“One Meatless Meal 3. Day†is a good food slogan for war time, or any timeâ€"better make it two meatless meals a dayâ€"- it would mean health and strength for the nation. But be sure and get the right substitute for meat in a digestible form. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the ideal substitute for meat. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat prepared in a digestible form. Two or three of these little loaves of baked whole wheat make a nourishing, satisfying meal at a cost of only a few cents. Delicious with milk or cream or fruits of any kind. Why indulge in such foolishness? A New Jersey woman, Mary Beers, has invented a bottle stopper that is more efï¬cient, for precautionary purposes, than all the poison labels ever thought of. It is simple enoughâ€"a cork, to ï¬t the bottle, with a metal arrangement in the shape of a cross that is stuck through it and projects above it. It is sharp-pointed at the top and the two arms are sharpâ€"pointed. You wake up in the night with a pain and grape in the medicine closet for the jamaicaâ€"ginger bottle. Ah! yes, that it is; you recognize it by the shape. You go to pull the cork and your ï¬ngers are severely pricked. Yes, it is painful. But'by that token you know that the bottle you have got hold of is a bottle" of poison. Bet- ter a pricked ï¬nger than a coflinâ€"eh, what? New Invention Will Prevent Making 3 Fatal Mistake. Every now and then somebody helps himself to a dose of poison out of what he imagines to be a medicine bottle. Nearly always, of course, it is In the dark. Next on the job (un- less the doctor happens, by good luck, to arrive in time) is the undertaker. Cheap Fish. In 1915 and 1916, Manitoba lakes produced 48,000,000 pounds of ï¬sh, 75 per cent. of which was exported to the United States. For 9,000,000 pounds of Whiteï¬sh, the ï¬shermen re- ceived on the average 5 cents a pound. In some Canadian cities Manitoba Whiteï¬sh sells at 15 cents a pound or more. The Food Controller for Can- ada is arranging to reduce the wide margin between ï¬shermen and con- sumers; $5.000 Guarantee If We Fail. There has been a standing offer of $5,000 Reward for any case Ham-Lax and Ham-Ray fail to relieve if direc- tions are followe for three years, and more than 50,00 people have tried it successfully without a. single failure. That Is why the offer still holds good. POSITIVE PROOF, Mr. Manuel Varquez, of 1422 Hastings Street, Toronto, was going to have an operation for Kidney Stones two weeks ago. He tried Ham-Lax and Ham-Ray the day before the operation was to be performed and received such beneï¬ts that he purchased a. Ham-Ray Machine and one bottle Ham-Lax, with the results that to-day he is cured. Mr. Thomas Jones, of 113 Sheridan Ave, Toronto, suffered with Rheuma- tism in his heart and other parts of his body for 9 years. After trying every- thing he failed to get results until he took one treatment of the Ham-Ray Machine and used one bottle of Ham- Lax. Unsolicited he has given his testimonial. We unconditionally guarantee Ham- Lax and Ham-Ray to give relief for Rheumatism, Paralysis, Stomach, Kid- ney and Liver Disorders. Write us at once. Explain what you think about yourself, and whether you have Elec- tric Current available or not and leave the rest to us. Address the Ham-Lax 00., 16 King West. WIII You Visit the Exposition ? Remember you are cordially invited to call and have your case treated free of charge, and a full explanation of what Hum-Lax and Ham-Ray will and will not do. It is well worth the visit to ï¬nd out the true facts of your case. Unless there is a tremendous siump in condition between now and har- vest the supply of beans will be, pro- portionately, greater than the supply of potatoes. The bean crop of the United States was estimated on July 1 at 22.000,000 bushels, against 8,846,- 000 a year ago I. mâ€" w- ; ’ SUGSHuAanDOï¬" v Vulcanlxes Quickly Without Heat Repair your Tires, Tubes, Punctures. Hot \‘K'ater Bottles. 200,000 users al« ready know it. Postage paid all over Canadm Order a 50â€"cent tin to’day Guaranteed to satisfy. Refuse all sub- stitutes. E. Schofleld. 43 Victoria. St“ Toronto. BEWARE THE POISON BOTTLE. Made in Canada. AMAZING RESULTS The Montenegrin peasant is a singularly superstitious mortal who lives in awe of the “Evil Eye,“ which is considered accountable for disease and death. It is the belief of the inhabitants of the Black Mountain that for each mhlady God has given a remedy. He believes that for each pain there is a healing herb, and that one only dies when the wrath of the “Evil Eye" has been incurred. He also believes in witches and beautiful young maidens who come forth from the dew and are nourished in a mysâ€" terious mountain. They meet in the branches of trees, and are most dang- erous at supper time. His daily life is full of supersti- tion. He is superstitious about the manner in which he rises in the morn- ing, about what ï¬rst meets his sight, how he dresses and washes and whom he meets, of what food he eats, and the time and manner‘ of serving throughout the entire day. Attention is paid to whether the cocks crow in time, whether dogs bark much, if frogs croak, or the wind blows. Again, special notice is taken of the exact time at which rain falls, the duration of thunder, how stars shine, if the moon has a halo, if it shines through a cloud, and many such observations. Peasants Live in Dread of “Evil Eye" â€"Vivid Belief in \Vitches. “No heart for anything" is the cry of thousands of men and women who might be made well by the new. red blood Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills actually make. Misery day and night is the lot of hosts of men and women who are to- day the victims of weak nerves. Their pale, drawn faces and dejected atti- tude tell a sad tale, for nervous weak- ness means being tortured by morbid thoughts and unaccohntable ï¬ts of de- pression. These sufferers are painful- ly sensitive and easily agitated by some chance remark. Sleeplessness robs them of energy and strength; their eyes are sunken, their limbs tremble, appetite is poor and memory often fails. This nervous exhaustion is one of the most serious evils affect- ing men and women of to-day. The only way to bring back sound, vigor- ous health is to feed the starved nerves which are clamoring for new, rich, red blood. This new, good blood can be had through the use of Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills, which fact accounts for the thousands of cures of nervous diseases brought about by this power- ful blood builder and nerve restorer. Through the fair use of this medicine thousands of despondent people have been made/bright, active and strong. AN AGE OF WEAK NERVES Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Mlliams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont Women Can Help in Harvest. Women should help harvest the bush and small tree fruit crops this year. A mobilization of available women for this work would be of great aSSist- ance. The women of Europe are now working regularly in the ï¬elds. They have planted and harvested crops ever since the war started. Are the women of Canada willing to do as much? If we wait until the ï¬elds are yellow we will be too late. The various women’s organizations could do much if they would organize immediately. Minard’s Linixnent Cures Dandrufl. Drying fruit and vegetables is an old art that is being revived this year. The housewife can use this method without trouble and with the simplest facilities. A few vegetables map be put aside to dry any time. i The Duty of the Individual. Strict economy is needed in the use of all food stuffs by each and every individual householder. Our food supplies must be conserved, but they. should not be hoarded. Of what use is a mine unopened, a forest untouch- ed or land untilled? By the conserva- tion of our food supplies, we mean that they should be used in the wisest possible way and shared equally. We should eliminate superfluities and lux- uries and eat the things that are sub- stantial, plain and nourishing. There are many foods produced in Canada, such as corn, peas, beans, oats and barley, which are not as much as they could and should be. Unless provision is made to care for and properly use the garden vegetables, much of this material will be wasted. Perishable things should be canned wherever pos- sible. Rhubarb, tomatoes and other vegetables should be put away for nvinter use. Eye Salvo, in Tubes 26c. For Hook 2)! the Eye â€" Fran. Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago a v v â€" H _V 7 7 At Yogi Dru z'at'a or by marine Eye Remedy mall 60.: per‘bgtt e. Murln- Eva Salvo. in Tubes 26c. For B'ook of the Eye â€" Fran. Sore Eyes, Eyes Inï¬amed by Sun, Dust and Wind quickly '5 "1.-....4 x... Mud..- 1"}an [IR/NE Granulated Eyelids, 4 “ 3;}; 721;}; relieved by b your Eyes an SIMPLE MONTENEGRINS Sore Eyes, Eyes lnï¬amed by Sun, Dun! and Wind quickly relieved by Murine. Ti’y it ï¬x your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort IA. D. MacTier, general manager of eastern lines of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway. Capt. MacTier went to the ffront with the ï¬rst Canadian Contin- gent and has been twice wounded, the ï¬rst time at Ypres, and lately at Vimy Ridge. At the outbreak of the war, Capt. MacTier was on the ocean re- turning from Europe, and immediately on landing joined the Thirteenth Bat- talion, under Lieut.-Col. (now Briga- dier-General) Loomis, D.S.O. He went to the front with that unit and fought with it when it covered itself with glory at Ypres and Festubert. He was then wounded by shrapnel and re turned to Montreal to convalesce. On returning to the front he was attached to Brigadier-General Loomis’ staff, he having taken over the command of a brigade in the meantime. After serving in this capacity for a short time one of his feet gave out and an operation was necessary. On his re- turn to the front on this occasion he was transferred to a Montreal High- land Battalion and promoted to his captaincy. Capt. William Stewart MacTier, who was reported recently to have been awarded me Military Cross for gal- lantry in the ï¬ring line, is a son of Mr. Dear Love, I wanted you to know That ever in my heart I go Amid the noise, the flying shell Amid the smoke; amid the Hell; I stand beside you there! My Ziuiv’ring soul knows but one prayerâ€" “Oh, keep my soldier in Thy careâ€"â€" God, stand beside him there!†â€"Maude Gordon-Roby. A Playerâ€"Piano that transposes in thirteen tones, manufactured exclu- sively by the National Piano 00., Limited, will be on exhibit at the To- ronto Industrial Exposition at their booth. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to each and everyone interested to examine and hear this wonderful Player. National Piano 00., Limited, City Warerooms, 266-268 Yonge St. Where W'ater Spreads Fire. The use of water in attempting to extinguish grease ï¬res is extremely dangerous. The Lumber Underwriter reports a case where a ï¬re started in the oil box of an engine. An employe dashed a pail of water on it, scatter- ing the burning grease, which was taken up by a revolving flywheel, throwing it in all directions, causing the plant to burst into flames in many places simultaneously. Minard’s Liniment Reueves Neuralgla. In hot, dry weather do not allow the flower beds to dry out, or the vegetable beds, for that matter. Beds of lily of the valley and other plants that have flowered for the season are likely to be forgotten. To.obtain best results for the next season the plants must be cared for the remainder of this season. Turn on the hose, at least during dry weather. St. Isidore, P. 62., Aug. 18, 1894 Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemenâ€"I have frequenuy used MINARD'S LINIMENT and also pre- scribe it for my patients, always with the most gratifying results, and 1 con- sider it the best all-round Liniment ex- tant. |ED. 7. Patrick had called on his Betsy, and she gave him a handsome helping of her special make of apple-pie. Patrick was loud in its praise. “I tried a new way,†said Betsy beaming. “I put a few gooseberries in to flavor it!†“Begorra!†cried Patrick. “If a few gooseberries give so good a flavor to an apple-pie, what a darlint of an apple-pie it would be made 0’ goose- berries entoirely!†And stand beside you, there MILITARY CROSS HERO Most Wonderful Invention. TO MY SOLDIER. DR. JOS. AUG. SIROIS Apple Pie. Yours truly, ISSUE 35â€"'17. More little ones die during the sum- mer than at any other time of the year. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera infantum and stomach disorders come without warning and when a medicine is not at hand to give promptly the short delay too frequently means that the child has passed beyond aid. Baby’s Own Tablets should always be kept in the home where there are young children. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tab- lets will cure the baby. Mrs. Chas. Anderson, Minda, Alta., says: “Baby’s Own Tablets are the best medicine for little ones who are suffering from a weak stomach. They cured my baby when suffering from stomach com- plaint and have made her a ï¬ne healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BABY'S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER MONEY ORDERS It is safe to send a Dominion Ex- press Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns. Old pastures should be ploughed early if they are to be seeded to win- ter wheat or rye. After beans or potatoes the grain may follow with only one disking. In spraying potatoes the job may as well not be done at all unless the under side of the foliage and also stems are covered “It is now vital for the United Kingâ€" dom and the Allies in Europe to ob- tain from Canada foodstuffs in far lar'ger quantities than under peace conditions,†says Lord Rhonda. You say to the drug store man, “Give me a small bottle of freezone.†This will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness inâ€" stantly, and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, dries up and can be lifted off with the ï¬ngers. This new way to rid one’s feet of coma was introduced by at Cincinnati man, who says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without irritating the surrounding skin. irDon't letv father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling; at his coms, but clip this out and make him try it. If yéur druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York City Physician and Medical Author says: “There can be no strong, vigorous. iron men nor beautlful, healthy, roayb checked women without lronâ€"Nuxated Iron taken three tlmee per day after meals will increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, runâ€"down folks 100 per cent. in two weeks’ time in many Instances. Avoid the old forms of metallic iron which may injure the teeth, corrode the stomach. and thereby do more harm than good. Take only organic ironâ€"Nuxated Iron." It is dio- pennd by all good drugglsis. Then Felicia took to canning, Every afternoon Cooking messes in the kitchen, Brandishing a spoon. When of beans, tomatoes, peaches, Corn and carrots she V Wearies, I, behold! am hoping She will take to me. First Felicia took to knitting, Everywhere she Went, On a wristlet, sock or sweater Constantly intent. Next she took to Red Cross nursing, Making countless slings, Bandages and shirts and towels, Lint and other things. YES ! MAGICALLY ! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS FELICIA'S TAKINGS. â€"Minna Irving me} A curious war invention is a pro- jectile which, on leaving the gunâ€"muz- zle, releases an enormous pair of shears that are guaranteed, with good aim, to cut a whole company of enemy troops in two. Minard'a Liniment for sale everywhers. CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETQ. J lnternal and external. cured wlth- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Cn.. Limited. Cnlllnzwnnd. Ont. Suggestions to Childless Women. Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the ability to correct sterility in the cases of many women. This fact is well established as evidenced by the following letter and hundreds of others we_haye pgbliihed in these colums. v ,i. "vPSBl'aTrrlâ€"Bylï¬ffï¬MdJâ€"“I want other women to know what a Messing gydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound has ' been to me. We had always wanted a baby in our home but I was in poor health and not able - to domy work. My mother and hus- bancLboth urged me to try Lydia E. Pink- . ham ’5 Vegetable ' _-- Compound. I did ‘ so, my health im- Eroved and I am now the mother of a ne baby girl and do all my own house work."â€"â€"Mrs. ALLIA B. TIMMONS, 216 Almond St., Poplgr Bluff, Mo. ,v,!VjIA__ ucan I.an .- u Write “tsuthe Ham E. Pinkham Medi. cine 00., Lynn. Mass., for advice-it will be conï¬dential and helpful. nuuuuu um, - yr"..- ...___ In many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and _strgng_ H n: I LA-‘ 11,." No One Knows, SaysTJiSS Stod- alka. Many Nights Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Healed. "My face broke out all over with red pimples which would {ester and then a large scale would form. Many nights I could not sleep because of the burn- in and itching. How I su ercd no one knows. “My mother requested me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I did , so. In less than a month ' El" I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Rosebelle Stodalka, RXCh- mend, Sask. ' ‘ "foifï¬-ée simpie Em“ bi Mail ad- dress post-card: “Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. Wh'y not make these fragrant emolli- ans year every-day tohil ct‘ptepzir‘mpns‘? Something New in Frightfulness. WW The Soul of a Piano Is the Action. Insist on the “ OTTO HIGEL'.†PIANO ACTION MTSCELLANEOUS