Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1917, p. 1

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VOL. XL. Ethel I"). l)(,‘\'(‘l" L. ’l‘. c. M. 1 'l' ICA ("H ICR H19 1’iano t and ‘*0 ice J. T- SAIGEON C. WALKINGTON . Maple King , Licensed Auctioneers for lht' t‘onntyofi York. Sales attended to on shoitesti notice, and at reasonable rates. l Patronage solicited Residence Elgin Miiiqf Main L777 Residence Phone 44.4 .1. II. Naughtonl BARRISTER SOLIcITon VNOTARY E (‘ Luinsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide so. Offices 4 East, Toronto. , tNaughton Block. Aurora. 4 i The Town of Aurora lJ. M. \Valton, Aurora ,' Telephone Solicitor for JOHN T. ANDERSON f PIANO TUNER l 200 Bennsronn AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ' All mail orders will receive prompt attention. .__________ . J. H. PRENTICE '1‘. EJBOYNTON: 415 Balliol St. Gorinley Toronto P.O. ' Phone Belmont 1317 Ind. Phone , LICENSED AITCTIONEERS FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales ot= every description. Farms and farm‘ stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con-. ducted hy the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, ‘ Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to'. WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings, 3 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal’ Office). evory Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afterndon. \Voodbridtze, Saturday forehoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates $705!! .7. 9avidson PIANO TUNING: phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 ~ THORNHILL Organs Repaired. Expert Work Denton, Barristers, Soliclors. 821‘: NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Frank Demon, K. C. John Irwin Grover Ai-thnl A. Macdonald A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG., lS KING STREET WEST; Tel. )1. 36317 WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers l“ Embahnors. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Allarge stock of Funeral Furnish ng kept at the above places W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND BILL l R Grover & Field ' Flower bliow Prize List The following are the piize~\\‘iiiiicis at the tloivvr and \‘PL’l'lJllllt‘(’Xlllllllltlll , at Richmond Hill. llIltlt'l' lllt' auspices uf the lonticultural Society. The judges made special i-cfeieiica- to the [WU priym exhibits of native wild flow- ers. the first prize bring a silver cup donated by Mr. J. ll. S'iiidcrson 2i L'lmn'l-Ilis Asters, 12$[)lkt’S*â€".‘Il s. Hand. \V. Pi att, Astersui spikes. pink.loosl- varietya Mrs. I'Illlltl Astersti spikes. pink, compact variety Mis. Phipps i Asterle white, I v. Mrs. Hand Astei's. (5 white, c v, Mi-s. Redditt Astersdi hhiel \'. Mrs. Hand v Sweet Peas.collection, G. Moodic, Mrs. Iland Sweet Peas.l5 stems. Miss A Mr. Pratt Sweet Peas, table decoration. Hand, Miss Anna Boyle Roses, (5 blooms. Mrs. McNair Oses. O, Mis. McNair, Mrs. Ilicksoii Dahlias. Ira Rainer Gel-animus.Single rut. blooms. Switzer, Mrs. McNair Geraninnis. Double cut blooms, Mrs. McNair, Mrs. Swuzer Petunias. Mrs. Hickson Stocks. 4 varieties. MrsMcNair, Mrs. Switzer Stocks. 2 spikes, Mrs. Switzei'. Mrs. McNair Sunflowers, Mrs. Fiilkerson. Mrs. A. Savage Sunflowers, fancy. Mrs. Hand. Miss Moer Mignonette. Mrs. Switzr-r, Mrs.McNair Pansies, Mrs. Phipps. Mrs. McNair Verbenas, Mis. Hickson. Mrs. McNair I___ nnaBoyle, Mrs. Blrs. s g é i Z ¢ é ? Z a . / é a I» I \\N\\k\W‘N\\\T\\\\ UST neceSSIty. i l REAL ESTATE â€"AGENCY_ J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\V;\YS 0N HAND. Street. i‘cscniat ive. |_ precious minute of his time. No larmer need he without a Ford. ‘ could afford one it it were double the price. ' as a horse. three times as fast, and costs less per mile to run. ; not order one today? York Townships, includingr Yongc A. (Russ, Local llcii- RICHMOND HILL. ()NT.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1 Balsa-tins, Mrs. Mi Nair Snapdi-aqlvns. 2’) varieties. Mrs. l’hipps. Mrs. llir-kson Sii‘ipdi-agousd \':ii-iet_\‘..‘»lrs. MrNair (ioldcii tilow, Mis. llickson, Mr. (Viniplwll } Nastuitinnis, (1‘. Moodiv. Mis. Switzcr l I’Iilox, annual. Mrs. Phipps l’hlox, perennial. Ira Ilaini'r (ilailiiuli. Mis. Mt’Nllll' I,ail.'spui'. Mrs. Mc.\ (‘osnios. Mrs. Phipps. lra Rainer \' ICUETA B LIES Sweet (‘orn. yellow. Ira Rainer Sweet Corn. white. John Blanchard. Iia Rainer Tomatoes. John Blanchard 0nions.t‘rom sets. (i.Moodie, John Blanchard Onions. from seed. John Blanchard. Dr. L. Langstatt’ Carrots. J. Blauchaid. (i. Moodie Beets. (1i, .‘vIoodie. I. Rainer 'l‘ui-nips. Ira Rainer l’arsnips. Jonn Hlsiiichaid Squash. Miss Moyle. Ira Rainer Celery. J. Blanchard. Mis. Switzer (‘iic‘inbei'..l.Blanchard,I)i‘.L.Langstaf’f Uahhnge, J. Blanchard, G. Moodie (lauliflower, .l. Blanchard ltadislies, J. Blanchard SPECIAL PltlZES Best kept back yard. Mrs. J. T. Saigeon (Int flowers. Mrs. McNair Table Decoration. Mrs. Switzor Sweet peas, \V. Pratt. Miss A. Boyle Potted foliage plants. Mrs. Hickson Collection of Perennials. Mrs. McNair Collection of Annuals. Mrs. McNair Vegetables. 6 varieties. G. Moodie. J. Blanchard, Mrs. McNaii‘ Switzer. Hand. Mrs. . -: I [film/fl, I. .n/////////////annwy/Iflfilfi/I/I/fl/I/I/nvirtual/1101”aIutil/I/flfl/fl/fl/IIfl/I/I/t/[r/Iu/Ip/tno.nnruru/rn/t/IWWI .W/I/flllylltllllllllillllllllr/In: r/l/Ir/II/l/I/Illlla‘lflllllll”[Inf/hitun/10m(lily/401111dIII/Illfilm'llIlllllflmwmm/IW’2 ' Quick Hauling To Market think of thetime the Ford saves a busy farmer in haul- Ing milk to the cheese factoryâ€"vegetables, butter, eggs and poultry to marketâ€"fruit to the railway station. fruit grower, last season, made four trips a day to the railway station, a total of 144 miles, and carried as high as 72 crates of II quarts each on a trip. “M”. D. Angerj mile trip a day with a team. He couldn’t have made In tact, It Runabout ‘ l}. A. M. DAWSON Richmond Hill and I'nionville leader for Markham, Scai‘horo and Limi Ford Touring Car ll). IOIT 12 I’otalor s, .l. Illaliu hard. (i. Moodic. Mrs. “1'. ll. (ilt‘ltllf‘ 3i [It’lllli ('ahlnige. John Blanchard (i liars Sweet l'ai'n, .l. l5laiirli=iid, i7llll-‘l' IIronzo medal for general proficiency, Mis. J.S.Ml-.\'air and John Blanch~ iii'd, equal. i'iiii.iliii~:N's iixllini’i‘s Best flower garden. Ilavid Stirling Best Vegetable gal-di-ndlavid Stirling Nasturtinius, Miiiliol'y Atkinson. Illlv- id Stirling, Dean Iiiiics Astci-s, Ilean Innvs SI’I‘X'IALS Collection of annuals. Alice Innes (‘olleclion native wild flowers. (iambic, RI'X .‘IHllSlH‘ltlgu Collection of Vegetables, David Stilâ€" ling. Howard Atkinson, lIorace “'ade Il‘;t B et lI _ 4‘.9â€"â€"â€" Garage Change Mr. G. A. M. I);i\‘isoii. Ford dealer {OI-this territory. who has run a ga- rage in this place for SUIIII' time. has sold his Ford parts to Mr. Ileonaid Curtis who ls‘ a first-clth mechanic, Mr. I)a\'ison has transferred his lease in the Robinson block to Mr. Curtis who will now he found on Yonge St. Mr. Davison still retains the agency of the universal car. with Mr. A. E. Glass as local salesman. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~4coâ€" Farm Sold Mr. George Newt)er has sold his far in “Kinellar Lodge" part of lots 14 and 15. on the 9th concession of Mark- ham. 125 :lctes, to Fred Bunker of Brougham. for $13,000. Mr. .Ias. Mal- com. real estate agent, of this place pntthrough the deal this morning. â€"â€".\Iarkhain Economist. _l One more than one 36 The Ford soon pays for itsell in the time it saves the farmer. With the help so scarce, every farmer needs to make use of every To him the Ford car is a real Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their tarm work under present labor conditions if it wasn’t for the time the Ford saves them. the average farmer is as easy to diive \Vhy it $495 8475 19.0.8. I’l ‘iltl l, ONTnld-‘i Ford Motor Co’y of Canada ted Ontario l l l l s. SHEPHERD I PAINTER l I‘;\I’lilill.-\N( tllmiNlcii, E’l‘t'. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT. l’llriNE 18:“ «H 12 Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison 'Hon. Graduate Royal (‘allegl- of DentalSui'gI-ons.Toronto, will he at. Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friday. cnowxs ANI) nainons A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Office. hours l).3t) to 5 p.m- J. If. l‘IcExven «Sc Son Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of Yolk, Peel and Simone Phone til “1 eston D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE King, ()nt. Phone NO. 23. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Richmond. Hill I EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN'WER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL B. H. LASHER PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER North Yonge Street. RICHMOND HILL Phone No. 72 l '1‘. G. LYON LICENSED AU ITIONEER FOR Till-3 ('oUNTY on YORK Patonaue and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P. 0. address Victoria. Square Gorinley, R. R. 2 J. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Uhoirmastei‘ St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill ascept a limited number of pupils at his Binnie-studio, Richmond Hill VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. \I. (Associate of the Royal College of Music, London, England) will resume his classes at Richmond Hill on \Vednesday, September 13th For tei ms and Particulars apply 2.3 Albany Avenue, Toronto Mrs. F. H. Echlin Graduate Toronto College of Music in KINDERGARTEN Mt'su' (‘lasses in Richmond Hill aiid Thornhill All information furnished RESIDENCE - THORNHILL Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN “‘ill be in Richmond Hill on Thuisdays after September l. 1916 l ! Address NUItIt'lIIK‘l' Building E320 Yonge St. Toioiiti' Newmarket Granite Works .‘ G. W. LUESBY Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles i Bu ilding Stone i cut to order lPO, Box Residence 436 Phone 183

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