iI(‘ll.‘«ltL\'1) “11.1.. ().\"r.. :7. 1017 SI-ZI'T. Mr. Thus. IInppcr 112111111 \1‘1111111-9â€" 1 day night of last w1 11k 1pIiL1- :1 51-111mm attack of 111-11t1- indigvstion. but is recovering nirriy. 1 Mr. “scar ("l111 k 1f \\'1-ll.1n1lpn|t “111)liaslnwnflsitivg his son llr. A.‘ N. flail". 'l'nrr'nln. 1'111111- up and sp1 111 :1 day with his lnnllirnin-law. .111'.'l‘.l". McMahon. l’hx'llis. lln- littlt-ilxinghlI-r111 ,111'. .l. 1’.(il.1~s. \\ hil1- climbing up :1 111111 in llr. l’1‘nllanil‘s‘ t1\vn last Saintda)’. l‘rllnndi1:1<'tliitd:1 lnnn 111‘1‘ lul'l aim. in Miss Allhln's. daughter of (‘1,111111-11 A1 thins. 11f Siralliruy. and tho .‘ll\>t“~“ ('lai kc. Toronto. 1111111111-1l to “1111112111111 1 Hill last work and “’r'l'l' lli1- gni'sls 11‘ Mrs. H. A. Xi(‘hnll<. lirY. Mr. Numis. li_.\.. 11.11.. 111‘ Sulizllnlu-ig will prnavll in lln- 311-1111111â€" st L'lnnrl. Sunday at 11 11.111. 111W. Mr. Mrlx’m- will pl1~.-o"l1 :11111i\1-1's:11y scallions :1‘lS1rli11111br1g. Mrs. J. 11’. lw'1km'and Mr. “'1â€. lia- krr and two (‘lllllll 1-11 11f (11.11111 Vallov motored down :1 few days ago: Mrs. Baker has hevn visilmq w1th hrri daughter Mrs. \V. Tyndall. Mr. \Valter Eyrr died at Lake \Vilâ€" cox this Thursday morning at. sown o’clock. Funrral from the lesidvncc ofhisfathcr. Mr. Jacob la'ycr. Rich- mond Hill. Saturday at 3.31) p.111. The \V. O. T. U. will meet; at the home of Mrs. J. H. 15211111111 son next Tuesday eveningr at 7.31). Members are asked to make an rll'ort to hcpies- ent and to bear in mind that annual fees are. due. Mr. \V. Chas. Hopper and daughter, Miss Leta Mae, spent a Couple of days the past Week the guests of his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Hopper. W. Chas. is a product of Richmond Hill and an applentice of the old York Herald newspaper. He now resides in Gillett, Ark., where he publishes the Gillett Reporter. He reports pros- perity in life and svemingly was de- lighted to spend a day or two among the scenes of his boyhood. GORMLEY A very sad funeral took place at Heine Hill Cemetery on Saturday last when the late Mrs. David \Videman of Toronto formerly of Gormley was laid peacefully to rest. The family has the deepest sympathy of the entire. community. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Bruce spent Sunday at Mr. J. 1V. W'ilson’s. Miss Beula Stevens Celehlated her seventeenth birthday on Saturday. Sept. 22nd. Mrs. J. W. \Vilsonisin the \Vcllsley .Hospital in Toronto havng an oper-. ation onthe throat. \Ve wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey \Videulan of Toronto spent over Sunday at his fathers. Mr. T. \Videman. Mls. G‘unhriel intends moving to \Vestun to 111.6! in the course of twu or three weeks. ..â€"'__~_ . MAPLE Harvest Home services Were held in the Lutheran Church on Sunday last when sermons were preached by the pastor. and special music was render- ed by the choir. The church was beau- l tifully decorated for [lllf occasion. Mr. Charles Cooper has purchased a lot at the north-end and is building a. dwelling-house on it. Several from here fair last Saturday. A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Loveys motored out from Town; to on Saturdav afternoon and wore en- tertained at “The Cottage.†Twenty- two in all sat. down to supper. Miss Ruby Byam is attending the Normal School in Toronto. took in Brampton THORNHILL The meeting of the Horticultural Soc1ety will be held in Victoria Hall on Tuesday. October the second at eight p. in. Mr. Allan of Richmond Hill will gixe a talk on rose culture. Mr. Allan hashad great success a-' long this 1111?; he carried off some of the best prizes at the last exhibition of the Ontario Rose Society in Toron- to. No doubt his experience in this work will be both interesting and in- structive. If you would like to grow the “queen of flowers" come and hear how it may he done. o HEADFORD Heudlord Red Cross Auxiliary have received wold of the safe arrival ofthe three boxes of socks that Were sent to three111emdersnfthe127th Bait. The l boys all Send their thanks for lliesame and say that they were bale needed and highly appreciated by all the boys. The three members of the 127111 who received the hnxrsaie Corp. L. Mid- dleton. Sap. \V'. U. \Yclhnan. and Sup. 0. V. \Vright, M MetcaifeuHarding Quietly. at 711.111.. last Thuisday 1A evening. Sept. 211111. the marriage took place of b‘ 3rtha. 13.. eldest daugh- ter of Mr. .111d.\lis. Geo. Harding tn Alincr R.el11e1 51111.111' Mi. and M15. (ion. Mctmlfc. Richmond Hill. Tth Rev. .145. Aikenhead officiatud. Thcl bible. who was gircn away by her father, Wearing a dainty dress of ivory crepe de chene [limmed with real lace and seed pearls, enterrd the drawing room to strains of thcngrin‘s. played by Miss Vera Ki1hy of Toronto. cousin of the bride. After a buffet luncheon, ' amid showers of confetti. the happy couple left for London and points west. l ‘3'111111g 1111-1r1-l'1lw 1:1111211‘g1ati11n j wrll. . ‘ 1i. 5. llugln-s and \\'1ll1.‘1n1(‘.1<1l. l J ONES~On Memorial Service A int-1111111111 ~1â€"1Vi1'1- in 111111111'1t ti\'1- 1 \\'.1held l.1~t Sunday 11111111111: in tho. Methodist t'li111wl1. 'l'ln- l’.1~lrn. 11’11\‘. .l. H. .-\ll-(t-lil11-;1Il. p1111l:1l1igh 1111111111 [11 tho 11111111111y 111~ 1111â€" young 1111-11 ‘.\ 1111 11.111 lnmli- llw s’1111111111' ~11v'11ll1'1‘11111117 |1:1lt‘1'flhv- limp 11- :11111 showrd 1'11'1\|i\' 1.1.111 1.11111] 111111111111111'1-11'1s 111 11»'1‘ soldil-rs especially 11111111;r 1111- 11.1111-1' “ 51:1fl1's11fli11'ul1'ril “:11. Tho 1‘111111' 31111; :\]\]1111)lll.lll' 11111~i1- and 11†though. l111-s1‘1\i.'1 \\'.1s 1:1..sl itnplI-ssi‘ci'. 1‘111'11i11g11 1'1'1111111: 111.11. “hilt! 111111ul111l\\itl1 111.11111:1l ~3111111~Qfor lilt' 111‘s 111 Min 111 1111 1111111 111111 11 ti-1ll1vn. \\"1\ alsoa 1'~.»111.;..1'p1i.1n 1311 ‘ .1\r“ ‘ (1111‘ l‘.1n.-nli:.n111‘1111111111l :1111l11l' 1412111- lll‘ll‘ 1311' [hp 11111'1ls :1 ~1'1 111pl§s111 11. Thu 11111114 of 1111- )‘1111114 1111-11 in whoa» 11111111111- :1111] 1.1 whwsn 1111-1111111' 1111- son ice \\'.‘I\ 111-l1i wv-r1- ( 'l1'll.-1 1111 ( '.1l1l-‘ ("bull's All-tzwlf, [C111 lluglr-s. a.» » .- W. Clillord chorted Dead On 1111'351l111l' .\p| il it \\':1<r11p1>111-1l 1 that Flight larut. \\’..l.(‘lit1'1111l was missing. “is rolativrs 111111 triumls 1111])1‘11 that l11-111ight 11111'el1111'nt-1l1v11 piisoncr. and 111111 1.111-1-1111 \\'1-1:l1l 111- heaid from. It \\':1S1vl'li1-i:1lly 11*}1111‘11-11 1 1111 T111-s1111v. however. that 111- 111111 lie-1’11killt'tliuarlion. “Hillyâ€('lilfnrd. as 111- was familiaily known by his many friends. was the tirsl Canadian llnrn man who brought honor to Canada by winningth King‘s prizo at Hislcy. Ho W218 36ynars11l’age w hen i he enlist-1d with the 19th Battalion. and wont 1>rersrasfrm11the Exhibition ('amp in 15115 as a private. In March. 1916. in- won his commission and was s1‘11111 attcr attached [11 the Royal Flv- ing l‘nrps. His 11-lalivos who l'('\lllr‘ in Toronto received his last ll'tlrr Apiil ll). _‘._’ H , Methodist Church At a inceting oftbn Quarterly Board on Saturday the sad and sudden death of our late brother Charles Mason was feelingly Icfcrred to by his Colleagues. and tho Recording Steward was inv struclcd to draft a letter of sympathy. and forward a copy to the bereaved widow. ' District Visitors were appointed as follows: Richmond Hillâ€"Bros. (il‘0\V- hurst. Reaman. W'right, McMahon. Victoria Squareâ€"Bros. Read and F. Nichols. Headfordâ€"Brn. A, Leek. Sunday School reps.â€"\Viley. Rumble. McMahon. Frisby. Read. Lcck. 111-1111- kay, YVinch. Delegatestn Financial District Meet- ingâ€"Bros. Growhurst and \Vright. Presbyterian Church On Sunday morning a specially Rally Day Service will be hold, with a children’s choir. The Minister will preach in the waning. 4-H.â€" BIRTH . FETCH â€" In Richmond Hill. Sept. 16 1917. to Mr. and Mrs. R. Pctch, a daughter. the 3rd Con. Sept. 22nd. 1917. to Mr. Albert Jones. a son. MARRIED METéhLFE-HARDINGâ€"At thc residence of the. bride‘s p:11ents.b_v Ihc Rev. J. R. Aikenhead. on Thursday. Sept. 20. 1917, Bertha E.. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Get). Harding. to Almer R.. elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Mel'call'e. all of Richmond Hill. 1 Vaughan. and Mrs. DEATH \VIDEMAN ~ On Wednesday. 1917. at her late residence. 252 . George-St. Toronto, Amanda Janvi Eyer. wifch David \Videman. agrd . 51 years. ' Funeral from above address Sat: urday. to Heise Hill Cenwtery, Gormlev. BALLâ€"At his late reside Sunday. Sept. 23. 1111 Ball. aged 73 veal-s. Intormrnt at Trmity Chuich, Thoruhill. “'edncsday. Sept. 26. 1 JONESâ€"0n Srpt. 2-111). 1917. 1.11 the 3rd Con. of Vaughan. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones. aged 2 days. Sept. 111. . nce.’l‘l1nrnliill. 7. Rev. Thomas Enlist for Training For Business in one of Shaw‘s Schools. annnt1.. Fall Term from Septnlth. Free(7.1taloguecxplains. \Vritc for it. \V. H. Shaw. P1 csi- dent, Yonge &(1‘1crr.~1rdSts. Bolton Fair October 1 and Z lillliilll Fair will l'i' ilt'ill 11H )l11lilily :1111l '1‘111-~111.\‘, “"1. is! .1111] 211d. ninl ll)" 11111-1-1111s. 111 spitv 111' \\;~1 1111111 1'1111- 1liti1111x. :111‘ 1l1'111111f'1'1l 1-» 11111.11 11m 1111 111.11- >11.‘.1vl.l 1E11~ \‘.--.1- ll. 11 1*\1-1‘. Ill-11115,“ llsl 111~ l1111'1 1-111111L'11l :1111l 1'111111-\11l 11.l ;- \Wl's 17â€. 111'11\' ~pw-i:1l [12111: ~. 1.- 31113.1.1‘11111vw {Ki ill‘l‘ 1‘111‘ rill 11.1l 21" lsvsnl 11111~--\. 'l'ln-H‘ is 1111 1.1 11w [Iii .1" 1.1 >111-111i :1 1i.1\' ll1.111:1ili111111117111. ll.11i 11‘.111l ll. {111151'1'11'1413'17.111. li‘l' 1 1 . 1 . 1111.111.i/- ltxi. 11:.1ch ' I 1111 l. EH11115-1\‘ir'osliuu-h-rn v 1N1 l._ Spwwlal l’11<.11'llr'1 tip- . \- li1i1i1vl.1~..‘11..\.1. '11'.11 . l~ 1‘; 2 “1'1. llvl'i' i’llix. Vl‘l‘ll'llln. .‘11. . 11.‘ v 11’ “(‘K1 1111*11- Will in) :1 1‘1111-l‘1.11111:; 1 ll 1'- “1111' (‘1-11111111I1i111 :11 ll .1.1:1. t‘flll 5111111111. 811111111' 1-\‘.-11i11g. 1'\~l~‘-11¢_{ :11 7-11.1‘l111'ls'~ \111'4‘1.11 :1'1';I"l.1'1‘ li1†ii ‘11. 3 1‘1. .l. .\l1~l{-El1i1‘lt 1i ('12: 11‘.‘ (11:11.11. '1'11111111'1, \l'w'vial 111'1si1-11l .1lis.-I'\ir'1'~’. my -00. ~ 7~ Sudden Death l 311s..\111‘11111:1 .l.1n1- l‘.\1'1'. \\il‘1- 11, I .\l\'. Il.1\i1l \\'l1l1'1111n. :1111l 1l;111ql111»1 111' ‘ 1311'. .11111 .\11~' .l11-1.li l‘ijv'i'r. 1l11~1l ~111l ill'irlyatl1111'l1111111'111'1’1111111.1-11;1\\'111lrl 111‘s11:1y111'l;1s‘t \\‘1-1-l\. l)1-1~11 1s1 (l u as horn in .11‘11klmn1 'l‘oit'iislnp, 111-:11' lliclnnnml lllll. 1'11 _\'1-;11< 213411. and mow-11iron)lliisplam-111'1'1111111111 tivn yoais 111111. Sln‘ is s111\i\'111l by :1 bus- 1111111 :11111 sou-n rliildrvn 1-1 mourn the loss of :1 good wiin .11111 111111l11 1-. flop, Prize Winners The following :11'1‘1111‘ piizo winnors in the Potato Field (bop L‘unipvlitinn in connwtion nilh the Hirinnoml llill Agricultural Society: â€"1. If. Agar: 2. N. Hnilcs: 3. A. .l11110514. I). McMillan: .3. J. S. .111:N11ir; (i. I). \V. (Flubinv; 7, M. Savage. ’ SALE REGISTER Friday. Sept. 28eâ€"(Jrrdit sale of 55 brad of ii1-st~classr-:Ittln, frrsh milvh cows. springcrs. steels and heifers at Agincourt. proprrty of Goo. Spark- hall. Sale at l p.111. Terms-(1' mos. credit. J. H. Prentice. auct. Monday. Oct. lâ€"Auctiun sale of fain) stock. inmlements. furniture and a fifty acre faim. lot 8. mm. 5, Mink- haul. the property of J. .l. Lunau. Sale at lo‘Clnck. Terms fo r chattels 13 months. Fred P1vstill.1111ct. MILLINER, RlCHMOND HlLL We specialize in Millinery made to the individual taste, and will be pleased to submit styles for compari- son. Ladies may choose shapes and trimmings and we will make to style selected; quotations are in accordance with the prevailing market, and we ' guarantee satisfaction. On Saturday next we shall make a special showing ch1ld1‘cn’s Millinery, and invite your inspection. Mournng orders receive special and immediate attention. I of WHlCll SCHOOL ? All Business Collegvs are not alike. Choose Circl‘ullv. % ELLIOTT Yongc and (‘harlrs Steu, Toronto, Has a National Reputation for high grade \\'111k and 1111- Demand for our Graduates is far groan 1- than our supply. You risk nothing by attending this school. it is time- triod and truly tested. \Vrilo for our large catalogue. Enter any limo. Toronto is the best place in ()ntcnio for positions. 11'. J. ELLIOTT - - PTilNl‘lI’AL Horses, Cattle. Sheep. Swine, Grains, Farm Machinery, Fancy Work, and Fine Arts. WOODBRlDGE F111? October 6 and 8, 1917 Last Day =Thanksgiving Day Farmers Famous Fall featuring 1 1 estivai Poultry. Vegetables, Fruits, Good Attractions. EVERYBODY COMES FROM EVERYWHERE ‘ From all directions, Count Entries Close y Improved Highways lead to \Vood bridge. Take a day off and enjoy it at the big Fair. October 4th. 1 L‘. L. \VALLAL‘IS. Secretary. iiconcncra noUSE M . W t.‘1‘\‘ :11.1l \\i1llr‘ ll‘llill1'l:'Y(1'lii:llll{(i< “'13.. liillu 111' pilllx’ lwl'l is s11. 11 gm. il Weight ll 1111:921311-1ilz1: 1:11 *1â€? I. 111.11 1 115?. 111 11-1 1;..1‘ 111111: :11111 wl1111~ chm-l; apron 1 ' .l .. .. : .. . . 1....1111 ... 11111;: ,~.11\1s 1111-. numb 111) 111W 1111'111-1', t<l111<fl1r< i \\i1l1-.\‘;11.1~_'<.- .\‘1‘l\" ~1"‘-“'1 .1.-.. .' ." ‘ . . l "‘s‘ "‘ lint-N \\.1l~‘ ..'1 1:1. lbw-w gnig'hanis n1 1'lit't'ks and stripes, UL 171‘. xxtxx .11 -Ii"'~k 1'- 11l 11.1.1 .1. 11.1111 {l111111-l1-1t1' gownq 'r;ll 111's1-1‘l'111 git'l' 3 ‘11111 nor}; :1.11l>1'1~1:v1x‘, int':111ts.'1.'1 71. \v1.n11-ns 1.1.3. 1.1. i “ ' 1.111111111111l \\‘11111?:.:1'1ps- tnivrlling, width 17 in. pi‘.18c. N_ N 311 in. \'1'.'1itclln1n1-lrllc sr-l'c 110111 '1 stair car 7N "-1 ' .. and heavy, yum 33L. 1 l â€"_ lllCllts wide. green with fancy border, 5111 111, l-‘ancystripc tinmclctte WM 37’9- 1‘ 11111's fawn, Mac and pink, \‘ard lfi'. ‘ ' _ 1. (.rain bags per (1112. 1.50. \ ltocl: fast drill shitting, with fancy stripe, yd. 3:30. Men's black wool socks, 2 l ribbed pri 550. Heavy grey \\'r)ol socks with blue heels and toes pr. 370. “R Groceries For pickles and catsup. whole turmeric, curry, mace, celery Cider. malt and c1ce1‘ IOc. quart. Jcllyjirs with tin tops, and ground spices of all kind. seed. mustard seed and many others. pickling vinegar best quality, malt 20c. qiu tall and low, per doz. 90c. “MN ' Atkinson & Switzer 1 storm 01.05 as AT six P. M. I MONDAY .\.\'n WEDNESDAY :NOOOMMWM’WWQMW g . . . . . lii‘chmaml Hlll FllllllSlllllg Store § § 11,.11lm'll11 are now in. The assortment is large and of very linc design and duality. Those intending to purchase a new suit or overcoat, should select their pattern while the range is Complete. R’. J. (£14sz85, l’ouge Street. AVONUALE PONTIAC ECHO SYLVIA. tho w11l1l's Herd sire, MAY ECHO lion and Canadian Reroid for bull1-1 in Canada. 1133.3141151111 of the great lClNLi HEGIS. (under lease). a. son of 111st 1111:11111 cow for milk produc- . 7111119. Only one other ll-ll). bull ()nrln'rd 11f111wl111111l11-(l inrludt-s 111-111 ly titty daughters of brother to the sires of three \1'111ld'si1‘1'm11 cow'swinaturt-1311.68. Hr. »1.vr.-11l111(i.5-l. .lr. 4-yr.-old 40.32 lbs. .1nnior 1111111 sire. KING Slililï¬â€˜ l’UN'l‘lAC) CANADA, a half brother to A\'UNI).â€"\l.l£ l’UNTlAl‘ l‘ft‘llt).o11[of:. Ill) lbs. Segis cow. 111‘151'111'51111’. if this c1-111l1inati111111fl1reedingint1-iests you, write for prices 1111 t‘itlwr malt-s 111- t'1-mz1l1-s. Faun .1'1‘ S'rnr 5.3. Ynxou Hr. hunt. R. W. E. Burnaby" ~ Jefferson, Ont. W‘A N T E D Highest (lash Price Paid for 25,800 Bus. Wheat 100,000 Bus. Barley 100,000 Bus. Oats and other Grain. 1'1.“ .. c.3318 Elevator A. W. ANNlS Buyer MAPLE