I PIANO TUNING “ In Essentials _ VOL. XL. , Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†E. I)(3VQI‘ L. T. C. M. Ethel TEACHER OF I’iano and Vroice J. T. SAIGEON C. WALKINGTON Maple . King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Telephone Residence Elgin Mills Main 2777 .Residence Phone “.4 J. II. Nanghton BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY {Lurnsden Bldg, 6 Adelaide St., Ofï¬ces { East, Toronto. ‘ tNaughton Block, Aurora. The Town of Aurora. smimtor fm‘ {'J. M. \Valton, Aurora JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD AvE., WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive promptl attention. ‘â€"â€"____________ .l'. H. PRENTICE T. E. BOYNTON l % 415 Balliol St. Gorniley > Toronto P.O. l Phone Belmont 1317 Ind. Phone LICENSED AL'CTIONEERS 1 FOR. COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales ot every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to'. WILLIAM COOK l BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC I Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofl‘ice (‘ Liberal’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon.’ Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbridge, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at. Current Rates goï¬n .7. ?avidsan Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 112.1 THORNHILL Organs Repaired. Expert Work Danton, Grover & Field Barristers, Solictors, 85!: NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada Frank Dcnton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Macdonald Barry D. Anger, l A. Cameron MacNaughtoni Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. l OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. 18 KING S"REET \VEST. l Tel. M. 3631' ‘ VVRIGHT BROS. Undertakers (‘3 Eulhmmers, RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILLI AND UNIONVILLE ‘ ' l A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng ' Kept at the above places E l .W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hang‘er. , RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL: RICHMOND HILL , REAL ESTATE; â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON, V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ' AL\\'AYS ON HAND. ‘ tains articles on Confederation I l’reiiuers of all the provinces oft‘anada, School Reports Results of promotion Examinations held in Richmond Hill Public School June, 1.017. Honours 7570'. Pass is 61)", of total, and It)â€; in each subject. Rec. where a pupil failed to make the required mark, but the work during the term was satisfactory. Names arranng alphabetically. lst tabletâ€"\Vaircn Ellis. Marion Greene, Margaret Healy, Billy Sav- age. 2nd Tabletâ€"Beatrice Caldwell, Ruth Ellis, Dorothy Hick, Jesse Hambleton, Bessie Kemper, Lottie Klinck. John McLean. Clarence Price, Agnes Rob- inson, Beryl Sanderson, Cecil Trick, Grace \\'illiams, Doris \Villiams, Mable \Vlieat. 3rd Tabletâ€"GordonPetch, Reggie Rand, Gerald VanAinbiri-g. 4th Tabletâ€"Dorothy Bone, Mary Drury, Irene Deadmen, Leo Flannigan, Artie Leech, Leslie Page, Morris Pat- ton, Herlieit Sharpless, Doris Van \Vart. To Primer:â€"Teddy Bennett, AZala Denby (lion.) George Flannigan, Lionel Grant, Marjorie Grainger, Donald Hick, Grant Innes, \Valter Kendall Ethel Kendall,(hon,) Moron Kidd, Audrey Or-merod, Donald Rand. \Viuuie Stong. Fred Saunders, Marjor- ie Tyndall, (hon.) To Jr. ILâ€"Aileen Atkinson, (hon.) Howard Atkinson, Dorothy Atkinson, Francis Batty(hon.) Louisa Bowen, Lorraine Diiirlop, Hazel Ellis, (lion.) Alfred Grainger, Bertram Graiiiger, Mai-icn Graingcr, \Vill Gray, Velma Henricks, Brucelnnes, Dean Inues, RussellLynett, (hon.) Eva. Maynard,‘ (hon) \Vill Mylks, Marion tamer, Lewis Sims, Isabel \Viley, (hon.) Rcczâ€"Dorothy Gray, Harry Hopper. To Sr.II.â€"Dorothy Dunlop, Laura Ellis, Gladys Giant, Cecil Hughes, Ralph Johns, Rex Mai‘fey, George Patton Florence Page, Edward Robin- son, (hon.) Queen Smith, (hon.) Clara Saunders, Ralph Tyndall, Allan \Vhite. Remâ€"Fred Keith, Ivy Smith. To Jr. IIIâ€"Ida Carlyle. Isobel Cowie, Roswell Gould. Roy Graham. Blanche Grant, (hon.) May Greene, Lillian Harding, Alberta Hewison, Stella Mackic. Math Mackie, James McLean, Thelma Ornierod, (hon.) Huin Oliver, Jeri-y Robinson, Pearl Robinson. Agnes Sims, Beatrice Smith, Edith -Turp, Ruth Van \Vait,-F.r-ic \Vliite, Muriel \Vatson. Rec:-â€"Helen Mabel Patton. Horace \Vadc. To Sr. IlIâ€"â€"L:rmbert Atkinson, John Bowen, Emma Furgeson, Frank Graingr-r. Elsie Harnbleton, Charlie Kcmper, Gertie Smith, Annie Tyndall, Jar-k Vanderbuig, Pearl \Vheat. Remâ€"Clarence Mylks, Newell Price. To Jr. IV. â€"Allen Armstrong. Mar-y Batty. James Cowie, Edna Grainger, Jack limes, Grace Kidd, T‘liorold Lehman, “'ill Lehman, thou.) Robbie Marsh, Edward Mansbiidge, Rex Mausbridge, Myrtle McCaguc, Marion Mitchel, Reva Ormeiod, Mary Palmer, Lillian Robinson, Mable. Robinson. Rec:â€"\Vill Batty, \V. Fulkeison John Hughes. ' To Sr. 'IV.â€"\Villie Charles, Aggie‘ Cowie, Jack Glass, Albert Hill, Evelyn Ker-swell, John Lehman, chla Tyndall. Rec:â€" Yer-delta Donor. Irines, LANGSTA FF SCHOOL Tleport of Promotion Names in order of merit. .lr. IV.â€"*Jim Scott, Dorothy Banks. Eera Nicholson, Cyril Brillinger, Mark rr. Sr. III.-â€"-Georgia Chapman, Myrtle Reaman, Beatrice Clarke, Harvey Toru- linson. Jr. III.â€"’Ross Matton, *Lottic Ball, Frank Clai ke, Frank Nicholson. Si'.lI.â€"Eddie Banks. “ denotes honours. Mina Elliot, teacher. Exams. .â€".â€";g*â€"â€". A Jubilee Numbir The Canadian Magazine for July con- bv the as wellas an articleon tr ide expansion during the fifty years by the Minister of Trade and (,‘oiniiioi-ce. “l‘he Fight for Corifederation" is the title of an able article by M. O. llam- inond. who has mails- a special study of this period of our liistoi V. Di . A. 11. I'. L‘olrprhoun, Deputy Minister of l Education forOi.t.-irio, roi‘.tribiitrs .I \vell-coiisitlr-rril article, or series of sketches, of the eight Prime Ministers of (‘inada, and \Villiarri Lewis lid- iironils, gives an account of thr- Gov- l’llllll‘S-(ii'llc‘l‘zll from Mont-lilo Devon- slrirc. The llllllil'r't' is a rapit-rlsou- \‘ciiir r l. lllv {11'1\I important CYL‘III it: ' ("iiiadiair history. -O»â€"_~ Weekly Meetings Thr- girls branch cf lla- lIv-rl Cross will Illz'v'. on 'l‘liuist'lav of t‘JtL‘ll wet-k :i! ii n7 l. ck on lllt‘ following lrwr siJuly lil'li, .‘Iis. .-\\hford \‘\'r lulu" l; ' .\li<. J. A. Greene‘s .liiiv Z'r .. Mct'ague's. I!ll'.l\;' «i' i rin lb» llli'L‘l- lags will be held in tho 11ml Cross 1« «:n, at the Public School. All girls \vel (,‘illllt‘ and (ville pit pair-d to do sewing or knitting. Cheaper Poultry Foc d On account of the scarcity and hiin pr-iccm‘fred thr- poultry industry of this country is threatened by the pro- spect ofthe wholesale slaughter of lay- ing stock and a serious falling off in the number of pullcts to be matured. The necessity for retaining for mill- rug every possible bushel of wheat suitable for that purpose need not be emphasized. To provide poultrymen with feed for rearing their young stock without unnecessarily lowering the supplies of milling wheat, the fed- eral Department of Agriculture has requested millers throughout Canada to put. on the market, the cracked and shrunken Wheat removed from grain before it. is milled. In addition to small and broken wheat these cleanings consist chiefly of the seeds of wild buckwheat,a near relative of the cultivated buckwheat. The Poultry Division of the Central Experimental Farm has used wild buckwheat in feeding experiments and reports it to be a highly satisfactory poultry feed and has ordered two cars of buckwheat screenings for the Cent- ral and Branch Experimental Farms from the Canadian Government Ele- vators at Fort. \Villiam. Fowls used to good grain do not take to it at first but. when they become accustomed to it they eat it readily and do well on it. ‘ The mill cleanings from local flour millsalso contain traces of many other weed seeds, including several kinds of mustards. These, however, \voulrlnot as a rule amount to more than two or three per. cent of the. cleanings in the case of the Standard grades of \Vestei'u wheat. This material is specially rec. oiniiiended for backyard, suburban and professional poultrynien. 0n farms the cleanings from yards and Poultry houses where it had been fed would have to be disposed of so as not to disseminate noxious weeds in grain fields. Those interested in obtainingr this class. of feed should immediately arrange with local mills or feed dealers for a supply. The mills cannot be ex- pected to keep this materialfor poultry unless it is demanded for that purpose and that rests with the poultrynren trieinselves. â€"â€"‘.° Prizes for Roses At the Annual Rose Show, held iii Toronto on July 10th, under the au- spices of The Rose‘ Societv of Ontario, Mr. G. F. Allen was successful in win- ning the following prizes:â€"~"Ainateur" Section, Best 6 Roses, 1st prize; Best 3 Roses, 2nd prize. “Open†Section, Best 6 \Vbite Roses, 2nd prizes. The competition was keen, there being more than 201) competitors. Mr. Allen is to be congratulated on the success of his ï¬rst vent-ire as a competitor in the Ontario Rose Show. W Red Cross Notes The Red Cross Auxiliary will make another collection of waste material in a month’s time, and householder-s are asked to keep the followingâ€"Scrap paper, newspaper-s, books, and maga- zines, cardboard, ri gs, tca lead, and clean rubber boots and shoes, free from Cloth tops. Save your waste paper and help the Red Cross. ,__‘.._.__‘. New Canadian Northern Rockies If you do not know about the won- derful Mountain scenery including Jasper and Mount Robson Parks, traversed by the transcontinental linc_ of the Canadian Norther-n Railway between Edmonton and Vancouver get a copyof our handsome desci iptivc booklet. to be had for the asking from C. Reid, Station Agent. 2 3 __- BORN )I.\('.\'_\i'riii'roxâ€"Ou Thursday, July 5, 15117. at the Victoria Memorial Hos- pital, Toronto, loMi. and Mrs. A. '(errrci'ori Macnaughton,14Glcncairn Ave. a son. _\I|'Iilll.\i.\l.l)-â€"_\l, tlh' (‘trlttlgU Iliwpllnl. Toronto. on Tuesday. .lulv 1'). “’17, to Mr. and .\lr.~. (l. ('. .\l"l’l'llll1l. It s ‘1). DIED \\~i1.~71‘ll'*.\[ H 'lioinberg, on \\'r‘ilnr \â€" a .y, July ii. inn. ii... Ila-my war. sin, illfi‘ll T v v- .rr~ Funeral ?' h -r lllt’ residri‘n’v In ‘ 'lrt z.‘ ;_: 'lll Lexy Friday at 21 oh ck. l.l'.\'lr\'i.\t l.r-1‘.r n.~ wf'iiri danglilv-I. Mrs. Ii. 1:. S'tlltl'd'w ii. ‘Cii'toiii Sign 111‘, on “Wain-1.}: July lllh. It'll? Jarr- I.!rr..l}' “3! :w (l llll‘ litlc \‘t'. ll. land's. agvrl 77 years. Thu for 1:11 \\‘i.l ink“ pi'rr'v U11 Frill 4'. Jury l‘Izli. '12.il'l[.rli',ll.lt22- \‘illc (' :iriâ€. Wantedâ€"En Idea Protect voui- ldear- thev 21:7 brlnt,r _\uii wealth Write mar; 'vvzzLanaix‘t‘ .' a: co. Patent Anor- reys. Washington, D. it. for their 81.5w prize ode) and list of [no hunde Inventions wanted. ., of some simple thing to patent? Who can this: ‘ Killed At Vimy Ridge Mr. and Mrs. 11. I’.Appleton. of l'nionvillc, for-nierly of Richmond I'llll,l1:1Vt“ been informed that their son, Pte. Osmond Appleton, was kill- ed .it Vimy Ridge. The sad news ai'i-ived‘iu a letter received from a scout who found I’te. Appletr.rr‘s body on the ï¬eld .with pictures of the family in his pockets. He was ofï¬cially reported missing on May 4. and his relatives Iiad been anxiously awaiting deï¬nite informat- It'll]. Pie. Appleton was one of the brave “Princes Pats†having enlisted with them in the e:irly*p;rit of the war at \Viunipeg. where he was employed. During his long spell at the front he was once wounded, and after spending eleven months at a hospital, refused to takehis discharge and went back to tho trenches. In his last letter, two days prior to thenews that he was missing he wrote that he and ï¬ve [Single copies, 3 cts. S. SHEPH ERD PAINTER PAPERIIANGER GRAINER, ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT. PrioxE 1531 44 12 “â€" Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto, will be at Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friday. cnowxs AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30a.m. t0 5p.m- J. K. DIeEvven 6&1 S011 Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Ut‘lllillt’s of York, Peel and Simcoe cgmirades were, bound unto death not to leave each other, and that was why he refused to accept his discharge. The fateful letter also tells that in the great Vimy Ridge battle his five coni- i-ades weae killed, and it seems that he Phone (57 Weston D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE . was the last to make the sacrifice. Pte. Appleton was 29 years of age, and was born irear Richmond Hill. where he received his education. EL even years ago he went west, where he remained up to the time, of his en- Iistment. Besides his parents he is survived by five sister'sâ€"Mrs. \V. E. Lear. Mrs. G. Champion, Mrs. R. Colo, Edith and Verna, and three brothers, Oscar, Byron and Orlanda. â€"râ€"os- Presbvterian Centenary \Ve are one hundred years old. The Presbyterian Church in Richmond Hill organized by Rev. \Vm. Jenkins in 1817, ocrupics the distinguished and honour- able position of being the Mother Church of Presbyterianisnr in \Vester-n Ontario, and of being for many ycars the Premier Church of the province. Rev. \Viu. Jenkins who founded the Church was _ the first Presbyterian Minister in the western section of what was then knoer as Canada. Richmond Hill became. the centre from which he carried on missionary work, preaching to groups of pioneers and forming them into congregations throughout the country and even be- yond. He had as Worthy successor the Rev. Jas. Dick, still remembered and rcvcarcd by many of the older people. At the lenti-iiai-y Celebration, \Vcd. Sept. 5th, all former Ministers living are expected to be preSent. The Presbytery of Toronto will join in the celebration and a grand re-union will take place. â€"¢‘oâ€"â€"â€"â€"- R05e Show A Rose Show was held in connec- tion with the Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society last evening. There were seven classes, and the exhibits were very creditable. The judging l was done by Mr. J. H. Dunlop. The ‘ following are the winners in the vari- ous classes :â€" ' HYBRID, TEA \Vhite Roses, Mr. Allen, Mrs. Hickson Pink, Miss McNarr, Mrs. Her-bison Red, Miss Switzer, Mr. Allen Yellow, Mr. Allen, Mrs. Hickson Six Distinct Varieties, Mr. Allen, Miss McNair HYBRID, PERPETUAL Best 6. any variety, Miss McNair .Best 3, airy variety, Miss )Ichrii~,Mrs. l Vauder Voit â€"__._.. S. 5. Picnic The animal picnic of RichiiiondIlill ‘ Methodist S. S. will be held at Bond ‘ Lake Friday, July 13. A special car will lr-avi-tln- \Vaiting room at 1.31) 1’. M. and \Vllll't'llli'n. leaving the prak , at 7.llllo'r;lock. Tickets for adults, 2. for 2.3 cents, to be had at Mr. Hume's otlice just before leaving. or on the car. l l l W- 77,; _ MAPLE {- v. T. \Y. Leggot ' and family" ai rim d In? \\'.wkt'xorrr.‘~1:..Egbr-it'and. l ll [lie I’nrswr l=_\' sev- i'lrv =_'r ' ‘ r'. I The lll'llll'â€1~' ‘ ch 5i .1' 1hr“ .‘ivllrnil's? new 9 .\l.~L- . 11w}. wot“ lI'I"'i' «I , . (‘1.il r wi.‘ ~« who! '1‘. \. r1 - ll. ‘5:- ’rst Illlri'if ‘ .t'.‘ (lullllffil‘ The nirnibwis of ’ he (' n- V ii ris ,r..l bridges \Vt'lt‘ iiispuctiiig g, . -: ,1 on 'l'buisrlry list; 'lrl'l‘vinpv'i Ill .‘xlr'. :rrvl His. '1'. l". M n‘rlitllirti of llll‘llllll‘liil lliil \‘l~ltml at 1h»- lioruc (it k dinner at _‘.Ii. ..'-. T. S .31le n .m S:;;..l ._v. Mr. and Mie. ('. Hurkrur-yer and tainilv and Mrs. lzr d I f Mr'Kr-z-spuit, . V Pa. are visiting ll i~nl~ in [Ii-3 village. Mr. A. TI!‘l*“lll l..'\\‘1t‘l'ill'(l his house ' and lot, and with his family lllh‘lnuYe'tl t.» l'bi. llll'. Til-drums ..1‘ill Int in the t\\\‘lii'(ll'\'ll.Ijllil;"1[tll).\'.5.l1t1SlJuCil: Sjltl to Mr. J. Bl. i:in rt Test: l‘.. village, . King, ()nt. Phone No. 2 . H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY QUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Ismier of Marriage Licenses. Riohmonc. Hill I EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER, ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL B. E. LASHER PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER North Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL Phone No. '72 O '1‘. G. LYOl‘! LICENSED AUCTIONEER i-‘oi’. THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P. 0. address Victoria Squat c Goi'inley, R. R. 2 J. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Choiriiiastei‘ St.'Paul‘s Presbyterian Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a. limited number of pupils at his Horne-studio, Richmond Hill VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. (Associate of the Royal College of Music, London, England) will resume his classes at Richmond Hill on \Vednesday, September 13th For terms and Particulars apply 25 Albany Avenue, Toronto Mrs. F. H. Echlin . Graduate Toronto College of Music in KINDERGARTEN Mt‘src ' (‘lasses in Richmond Hill and Tllot‘Qlllll All information furnished RESIDENCE - THORNHILL Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER or T1113 VIOLIN .\\'ill be in {ichniond Hill on Thursdays after September l. 1916 Address Noideimrr Building 212‘) Yoiigc St. Toronto Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cut to order 5 ,PO. Box Residence 436 Phone 183 o