiNGTON In '11!) mattux' (I JAMES CHAPMAN, hill. in the Tuwns'P in the County at Y deceased. OZICEâ€"anwhum it may” concern Splendid list uf shmx. Fm-Fnllplunling1917 and prmg planting “’19. Includng munv nmv‘ valiutios which we alone Cmutml. COOK & GILCHRIST 33 Richmul d Sf. \Vest. Tm'l‘nlo. Solicitors fur the Execunix RICHMOND HILL ursnnnt m the St NOTICE T0 CREDITORS un \Vant Ads. and district. The Funthill Nurselies (Eituhlielwd 1837) (II (no said James Chapman. J i(‘(i un 01- ulumt the second d:in 3h A.D. 1917 are required on ur} tho. lath day uf July 1917 U: smull ‘id Jnnws, 'l‘hm‘nhili, Agent furf :ecuII-ix nf the said decwnsc-d, 3 :4“, of the-ii Claims win) their and admiwssc-s.;ln.1 Lhe security. held by {helm lake furthur notice that “flux-i ,mvnlimwd date [he executiix‘ weed to distribute the ussvls nf‘ ate among the pn‘rlit‘s entiilvd having rvgmd unly In such vf_\vhich notice shull then hun- i Bultnn. [U szl fRichnmnd Hill s hen MARRIED FUR THORNHILI. -On \Vednesdsly, the 17.nt. Richmond Hill. McKee, Guru Beam- tu_ Louis Beltran) tntutes in that, hp- ahy given that all Iims against the James Chapman. To 59” for f the estate of late! 01" Thm'n- H'pr Maxkhzm’x mk. Uelnlenmn ONTARIO d cnlulnguv. 1; handsome» Juno A. D 502 Newbv Prince, imp., [15148] (17623), V0]. 36, the property of the “’m. R()hi[lSOlLSt0‘Ck ngg‘m. home stable Merry Baron. Clydesdale, (18021) [17284] the pmperky of Jas. ’l‘ox'zmce. home smhle,D(mlinion Hotel,\Voodbridge, will travel through Kleinbux-g. Clair- ville, Malton, Thistletowu, etc Terms $16. Bamn Temple. Clydesdale, (17753) [1639] the property of T. H. Legge. lmmo stable ’l‘mnpernnceville, will travel through ng City, Vellnre. Maple. Elgin Mills, Markham Tp., Petchville, Aurora, 0sz Ridges. Terms $15. DUNL'RE HALLMARK, Clydesdale. [15- 378] (17230) the property of Robb. Cux & Sons, Amber, will travel through East York, Dollar, Victoria. Square. Unionvillp, )oncord, Steele’s Gomexs, Yonge St. etc. Terms $15. Nl-wmn Bmuk. will travel through Yul k. Vaughan and Max khan] Town ships. Richmond Hill, Langstal’f and Thomhill. Terms $15. z ¢‘ U. ‘JIJAESBS, ‘1 gauge 355:1- (30L Herd sire, AVONDALE MAY $YLVIA, the S'I‘A LLION REGISTER Batting, Table Oilcloth, fancy Oix'cloth, floral, block and martina A Ladies Ve cumfy cut or sh silk ankle and H Men's Balbriggan sizes, Navy one piece I Window Shac and Nets. Men's Boater Huts in finequu also all kinds of evny day srra ws Men’s Summer L‘ndex‘Wear combinaLiOn. We are also agents fur the HOL that guarantees satisfaction. Longclotha Nainsooks \Vhite and Unbleached Pxilo Dainty 'Voille Blouses. oHars and Handkerchiefs. Echmaafi am My cut or short. sleeves. Hosiery bl ankle and fine cotton, boys heavy ri . Burnabg - Atkinson & Swfifizser CONCRETE HE‘BEISE fl 4 "\Q ' [H.4ASSS‘, 3 021,30 Vestr- V Drawers 3 agents fur the House of Hobberlin satisfaction. STORE CLO-SSS AT SIX RM. MONDAY .«xn WEDNESDAY )rlggan and Merino piece Bathing Suits f Dealers 12 in fine quality stra JV ac-fi day srra ws at: 150 to 50¢. Ullcloth, fancy and white k and matting designs. PONTIAC EU F. Sr. 4-}‘1'.-nh! 46.84. 1:}lesgl‘dhih3z FIG [3 PONTIAC CANADA, a half 0 ECHO. «mi of a 301M. Segis cow. 1] of breeding interests you, write for ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO Fuméséfing Stare PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GU SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUODWARD. ()S‘GE ST GENERAL BLACKSMITH, in both two piece and Jeffersen, Gm C3. l | ' 'nL)[.l iddys, 111 OI [on avy ribbed hose RADIAL (under lease). a son of cnw fur milk produc~ IV une nther 41-”). hull m ly tiny daughters of WGBDWARD 952.00 and $2.5 Underwear, an ‘ men and boys. Aprons, Fancy 'nbination in ckrmd white sires of three {-l’tz-ufd 40.32 The housé 31 Sheetings E i ARANTEED Scrim

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