Richmond Hill Annex EEGLU} DELIGHTFUE'LY .soun HILKOR WATER ' E2"? FOR FURTHER INFORMATIQN \VRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE & CC., Richmond Hill IO Adelaide St. E, Toronto Richmond Hill Delightfully satisfying and al- ways the same, you will ï¬nd it your best bake-day help. If you do not like Egg-o better than baking powder you have 335:? MILK - been using, return it and get your ‘ "'u‘ o“ “HER money back. It is not as expeuswe as standard baking powders, as it takes leSS Egg-o to do the same work. 250 buys a. 12-02 tin. Try one now. Made in Canada Pap( to 51' and a n w WALL PAPERS Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance Any Chills in Your Home? Norman Batty Richmond Hill Hard“; Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and MetrOpolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belant and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. G. A. McDonald 8: Son For Sale on Easy Terms '. G. Savage & Son am; of was THE Successful SAME . ï¬n†Bakmg “He Prbï¬ts Most Who Serves HAVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. selfâ€"trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching leasy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have ‘no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book, take it home and look them over, and all the family will be pleased L0 have s-aid‘they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . You can make that living room, bed- room, dining room or bath room warm and comfortable, during the chilly fall weather by using a New Perfection Oil Heater. They are easy to operate, no smoke, no smell, can be carried from one room to another as desired. Prices from $4.75 to $5 25 each. We have 3 only Oil Cook Stoves left in stock, at the old price. A good time to buy NOW. 15 attributed, by many women, to the use of Egg-o. Best†"2‘3 Phone 13 RICHMOND HILL 0NT.. SIP'I‘, 13. 1917 RICHMOND 'IIILL NOTICE is hereby given that I have ernsmittcd or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections Eight and Nine of the Ontario "Voters List. Act†the copies required by said sections tu he so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of a“ perâ€" sons nppem-icg by the lust Revxsed As- Sesslm-nb Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to V018 in the said muni- cipality utv Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly. and at Muni- cipal Elections: and that the said List. was ï¬rst, posted up in my ofï¬ce at the Village of Richmond Hill on the 30th day of August, 1917,2md remains there for inspection. Electors .ue called upon to exnmine the said List. and if any omissions or any other en ors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said cums corrected according to law. MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF Clerk of the Said Municipality. Dated this 30m day of August. 1917. 9-8 Rina: Tahules cure dizziness. VOTEKS’ LIST, l917 COUNTY OF YORK w “Cream of the West Flour is sold by the following dealers: G. A. McDonald & Son, Richmond Hill; G. W. Reesor. Markham; S. B, Ramer, Markham, H. L. Jones, Markham; D. N. Reesor, Cedar Grove; Geo. Beatty, Cedar Grove; M. Galloway, Hagerman's Corners; R. Clark, Todm )rden, H. Stephenson, Unionville, H. C. Bailey, Maple, Gray, Maple.†5031;2in biuumlr book \th many ‘ storie§ a_nd descnptipns nf [he of Butmu's worldwide Empll‘e 4th Local Prizesâ€""The Queen's Gift Book." a. book of stories. pictul‘ns and special articles by Brimiu's best writers: the proceeds from the sale of this book are for use beneï¬tï¬of diknbled soblwrs in‘ England. m--- an!“ Note.â€"â€"Unlvss the entries number six or more only ï¬rst and second prizes will be awarded. Unless the entries number ten or more no Iounh prize Will be awarded. Every girl may compete at the rural school fair in her district. whether or not she attends school, providing that her 12th birthday occurs before November lst, 1911. or her 19th birthday does not occur before Nov. 1, 1917. Qpe loaf of bread must be submitted aked in pan about. 7 x 5 inches and 3 inches deep. an divuded into twin loaves. so that they may be separated at the fair. The loaf must be baked with Cream of the West Flour. One< half willrbe judged at the fair. I'I'llc olhe' hit of the HAHN... luau "In an; Juvb‘.‘ a. .uu . _ . . . prize loaf will be sent to Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. to compete in the District Contests. The judging will be done by Miss M. A. l’urdy. of the Depurtmcnt of Breadmaking and Flour Testing. The local contest ut the {air will be conducted under the same rules as all the other regular contests at your (airs. The Standard by which bread will be judged will be as follows: 1. Appearance of Loaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 15 markl (a) Color V . . . . . . . . ........5murks (1)) Texture of crust . . . . . .5 marks ('c) Shape of leaf . . . . . . . . 5 marks 2. Texture of Crumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 mark- (ii) Evenness .. . ....15 murks (h) Silkiness . .. . .20 marks (c) Color . . . . . . . . . 5 marks 8. Flavor of Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 markl (a) Taste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 marks (b) Odor L.’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Importantâ€"Each loaf must be accompanied by the part of the flour hag containing the face of the Old Miller, and an entry form must be signed by the girl and parents or guardian stating date of birth, P.0. address, and giving name of dealer from whom Cream of the \Vest Flour was gurchased. The form will state that the girl nctunlly mind the loo! entered in the competition. The forms will he provided at the time of the (air. The decision of the judges il final. Not more than one entry may be made by each girl and not more than one local prize will be awarded to the same family. Which Dmrlct to Yonn'Iâ€"This list shows you which countiel you compete against it you become a competitor (or the District prizes: (W est) Toronto tut Atauun: UL LluDU -.....v.....-._- (’c) Shape of leaf . . . . . . . . 5 marks tture ot' Crumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~10 mnrkl (n) Evenness . . . . . . . . . . . 15 marks (11) Silkiness . . . . . . . . . . 201nzirks (c) Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 marks war of Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 mark! (a) Taste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘25 marks (b) Odor L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks tautâ€"Each loaf must be accompanied by the part ur hag containing the face of the Old Miller, and form must be signed by the girl and parents or stating date of birth. P.0. address, and giving dealer from whom Cream of the \Vest Flour was I. The form will state that the girl nctunlly 9 Ion! entered in the competition. The forms provided at the time of the (air. The decision dges is ï¬nal. Not more than one entry may be each girl and not more than one local prize will ed to the same family. I Dian-let is Youn'Iâ€"This list shows you which you compete against it you become a competitor Iiltrict prizes: The Campbell Flour Mills Company, Limited. DO NOT MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY: Every girl between 1‘: and 13 years :-‘Iould compete. \vlmt a splendid way to stir up increased interest in breudmukmg! Get a supply of Cream of the West Flour at your dealers and practise using it as often ns possible to increase the chances of winning. If your dealer cannot sell it to you. write to the Campbell Flour Mills Co., Ltd.. Toronto, and we will promptly tell you the nearest place to get it. NO COMPETITIONS IN COUNTIES NAMED BELOW: The competition is open ti) all parts of the Province where Rural School Fairs are held, except the Districts 0! Rainy River. Kenora and Thunder Bay. These diStriL‘tB are "I9 only parts of the Province where school fairs are held by the Ilept. of Agriculture in which this competition will not be a feature. There are no dlslrlt'l-reprt’ï¬el)lilll\‘PH ot the Department of A riculture in the Counties of Sud- bnry. Huron. l’erth, Welï¬ington. Haliburton. Prescott, Rus- sell or Lincoln, and no rural school fairs are held in those Counties by the Dept. of Agriculture. There are, how- ever. a few {airs held by local schools in Wellington. Perth. llnrnn and Lincoln, and these are included in the com- petition. J. HUME Prizes Woith Trying Hard Fm“ Read Carefully Conditions of Contest Miss Anna Cobei- is visiting friends in Kitchener. Misses Cum Steckley und Maiwl Cuber are visiting friends in Black Creek. Mr. and l‘Il'F. Fred Elliott of Rich- mond Hill visited at the home nf Mrs. Peter Baker on Sunday. sasaeassaaesesasesese§e§ ésmge®Qeaeas©9eaaaeseae§ Fer Blight. Bugs and Beetles GORMLEY Arsenate of Lead Bordeaux Mixture. Cooper’s Fungiqide Etc. Paris Green Pcterboro the l (Fiï¬ 3% fl 2%: Vest flour lst DistriCt Prize.â€"The “Paihephon?†is \ho. name given to the fine big mahogany phonograph we offer as ï¬rst. prize. It will give you endless pleasun' and enlv-rlain- mam {or a humus. it has special reprui'm-m- mun-h- ments and not-(Hrs. enabling you ,to play all kinds ul' flint disc i'ecurds (if no matter what make. The l’mlwphnnc reproduces band music‘ orchestra music, songs and funny pieces perfrclly: with it, goes a dozen of the famous l’althe records. Total value, $150.00. 2nd District Prize.â€"Set o! Dickens' Works. 18 spiem didlyJuumd volumes with many illustrations. Amnng the hooks in the set are “Oliver Twist" and "Old (‘urlosity ShOP-"‘ 'l‘hpae ure twu of the most entrancing storiel ever written. ’ 3rd. 4th, and 5th Prizes.â€"-“Cannck" Bread mixers. ._..\_u The District Trizesrâ€"The winner of \he frst wire at each luvnl fnir uutumutlt‘ally becom:s n compentor for the followmg District prizes. m... ...., -.... V... -....-_. v- W , This simple, yet well-made machine, takes tlu- hard work out of bread making. Instead of laborious kneading of the old method. you just put in the ingrvdlents. turn the bundle, and the dough is thoroughly and more evenly mixed. District No. 1.â€"â€"Counties of Glengarry dus, Grunvme, Leeds. Frnntennc, Lennox Carleton, Lunark, Rentrew. District #0. é.â€"ccunties of Hastings, Prince Edward. Peterboro. Kurthumberland, Victoria, Durham. District No. 3.â€"â€"Counlies of York, Ontario, Peel. Hal- ton. \Ventwm‘th, Oxford, Brunt, Waterloo (with a few fairs‘ in Wellington and Perth). District No. 4.â€"Cnunties of Welland. Haldimnnd, Nor- folk. Elgin, Kent. Essex, Lmnbtun, Middlesex (with a few fairs in Huron and Lincoln). District No. 5.â€"â€"â€"Connties of Bruce, Grey, Duffel-in, Sim- coe. Districts of Muskuka, Parry Sound, 'l‘umskummg, Al- goma, Mauituulm. THE RESULTS of the contests at the fair will he made known in the usual way as in the cuse of all the other regular contests. The District results will be anâ€" nounced as soon as possible after the cunclusion o! the Rural School Fairs in the Province. er da. AL lowest market price; from SlOflfl’S Drug SIGN Richmond Hill .cti Miss Nancy Brlllingm'hnsrented the HM homestead to Mr. \Vm. Jones of Baker Hill. “'9 wish him success. Our nm‘thmn mail courier While speeding ran nver (m9 cf his neighbors pigs and killed it Instantly. \Vond bridge on Oct. 6 and S Slug Shot Hellebore Bluestone Insect Powder Etc. Full Fair will be hqu Stormont, Dun- nnd Addington Pickering 129