Chaisea Pensioners Reading News of ‘ Iâ€"Veliington’s Victory at‘ Waterloo \ t When Weiiington Met Napoleon at Waterioo the l ews did not reach London until :1 week later. and it wvas four months before-it was known in New York. But when Queen Victoria dietl.'tlie news was known in 'l‘oronto and New York several minutes before it was known in London. This was due to the enterprise (alrhcug‘h d slight bi‘cuh of etiquette) of one of the Correspondents whose press scr» vicc we enjoy. \"v’lmh the owners of '1‘ l6 iiittpress oi" in, z .. v- a vat {a 1 q. “.4 L .1\\IILI§ t) lLbli)T>L.... or I ‘10 Inl' l...l:.; (ll {IlLll \Lanl, -lL " l ororltu Dmiv l’ii.‘tl“3" Covering of the trin was ointment- calmpon an one o? the big Liverpool Duilv newspapers 1“; {11:5‘ harvlizhgg oi .1 Big Trial Riot"; thst ever K's: Lnim‘n. l. t. -4 ,.A When, recently. the Pope prop fed pence. the text of his message was more fully presenisd on t‘l‘:C d:r-.' oi its issue ‘by The Toronto Daily Star tlérn (mi: other primer in Ontario. ‘ i i h ,Ihis enterprise in handling Big News Events has caused The Star to be recognized as one of the great no vspztpers 0f tl:e»\Vorld; ranking with such papers :is the York Times,†“Chicago Tribune." “Irridon 'l‘imgs.†and “Lon- don Daily 'l‘elegrnpl; n O L: w.-. -_ 3.... will '31:} The Toronio Baily Sfar, you will thoroughly enioy TO-D‘AY. git. its local frank your iâ€"delivered or. the day at issue; or you $9803 per year. EEQYOURW%@NEY to this couroN / e- scale to subscribe direct, pin your bills, express it yet; :ezzsi bills. regiitcr the ieiter. ._ The Daily Stir reaches Richmond Hill / at 3.30 o clock every promptly delchred. {V dealer can supply you. or it; will 133/. V afternaou, and is The following direct to me at sent direct. from the olll‘wsi‘ news deaicr is 2c per copy, or 4-8:: par may SLIlJSCi‘RU-C " I' ‘ I ~ â€"ror $1.00 for three months, $2.00 for Six months, or r money order to this coupon and mail it. my - (‘ahli- Kim's ou‘t .- . ' . lily F. _Lon-ion :“ . dent. 2| \‘s’i ' ln ltn‘y. .‘ Rottltlnat“ dl'vi x.. i x 3'11: L}. ._ of the \t ' :a =. ~. -15; “:23 W ....". 3 tracer / i Publishers Toronto Daily / Stax. Tor onto. -1 CI" um‘,..~7 l-valoswl i.<...... - . . . . . . . . l subscription. commencing! . . . . . . . . . . E publicatmum-whichever you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prefer: 1 m D .» T . I n 1‘ ' LTUAEB / RSrâ€"I’.‘ you \vqin'. the p."7‘*-" iv :v" .‘ .. your town. Just er u<< «xiii wt '1: i fffffffi ,mwwu é THE will- iii HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO m: 37â€" This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 EST'D1873 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, Manager. algacrnnâ€pixg’pinms Ht-rd sire. AVONDA LE PONTIAC EUHO (under lease). a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the wrlld's lust rccoid cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for butter. 41 lbs. Only one other 4141). hull in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes nearly fifty daughters of a 33.311!) son of the great KING SEGIS. luother to the sires of three \rotld‘s itr-eoid cowskmaturc 50.68. Sr. 4-yr.-old 46.84. Jr. 4-yr.-o|d 40.32 lhs‘. Junior held sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, :1 half brother to AVONDA LE PONTIAC ECHO. out of 2‘ 30 lbs. chis cow. lie is for sale. If this cmnhination of breeding interests you, write for pt ices on either males or females. FARM AT STor 55. Yoxorz ST. RADIAL R. W. E. Burnaby . Jefferson, Ont. Richmond Hill. Bakery We make VIENNA, BAKER’S, HOME-MADE, EUREKA, BROWN BREAD, MOTHER’S, land i other brands[of bread. Give us atrial. \V. H. MYLKS Proprietor A Reeve Pugsley arrived home from the \Vcst this morning at. ‘3 o’clock. i . ih‘iaple Bakery" Flour is down four dollars a hill." ‘ N a -. 0, , ‘ . i V , I. \Vhatahout your bread? Maplcpuiel ‘h’H‘mlm†“Nth?! of “\h‘ n‘ b“ 5 . , Stirling. )IlSseti awav lust Sundavitt mm“ lb“; hill ll 3' “L linlf‘ White M: her honielin Charlottetown. I‘vli'..\"ti1'- llulwu‘ (’m‘ dmv“ “W h'gh Limb (it lin" is k‘XDt‘(:tt‘(l home the beginnin" of living. and buy Your Bread. Flour and LhSWHk~ 5‘ (il‘Ul'Pl‘it‘S .‘tt Grey's. . I 57- ~~»- Parity Flour t'or Bread. | (iold Seal Flour fol Pastry. i (' I“\'('$ :Hnl 'I'oy (insto lUt‘. Henson’s (‘orn Starch and Silver Gloss 13c. l (lrant- Nuts l-lc. Shredded \Vllr‘ut Balk. Ivory and (‘astilu Soap Ste. (H mt'ort. (iohl Sunny Ta)?lor'<. llorax. loft-linov tic. lnl'ztnt.‘ Delight 31'o1 25c. Mr. Frank L. (lilihonsof Ncwmarket and Miss Maiy Alma Slincy of Elgin *Mills \vcre united in m Irriagc at, St. I Mary‘s Church Tuesday tort-noon, by Rcv. Father Kelli-v. i Phone in your orders to 5.33. Maple. l .Wfl.-. -« 5.. - i 3 Firean for Greenhouses, thigh pressure boilers; must Shave certificate; steady work lto the right man. H. DUNLOP, Richmond Hill. Monday, â€"- ‘-'â€"‘-_. ‘. tilts. W. Davies MILLINERY This is our tirst Autumn Season and many ladies of the neighborhood are being convinced that a ï¬rst-class ' ntillinery business is established in 1 Richmond llill. Our satisï¬ed cus‘ toniers are cur best recommendation. 3 a0†S__\[‘E_Rvgim_wd and “W “ C have 3991035 [0 Llic l’C-‘t l'lal'lietsi I l't‘glï¬il‘l'tï¬l Shropshire ram lambs. are in at position to procure the latest 15 months (‘l(l. to h.- sold at (into. stvle, and our quotations are. ‘ “(t-‘3 12- R-‘let'k'liliifl-‘ï¬l OI ‘ ‘ W , . . )1 1'1] '\’1 L‘, ll. \ \v-v 1 V A ) ~ . v i _ mutilate: \\ t. “I†suhnnc materials, . thw 48†+1.) and Ladies may select their style-5,1 , . .‘ _ . . . . H a l - and “0 “ill nmlxe, and gttamntec toj A“M_FW ml“ W m NHL 1†1m l‘lcnse- “C .31“) “‘lllle‘llilte almll‘ con. S.Vnughan. For particulars tion to mourning orders. and _\‘olll‘ ‘ apply on the property. insiicction and comparison is cordi d- i ( ll.\S.vll.\lII'1t.:oN, - - ‘ Phone 5.); Maple. l_v invnctl. i 2-15 ‘V21 11 i; Ads. â€" .P “OL’NllkIn Richmond Hill. a sum of money. Enquire at. IL: The Liberal ()liicc. l l Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop {onixwx llim'n. Yoruda H'I‘ni-zic'r ' rttoxt: .\‘o_ Us Exp it on all kinds wt' motor I‘v- 1 l 7Altll FUR H.\I.Eri(e‘(lll‘jlsllllfl of H N) :H‘lt‘s‘, good clay loam : fair nut- lluildings. \vt-ll watered, lot 2â€. con. 7'. Vaughan. 1.1, lllilt's \vcstof Maple. Ap- ply to .l. 'l'. SAIoizox, 1le Maple. " ii-tils. lliglw'l-tw \ulcanizint: with (ltllllli“-Ilt‘lll lilt‘ stitching \voik. .\ Loui- Stork it putts always 1-!) handz‘ also ‘Ol’t S;\l.l§~2t) hp. (3.1» Tractor, 12â€"inch corn llill\\'l‘l‘ and \’t‘>\:rl ' grindcr ti-gcthvr oi >:v‘|t.‘|litll‘ly, ('llm- 'ill Kinds anl ~ix;~ it tire-I lHll wt «xx 1l4'\. l’itit- :itt N'l‘ “.1. Urumwdlv l'mrnvmfl. If†viz-w \lll‘lltll-‘tl hum. <o \\ll_\' lilt‘ilk _WV_ #7- >_HÂ¥_r‘___ »‘"““' l' l"‘â€â€˜l’â€'14 “"“" "5' l"""‘*“' 'Wol? liliNl‘mLut is. n v. Haw Stun-t I‘I\::'t'l~ior .\lt'l('ll_\"‘i\‘ .-\'.:--l‘."_\". \l t- 1‘ near Iiil‘llllll-Illl llill. 21-3 t'|"lt.'\' llwll'll)‘ (‘ltjlllll‘ \votL: ‘l'tEJIgt' lmt- 1.1.1 lxnd, liq-152.1: t‘I'-"'l§<, ii:~t-:-l-x~s l\‘Il(‘> Il't'll tiff-wt: l'i“_\'t'lt :v lt‘lntllt‘tl. l. i. ilIlllllt“I. tllli . 't : how-5. hittin- . |" lit . \\'Illt‘l in '_.:lilv-~, gwollzm L. Cllt‘ils ! . :v- gin. ling tH tl tunipmu. I{ .\I ...;i .7. mos h: lllji'. litniziirc if †i "’ .‘»iz~. .i‘. .\'. l: i}'l-. Iii 'limoml llill. r -- w ‘t‘ i"; .‘c fizit-li;i~t..'}.'$lliv'liumml 5t. “T. lrl‘t-l-‘ihtu. Ill-Ll. Eil'st i ' T 's'nin 2‘ El‘l 1" rhi‘ g l‘K‘VAN'l‘lfllr-An Utranid and ('lioi:~ 1-1». the» .icc- in I «z 5‘11un 5 lender in thi- Mctinviis‘. (Shot. 1 . Si l;~ is. 'l‘vitimu, !‘V’|ll’lit'1[“lilt.}n llii‘dlllll‘lnl lliil. I)'.\' to (’-'llllllti N14 ltli. lid-C Halt-giiotvrqil llll‘. N‘ ‘3 l"» lilli- Al‘l‘ll‘y >ii1l11‘f~'~‘ ‘l7_"'~' \‘i't llt' t 21' ll. \V. II. Sh t\\'. [)iL'.‘i~ lt'titlll'c‘ii In \h’. .‘x. tl' LI, Y-\:;g_{~ & (ieilod 51>. \Ttihllit, i‘L". larder ll "tltl, ll‘vil'