The with al by numbers Were the Misseq \‘ Miss Switzer. Savage and M tion by Miss J 5010. by Mr. speechvs \vcm K09, (be new hnrst; Mr. H On motion by of thanks w; and lust ynzu-‘s ()mcu work done. The League will mee ing at; eight. n.clo<:k. 'J be in charge ' of the ment. A good prom arranged. Ex'ex‘ylmdy vited'to attend. Death of Mrs. Taylor The sudden death of Elimth PM- terson. \v1dow of the Into John F. Tayâ€" lor. and daughter of Mrs. Pu [191mm and thelate Peter Patterson, last Fri- day. wnsu shock to many relatives and friends. There was :1 daily beauty about; her life that won every heart. Those left, to mourn thv loss are a mother.“ daughter and two brothers. Needless to say sympathy for the beâ€" reaved is widespread and sincere. Made HM; AIM M631) HILL 0 These chilly days will remind you that cold wea Are you going to need a New Heater or Rangeâ€"if i let us tall: it over with you. We have something no as well as the regular lines. Why thy bum less coal and make more heat. We also have Electric Heaters and New Perfection Oil Heaters, they take the chill 011‘ and can be carried from room to room. SESQQQSSW Canada mug:- «hens; ’éswwmswemmswe WALL PAPERS Fire. Life, Accident, PlatéVGlass and Automobile Insurance COLD WEATEER Epworth League Norman Batty NI mum“. Will save you money. We will demonstrate e npeneu us m- entm-tuiumput After pruy‘m r‘e given: L‘muu I \Vright: \‘m‘nl s. '. Miss Hnmv. Ml \II~.J. Aikénlwnd: Myrtle McCugne '. H. Sunday‘snn. For Blight. Bugs and ,Beeiies given "3’ President lrrismn am“ Mrs. Aikt 5 tonme s ofï¬cers 1H P. G, savage & San Paris Green Arsenate of Lead Bordeaux Mixture Cooper’s Fungicide Etc. Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Sole aéents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity FireCo Heaters and Ranges ih n h 01" by Mrs. M]. W Ml At; lowest market prices from n-dinlly Sloan’s Drug 5‘0“ Richmond Hill AVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samp)es of paper never seen before and for less money Lhan can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the nntpnf, gnlmrimmed panel'sâ€"mo trimming patent. self’trimmed paperswno trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edgedstoxthe 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering, See our samples. take the size of ybur room, and we will see you have 116 waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over. and all the family will be plcaséd to have said‘they helped to select this phper. . . . . . . \\)t 1H M 9%SQQ )1 x A meeting will he held at the hmm Of Dr. Lungstuif on Friday evening: this week. of tlmse interested m lln work of lending n helping hand to [In prisoners of the Indush‘inl Farms. Le‘ everyone who would like to take a: interestin this work is urgele 11* quested [h be present at eight o‘clock m9 1‘6 with “God “'0 trust (2‘ ray brushed eluding jersey you that coid weather is coming. at or Rangeâ€"if so come in and we something new to show you, \H :9§G%G@9€@@§ .u h. pr. 500.; Mens hue seamless Bluestone Hellebore Slug Shot Insect Powder 3111. Ab st, the whcn Friday ‘itish Réd C Etc. Syvit their l“ ‘Hwoud é Mr. Hum Boys ï¬ne lilillqd th (h p1 (h Evening (“311388 «ml M 1b Phone 18 ill and tell you [USS ï¬Â®Â§Â© 1‘] ll] H lhu hmnr 3mm: knit lht thL “I Exemption Boards have been chosen in such a way as to make them absolutely incepenaenr anu removed from all influence. There are Over 1,250 boards throughout the country, each composed oi two men, one appointed by the county judge in the district concerned and one selected by a joint committee of Parliament. Being familiar with local conditions where they sit, the members are Well-ï¬tted to appreciate such reasons for exemption as are put betore them by men called up. . Exemption will be granted to those who can establish that it is in the national interest that they remain in civilian life. This is for the Exemption Board to decide after having received full information in each case. The grounds on which exemption may be claimed (which are similar to the grounds recognized in Great Britain and the United States) are as follows-.â€" (11) That itis expedient in the national'interest that the man should.instead of being employed in Military Service,be engaged in other work in which he Is habitually engaged. (b) Thatit is expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Service, be engagedin other work in which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has special qualiï¬cations. (e) That it is expedient in the national interest that,instead at being employed in Military Service, he should continue to be educated or trained for any work (or which he is then being educated and trained. 1-. _-_- --I Annmr:a‘ n! (d) That serious hardship would ensue if the man were placed on active service,owmg to ma except-una- nun-ma. .. business obligations or domestic position. (9) Ill health or inï¬rmity. (f) That he conscientiously obiects to the undertaking ot combatant service and is prohibited from doing so by tenets and articles of faith. in effect on the sixth day of July. 1917, of any organized religious denomination existing and ‘ well recognized in Canada at such datgand to which he in good faith belongs. (g) That he should be exempt because dilfranchised under the War Time Election Act. No Claim for Exemption should be put forward unless one or other of these grounds in fact exists, and no loyal citizen should assist in, or allow himself to be made a party to, any Claim for Exemption unless thoroughly satisï¬ed that it is made in good faith. Exemption may be applied for by the men selected themselves Or by their parents, near relatives or employers. Application for exemption must be made on printed forms to be found at every post ofï¬ce, which are to be ï¬lled in and left with the postmaster if exemption is desired. The postmaster will forward the form to a Registrar, who will send it to the appropriate Exemption Board. In due time, then, the Applicant will get notice as to when he must present his case before the Board. ‘Thornhill Garage ttm 1 sh ampigée Sarviae &@ Ford w . Gwnmg Evea‘ywhere - travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always “among friends“. There are more than 7 00 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners â€"for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. COURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may ’W/ xemptmn Tribunais; The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably 10W as me u the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts c051 $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. THE UNIVERSAL CA1? Sedan F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. 1 Service is as remark?!ny low as. the cost of - A A1. __.,_1,- 117. way as to make them absolutely independent and )ards throughout the country, each composed of two concerned and one selected by a joint committee of -e they sit, the members are well-ï¬tted to appreciate Dealer Thornhill.’ Runabout - - $475 Touring - - $495 Coupelet - - f»! Sedan - - - ‘I ‘ v32 needs Wherever you Ina}: Issued by The Military Service Council. service, owing to his exceptional ï¬nancial or -\ 1’ "as cost only rts for other BREADâ€"“’1 3]