Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1917, p. 6

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:wYoiik may 631525;in GERMAN RAIDERS RETURNING FROM ENGLAND RRRUENE DOWN IN FRANCE Paris, Oct. 21.â€"â€"Although at first it was believed that the visit of the Zeppelin fleet to France yesterday was an independent raid and the first step toward carrying out the threat made in a German wireless message, which said it had been decided to destroy Paris in reprisal for French air raids on German towns, it is now generally believed that \_these eight Zeppelins, four of which were destroyed or cap- tured, were returning from England, and had lost their bearings owing to fog, and probably had lost touch with their wireless communications. One Big Dirigibie Taken Intact With Its Entire Crewâ€"Three Others Captured or Destroyed. The log-book of the Zeppelin whichl landed intact shows that she had been‘ to England, and prisoners from three other airships confirm this. One of the menvcaptured said it was the want= of gasoline that. forced his Zeppelin to! descend. The raid is widely proclaim-3 CREAT~BRHTMN PERFEfiS PLANS FGR AIR REPRESALS 6N GERMANY A despatch from London says: Great Britain’s reconstructed Air Ministry, which soon will be an-. nounced in the House of Commons? probably will act as balm for several Commoners who have been greatly'i wrought up over the Government’s delay in conducting reprisals for raids upon London. Under the reconstruc- tion plan it is belived there will be a bettter and far more equitable distri- bution of machines among the variousl flight units. It is known many landl machines controlled by the Admiraltyi DAILY PAPER FOR CANADIANS Reconstructed A despatch from Ottawa sayszâ€"v Although the large majority of Cana- dians are probably unaware of the fact, soldiers of the Dominion over- seas, even those in the trenches in France and Belgium, receive a daily paper filled with news from Canada. This little publication, which is of such immense value to the boys at the front because it contains news of home, is published in London, and goes by the name of “The Canadian Daily Record.” It is the latest development of the Canadian military authorities in Canada and overseas to meet the de- mand of the Dominion’s soldiers for news of their own country. Meets Overseas Soldiers’ De- ITurks Were Driven Across the HOV 1'0 and possibly you the tea-pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine will not detect this imitation until "Salada" in the sealed aluminum packet, and see thanu get it, if you wary: that uniqu e flavour of â€"-J â€"--I_-.I fresh; clear} P. ronnc a: co.. 39 Bonsaoonrl Market. Montreal HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POULTRY, GAME, EGGB G. FEATHERS “mm: was YOU mp ions MONEY” UNS‘iE 1"" The im fur he the world needs wuxtmftl}: - . ‘_ WOO” at “M for mtxrnem our new 'ce can so. ._ 0mg , coon,MusÂ¥x-xa kunk. 7 FREE? sum. Fox an other 'l‘rappern send us their rs ; gr after ym' becguse they ~: moremon an asquare ' v ML wags“ $5.33 5%!“ 0 O o e . Eta: {m} in Quad. natural . colorst-r-agaves mkersfgg‘e l ws nee: on stee smo e r it todayâ€"ng 7 _IUNS1_’E!_IROS.8__Q0._ mands For Home News. :56 fun??- mania Please mltgfor particulars {TRAPfl Some day by an imitation of Air Ministry Will Mean Better Distribution of Machines Among Flight Units. ...'_T.l -- v'â€" r 7 leaves properly prepared and packed. ed by French observers as being defin- ite proof of the superiority of the airplane over the Zeppelin. The day of the Zeppelin for bombardment, one expert says, is over. The sudden re- sumption of the use of the German dirigibles is explained by the theory that the raiding Zeppelins belong to a new type, which lately had been re- ported to be in the course of construc- tion at Lake Constance. No reports have yet been received that any dam- age was done by the Zeppelins, or that bombs were dropped anywhere in France. Of the four Zeppelins lost, two were destroyed and two were forced to descend. wlrlfil‘lrfiday night’s Zeppelin raid on London 27 persons were killed and 53 injured. There was little material damage done. could be used in raids upon German towns. Coincidental with the reorganization of the air service there will be several changes in the flying men’s uniforms. In future pilots probably will be pro- vided with garments far more suit- able for high altitudes than those worn to-day. Owing to the ‘great heights airmen must attain under modern conditions they need clothing that is heavier and at the same time is adaptable to quick change or re- moval. BRITISH SUCCESS IN MESOPOTAMIA Diala in Retreat to Jebel Hamrin Ridge. London, Oct. 21.â€"-â€"â€"British troops in Mesopotamia on Friday began an en- veloping movement near the Persian frontier, northwest of Bagdad, and drove the Turkish forces in the vicin- ity of Kizilâ€"Robat across the Diala River. An oificial statement issued to-day reporting these operations says: “We have carried out successful operations in the vicinity of Deltawa and Kizilâ€"Robat. Our columns began an enveloping movement on Friday, and drove the enemy across the Diala. The Turks destroyed the bridge at Ki- zil-RoBat and retreated to the south- ern hills of the Jebel Hamrin Ridge. We took some prisoners, and captur- ed waggon-loads of ammunition.” GREAT CATTARO AIR RAID Squadron Flew 1,000 Miles Without Accident. A despatch from London says:â€" The Daily Mail's correspondent with the Italian armies says that later de- tails received of the great Cattaro raid mark it as an example of rare organ- ization. The fourteen Capronis which took part in it started together from near Milan, flew to the Appennines in a gale and arrived in a body near Rome. There they rested a while and then flew to their taking off camp on the Adriatic shore, and thence to Dalmarie and Montenegro and home. The squadron afterwards flew to- gether something like one thousand miles without failure on the part of any machine or any hitch. HEAVY FIGHTING London, Oct. 21.â€"â€"Hea‘ going on between Britis' forces in German East British War Office anm that the mission station was occupied by the B tober 17, after which t1 resumed to the west 0 The British force sustai Because it mirrors the news of the world in which I live and am interested. Whether it be an epoch-marking event like the sinking of the Lusitania, or but the stOry of a local happening, I know I shall find it described, pictured, or commented upon fully and sanely in “My Paper!" Whether it be the current sport or the latest theological discussion, I know I shall find its importance fully recognized in “My Paper!” Whether it be a pelitical discussion of a Government measure, or a searching analyâ€" sis of some socmlogical problem, I know I shall find the matter sanely treated in “My Paper!” Whether it be just the Bedtime Stories for the Kiddies, or the Fashion News from New York, Paris, and London for my wife, “The Star” to each of them is “My Paper!” Whether it be a witty paragraph, or the problems in “Bringing Up Father," the whole family enjoy the humour of “My Paper!” ‘ The ' Toronto Daily SE ~3. 7e m 3 The Daily Star reaches Rich- mond Hill at 3.30 o’clock every af- ternoon. and is promptly delivered. The following dealer can supply you, or it will be sent to you direct from the office of publicationâ€" whichever you prefer : If you will read The Toronto Daily Star, you will thoroughly enjoy it. ORDER IT TO-DAY. The price from your local news dealer is 2c per copy, or 40¢ per monthâ€"delivered on the day of issue; or you may subscribeâ€"direct / from this office-â€"â€"for $1.00 for three months, $2.00 for six months, or $4.00 per year. / PIN YOUR MONEY / Tiggg TO THIS COUPON / m, If you decide to subscribe direct, pin your bills, express or money order to this coupon and mail it. ‘ If you send bills, register the letter. 1 t. 21.â€"â€"Heavy fighting is ween British and Teuton 'man East Africa. The Office announced to-day sion station of Nyangao by the British on 0câ€" er which the battle was the west of that place. force sustained considerâ€" IN EAST AFRICA The Mirror of the World’s Happenings able casualties, and the German loss also were severe. TRAIN CROSSES mom}; there were sti feared a mishap when lowed to roll across th Even the t despatch from Quebec says: after the successful linking oi vo huge cantilevers-of the Que- ridge by the central span last P.S.-â€"It you want the paper delivered through our z your town. juot cross out words “Address copies direct Addresl. . . .. QUEBEC BRIDGE. Name.... traflic was al- largest direct to me at br subscription. commanclng. . . . . . ses; for a in the world. Well, their fears werc knocked to atoms when, without the slightest hitch or inconvenience a. railway train crossed the Quebec Bridge from north to south and then north again over the two tracks that have been laid from shore to shore. The supreme testing had,no official character, only a few of the Quebec Bridge Commission and the staff of engineers that carried the work through being present. Enclosed 1|. . A Few of the News and Special Features Exclus- ive to The Toronto 7 Daily Star Cable service from Tho Stu‘a own start men, not- ably F. A. McKenzie. our Lanan resident com-uqu dent. a veteran war mun- In Italy, Miss Rosamond Bouubeo. the only Cunt.- dlan woman writer In MW of the war zontq. ' In Britain. Thému Ges- gie. III-to Serum-MAJOR- R. O- a 3.. now on regular Stu; am“, He has ban 1 . regulu Army for $0 ices“; In Canada. mom men 131 Ottawa. Montrga, ' Quebec. Winnlpozv 0&6 other hyporumy com‘ru.‘ I «. ULuul unyu. Wu“ “n... .. United Press. leaded wlrfin exclunve In Toronto, nvl‘n' world how. and lnelud‘nfi splendid we: cable-L Saw cial cumpondonta In twig aJHod country. . “ All we 011100.50 D913 Newt! spatial cable: 7 a. ms.“ of specially uqu war correspondents M vat r lous contra ln Eurofig. "In Vinnie Mann-1&1 "Dal!" Stu'a special cable. 21' ’_ Winder-mere and up“, 1-} Frequent specially 'Gpn'i tributed article: high: but} wrlterl In the war! . J 4 "luv. .u aw Wynn“. The Dally 3m: an no" celves v.11 regmar new: sex" vice: taken by otha: Canoe} die-n dailies. such as, Canada Man Pro”. Ameriofin A? soclaxod Press. and cm dim Associated Press. Bxchmtve rights to than pxcturu or the London; Daily Mirror. use hoax" Underwood‘s, BMW Maghfj ’l‘oplclau,I zeneml Canadian Official W a r Recardu.‘ Spam. etc. p9 Address copies Publishers Toronto Dally Star. Toronto. monxh’a

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