Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1917, p. 3

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Women of Russia Exercised Compul- sion in Regard to Deserters. When, during the immense and be- wildering confusion of the Russian revolution, many hundred soldiers de serted, not from disloyalty, but mere- ly because they wished to go home and see their families, they did not al- ways meet the reception they expect- ed. The women were no less weary of the war than they; but they had sometimes a clearer idea of the neces- sity of continuing it, czar or no czar, than had their men. There were fairly numerous instances when the men re- turned to duty in abashed squads un- der the escort of an Amazonian guard of village maids and matrons; oc- casionally a lone husband would be marched back under the sole but suf: flcient compulsion of a resolute wife. The influence. of women has always I been important in holding the soldiers of a nation to their duty, or discourag- ing them/ from it. Usually it"has re- mained influence merely, and has not become compulsion. Sometimes it has been exerted in 'a manner halfway be- tween the two. ' ‘In the days of thegmerican Revolu- tion therewas a patriotic matron of New‘ England whose husband did not volunteer when his neighbors did. He gave his "pindling" health and feeble constitution as an excuse. He was, in- deed, a slight and small man, but tough and wiry, and better able to en- dure the hardships oiwar than many bigger men, as his spouse well knew. But she did not remonstrate or shame him in the community by expressing her opinion. Instead, she devoted her attention to his diet. If he were not a well man, he ought not to eat like one, she decided; rations to such<as befitted an invalid. _In vain he protested that he required extra nourishment; the hotter and angrier he got, the more firmly she in- sisted that he was feverish and cho- leric,' and that a light diet was the thing for him, with nothing solid or heavy or rich. In fact, his diet grew daily lighter and lighter. First, dough- nuts disappeared from his breakfasts, then flapjacks and cake from his sup- pers, finally even meat from his din» net‘sâ€"and at that he gave in and en- listed. He proved to be a good soldier, who was never sick, and recovered with unusual rapidity from the two honor- able wounds that he received. Owing to his littleuess and leanness and to a gradual leaking out of the story of how he came to join the army, he bore and she reduced hisfiiams Pink Pills actually make. "weeuy" and have pimples on the race, showing that they have not enough blood. The anaemic boy is just as likely to become a victim of consump- tion as the pale, breathless girl with iher headaches and worn-out look. Let . the boy in this condition catch cold and he will lose his strength and his health becomes precarious. To prevent serious disaster to those of the rising generation, let both boys ,and girls be given the'new rich blood which Dr. Wiiliam‘s’ Pink Pills are fa« mous the world over for making. When giving these pills watch how soon the appetite returns and how the languid girl or the weak boy becomes full 5f activity and high spirits. Re- ‘ member that the boy has to develop, 5too, if he is to make a strong hearty man. Give, both the boys and girISI {a fair chance to develop strongly ithrough the new, rich blood Dr. Wil- You will then see active boys and girls, in- stead of weakly children around you. 2 Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by ‘all medicine dealers or may be ob- ltained by mail at 50 cents a box or ‘six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. VVil-~ 'liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. n TELLS ITALE "0F TORTURE. |Belgian Girl Says Most. Terrible Tor- ture Was Inflicted on Youth. A young Belgian lady, the daughter iof wealthy parents, who for over :‘three years-has suffered at the hands of the Germans in Belgium, and Who, .succeeded' in escaping into Ho.lland, ‘whence she journeyed to London, has‘ 'related her experiences to a i’epre-J ‘sentative of the Central News. He proved to be a good soldier, who was never sick, and recovered with unusual rapidity from the two honor- able wounds that he received. Owing to his littleness and leanness and to a gradual leaking out of the story of how he came to join the army. he bore through his military career and ever afterwards a nickname, which after the first he accepted without resent- ment. and to which lie answered quite as a matter of course. He was known as Starveliug Jones. Join the Home Defence movement for the conserva- tion of food. Help to pre- vent waste by demanding the whole wheat grain in break- fast foods and bread stuffs. Substitute whole wheat for meat, eggs and potatoes. The whole wheat grain is the most perfect food given to man. In Shredded Wheat " Biscuit you have the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. Every particle of the whole wheat grain is used including the outer bran coat which is so useful in keeping the bow- els healthy and active. For any meal with milk, and fresh fruits. wawywxlwwwa 3:2: because “tth like it and 2:: they know it's 5’53; good for them @535 PATRIOTS ENFORCED. Made in Canada. It is a. mistake to think that anaemia is only a girl’s complaint. Girls prob- ably show the effect of weak, watery blood more plainly than boys. De- layed development, pale faces, head- aches, palpitation, and a feeling of listlessness, call attention to weak blood in. the case of girls. But many boys in their teens grow thin and “weedy” and have pimples on the face, showing that they have not enough blood. The anaemic boy is just as likely to become a victim of consump- tion as the pale, breathless girl with her headaches and worn-oiit look. Let the boy in this condition catch cold and he will lose his strength and his ’Tis wondrously, wondrously lovely This glorified Autumn land But the Frost King is surely coming, I see it on every hand. The birds are winging southward They love not the Frost King’s reign; The wee folks of the forest Are hoarding their nuts and grain. In garden, wood and meadow, Wherever I may peep, The leaves are falling softly And whisp’ring “Down to sleep.” The girl was arrested as a spy because she had written letters to her sweetheart, who is serving in the army, and sent to prison for three months. - / "I had to work from seven o’clock in the morning until nine o’clock at- night, and tolerate the most abusive insults,” she said. “A very large number of my friends were arrested, including'a young man. The Ger- mans did all in their power to induce him to speak, promising him a free pardon if he w uld implicate others, The man resistfid’all their persuasive methods, and they inflicted‘the most terrible torture. Then he was tried and sentenced to death. Belgians speak at tfie he was stan And everywhere there lingers A smoke-like purple haze That must have come from the < bers They left in the woodland ways. And every tree and thicket Bears a signal torch aglow, Where the vanguard of his army Have blazed the way to go. a fair chance to develop strongly through the new, rich blood Dr. Wil- liams Plnk Pills actually make. You will then see active boys and girls, in- stead of weakly cuildren firound you. .5. ‘H Dr.’Wi11iams Pink Pills‘are sold by all medicine dealers or may be ob- tained by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. VVil- liams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. sentenced to death have the right to appeal to the Kaiser, and this young man made the appeal. “We learned later that the reply was: ‘If he will speak his life shall be spared; if not, then he must die.’ The day before he was taken out to die he was put in a gell decorated with flowers and given the most costly food to eat. Everything was done by the Germans to persuade him to The Frost King is surely coming, His spies are throughout the land; I can trace their stealthy footprints As I look on every hand. lands This morning the ground was white With the ashes of thet campfires Where they gathered through the md's minutes: Once Dandmfi WEAK BOYS .AND GIRLS saw where they camped in the low- night. THE FROST KING. t moms 'Mildred M. North. done by him to an when of ‘ Eye Salve, irn Tuba: 25c. For Hook'of the Eye â€" Fran. \ Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago d Grain Yields of 'the Prairie Provinces. The estimated total production of wheat in the three Prairie Provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alber- t'a) is 225,778,700 bushels from 1 ,619, 370 acres, as compared with 20 ,846,- 000 bushels from 12,441,350 acres in 1916. In Manitoba the total yield of wheat for 1917 is 41,642,200 bushels, as compared with 27,943,000 bushels in 1916; in Saskatchewan 130,356,000 bushels as against 131,765,000 bushels, and in Alberta 53,780,500 bushels against 49,138,000 bushels Oats yield 224,199,000 bushels in the , three prairie provinces as compared with 269,258,000 bushels in 1916; barley, “43,168,400 bushels against 33,296,000 bushels; rye, 2,498,850 bushels, again- st 1,636,000 bushels and fiaxseed 9,951,500 bushels as against 7,269,- 000 bushels. An inventor 01 a new electric brake for automobiles claims it will stop a car moving at a speed of fifty miles an hour within fortyâ€"five feet without skidding. mmard'n Linlmont Cures Burns. Eco. Somebody has said, “Praise is good for the bones.” Try a little of it on the young folks and also on the hired man. It: will not spoil them. Dear “Singâ€"I can recommend MI- NARD’S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results: Yours truly, T. B. LAVERS. St. John. The readjustment of international boundary lines after the wer will not be the only great problem facing the nations. The readjustment of wages and of prices generally Will be neces- sary, and to readjust wages, and at the same time preserve thier relative buying power, will call for the best ef- forts of the best men to be found. Minard‘s Liniment Co., Limited. Sore Eyes. Eyes lnflamed by Sun. Dun and Wind quickly ' relieved by Murine. Try it In your Eyes and In Baby‘s Eyes. No Stunting, Just Eye Comfort Murine Eye Remedxgggpgfgggé‘: ’Mgfifiz Sore corns, hard corns. soft can any kind of a corn, can harmlessl lifted right out with the fingers if apply upon the corn _a few drop freezone, says 8. Cincinnati autho bottle Baby's Own Tablets are a perfect medicine for little ones. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, thus drive out constipation, indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. John Babineau, Brest, N.B.. writes: "I have used Baby's .Own Tab- lets and have found them a perfect medicine for little ones.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. D PRICES. Persian‘ L; askRSable. Also Men’s I tion by mail guaranteed lustrated catalog. McCox Manufacturers. 420 D E ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB‘ Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The mast useful and Interesting I or all businesses. Full information on a'ppllcatlon m VVnson Publishing Com- ‘ many. 73 Adelaide St. Toronto Sore Eyes. Eyes lnflamed by an. Dun and Wind quickly lt-..-.«l L‘. \I...:-.. '1‘;...'oln flflfllNE Granulated Eyelids, , m y j“! B1 A PERFECT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT No foolishness! Lift your can and calluses off with fingers â€"lt’s like magic !' The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on thé “ OTTO HIGELS’ PIANO ACTION NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE little cost one of freezone a will positively 11 )Iied FURS afterwards ersian’ Lamb. Mink. Al‘ 3 Men‘s Furs. Satisfac‘ Laranteed. «Send for H r. McComber‘s Limited 420 D St Paul \Vest PURS AT Lift your corns ISSUE 41â€"‘17. WHOLESALE [F FOOD DISAGREES DRINK HOT WATER When food lies like lead in the stom- ach and you have that uncomfortable. distended feeling. it is because of in- sufficient blood supply to the stomach. combined with acid and food fermenta- tion. In such cases try the plan now_ fOIIOWed in many hospitals and advised‘ by many eminent physicians of taking a teaspoonful of pure bisurated magnesia in half a glass of water. as hot as you can comfortably drink it. The hot wa- ter draws the blood to the stomach and the bisurated magnesia, as any physician can tell you. instantly neutralizes the acid and stops the food fermentation. Try this simple plan and you will be as- tonished at the immediate feeling of re- lief and comfort that always follows the restoration of the normal process of di- gestion. People who find it inconvenient at times to secure hot water and travel- ers who are frequently obliged to take hasty meals poorly prepared. should al~ ways take two or three five-grain tab- lets of Bisurated Magnesia after meals to prevent fermentation and neutralize the acid in their stomach. MONEY ORDERS ,/ Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen. you get your money? back. U infer-nil and oxtoi-nal. curid with; out pain by our home treatment. Writ. In before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Coilinzwood. Ont. ulnard’l Linlment ’ A properly installed lightning rod system rarely fails to protect the property roddzd. You do not need a store of good The love of real friends to hold; Be honest, boy, and kind, and true, And do the work you find to do; Win openly and not by gulle, And folks will like you for your smile ~E. A. Guest, in Detroit Free Press He wasn't rich as dollars go, He didn’t have a. pile of dough) He didn’t own a. motor car He couldn’t often travel far, He couldn't dress in costly style. He just possessed a kindly smile. He had a happy sort of way. Knew how to work and how to play; And he respected women fair And dealt with men upon the square, And people thought him much worth while - Because he had a kindly smile. (um You‘who t l r e easlly; are pale. hag- ca rd a n d worn: nervous o r lrrllable' who are sub- Jecz to fits of melancholy or t h e 'v‘blues.“ gel your blood examlned f o 1- 1r 0 n .deflcl- ency. N V x A '1' I: D 33.01? ta k e n ‘nree times a ' - 5' after I_n 15 will increase your streng PL'LLEYS. Never bale damp hay. ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC» BLOWERE One 10 ,inc LARGE LEATHER BELT. Double, Endless. 24 inch x 70 ft. yVHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. ,.. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with su‘pply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,290 cash for immediate sale. LLEYS, Large size. \_ mussâ€"$30; 12x60â€"$20; 125/‘2x48â€"s12; 12x36â€"$8. Will accept $300 fér immediate sale, although belt is in excellent con- dition and new one would cost about $600. Wlll accept $425 cash for Immediate sale LECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. mannmoun HIS SMILE. REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. Seuevel Nam-31213. YR FANS, Buffalo make. The sultry summer past, September comes, Soft twilight of the slow declining year, . More sober than the buxom, bloom- ing May, And therefore less the favorite of the world; But dearest month of all to pensive minrs. -â€"â€"Carlos Wilcox. mnard'l Liniment (or ".1. everywhero. Your good looks may be your fortuneJ W'lio knows? Then why not keep your complexion fresh and clear, your hands soft and white, your hair rich and glossy. Cuticura will help you. Used every day for all toilet purposes, Cuticura Soap clears the pores of impurities, while little touches of Cuticura Ointment prevent little skin troubles becoming serious. Absolutely nothing better or purer. Simple Each Free by hill]. Address Dost-card: ‘udcurn. Dept. N, Boston. U. S. A." Sold throughout the world What Came From Reading a Pinkham Ad'verv tisement. WGMAN NW lN PEEEEST HEALTH 5â€"530 from; The Mother’s Duty St. West, Toronto

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