chzu-ge 0t um‘. O‘Hara. Will! is preach the germ 11 M nml Hlll .ud mlily M l‘h \Vm Mr. Harold X ul Mr. Wm. III b1 Sn lh Stunll’vi k SLM If. Ill A considerable number of men who have enlisted in the Canadian forces have found themselves better off under the army rate of pay, which is granted in addition to board, lodging, clothing, equipment, transportation, etc., than they Were while in civilian positions. Their wants are provided for, and they receive a steady addition to the bank account each month. M: Lance-Sergeants . . . l 15 15 " Corporal: . . . . 1.10 10 “ Lance-Corporal: . . . 1.05 10 " u 1 05 , l 00 â€" Bombardiers, or Second Corporal: . lO " Trumpeters.Bugleu, and Drummeu . 10 " Privates. Gunners, Drivers . . 1.00 10 “ Sappers. Batman. etc. . . 1.00 10 " As in the case of those already gone overseas, Separation Allowance: will be available for those dependent for livelihood upon selected men. The Separation Allowance is $20.00 per month for the rank and ï¬le, $25.00 for sergeants and staff-sergeants and $30.00 ‘or warrant ofï¬cers. The experience is that many men can afford to assign half their pay to dependents, in addition. )ll Men selec“ those now on act ‘l|( the AI )n Ill All I'M) ll( M Ill Ll) Id for duty. ation Allo in Europe is recognizegd in the's wages in ted unde Ml m1 llll ï¬nd lu-li [H Pay b‘etgeams . . . Squad., BatL. or C0. Semi-Major . Colourâ€"Sergeam or Staff-Sergeant. Squad., Bait, or C0. Q.M.S. . Sergzants . . . . Lance-Sergeants . ¢ - Corporals . g a o Lance-Corporal: . . . Bombardiers, or Second Corporal: . Trumpeters. Bugle", and Drummeu Privates. Gunners. Driven . . Suppers. Batmen. etc. . . Warrant Ofï¬cers . Regimental Sugt.-Maior. Warrant Ofï¬cer . Quartermaster-Sergeants Ordefly Room Clerks . Ordetly Room Sergeanu hit-n- with no expense except bersonaj incidentals. The rate of pay for men in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, other than commissioned ofï¬cers,is as follows: all e sup: \\'il ‘anadlan ll] U! OUR PLEDGE ‘CHIEYEMENT HI) r: v. eh tent in addition t ).the Canadian sc M ll] 1d 1H lh 1h (in ZII Illl m l'ld HI In I‘l In Dald ,tem of remun Clothing and 0 food is also ll) is as follows: Field st pm little Y, leavm ll!) CRE'I h Issued by The Military Service Canned. wance * cts. th and Depar- eéted men. Ill act m We the him: lh; by muk his escm where 11 by the I: that a pad H} . 10 that TH ll) 1d 1 'A A" h Mi Ill Ind 11 {h In 132 Ill u! Lh [h lh llv )l ll) R0 YAI ing t1) lh bring: tLion the kll) mg: hi hi nl 111 [h ll “I‘YI-IOLESALL Grocer’s Sundrie Au thn Only um lem )7ry Some choice e9 LoJive ye Mat EENHOL'SES NU hh d Cz’m 1bb [at left, on L1 entrant: K11 iï¬NCRETE HOUSE fully :u-I [Ila un ChulchSt., BakerAve. and Roswiew discount. for cash, or $1.00 per foot. down anu Dutch C Maps-16 LiW’REX‘CE, u- ugxeemvnt kinson ES RICH MOND HILI s31) OFFICE 15:3 Rusazu 1ki Pants. 21 Lantern G ll )E hurch St.. 50 ft AND LAWRENCE urch St.. 50 ft. front by 160 ‘ garage. Ornamental and secure a beautiful place for K11] )1 DI )6 IODeS \l stov dd Jsaszvx AVE (1 Sun DO m Switz 1C( )a1 IZBH†00006096009609€ AI In )f l new home frui FLOle RICHMO \‘D HILL, ONT. wowoomw itV 1t RIO