“Ay, iha mun asylum," said M l he sink now “No! By God, no!" said Tom, and starting to his feet he walked to the platform and gave his name. Thus Tom became a soldier. “Tha doesn’t say so?†said Tom‘s mother when, that night, he told her what he had done. “Ay, I have." “Then thou’st goin' for a sodger." “Aygy Mrs. Martha Pollard looked at him for a few seconds without speaking. Evidently she found it difficult to ï¬nd Words to express her thoughts. got “Weel thought ed He stood on amidst bre;.thle “Will you we “But if we lose,†continued the speaker, “if the Germans break our lines and come to England, if we are beaten, to whom shall we owe it? Wh) will be responsible? It will be the' shirkers, the cowards! Look, you young men!†he cried passionately; “Thousands and tens of thousands of' our brave fellows are at this time in, the trenches: ï¬ghting, suffering, dy-r ing. What for? For England, for England’s honor, for the safety of her women, for the sacredness of our lives,. for you: whik you, you skulk at home‘ smoking your cigarettes, go to your; places of amusement, and drink your,’ beer. Don’t you realise that you arei playing the coward?†Then the speaker made his last ap-, pea], clear, impassioned, convincing. “What are you going to do, young men ?" he cried. “We don’t want conscripts, but free men who come out‘ cheerfully, willingly, gladly to do their; duty to their King, Country, and God. 1‘ Who will be the first?†i A'great cheer arose from the audi- ence, and Tom scarcely realising what he was doing, shouted and cheered with the rest. “What are you going to do? Let me put it another Way. If we win this war, if the glory of England is maintained, and if she remains as she has always beenâ€" “The home of the brave and free, The land of liberty, ts whom shall we owe it? Who will have been our saviours? It will be the lads who have sacriï¬ced every- thing to do ï¬heir duty.†>88 COC “Yes,†he cried, “if the young men of England hang back, if they fail to love their country, if they care no- thing about the honor or sacredness of womanhood, if they prefer their own ease, their own paltry pleasures, before duty; if they would rather go to cinema shows, or hang around publicâ€"house doors than play the game like Englishmen, this, and in re than this, will take place. The ngland that we own and love will be lost for ever. Liberty will be gone, we shall be a nation in chains, while our wo- men will be the playthings of inhuman devils. That is the problem which every man has to consider. ‘ “By God!†he exclaimed aloud, “I can’t stand this!†His words reached the speaker, who made thermost of them. That meeting marked an era in: Tom’s life. Little by little the speakâ€"‘ er gripped the attention of the audi-ll ence until the interest became intense and almost painful. He described, what he had seen, he gave terrible proofs of the ghastly butchery, andl made it clear to the audience what thei war really meant. He showed that not only was the power of England at[ stake, but the welfare of humanity} trembled in the balance. He relat-x ed authenticated stories of what the' Germans said they would do when they came to England. 'As Tom listâ€"J ened he heard the sound of the advanc-l? ing‘ Huns, saw towns and villages laid waste, saw the women of England de- bauched and outraged, saw the reign, of‘clevilry. 1 When the New Year came a big re- cruiting meeting was announced at the great hall of the Mechanics' In- stitute. It was advertised that a man who had been to Belgium, and had witnessed what had taken place, was to be the chief speaker. At ï¬rst Polly Powell tried to persuade Tom not to go, and Would probably have been successful had there not been a dance that night to which Polly had been invited. Tom, not being a dancer, was not eligible for the oc- casion, so he made his way to the meeting. CHAPTER II.â€"(Cont’d.) As Christmas drew near, Tom be- came more and more uncomfortable, even although the blandishments of Polly Powell grew more powerful. He had attended two recruiting meetings, but they seemed to him half-hearted and unconvicing. He still saw no reason why he should “do his bit.†When he was asked why he didn’t 30m, he mentioned the names of sev- eral young fellows who also held back. “Why should I go,†he would say, “when so-and-so and so-and-so stay at home? They are manufacturers’ sons, and they are no better nor me. Let them enlist as privates, and then I’ll see about it.†tho ‘ht a to tell the platform waiting ass silence. ait until you are forc~ that she chains, thle' our wo- playthings of inhuman is therproblem which au‘n C Polly," 52 sent to I Pollard. said presently, “I w eno’ when thee :ked up wi’ that olly Powell; but 1111 0’ mine would Author of “All for a Sore. of Paper." "Dearer Than Life." etc. ubllshed by Hoddor & Stoughton. Limited. London and Toronto TQM.MY 41‘"! J0 602237700649“ aid Tom. Jancaster ann 'paid, and has announced that 25,000 men will be required to help the farmâ€" ers garner the crops in the territory it serves, The indications are that the [average wages will be around three idollars a day. A further conference ‘between the representatives of the Government. the railways and the farmers is to be held, when further 'details will be brought out. The farming situation in Ontario may not permit of sending as much ‘help as in former seasons, but nothing lshould be left undone on the farms and in the towns to give the western ‘farmers the assistance of which they stand today in urgent need. The Dairy Farmer’s Ten Command- ments. Mr. Charles Christadoro has issued what he calls “Ten Commandments for the Dairy Farmer†as follows: Keep healthy cows. . Select good producers. Use only pure bred bulls. Feed liberally an approved ration. Produce the feed. Keep barn clean and aired. Keep the cows comfortable. Be considerate to the cows. Provide shade and wind protection. Feed and milk regularly. The next morning as Tom was mak- ing his way towards the Town Hall he I met Alice Lister. At ï¬rst he was going to pass her by without notice, but when he saw the look on her face he stopped. She came towards him with outstretched hand. “Tom,†she said, “I’ve heard about last night, and it was splendid of you. I am glad you were the ï¬rst. I am [told that your going up in that way fledmscores of _othegs to go.†THE “IMPERIOUS URGENCY†OF CONSERVING GRAIN YIELD. Survey Conducted by Canadian North- ern Indicates Need of 25,000 Men Along Its Lines. T0 GARNER CROP WEST NEEDS MEN “Have you heard that?†said Tom. “I never thought of it.†“I am sure you will be a good soldier, Tom. We are all proud of you, andâ€"and we shall be thinking abgut ypu, qnd_ praying for your†Tom laughed uneasily. “I thought you had forgotten all about me, Alice,†he said. “Why should you think so?†(To be continued.) “Ay, I have joined the Army.†“Thou’st noan been such a fool?†“I have noan been a fool,†said Tom, “I couldn't help it.†Polly Powell Iboked at him rather angrily, then she said: “If you have done it, what do you want to speak to me about it for?†“I shall be off to-morrow,†replied *Tom. “The recruiting officer told me :I must report Lt the Town Hall to- lmorrow morning at ten o’clock." I “Where will you go ‘1" she asked. “I don’t know," said Tom. “Well, what are you waiting for?" “I thought,†said Tom, “that isâ€"I ‘thought as I was going away I’dâ€"I'd Look here, Polly, you are going to keep true to me while I’m away, aren’t you ?†v “I never thought about that,†said Tom. Polly hesitated a second, then she said: “Of course I’ll be true to you, :I‘oln. There, good night, I must go in. n “Do' you Ehink you might get a com- mission and be an officer?†asked the glrl: her Tom made his way to the Thorn andi Thistle, but was informed that Polly would not be home until eleVen o’clock. He therefore wandered about the town until that time, and again appeared at the public-house door. But it was not until twelve o’clock that Polly made heyappearance. “Anything~ the matter, asked . CHAPTER III‘ "Jon in Ontari sending as mucl sons, but nothin, 1e on the farm Tom?†she The British shell case, on the oth- er hand, does not burst. It remains intact and pours its bullets from the shell mouth as a shotgun pours its shot; thus perhaps the bullets are brought to hear more effectively in a deï¬nite direction. Certainly the British must have Some good reason for using the type employed. ' Brother Fritz’s penchant for “frightfulness†ShOWS itself in all he does. There is probably no doubt, as regards his high explosive shrapnel shell, that he reasons that, whether it is really more destructive than thel other or not, it is calculated to proâ€"3 duce greater frightâ€"a thing which commanders always must ï¬ght against among their troops. Happily for the British army, Tommy Atkins is about the hardest man to scare that ever wore a uniform. I Success with poultry means work, and the work must be given when needed. Which shell is the more destructive I cannot say. The German has a sharper, louder report, due to the fact that is is charged not only with shrapnel bullets, but with high explo- sive ,materials. This material bursts the steel shell case so that the whistl- ing noises following are caused by a mixture of bullets and fragments of steel. Listening to the explosionâ€"con- tinuous as I writeâ€"of British and German shrapnel shells, one notes a striking difference in the sounds pro- duced. The British shells make a comparatively soft report, while the German projectiles make a piercing, shattering sound like that of a ter- rible. thunderclap. Moreover, the subsequent sounds are different, those from the German shells being more sibilant in quality and greater in volume than those from the British shells. British Shrapnel Explodes More Quietly than Does German. Writing from British ï¬eld headâ€" quarters, Edward P. Bell, says:â€" ings are all per was the at a ripe old The word “ by the Bible by the Bible. ‘ Sir Leonard Tilley had' been read- ing in the 72nd Psalm “He shall have dominion from sea to sea,†and thought the passage applicable to Canada. The Idea of Our Country's Name Came From the 72nd Psalm. The British North America Act which made Canada a Dominion came into force on July 1, 1867, and that original essay in Dominion self-gov- ernment has richly justiï¬ed the faith and foresight of those who undertook it, says the Glasgow Herald. The Convention sat in a room in the Westminster Palace Hotel, in London, which is now the smoking-room of the National Liberal Club. A tablet ï¬x- ed in the wall records the fact that in this chamber the delegates conferred. Those who took part in the proceed- ings are all dead. Sir Charles Tup- per was the last survivor, and he died at a ripe old age a very few years ago. The word “Dominion†was suggested SHELLS LIKE THUNDERCLAI’ DOMINION FROM SEA TO SEA. BRENK Hm WA v0 or three ï¬ve-g :ed Magnesia after ermentation and their stomach. 2 and 51b. Cartonsâ€" 20, 50 and 100 lb. Bags. @D BHSAQRE to take hasty should always ~ain tablets of meals to pre- neutralize the f dig nt at men came and that self-gov- the faith undertook estion. times 5 who hasty an Jf If better sugar is ever produced than the present REDPATH Extra Granulated, you may be sure it will be made in the same Reï¬nery that has led for over half a centuryâ€"and sold under the same nameâ€"REDPATH. “Let Redpath Sweeten it. †15 anada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal. When a diamond is quite clean and dry, the following experiment should be tried : Place on the surface a tiny drop of water and then take a needle or pin and try to move the drop about. If the diamond is genuine, the drop can be rolled about intact. On the other hand, where the gem is an imita- tion the water spreads directly it is touched with the needle-point. Another very good test may be car- ried out with a tumbler of water. In- to this put the suspected article and The public is frequently deceived in regard to the sale of jewelry and pre~ cious stones and the authorities have issued a statement upon the accurate testing of diamonds. Simple Methods to Determine if Gems Are Genuine Or Not. HO\V TO TEST DIAMONDS. "Pure and Uncolored†banana ?†“Yes, certainly, soonny.†“Papa, if I was twins would you give the other boy a banana too?†“Yes, of course.†_ “Well, papa, you aren’t going to cheat me out of another banana just because I’m all in one piece, are you ?†Little John had been extra specially good that afternoon, and father felt amiably inclined. examine its appearance. A real dia-‘ mond will show up in the water with a startling clearness, and it can never be confounded with the water. On the cther hand, the imitation looks inde- ï¬nite and it is sometimes difï¬cult to see it at all. ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES Limited, Montreal (L The Lantic Library of “goody secrets†sent free if you mail us a Red Ball Trademark,cut from carton or sack ofLantic Pure Cane Sugar. In 2 and 5-H). Cartons 10, 20 and IOU-lb. Sacks ‘apa,†piped John, “can I have a The Three, Not To Be Cheated. FREE 173