Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1917, p. 5

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...g. . ,-. RICHMOND H ILL, Ont, SEPT. 13, 1917 Master \Villie Batty left yesterday to attend W'oodstock College. Miss Lucy Bate of Alum College has been visiting Miss Wirmifred Aiken- bead. Mr. Don Jamieson of Montreal who . “15” 5‘18“ 5mm"). “L M“ had been visiting at the Parsonage bail ' ' " returned houw. You can buy Mylks' bread in every store on Yonge Street from Schornbeuz Junction to Lansing. Mr. J. H. Sander-son .l.P. has been nppointeda member of i-ne of the tribunals who will hear appeals from conscripts. Mr. and Mrs. \V. M. \Vatson of St, Cloud, Florida, have been apenrling n Tow days with Mr. Norman Batty, brother ofMis. \V.-itson. Mrs. J. R. Robinson of Revelstokc, B. C. spent the week-end with her brother Mr. \V. Henrir‘ks before leav mg for her home in the \Vest. A meeting of the Directors of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society will beheld in the Council Chamber. Saturday, 15th inst at 7.30 o‘clock. ~ Mrs. Aikeuhrad will I).\'. speak in the Methodist Church next Sabba h n.m., Subject "Christian RACE Track." The pastor \vill preach In the evening. The, Thornbill Branch of the \Vom- en‘s Institute will meet at the borne of Mrs. John McKenzie, \Villowrlale. on \Vednesday, September 19111, at threc o’clock. rinwi #7‘, 4. Thanksgiving Day will he on Monday, the 8th of October. aCcordrng to an official declaration from the De- partment. of the Secretary of State on Tuesday. Mrs. Jamieson of Montreal who has been spending the past month with her sister Mrs. Aikcnhcad in Muskoka. preached at. Victoria Square Sabbath afternoon. Mr. Aikenhcarl has returned from the West where he left Miss Gertrude Aikenhead at the Foot, Hills of the Rpckies in hopesthechange of climate may restore her health. Mr. Aiken- head reports the. crops good in the \Vest. and country generally pros~ per-nus, but. he says Ontario is the bes he has seen. i Mininery ‘ Fall Opening Mrs. W. Davies announces her Fall Opening on Saturday next, Sept. 15th with a special display of the latest styles in Ladies and Childrens Mill- inery. Your inspection is cordially invited. M Laces, Hosiery, Ribbons, Veilings, Corsets, Ladies Waists, Flowers, Feathers, Mounts, Wings, Cottons and Notions. Millinery Opening You are invited to attend the Fall Millinery Opening at Thcrnhill on September 20, 21, 22 and following days. Misses N. and E. Barker Voters‘ List 1917 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP or VAUGHAN CO UNTY OF YORK Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section Nine of the Ontario "Voters" List Act’ the copies n-quired by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act thereto of all personsappearing by the last Re- \ ised Asscsmnent Roll of the said Monicip-ility to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections f( r members of the Lruislative Assembly. and at JIunicipal Elections: and that the said List was first posted up in my office, at the Village of Maple. on the ELEVENTH DAYOFSEPTFMBER, 1917, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proCeedings to have any errors or omissions Corrected ac- cording to law. J. B. Mr-I.E.~\.\'. Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 11th day of Sept. 1917. Mrs. Davies' Millinnry Opening takes place Saturday, Sept. 15. and thatot the Misses Barker of Thorn~ 5 hill on the 20th, 215i and 331M]. announcements. Mrs. Campbell and two-children of ‘ 1Vt'Nt0Hspt’nt a \vrck at Mr. Jon. ‘ Brillrnger‘s. Mrs. l).l\‘l(l \Virlcman ‘ and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis \Vidi-nian Br illtngcr‘s. 2 The Red Cross Auxiliary purpose serving mealsut theploughing (lemorr titration which will take place at the ‘lndustrial Farm, Sept. 18 to :21, the i proceeds to be used for the Xmas Box i Fund for the Boys Overseas. '1' our lpatronagi- is asked for. Mr. C. Mason last Saturday while standingon aboard 14 feet from the ,grounrl at the new school-house at Patterson, received a nasty fall when the board broke. He has since been confined to his room. and suffers from pains in his legs aml feet. Norman , Batty jr. also {oil but. escapcd With a few scratches. Presbyterian Church Next Sunday, Sept. thh. thr- morn- ing sen ice will be a Memorial Ser virt- l for \Vcllington Monkman, recently killed in Franco. .1. D. Byrnes, 8.1).. Missionary Super- intendent of Northern Ontario, “ill give an addresson The North Country. The Centennial Urit‘bl'ulltill is over and all feel that it proved a splendid success. lnquirir-sanrlcongratulations liavc Clllllt‘ from all par ts of the Dominâ€" ion. The Church owes and conveys to all who assisted her sincere errati- tude. \Ve appreciate vriy nmch the courtesy of the Methodist Church in cancelling their sen icr Sunday evenâ€" i in},' last. Dr. Neil and Dr. Mc'l‘uvish l for the licr‘arlr n. Dr. Neil‘s nieSSagc on “The Vitality of Religion the basis shonid like every Canadian to hear. Pieâ€"occupation with the Centenary last week crowded mention of Miss Marjorie Boyle’s wedding. The wed- ding was a simple home wedding with only immediate relatives present. Mr. Harry Carroll is a happy man in securing a bride with such sterling qualities. Not only the l’rcshytmiati Chm-r h but the whole village will feel the poorer in hzning Marjorie Boyle leave our midst. Too rarely do such with simple kindnvss and home-keep- ing virtues. \Vc wish them prosper-Ly in their new home in Montreal. News carnc early last. week that \V.-rlter Vanderbur-gh was wounded and a little later the sad news that \\'ellington Monkrnan was killed. \Ve are all touched with sorrow together with the father and mother in their tragic loss. The agony and drsolation of war becomes very rral when it invades our own home to rob us of our best. Our tenderest sympathy is with the family. relatlves of Mrs. Alex. Gibson one of our old members whose. death came suddenly last week at her home near « Brighton. _AV7’ _H Changes in Train Service The Canadia‘n Northern Railway i announces important changes in past- senger service clfective September 17, 1917. On and afteifithat date Train No. lfor \Vinnipeg and Vancouver will leave Richmond Hill 3.5.3 p.111. \Vcdni-sdays, Fridays and Mondays. All local stops on train No. 1 discon- tinued between Toronto and Sudbury, except Richmond Hill, Beaver-ton, Torrancu and Parry Sound. and all local stops on train No. 2 discontinued between Parry Sound and Tor-onto ex- cept 'l‘orrance. Beaverton and Richâ€" mond llill. Train No. 4 for Toronto will leave- Richmond Hill 5.30 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 3 remains as at present. Train No. 5 will leave Richmond Hill for Or-illia 5.30 p. in. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 6 for Don Station, Toronto will leave Richmond Hill 10.0.3 a.rn. Dailv except Sunday. There will be no Cafe Parlor service on Trains No. 5 and b‘. All other service withdrawn. For further particulars see latest time table folders. or apply C. A. Reid. Station Agent. up Lake Marie ‘Farm A Field Day is billed for toqnorrnw, Friday. on the farm of Sir Henry Pel- latt, near King City. There will be a programme of sports in the afternoon. and a concert in the evening by Tor- onto talent. The Richmond Hill Band will furnish music. Sir Hy. Pellatt. will occupy the chair in the evening. and short addresses will be given by Sir John Gibson. Mr. Not-I Alrtl'hhall and others. Proceeds divided between Red 1 Cross and Girl Guides. EUREKm l " other brands oi bread. r Give us atrial. b“) T the ‘ist In the evening Rev.‘ both preached to full houses on Sun» 1 . day and both gave splendid messages ' of National Prosperity“ was one we ‘ grace and lovelineSs allay lhl'tnSclvt's ‘ \Vc extend oursympathy also to the Richmond Hill Bakery \Ve make VIENNA, BAKER’S, HOME-MADE, BRO\\'N BREAD, MOTHER’S, A Maple Bakery n old and true saying is “the proof of the pudding is in the eating," and has was [1085 in St‘\‘( , bread kept so Ill-ll\1. to other ; “Wild: tbs- only 1 rason l could give was proof the Maple Bread is the best he quantity that is heng Sold. It incrraSrrl over six times “hat it 5 yrs. ago. when I started in busiâ€" .\1aple. l have been asked times “by it was that. my ital-(«1'3 ‘I'ul the quality of the llowm mod. and 1 , can guarantee my bread prrie, only nude from the best Manitoba flour, ‘ salt, yeast and water. No other in- gredients. (iivr' usa trial. ll tickcts for $1.01, The Evening Telegram of Tuesday contained a good photograveur of Pic. (‘harles (iIovi-r, youngest son of Mr. 1 Edward Glover of this village. I’tc. Glover has been awarde the Military 1 . . . ‘ 1 Medal for meritorious sci-Vices In the l collection of wounded tinder lire on‘ August 5th, 1(ilhnnd 17th. fort ‘and contingentin No. ti Field Ambulance. A. M. (7. On Saturday, Sept. 15th, at, 2.30 p.171. a "Man‘s Single" Tournament will taL 6 place on the H. 11. silver open to all members of the Club. Saturday, Sept. 29â€"Anction Sale of! IN l3 H \ 111 m AI Choose Carefully. Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto, Has a National Reputation for hiin grade work and the Demand for our Graduates is far greater than (111 attending this school. tried and truly tested. \Vr-ile, for- our large catalogue. Enter any time. Toronto is the best place in Ontario for positions. \V. J. ELLIOTT - - JOHN GREY. , Maple Bakery. ‘ â€"‘wvo’â€"â€"â€"\â€"r Awarded Military Medal He was nvrlv on the Toronto Police Forre. went overseas with the second â€"‘« ‘0 Tennis Notice Tennis Court for :1 medal. This tournann-nt is __.._Q.>â€" SALE REGISTER irses, cattle. implements etc.. lot .0111. 4. East. York. near Suliivan‘s otcl, the property of Fred \V. 'irin. Sale at 1 o'clock. Twole- ontlrs‘ credit. J. H, I’rcntirc, aunt. WHICH SCHOOL? lBusiness Colleges are not alike. ELLIOTT W r supply. You risk nothing by It is time~ PRINCIPAL VVant Tl OR SALEthlill'tPl' cut oak (lining‘ new. $1.5 Hg 4 buildings, land ingood state of cultiva- tion ville R.R. No. 1. .4 left l’lcasc Ont. Richmond Hill. Nov. lst, 1917. required Tru ‘OR RENTvFrorn [st April, 1918, ship of York, 15 miles east of Yonge Street and about five miles from [1181 City limits. the River Don. 210 acres more or less. Land mostly clear-ed but some good timber. Good buildings, good Soil, good water. dairying. Apply John 11. Francis, ’I‘hornhill, Ontario. Dated 30th Au- gust, 1917. 10-2 4 OR SALEâ€"Ten thoroughbred liliode CSTâ€"dirty Mare wrth white patch | \VANTEDâ€"â€"An Organist. and Choir- Enquir'e at The Liberal Office. chairs and round ta blc, good as! 11-2 7 Ielzllltl lied pullets, Apr il hatched, 0 each. O. L. \Vrrght. luliintl : b School. 11â€"23 . ARM TO RENTâ€"1.3” Acres bring lot 22., COILU, Markham, good . Apply Homer F. Wilson, Unionâ€" 11-2 on hind foot. and a little low on hip. Last. seen on Yonge. Street. notify J. Thornton, 11~2 Nelson, leader for the Methodist; Church. Duties to commence Apply, stating salary to , \V. A. \Vright, Sec. sit-e Board. IO-tf splendid dairy farm in the Town- Beautifuily situated on Particularly suitable for soft. \V. "H l( 220 A 1) 0R SAI.E-â€"A seven room brick house, new, bath room, hard and water in house, electric lighted. 11. Graham. 9 4 OR SALEâ€"Solid brick house, with electric light and fixtures and; lern conveniences. Large lot 50); fcct, Church St.. Richmond Hill. ‘ ar-gain. N.McKen¢ie. 39-t,t. and \V. H. MYLKS ‘ Propricttr “WW”. R. W. E. Burnaby - CONCRETE HOUSE H ('1 rev and white flannclette blankets with blue or pink borders, soft and good weight ll 4 at $2.25 pair, 1‘.” l at M .Wornen's vests fall weight, high neck, long sleeves 40c. Drawers to match .tOc. so 05 .~n Blue and white check apron gingham with border, ~10 inches wtdc, yard 28c. havy serge 33 inches wide 27 in. Dress gingharns in §ard bl)c. checks and stripes, yd. 170. N \V omen's, girls' and children‘s white Hanrrclcttc gowns; hnisicd with full of self around neck and sleeves, infants 55. girls 8.3, Womens 1.15. Brown and white stripe towclling, widtth in., pr. 18c. NR 36 in. White flannelcttc soft ‘IIemp stair car ct “0 inchcr aud heavy, yard 28c. p a wide, green with fancy border, 36 in, lv‘ancyscripe flannelette Wm 359- cvlors fawn, blue and pink, yard 180. Grain bags per doz. 4.50. a licck fast drill shining, with Men's black wool socks, Heavy grey won socks fancy stripe, yd. 35c. 2,1 ribbed pri 550. with blue heels and toes pr. 370. a“ Groceries I’or pickles and catsup, Whole and ground spices of all kinds, turmeric, curry, mace, celery seed, mustard seed and many others. ‘ Cider, malt and pickling vinegar best quality, malt 20c. qt” creer 10c. quart. Jcllyjrrs with tin tops, tall and low, per (102. 000. Atkinson & Switzerl l l TDDâ€"N STORE CLOSES AT SIX P..\I. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY : l l 2 i 00.00900600me Richmond Hill Furnishing Store The autumn and winter samples/ of The House of Ilobberlin are now in. The assortment is large and of very line design and quality. Those intending to purchase a new suit or overcoat, should select their pattern while the range is complete. N. J. (iLASS, Yonge Street. l. HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS Herd sir-e, AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under lease). a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA, the wrrld's best record cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for butter, 41 lbs. Only one other 4l-lb. bull in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes nearly fifty daughters a 33.31-lh son of the great KING SEGIS, brother to the sires of three world‘s record Cowsâ€"«nature 50.68, Sr. 4-yr.-old 46.84. Jr. Iâ€"yrmold 49.32 lbs. Junior herd sire, KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, :1 half brother to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO, out of z. 30 lbs. Segis cow. He is for sale. If this combination of breeding interests you, write for prices on either males or females. FARM AT STOP 55. Yoxoc ST. Ranrar. Jefferson, Ont. WANTED Highest (lash Price Paid for 25,800 Bus. Wheat 100,000 Bus. Barley 100,000 Bus. Oats and other Grain. Maple Elevator A. W. ANNIS Buyer RTADPLE

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