Gen. Korniloff inaugurated handed discipline on Thursday in suming his place as command< chief. He issued formal order pr iting meetings of soldiers in the zone, and warring that disobed A despatch from Petrograd says:â€" Gen. Alexis A. Brussilofl‘, commander- in-chief of the Russian armies, has re- signed. Gen. L. G. Kornilofl", com- mander-in-chief of the Russian armies on the south-western front, has been appointed generalissimo. Gen. Tche- remissofl', commander of the eighth army, has been appointed to succeed Gen. Korniloï¬ on the southâ€"western front. -A despatch from London says:â€" British troops have driven the Ger- mans from their positions on the Lug- ungu River, in German East Africa, and also are pushing forwasd in the Kilwa region, says an official state- ment issued by the British War Ofâ€" ï¬ce. ' Has Inaugurated Iron-Handed Discipline in Dealing With Troops -â€"Forbids Meetings of Soldiers in War Zone. Southmst of Kimpolung, towards the southern end of the ï¬ghting line, the Russians were forced back some- what in the region of Negrey. They were also compelled to retire to some extent to the east of Gerement, be- tween the Dniester and Pruth region. The statement says the Russians suffered great losses when they were forced to retire across the Zborcz. Partial Success of Russ Troops in Galicia. A despatch from Petrograd says:â€" The beginning of a partial offensive by the Russians in Galicia in the direc- tion of Trembowla is announced by the War Office. A hostile position was carried in this movement. The army of Crown Prince Rup- precht evidently considers the British gain north-east of Ypres the most important made in Tuesday’s battle, for upon this territory he has con- centrated the strongest of his coun- ter-offensive operations in an attempt to regain the lost ground. His efforts, however, have gone for naught, the British artillery and infantry ï¬re rak- NEW RUSSIAN A despatch from London says:â€"â€"- While the rain and the morass have served to hold the allied forces in leash, preventing a resumption of the great offensive of Tuesday, they have not been effective to keeping the Ger- mans from throwing counter-attacks with large forces of men against sev- eral newly won sectors of the front held by the British and French troops nor in bringing about a cessation of the violent artillery duel along the en- tire line. The most part of the day was spent by the British and French troops in consolidating positions won in Tues- day’s spectacular drive or in putting down strong German counter-attacks, made in endeavors to wrest from their antagonists their former positions, At two points near Ypres the Get- mans, using great masses of men, were Successful in their counterâ€"at- tacks against the British, compelling the evacuation of Haig’s troops of the village of St. Julien, but this advant- age was offset in the Zillebeke and Yser Canal sectors, where, respective- A despatch from London says:â€" A torrential rainfall and the resultant turning of the battleï¬eldâ€"already hard of negotiation at many pointsâ€" into a veritable quagmire retarded, but failed to halt, during Wednesday the great allied offensive against the Germans in Flanders. GERMAN COUNT [ERâ€"ATTACKS EVERY- WHERE REPULSED BY BRE’E‘ESfl Heavy Rains Stay Offensiveâ€"Enemy Forces Move Headquarters Further East. GENERAL KORNHLQFF GWEN CHEEF COMMAND 0F RU§S§AN ARfï¬EES ALLIED OFFENSWE CflNTlNEJES ON THE WES’EERN FRQNT British and French Successes in Yser Canal Sectorâ€"Germans Take St. Julien. Drive Germans OFFENSIVE >ldiers in the war that disobedience From Africa. er-ir onâ€" A despatch from London says: The trade unions have taken up the ques~ tion of soldiers’ pay, which is now miserable compared with that of the Australians and Canadians. At a meeting of 60 members of Parliament lit was urged that it be ï¬xed at 35. ldaily. Lord Beresford declared that lthe pay of the navy had not been rais- led in 60 years. The sailors are in- !cluded in the movement. A powerful [committee has been appointed. conference at headquarters recently, and virtually sent an ultimatum to Premier and War Minister Kerensky that unless the army was ‘kept outside of polLtics and treated merely as a ï¬rst war machine they would resign as being unable to carry on the war Victoriously. The correspondent be- lieves the ultimatum will be accepted. w uld mean instant execution. He for ade any of the soldiers’ commit- tees from assembling to discuss this order. “The accomplishment of the French troops,†continues the correspondent, “evoked the greatest admiration. They threw twenty-nine bridges across the Yser, pushed on, and repeatedly made deep advances.†TO INCREASE THE PAY OF BRITISH SOLDIERS. The bridging work was prodigious. One division alone, in the course of a single day, succeeded under ï¬re in throwing seventeen bridges on its front. ' A despatch from London sayszâ€"A Reuter despatch from British Headâ€" quarters in France, after describing the victorious advance of the British, says that the Yser was crossed in many places.. ' There is no indication in either the British or French official communica- tions just when their combined push again will be started, but it is possible that at least a day of warm sunshine will 'be necessary to dissipate the quagmire so that the big allied guns may be realigned and to permit the airmen to relocate the positions the foe is holding. Reports coming from Holland de- clare that the Germans are moving their headquarters further east, which bears out earlier stories that the Kaiser’s generals feared their lines might be broken and the forces in Belgium isolated. FRENCH BUILD 29 ing the advancing forces mercilessly, putting an end to the attacks and adding materially to the already heavy casualties the Germans have suffered. The battleï¬eld is said‘ to be literally strewn with German dead. “The oil shells referred to by cor- respondents at the front are the latest 'new weapon," says an ordnance man in the Evening Standard. “They are ‘the necessary reprisal forced by the 1diabolical inventions of the German oi] idrums or canisters. They are con- structed in the form of shells, the casings of which are so thin that they burst easily after explosion, the small charge within scattering the flaming contents. They are ï¬red from trench mortars. They are an effective reply to the flamenwerfer of the Germans, which are merely tanks carried on soldiers’ backs and worked by a hand pump \"ith ï¬re nozzle attachment.†The newest tanks have heavier guns, says the Standard, and the re- coil often tosses the huge machines literally about. The crews are now trained to avoid tank sickness, and it is necessary to get “tank legs.†ly, the British and French troops ad- vanced their lines. OODS ian sen appointed .in Petrograd ‘silkovski, a army commanders had a at headquarters recently, 11y sent an ultimatum to BRIDGES UNDER FIRE OSS command Re- Montreal. Aug‘ \Vestern. No. 2. 85 tra No. 1 feed. Malting. 51.26. F] wheat patents. ï¬r: $12.50; strong ba $6.1 Beansâ€"Prime white, $9.60 per bush: imported. handâ€"picked. $10.50 per bush.; Limas, per 1b.. 18 to 19c. Potatoes. on trackâ€"Red Star. new. bb1.. $5.00 to $5.25: North Carolinas. Egg?) bbl., $5.00 to $5.25; seconds. bbl.. Dressed poultryâ€"Spring chickens. 306; fowl. 300: squabs. per (102.. $4 to $4.50: turkeys. 25 to 30¢; ducks. spring. 20c, Live poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 1b., 20c; hens, 16 to 18¢; ducks, Spring. 130. Honey Combâ€"Extra. ï¬ne and heavy weight. per (102., $2.75; select. $2.50 to $2.75; No. 2. $2 to $2.25. Beansâ€"Prime white, $9.60 per bush.: Imported. hand-picked. $10.50 per bush.; Limas, per 1b., 18 to 19c. Potatoes. on trackâ€"Red Star. new. bb1.. 7315.007 to $5.25: North Carolinas. Egésâ€"New-lald. In cartons, 44 to ouj of cartons. 42c. - large, 300; twins. 30:0; triplets. 303 Butterâ€"Fresh dairy, choice. 34 to creggnery prints. 38 to 390; solids, to c. Cheefls're~New. iaang-‘ef 22; to 230: twins. 229 to 231c; triplets, 23 to 23%: old, laggezl300;‘_tw1_ns,_ 3’0ic; rtripletis. 3059. Haiâ€"Ektra No. 2, per ton. $11 $12.00: mixed. per ton. $9 to $10, Toronto. “Strawâ€"Car lots. per ton. $8.00. Strawâ€"Car lots. per Toronto. Country Produceâ€"Wholesale Butterâ€"Creamery. solids. per 1b.. 34; to 350; prints. per 113., 35 to 35km dairy. per 1b.. 29 to 300. Eggsâ€"Per doz.. 37 to 3,86: VVhoIesalers are selling to the retail trqge at th_e_ follpwlng prices :â€" Breadstufl‘s Toronto, Aug. 7â€"Manitoba wheatâ€" No. 1 Northern. $2.38; No. 2 Northern. $2.85. nominal. store Fort William. Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 C.VV.. 85c, track Bay ports. American cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, nomi- nal. track Toronto. Ontario oatsâ€"No official quotations. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 Winter. per car lot. $2.55 to $2.60; No. 3. $2.53 to $2.58, nominal, according to freights outside. Peasâ€"No. 2, nominal, according to freights outside. Barleyâ€"Maltlng, nominal. according to freights outside. Ryeâ€"No. 2. nominal. according to freights outside. Manitoba flourâ€"First patents, in jute bags, $12.90; second patents. in jute bags, $12.40; strong bakers'. in jute bags. $12.00. Ontario flourâ€"\Vinter. according to sample, $11.20, in bags. track. Toronto. prompt shipment. ' M11‘1feéa'4‘c3'air‘i‘ots, delivered Montreal freights. bags includedâ€"Bran, per ton. $35; shorts, per ton. $41; middlings. per ton, $44 to 545; good feed flour. per bag, $3.25. Markets of the World wealth and extensive business in- terests, who has refused to accept any remuneration whatever for his services as General Manager of the Canadian National Exhibition, pre- ferring to serve the public free of charge. He is President of the To- ronto Board of Trade and has been on the Exhibition Board since 1905. always showing a close interest in the work. He was President‘in 1912- 13, the two best years in the history of the institution. Mr. Kent is head of the Boy Scouts in Toronto and is identiï¬ed with many philanthropic enterprises. Long and continued ill- ness has compelled Dr. Orr, Manager since 1903. to seek a long rest. DECLINE!) $7,500 SALARY TO SERVE PUBLIC FREE MR. JOHN G. KENT. a, man of nipeg‘ :real. Aug. 7â€"0atsâ€"Canadlan ~n. No. 2. 85¢; do.. No. 3. 84c: ex- ‘. 1 feed. 83 to 84¢. Barleyâ€" ;. $1.26. Flourâ€"Manitoba Spring patents, ï¬rsts. $13: do.. seconds. strong bakers’. $12.30; \Vinter :. choice. $13; straight rollers. to $12.55; (10.. in bags. 56 to Rolled oatsâ€"Barrels. $9.15 to bag of 90 lbs. $4.45 to $4.56. dâ€"Bran. $35: shorts. $40; mid- $50; mouillle. $60 to $61. Hayâ€" per ton. car lots, $10 ta $10.50. Montreal Markets Winnipeg \V Choicesit cream; ; asac. Eggsâ€" bacon. to 26( 26 to 26k to Mem- half Po ta- 50 to track track 45c the range of the artillery. , The at- tacks must be patient and methodical. In this way we can gain ground and ers was to determine another objecâ€" tive, and then, after the customary process of preparation, tc‘ proceed similarly to achieve it. “In cases of this kind,†said the Director of Military Operations, “the objective line depends mainly upon the range of the artiHm-v The at- A despatch from Londori says:â€" Majorâ€"General Maurice, of the War Office, on Thursday said that the Bri- tish commander's next move in Flandâ€" GEN. HAEQ WQRKS ACCGRBHNQ T0 SYSTEM USED AT YPRES A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" The Canadian Northern Railway Sys- tem, including its branch lines, ter- minals, telegraph and express ser- vices, grain elevators, steamship lines on the Great Lakes and other subâ€" sidiary undertakings, will be acquir- ed by the Government on behalf of the Canadian people. Further, the Govâ€" ernment will lend to the G. T. P. Rail- way Company $7,500,000, repayable on demand with interest 6 per cent, and secured by a mortgage on the corpor- ation’s assets. The railway proposals in brief : Purchase of the outstanding $60,- 000,000 stock of the Canadian North- ern Railway, giving the Government complete ownership of the C.N.R. system and all subsidiary enterprises. Appointment of three arbitrators to Idetermine the val quired, subject to .Supreme Court by ,‘ment or the owm stock in the even arbitrators to re determination. Canadian North corporate identity administration 11 directors named b At least ï¬ve-Sim ing shares to be tr ment. Governmei to compel the tran ing shares. Demand loan of {cent., secured by .made to the GT? ment to take p0“ board of directors. A despatch from Ottawa says :â€" Legislation to require that all pack- ages containing human food or other commodities sold in original contain- ers must bear the name of the ï¬llers and the weight or measure of the con- tents was introduced in the House on Thursday by Sir George Foster. The resolution upon which the bill is based was passed without amendment after a short discussion. WEIGHT TO BE GIVEN [Preparations are under way to call out the classes of 1916 3nd 1917, ag- gregating 60,000 men. The Greek Government is highly gratiï¬ed at the result as showing the allies are recog- nizing the territorial integrity of Greece. A despatch from Athens says:â€" Withdrawal of the allied forces from Old Greece, Thessaly and Epirus in accordance with the decision of the Balkan conference at Paris is being rapidly carried out. The withdrawal from Corinth and other occupied points was previously executed. The Italians are similarly preparing to leave Janina and other sections of Piraeus, retaining only a small tri- angle‘ near Avlona, in Albania. The unanimity of the allied action is a sourCe of satisfaction, as the Italian aspiration desired/a wider ï¬eld, but yielded in the interest of the united action to withdraw all and leave Greece to the Greeks. WVERRMEM‘ T9 NATEQNALEZE CANADHAN NORTEEERN MELWAY AHMED EERCES LEAVE GREECE French and British Troops Have All Been Withdrawn. No Canadian Troops Participated in Big Battle of Flandersâ€" English Troops Did Most of Fighting. to $7.00; butchers‘ good. $7. to $6.75: Will bar closed $2.95 to S: Cornâ€"No. chhnï¬Ã©d. V Braï¬â€˜ Duluth. Aug. tember. October Montreal. Aug. 7â€"Cholce steers. $10.50 $10.75; good, $10 to $10025: lower axles. $8.50 to $9.50; butchers' cows. to $8; bulls. $6.50 to $8.50; canners. 50 to $6; lambs. $13 to $13.50; sheep, 50 to $8.50; calves. $7 to $12. Also Make a Cash Advance of $7,500,000 to Grand Trunk Paciï¬c. whife. Bran cows. ch 5 to $71 stockers to $8.75; Live Stock Markets $2.18. Cash ,00; N0. 2. ( yellow 0N FOOD PACKAGES. $9.00; (10.. (10.. medium ugh bulls. $5. Choice. $8 to 7.60: do‘ me 76 to 50 to $36.00. inseedâ€"33.28: 5 November, $3.30 do 23 to 2.?»0‘ ‘(d 3121963 $2.25. Oats 1 North_er_‘r_l F‘lour un- Sep- Idetermine the value of ‘he stock ac- Quired, subject to an anneal to the ;Supl‘eme Court by eitherthe Govern- ]ment or the owners or pledgees 01 stock in the event of failure by the arbitrators to reach an unanimous determination. “In this week's battle we coâ€"operat- ed with the French. There were about six times as many British troops as French soldiers. Of the British, foui'Jifths were purely Eng- “Sh, an'd one-ï¬fth Anzac (Austra- lians and New Zealanders), Welsh and Scotchs No Irish or Canadian troops participï¬ed . " inflict heavy losses on the enemy with- out heavy Iosses to ourseIVes. That is the System used at Arms and at MessineS, and the one now being used in Flanders. Demand loan of $7,500,000‘at 6 pm cent., secured by mortgage, to be made to the G.T.P. Railway. Govern- ment to take power to constitute a At least ï¬ve-sixths of the outstandâ€" ing Shares to be transferrec by agree- ment. Government to takc the right to compel the transfer of ï¬n remain- ing sharés. Canadian Northern to retain its corporate identity with opiration and administration under a. bowl of directors named by the Government. B to serve tie threshers with 50m;â€" ‘ongly acid fruit,â€"â€"p1ums or Chen,“ are good. 'lhe juice cuts the dqs'ba ' is sure to loige in the work- ez'sh'mdu’ats. ' The committe, appointed to inter- view President (reelman in reference to the future of the school, reported that they had ban received with the utmost cordiality md sympathy. Dr. Creelman made sme helpful sugges- tions as to the tine of holding the school and other yatters. This has encouraged the real leaders to be- lieve that the futurl 9f the school as a permanent institutiqi is well assured. Mum RURAL J LIFE MOVEMENT A po 1: library, for furnishing material hd other facts, was urged on the 0.A . authorities and the lead- ers went‘ record as declaring that a more pe anent linking up of the rural co munity leaders with the col- lege, as 1} an annual convention, will still fu er. extend -the influence of the calls and result in greater good. The Ont ï¬o Government were urged to follo (the example of the Saskat- chewan Garernment in the engage- ment of an educational specialist to make a general survey of the province, with a view (f increasing the eï¬â€˜iciency‘ of the school system. ‘ At the alternoon session of the school for rural leadership, Mr. Tom- linson gave apractical demonstration of tree planthg‘, after which Mr. A. H. MacLennan lecturer in vegetable gardening, presented that subject in a most intereting and informative way, illustratirg his remarks by an, excellent series #3 lantern slides. School For Rural Leadership At O.AC. Has Successful Session. A desp2tch from Guelph says:â€" The delegates who are attending the summer s5hool for rural leadership are so delirhted at the progress made that befq-e dispersing they have organized ;0 that the work can be car- ried on belWeen the yearly gatherings. It was felt that only by the efforts of an organimtion could the problems of rural leacbrship be effectively dealt with and '11 an inprviev; with Com- missioner 3. 0. Creelman, he gave this every enCouragement and promise of assistande The object of the associa- tion is the promotion of the highest interests cf rural community life, re- ligious, elucational, social, physical and economic. Officers elected werezâ€"President, G, N. Simmons, Springï¬eld; Viceâ€" President, H. W. Foley, Brooklin; Secretary Treasurer, A. MacLaren, Guelph; fJxecutive Committee, W. F. Carpenteu,‘ Horning’s Mills; N. S. Campbell. Inwood; Miss Stover, Queensto}; Mrs. W. J. Booth, Hornby. :Jl’L]