Mr. farm ] Smit h hQ grout them. an happist hmnc. usual and inl eves H “70 shall nka a special showing Ready-tn-“Teau' Millinm'y on Sntm-d next. at modelate prices. Th in Lb T1 inl Ribbons Childrm Saturday. Nnv. at, his lesidpn pVeIgtonféAnd fl ruelph aurpases here. ‘ Miss I \Imtsou Husk-1 dition Street WOUNDâ€"On Thanksgiving night. ‘ neat-Maple. A club bug. presum nny lost by some person returning from \Voode-idge Fair. Apply at Mrs. J. F. Jackson, 16-2 Near Maple Station. 1% f Miss Annie ’mlu L0 assi: ()llnl'd. in hi Mr. Jack APLE PURE BREADâ€"\Vhite and Brown, 18 cents a. 3 1h. Loaf. Buns and Scost 12 cents :L (107.. A. A. M. Gregson, Thornhill. 16-tf OR SALEflTimothy and clover hay (mixed): also two Thorough- bred Shropshire Lamb Rams. Apply “UR SALEâ€"Registered and unâ€" registered Shropshire mm lambs. 6 months oldvto he sold at once. Ross 12- RATCLIFF. OR SALEâ€"20 h.p. Gas Tractor. 12â€"inch corn blower and Vessot grinder together or separately. Ches- ter Brumwell. Unionville. 13â€"4 '\ ANTEDâ€"~An Organist, and Choir ' leader for the Methodist Church. Richmond Hill. Duties to commence Nov. lst. 1917. Apply, stating salary. required to W. A. “'right, Sec Trustee Board. lO-t Phone 4814 nt Th 11¢ ul i211 Scene mat rinm petty of Andi-ow ) o'clock. Terms cash auctioneer. Mil MILLINERY GR ‘ARM TO RENT or for sale. Apply 0. Rommmm. 17-2 Richmond Hill. ll) 0R SALEâ€"Young mare. six years Old, good driver. M 16-4 MRS. \v'. D‘AVIES ll“) ull)‘ SALEâ€"20013251: Peerless Incuâ€" “01-an Broader. in good cnn- . on Garden Ave.. stop 45, Yonge mgmtns/ No ) Mr. Smilh with his tum on April {its ‘Vant Ads. Ill l5, Fancy an’s Mitts. special Iineof Ludies’ Cashmme \ nn VH 011 m1 fl Satu‘rdny only, 29c n- visitod \\‘i gt Sunday. mg L'Idies‘ O intending gh e†in the near Fl John H. 0. Durham, lit )1 \‘VPX‘S M \IcUngno 9nd kho 2 the [our sh him ow pl ‘nllunl has 1101‘ ln‘otlu h Jng givng a “Mixck he near future. It is ::150, entitled Smmks mm to attend this un- ling entertainment. unily lll )dist G Mr. Bo llw [It :, Velvets, \ansts. Neck wear. Glove=, Veils and Vuilin‘g. V11 in w rils’ i with Miss giv J GEN M A\' Stouffville. Ont. 4â€"15 I‘VEI'Y SUCC H. Esmn', Phone Maple. ~ has Milli will h ‘gnnized Bible A RI Bond’ Lake. wln ~‘hin Dr. Chas Langstzlï¬ In gone to th Suld his an. Mr. COHI‘S( ill p 1'0 Lh( ill [h 110 th hmu M iss l1] th M Mi Am 111)] Id ml lll H] MAPI the \V in (ht 1 H e w h Sun e h; Cl‘CC tr: land. patriotic duty to 5 war needs and reme: needs. Also ’it i3 in to supply these need a market for our prc NOW, Britain needs cheese, cattle, hogs, and tured articles. Canada also needs many of these things â€"â€"betwecn the two it amounts to more than a million dollarsfla day in cash. cash. Neither Canada nor Great Britain could go 10 a Canadian farmer and buy his wheat or his cattle on credit. The farmer and all other producers might be ever so willing to give their country credit but they could not do it because the}: have to pay cash for wages, Great Britain needs so 15h to ï¬nance her own ex; ome for herself and for our A' lust buy on credit from Cane. vch other country where s And the producers must be to date the V» > Canada Needs we 011637 e 3H3. Tl anada’s Victory Bonds th var has cost Canada about $700,000,000. spent in Canada over $400,000,000 on her own account. spent in Canada on behalf of Great Britain over $300,000,000. la spends. for Great Britain is really loaned to Great Britain 1 or credited to Canada later on. where she can ‘tï¬cv, :lll('li(ml‘('l'. I Next week this wfll tell why Canada. raises money by selling Canada’s Victory Bonds 0111’ whea‘ .\_I 1 CED 013811 Britain’ lanura u 121 Do: YOU. ’V to Great Britain the credit in order that Canada’s own producers, who need amarket, will have one; and in order that Great Britain which needs the products to Win the war, will get them. .â€" V Now how does Canada get the money by which both Canada and Britain can pay cash for Canada’s products? By borrowing it from the people of Canada through the sale of Canada’s Victory Bonds to be offered in November. That is why Canada’s Victory Bonds are offered to the peopleâ€"to raise money to help to ï¬nish the war. “Canada must keep her shoulder to the wheel even though it be a chariot of ï¬re]: and the way for Canada to keep her shoulder to the wheel is by buying \ND, cash, ( 01:: Committee D 1873 hout 11d t MON Canada 52 ‘V 11 1L it is p16 In )r its equ1 a special feature by this Bank. Advances to farmers are made €113 110T. SCI hCCCS 111iva1011t. ‘ . SEYb to Great Britain :â€"â€"â€"“I 1e money so that You can nada’s producers for what 1113(11 SSBJ’X etc. They wt be paid 11 to OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO HILL BRANCH borrow from t} FARMERS or Canada to give edit in order that he war. t1 3 Canadiampro products the mOHCV at Bntam, 1110118 r from our Datriotic :he pro- Britain, ople of Irom and n (J: