EEEHEFEI l DELIGHTFULLY The Secret of Successful i B akmg i is attributed, by mme iL'OHZNI, [0 the use of Eggfl, Delightfully satisfying and al- i ways the same, you will find it your best bake-day help. If you do not like Egg-o better than baking powder you have ' SWEET MILK ' ‘ been using, return it and get your , soup "'LKOR WATER money back. . - - . a ‘ 1v t A It IS not as expenSive as standard baking powdeis, as it takes lcss AV 3: USED WITH Egg-o to do the same work. 25c buys a 12-02 tin. Try one now. G. A. McDonald & Son ‘ “He Pro/its Most ll’ho Serves Best" Richmond Hill Annex For Sale on Easy Terms Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmcnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. FURTHER INFORMATION \VRITE OR SEE J. T. LOCKE St CO, 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto FOR C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill % {9:32 . AVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before ’f’ï¬â€œ o U l. x. 4 A and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"n0 trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in {-24 people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and ,.-‘9f we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book, take it home and look them over, and all the family will be egg pleased to have said‘they helped to select , this a er. . . . . . . p P P. G. Savage & Son Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance 3173; How About Your Screens ? l O 0 Fly Time IS Here! Don’t wait until the flies havez'gathered in the house, but prepare for them now with screen doors and window screens. We have a ï¬ne range of both. Doors are of selected pineâ€"well dried before being made-up. They are put together with large hardwood dowels and glued joints; the face is nicely moulded, wire cloth is put in with a key in such a. way as to draw it tight and conceal the rough edges. Prices range from $1.35 up, complete with all trimmings. l l Window Screensâ€"adjustableâ€"of good quality from 25c to 40c. also Screen Wire in widths from 18 to 42 inches. Call now and get yours. Richmond Hill lia'dware Cr. Norman Batty Phone is RICHMoXD HILL 0NT.. Ai‘o. it. 1917i 7 __ r 7 7“ l Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop .\.\'l) \'.\I‘t&ll.\\' S'rs. Fall Term from Aug. 27th ~ 152L222ng l-‘ACTS l'ltlFl-iN'l‘l’D loth the Daily (iloln- and the Daily World yesterilayliad editori- 2ll< bearing on \‘crcreal diseases. their . (Vin. YnanC l'lltiXl-Z NH. 3t [tl‘t‘\'.‘ll(‘llk“.'IllltlilH‘il‘ peril. l’i‘obu- r H k. I _ llt i'cfci‘ciicc \\':l‘ l :i - ) ~' - s '» "XJWH ".n †'lâ€â€œ "1.â€."""' .“" .. lg. _ .' a “UL h “'1? ‘Um'll‘ paiis. High-class \ult'iiii/iiit: \\llll Yongt' .tiiil (‘hailt-s Six, llllttllll“ 0‘ '1' mt 3“ †“Yd-‘- H‘l‘wro‘] L†".‘i “no: l1t)lll|lt'-lll‘llll lllt' stitching \\'ttll\. ls llltilll'\ll|tllill|l_\' l'lll‘\1.lll1' ('.ii|» :lt!:|‘\ lnwi ("'llllllt‘l 'i:il st lll‘l‘l‘. ll llt‘ tlt-ni Illll t l iiit 1,1: tilii tics l\ i:.i l||'- }|lllll viii supply. l’ii inpt :issisl met- 1., 3.1 positions is £|~~llltll all i t t llll .-\ lule ‘lllt’lx ()1ll‘.lll\ ulna)": llll Iiiiiiil: also all killtl\ sist ill- lil‘t's‘ 'iiiil Ill't‘l'\‘\(llit'\, l“l|'t‘ .iii swiâ€" vii-e supplied llt‘lt‘. so “by Limk of the writers. "the pestilence that1 walkotli in (lai‘kiicssf'at this particU iilar time, because only the My lic- lom: tiliiooi‘s‘ ‘i'i-prim-ililtlg Medical: y, m- [AH-1‘- Iumiping lill'\ by Ii iiitl. ‘ i I I I Health and Military Service met in . , i \lllilt'lil\ \\llt' l't‘l om.- Halon-ii iii. '1‘ i' " (r' v z ‘ . II‘X',“‘]‘1"" “"1"†.‘"'l" -\f~'““".“3 ‘1 " \\ llll‘ iii-ilav lIil l‘lil llilldl‘l lilt‘ iioiiio a Hindi) of it]! ii and “omen “pmâ€. Pugh“. “wk. “0mm ,mh “ml WM h “mm†m“ EMU“ it'liiw Ii'i‘litigt‘il: liii‘_\'i’ll‘\ lt'jlllll'tl. m tip.“~ L. Curtis representingr the eitiZt-iiship of (‘anâ€"; aila. and laid lit-fore them facts that i cannot (lisptitctl. The ciliicrs demanded that “all theagenciesdcd- limited to toe service of the Nation \\'. .l. lil.l.l(l'l"l~ - - l’lll.\’( ll’.\l. l t(‘. and oftlie. Church Work together to coiiihat an evil dc-iillii-r than smallâ€"i gm “Ts†w‘imfi’x “mt/V’xfl ‘. ' ‘ a" \‘f. / v" “ 'i’ - «"‘vxwwsy “ pox, more destructch than war. and “g d J†k V x N k I \Z sniitiiig without. respect all grades of society, all ages, .‘llltl both sexes." ‘ There. are many plesaiitcr subjects L: glit. hits and Beetles to write abigut and read about, but <~ when we are iiifoi‘iiicd by the, high ‘ ‘ > . . cg ) r' - ‘ , ) s L r . 1 est aii'.lioiit:es that in one. year in one % I a“ 1†GICC†I’IUC‘K‘H‘IL military district tit‘tceii hundred niil-r s †' ~ ‘ ' r 2 S at <‘ Jetttl lit,‘ll(.‘tit‘l'(‘. ital‘y men have been under trcat- \r C†C A I ) . . 7‘ . j / s . c ». iitnt foi ltt‘llt‘lt'nl diseases, in (lllt _ V Bordeaux Mlxtm-(i bit): blmt hospital, it seems folly to close our, ’('_\'OS to the fact. 1 Cooper's Fungicith Insect l‘owdei' Many men and women Would like’ ‘5‘ ‘ e to believe that the reports that coiizet [/3 12W- I‘ltc- 5?: from the military camps in l‘lllglitlltl. ‘ -\ ’ . . licariiigon social evil are. enlarged.‘ 'i\ \f V l"“"“' “WNW? l“"~'"" “'“m ‘1 We hopetiiey me. But it is dangerousi (€2,- aiid mischievous for our newspapers, » ‘ _ '_ , _ . v v’) our public men and our ministers Sloali 3 Drug Siorc to pretend that the evil does not, , ,, E exist, Richmond Hil: s3 â€"-â€"-â€"â€" i c) ‘3 , , ._ _\. . ' . as mars/am A376 (‘5' (9&6)st x/V‘Vs‘WVV we; rust:- @sw iiELP! MAPLE rlll‘ Salibiitli School of St. Stephen’s cliuii'h lit-id a pit‘liltt on Mr. Sniith'sl lawn Saturday afternoon. Mr. I. \Viiltcr McDonald of Mach-0d is home on a visit to his father. \\ ho I has been conï¬ned to bed. . ( I . I .g ,i ‘ i V'i:...“Munititii. ti: :3. M 30 RE R5 WANTED Mr. \Vin. 0. drawing the Silver last Saturday. .tld succeeded in Test Sen ice. A taiantula inches. was found under the in Mr. Bailey‘s store, and is now on exhibitipn in a glass jar. Seldom does a species of spider glow so largo. FOR THE WESTERN HARVEST $12.00 T0 WlNNlPEG l’lus Half :1 Cent per )lile Beyond Return Half a Cent, [er Mile to Winnipeg plus SHUO SPECIAL THROUGH TRAINS THE BEST OF lilltlfll’MENT AND LUNCH COUNTER CARS Special Aceoniniiiilation for \Voineii measuring about five t'oiiiitci' McDon- Winn/i Opens Tuesday. July 3, in Shu\\"s Business Schools, Toronto. The work merges into Autumn Term i from Sept. 4, without any break. (,‘onrscs fully deSCrilicd in new catalogue. \Vl‘lle for it. \V. H. Shaw. Pies, Yonge and Gcrraid u u . . . o n . n All Particulars from C N,lt. Agents or General Passenger Departments, Montreal, Que, and Toronto. Ont. The Liberal $1.50 The Liberal was raised to $1.50 per annum on let August. The paper Will be sent to~new sub- scribers from this date to the end of the year for 50 cents. T. F. McMahon, Publisher