Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Aug 1917, p. 3

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A thrillingly interesting man is Colonel Dennis. He is the most ver- satile individual I have ever met. If Captain Kenney is credited with be. ing a bit of a bearcat on the science of recruiting. But he was immensely impressed with the policies and ideas expressed by the distinguished Cana- dian man of war. Colonel Dennis says that the’re are 157,000 Canadians in Chica'go. Cal- gary, with a total population of 60,000, sent 16,000 soldiers to the front. What then might Chicago yield ? There are about 350,000 British sub- jects here, and some sixty-five St. George and Maple Leaf societies. There is no shortage of material here- about for the British recruiting mis- sion. Colonel Dennis and Captain Kenney joined in plans. What they want is men to send to the front. Neither has any choice as to whether the men go in Canadian kilts or American khakis. At every one of the dozens of scat- tered stations under Captain Kenney's command volunteers of Canadian citizenship were taken for the expedi- tionary forces of the Dominion; at every,headquarters over which Colonel Dennis has control volunteers of American allegiance were taken for our own National Army. I said neither. But I held my breath, for it was an impressive mo- ment, the formal enactment in Chi- cago of immortal history; the physi- cal unlon of the fighting strength of two great nations. And the spirit of patriotic coâ€"operation in the common cause of justice sanctified the alli- ance. You wouldn't exactly call it hands across the sea, because Canada is only across a lake; but Canada is part of England, which is a long way from South State Street, says a Chicago writer. Anyway, what I’m driving at is this : Lieutenant Colonel J. S. Dennis, of- ficer commanding the western division of the British Recruiting Mission, recently clasped hands with Captain F. R. Kenney, officer com- manding the recruiting district of Northern Illinois for the United States army. When two belligerent parties shake hands there are only two things which the referee or third party can sayâ€" either “Take your corners” or “Bless you, my children." I said neither. But I held my breath, for it was an impressive mo- ment, the formal enactment in Chi- 'make life miserable for others. German U-boat along; with other evil things. ...._ ..._. MAKE Yâ€"OUâ€"ltSELF STRONG strong constitutions the minor ills that Don’t you envy the friend who does not know what a headache is, whose di- with most of People escape gestion is perfect, and who sleeps soundly at night ? How far do you come from this description? Have you ever made an earnest effort to streiigthen your constitution, to build up your system to ward off dis- comfort and disease? Unless you have an organic disease it is general- ly possible to so improve your physi- cal condition that perfect health will be yours. The first thing to be done‘ is to build up your blood as poor The Physical Union of the. Fighting Strength of Two Nations. to learn real food values? It is what you digest, not what you eat, that furnishes strength for the day’s work. Many foods tax the digestive powers to the utmost with- out supplying much real nutriment. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is all food and in a form that is easily digested. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat. For break- fast, dinner or supper it takes the place of meat, eggs and potatoes. You don’t know how easily you can do without meat or potatoes until you try it. Delicious with sliced bananas, berries, at other fruits, and milk. Made in Canada. Why Wait for War “There's a Reason‘ HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER Every table should have its daily ration of Crap e-Nuts. A crisp. delicious food, containing .the entire nutriment of whole wheat and barley. including the vital mineral elements, so richly rovicled by Nature in tEese grains. should endâ€"as well as begin â€"with a perfect food, sayâ€" Grape-Nuis A Perfect Day with cream. [Ward's Liniment Glues Colds. Etc 'Men as Well Fed as Ever, But Saving Amounts to 15 Per Cent. The British army in the field is con- ‘suming about 15 per cent. less of food- lstuffs per capita than it did eighteen {months ago. The private soldier takes more kind- ly to the don’t-waste-food campaign than was expected, for at heart the British Tommy has an aversion to see- ing good food going into the waste box â€"he never did it at home, and it looks like bad business to be doing it in The British soldier is still the best- fed soldier in Europe, but the supply departmens are gradually rescuing him from the stigma of being at the same time the most wasteful. Stocks of meat and bread are closely watch- ed, and unused allowances must be held over and added to the store for the next meal or the next day. This is not due to any studied dimi- nution of rations, but to a more care‘ ful distribution and the prevention of waste. It is very easy for a generous commissariat to supply an army with more than it can use. In_ the early days of the war this practice of gen- erosity was well-nigh universal, be- cause it was regarded as wiser to pro- vide too much than too liitle, and the reaching of the exact mean is not a. simple matter. The policy of over- supply was well enough when food- stuffs were fairly plentiful, but nowa- days, when the result of the war may depend upon the solution of food pro- blems, nothing is being left undone to prevent waste. People with strong constitutions escape most of the minor ills that make life miserable for others. Don’t is to build up your blood as poor blood is the source of physical weak- ness. To build up the blood Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills is just the medicine you need. Every dose helps to make new blood which reaches every nerve and every part of the body, bringing color to the cheeks, bright- ness tb the eyes, a steadiness to the hands, a good appetite and splendid energy. Thousands throughout the country whose condition once made them despair, o'we their present good health to this medicine. If you are one of~the weak and ailing give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a fair trial and note the daily gain in new health and abounding vitality. You can get these pills thrbugh any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Chinese Ships Carry Copious Supply of aFirecrackers to Scare Them. When a Chinese crew sets sail these days, says the New York Times, it al- ways takes along a lot of firecrackers. The Chinese is superstitious. He has always believed that the exploding of a firecracker was the most efficacious method of putting evil spirits to fight. Now that the U-boat is a danger to ships, the Chinese sailors take with them on voyages great strings of fire- crackers, which they explode in the danger zones to frighten away the German U-boat along with other evil things. rauce lone were suddenly to inquire in Ot- ltawa. “Who is Dennis?” one might get back the typically British answer, “\Vho is he not '3” For years he was assistant to the president of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, Lord Sliaughnessy. He has fought Indians, is a veteran with honors of the South African expedi- tion, has engineered road building where Indians had to be killed as re gularly as ties had to be laid in the progress; but he is moreâ€"he is a dilettante journalist, a devotee of art, a snappy after-dinner talker, an oc- casional enthusiastic Broadwayite. a raconteur of modest but fascinating personality. Robust and mighty of stature, he rings with military melody all over. BRITISH ARMY SAVING FOOD. TO FRIGHTEN SUBMARINES Jmmer afile ' evap< 'arietie higher ? BABY’S GREAT *DXNEEEâ€" DURING HOT WEATHER An Australian claims to have discov- ered a new rapid tanning process with which sole leather can be tanned in seven days, cailfskins in six hours and other skins proportionater quickly. The season of the fly pests which make life miserable for stock during the summer is on; horse flies, deer flies, bot flies, horn flies, stable flies and many others unite to cause a large part of the annual decrease in the milk flow during the hot season. Montreal, May 29, ’09 Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen,â€"â€"I beg to let you know that I have used MINARD’S LINI- MENT for some time, and I find it the best I have ever 11 ed for the joints and muscles. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. HOGAN. The Champion Clog and Pedes- tal Dancer of Canada. “We have had a fair and made $20. We are sending it to you. Please give it to the fire sufferers. Yours truly, etc. P.S‘.â€"We hope the suffering is not all over.” They Meant Well. Not long after a fire in a town near London, some children in the city held a charity fair, by which $20 was realiz- ed. This sum they forwarded to the rector of the church in the town where‘ the fire had occurred, since he had taken a prominent part in the relief work. The letter read as follows: Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. Fruit-bearing Wood. Efficient pruning of Q‘uit trees is closely connected with a correct knowl- edge of the point at which the fruit is borne. Fruit of apple, pear and quince is usually borne on spurs on two-year- old wood and older. Plum, same as with apples, pears and quince; oc- casionally some fruit is borne on two- year-old wood. Cherry, mostly on one- yearâ€"old wood. Peach, one-year 01d. Grape, raspberry, blackberry and dewâ€" berry, on current season’s shoots pro- duced on one-year-old vines or canes. Currants and gooseberries, on two- yearâ€"old wood and older. The C.N.R. has made exceptional arrangements for handling the Farm Laborers traffic, and is introducing lunch counter cars, which will permit Excursionists to be comfortably fed in transitâ€"a welcome relief from the jostling and vexatious delays of sta- tion-lunch counter service. Special through trains will be run from Mont- real, Ottawa and Toronto to Winnipeg on excursion dates, to be announced shortly. The equipment will consist of electric‘lighted colonist cars and lunch-counter cars, together with special accommodation for women. 'All particulars from nearest C.N.R. Agent, or General Passenger Depts., Toronto, Ont, and Montreal, Que. lets should always be where there are youn occasional dose oft prevent stomach and or if the trouble com prompt use of the T: the baby. The Tabl medicine dealers or The best way to the Harvest F of Western Canada is by the Can: Northern Railway. whose lines 1 the newest and most productive tricts of Alberta, Saskatchewan Manitoba. These ~run for the part to the northward, where e) ence has shown that crops are variable, which means a consequ steady demand for labor and cc pondingly high average wages. Medicin 'More little one weather than at the year. D: cholera infantum HARVESTERS READ THIS a box from 11a 00., Bro y, whose lines 5 most productive Saskatchewan Le ~run for the : xost productive dis- I cal a Saskatchewan and tage‘ ~run for the most ment vard, where experi- fence lat crops are least and (9' ans a consequently chick, ‘ labor and corres- ISSUE 32â€"'17. suddenly the ets will cure are sold by )r 1g the hot 2' time of dysentery, ach troub- and when Williams Fields adian dis He says that a few drops of called freezone, applied direct]: a tender, aching corn, instan lieves soreness, and soon the corn, root and all, lifts right out In many instancesâ€"Persons have suffered untold agony for years doctor- ing for nervous weakness, stomach, liver or kidney disease or some other ailment when their real trouble was lack of iron in the bloodâ€"How to tell. New York, N.Y.â€"-In a recent discourse Dr. Saupyua. Boston physician who has studied WI in great E said: “If A small bottle of freezone obi at any drug store will cost very but will positively remove every or soft corn or callus from one’s If your druggist new drug yet, tell bottle of freezon wholesale druz h0‘ This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding tissue. Let folks step on your feet here- after; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, acpording to this Cincinnati authority. ducal Stninl. Pninlul. Kuoncgi. Swollen Veinrs‘ Concen- trated‘only a few drop: required :tan appUcation. Price ‘1 per bum: n dcalcrs or delivered. Boater says Nuxated ~29km) [acrease Strength of Delicate People 100% in ‘Ten Days Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles; Lymphangitis. Poll Evil. Fistula; Boils. Swellings; Stops Lameness‘ and allays pain. Heals Sores. Cuts. Bruises. Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE AHTISEPTIG All!) GEBMlBlDE Does not blister or remove the haxrand horse can be workcd. Pleasant to use. 82.00 a bottle, delivered.‘Descrihc your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. @BSQRABINEV. JR.. Inllseptic llnimcm (or manklnd. rc- W. F‘ YOUNG. P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg, Montreal‘ Dan. ibsorblue Ind Absorbiae. Jr.. He made in Canada. â€"oâ€"-o LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS] ETC.. internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. VVrlte us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medlcal Co” leltell. (‘nlllhzwonrl Ontl ‘ ment walks, edg fence posts, wate and even buildings chicken houses an( A child’s bed should slope a little from the head to the foot, so that the head may be a little higher than the feet, but never bend the neck to get the head on a pillow. This makes the child round shouldered, cramps the veins and arteries. Mlnard’a lement Fresh blows the breeze through hem- lock trees, The fields are edged with green be- low; And naught but youth and hope and love We know or care to know. uld pr How to loosen a tender corn callus so it lifts out without pain. “ OTTO HIG’EL" PIANO ACTION Any one with the . ability can use re around the far: Care for Them. You Cannot Buy Nail Eyeét Bold at. Drug and Opacnl Stores or by Mon. 4:: Ilurlne Eye Remedy 00.. Chlcaao. :0: Fr» Boo-t Two Eyos for a UN!” Murlno Is {or Tlrod Bren. ' s 3"“ fiymsmu 1' “ ~ ‘rnnu a 9 ya} 5. enu â€"Refros.hos-â€"Besto ran. 5% G V E e s Murluoieai‘uvomo'rreae- mom for ayes that too! dry and smarL Give yourfl as as much or yonnovlng euro as your Teeth an with the same rogulamy. When buying your Piano insist on having an )ably lngly U“ freezone for yau from his drug house. ‘ 1g store will cost very little asitively remove every hard 'n or callus from one’s foot. druggist hasn’t stocked this yet, tell him to get a small Making Child's Bed. )ll MISCELLANEOUS edging eugmg‘, steps, seats, rater troughs, floors ‘gs can be made; barns, and so on. 3-1 of freezone obtained pplied directly upon corn, instantly re- and soon the entire or how far Cures Diphtheria. ecent disco 'sician whc is country 211 institut lake an a( a drug the an’t I could not stand it any longer. It was all in my lower organs. At times I could hardly walk, for if I stepped on a little stone I would almost faint. One f sent for and the doc- y: tor came. I was ta- " ' » '“ ken to the hospital and stayed four weeks but when I came home I would faint just the same and had the same pains. walk wit} two five nuxated 1‘ meals fox str; as I was my advice is to stop in the first drugâ€"store and get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound before you go home.” â€"â€"Mrs. W. C. BROWN, 2844 W. 12th St, Cleveland, Ohio. A friend who is a nurse asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham ‘5 Vegetable Com- pound. I began taking it that very day for I was suffering a great deal. It has already done me more good than the hospital. To anyone Who is suffering Cleveland, Ohio.â€"“For years I sufJ fered so sometimes if. seemed as though HER WEEKS €35 EWITAL Minatd’a {Llnlment Cures Garza: in Cowl Send Order. where. Assist in the work of preventing ac- cidents for your own sake and for the good of our country at large. Traveling machine-shops, carried on motor trucks, are being used in Eng- land to repair automobiles broken down on country roads. If you use Cuticura Soap for every-day toilet purposes, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first pimples, red- ness, roughness or scalp irritation, on will have as clear a complexion an as good hair as it is possible to have. Addrm post-card: “Cuticurn. Der . N. Boston; U. s. A." Sold throughout. the wor d. Treasures of Hair and Skin Preserved by Cuticura o Reliefâ€"Mrs. Broim F in- ally Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s‘ Vegetable Compound. Sample Each Free by Mail the tw by all good Dominion Express Money They are payable every- MONEY ORDERS ming tablet e tlm¢ alr Ir 1m

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