Tel. M. 3631 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESKDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respunded to‘. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vost. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (' Liberal’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridae, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current. Rates A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept. M» the above placea Special attention given to sales (It every description. Farms and farm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- gl‘ucted by the [nostupproved methods. JOHN B. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. 415 Bulliol St. Toronto Phone Belmont 1347 Pallromlée solicited 24 leo ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mucdonald Barry D. Anger Undertaken a: Embnlmers. RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS ON HAND. W. HEWISON {Lumsde-n Bldg. 6 Adelaidt- 5L, Ofï¬ces { East. Toronto. LNuughtml Bluck, Aurora. , . ‘ . The van of Aurora smmltm fm {.1. M. \anmn. Amara 200 Bamcspmm ‘\ \‘E., WEST TORONTO Phone Jlllllrllnn TZ.‘ ’ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders wm receive prompt attention. J. H. PRENTICE PIANO TUNING Denton, Grover & Macdonald Barristers, Solictors. &c MANNING ARCADE, 24 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA A. gamerqq “quNaughton Maple King Licensed Auctioneers. for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage sulicited FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Telephone Main 2777 hlhl‘ll‘ T I J. H. l\ ang‘hton 1‘ ('hnix n BARRISTER SOLINTOR ‘ NOTARY I Won REAL ESTATE Ethel 13. Dover L. T. C. M. TEACHER OF I’iano and Vroice J. 'I‘. SAIGEON phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST VOL. XL. $1.50 per annum, in advance. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON mm TUNER RICHMOND HILL fioï¬n £7. 9avidson Orgsns Repaired. Expeit Work WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. ~AGENCYâ€"â€"- MANAGER Residence Elgin Mills Residence Phone 44.4 C. WALKINGTON T. E. BOYNTON 1nd. Phone Gormley P.O. A pleasant hour or two was spent at the Methodist: Church last. evening when an address was read. and n purse of $130 presented to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hume, who are retiring from the.leadership of the choir. and organ- ist after manv years of able and efï¬- cient service. The illuminated address wnsu masterpiece. the work (it Mr. \V. A. ‘Vx'ight. Mrs. Hume was also presented with a beautiful bouquet; of while (-ryszmtllemums by Miss Swilzer f on lwlmlf of the members of the choir. Shan .uldressvs referring to the gcod judgnu-nt. the, ability and ï¬delity of Mr. and Mrs. Hume were given by the pastor. Mr. Aikenhend. whu acted as chairman ; T. F. McMahon. Rev. N. During the evening musucal selec- tions were given by the urchgstra, Mrs. 0. L. \Vright. Mr. H. Sanderson, and vocal solos by Miss Ethel Switzer and Miss \Vinnifred Aikenhead. The programme closed with “God Save the King.“ and was followed by re- freshments, The following is the adâ€" dress: Dear Fellow \Vorkers.â€"W'e cannot permit; you to retire from the positions you have held so long in connection with the work of our Church without giving epr-essiun to our appiecintion of‘ypur faithful and efï¬cient work. \Veliwnnd. T. H. Trencthev. R. Mc- Kee. J. H. Sanderson, \V. A. \Vright, \V. linrrisun and Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Hume on behalf of his wife and himself thanked the congregation for the presents and for the wordSHf kindâ€" ness and appreciation in the addresses and in the remarks of the speakers. As leader of the choir for 2‘3 years he had enjoyed the work. saying: that during that time there never had been anything but the best of feeling be- tween the members and the leader†He expressed the hope that Mr. Law. rence, who had cmisented to take the leadership, would receive every enâ€" couragement tron] the congregation. The goud taste, ï¬delity and abllity you have exelclsed in the leadership of the musical part of the worship of God have contributed very largely to the attractiveness. devnutness and effect- iveness of the services of our Chunch. \Ve have always funnd you .derply interested in the highest welfare of God‘s cans", and ready Ln assist in unvâ€" lhing that would contribute to the ex- tension anthe Kingdom of Christ. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hume, Choir Lead- 91' and Organist of the Richmond Hill Methodist Church. A long succession of ministers have come and gone. Congregations have largely changed. Many of the singers. whose voices blended with yours in our choir, have either gone to assist other churches in praising God. or have been promoted to places in the Celes- tial Uhoir where “N0 sighs shall mingle with the songs that warble from immortal tongues.†yet you have looked down Sabbath after Sabbath from your post of seivice. true to the Church, to doty and to God. ‘Ve tender you this Purse, not, as a remuneration but, as a. slight and lov- ing recognition of your work and worth. \Ve realize that we cannot adequate- ly express the gmtitude that ï¬lls 0111' hearts as we lecall the servwes you have rendered. \Ve rejoicein the hope that although you are retiring from the leadership of the chu‘u- and the position of organ- ist. we shall still see vou among those who will lead us in the delightful service of God’s Praise. Signed on behalf of the Church. JAS. R. AIKENHEAD, W. A. WRIGHT, Chairman. Secretary. DOLANâ€"Ac Bond Lake. on Sunday. Oct. 28, 1917. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolzux. a. son. SOULESâ€"LLOYDâ€"Ab the x‘esndence of thehx-ide's parents, Newmarket. on Thursday. October 18. 1917, by Rev. W. J. “Mod. Hilma. Alberta. eldest daughter of Alderman and Mrs. Freeman Lloyd, Lu Herbert Gordon Soules of Toronto, only son of Mrs. \V. E. \\’iley,Newma1-ket. Thursday. Nov. 8â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock. Implements, Roots, Gxain &c.. lot 13, con. 3, Scan-born (Mal, Vern). Property of J. M. T. \Veir- Sale at l. 12 months.â€"J. H. Pren. thP. auctioneer. Saturday. Nov. lUâ€"Housohold Goods, at his residence, Thnrnhill, the pro- perty of Andrew Miller. Sale at 1 o‘clock Terms cash. J. H. Prentice. auctioneer. Saturday. Nov. 17â€"Credit Sale of four acres of ï¬rst-class standing timber, lot 15, con. 3. Seal-born, the property of Torrance \Veir. Sale at l. 3 months.~J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1917 Address and Presentation AUCTION SALES the members nf the choir. Issvs referring to the gr. Qd ho, ability and ï¬delity of . Hume were glven by the Aikenhend, who acted as T. F. McMahon. Rev. N. I‘, H. Trench. Rev. R. Mc- nndm-son. \V. A. \Vl'ight, MARRIED BORN In Essentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Sunday afternoon Mr. Geo. Green and other members of the family, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. D. Sloan, corner of Yonge and Markham Streets, leaving their car on the side of the road near the residence. Atter tea when they looked forthe car it had disappeared. They could see by the track that the car had gone down Yonge Street. l‘hey at once phoned County Constable Thompson. and communicated with the Toronto police. describing the car which was a new McLaughlin. A policeman hailed three young fellows in North Toronto riding in the described car, but they speeded up and turned west on St. Clair Ave. They went'as far as Gladstone Ave. where a lady saw them leave the car. The lady afterwards phoned the police who came and found it was the stolen automobile. apparently none the worse. The, theives have not been discoveled, but three strange young fellows were seen at Hotel Richmond Sunday afternoon. After am illness of several months of continuous sutfering. Melinda. be- loved wife of Mr. John Snider, lot 9. con. 5. Vaughan, passed away from these earthly scenes October 23. 1917. Mrs. Snider was a daughter of the late George Coher, of lot 12, con. 5. Vaugh« an. She was born June 24, 1862. She was married at the old home April 7, 1885. to Mr. John Snider. by Rev. Fred Elliott of Richmond Hill.‘ She leaves to mourn her loss her husband. one son (John). two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Johnson of Gnrlnley. Com. at home; also two grand-children and three’stepdaughters and one stepson, Albert. of Rainy River. Mrs. John Baker. Cnrrville, Ont... Mrs. Charles \Vhitney. Toronto, and Mr. James Til- son, of Rainy River. The latter only arrived on Friday, the dth after the funeral. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon, October 25. to Cober’s Cemetery. on the farm where she was born. Service at house, con- ducted by Rev. Zolwell of Edgelev, and at the Church by Rev. F. Elliott. assisted by Rev. Peter Steckley. to n large congregation of friends and neighbors. Mrs. Smith was n faithful wife. a loving mother and a kind neighbor. She died in the full assur: ance of salvation throth Christ her Redeemer, in whose service she had been for many years. Mrs. Rebeccn Ostei- of Concord. widow of the late Samuel Ostei'. died at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Dukclaw, 41 Brock Ave†Tox-«mto. on Friday, October 26, after :1 lingering illness of eight months. Her husband preceded her 2* years ago. She was born 88 yearsago at Sherwood, ()nt.. anglivgd all her life in the vicmity. The funeral was largely attended on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 28, to the Lutheran Cemetery. She is survived by one son, \Villium of Toronto. and two daughters, Mrs. Dukelaw of T0- ronw, and Mrs. Wm. Gollard. Hawk- stnne. Ont., 18 grand~childrem 12 great; grand-children, and one brother. Isaac Keffer, Sherwood, Ont. 'She has changed her home on earth for Heaven. May her soul ï¬nd peace. A pleasant feature of the Methodist Sunday School last Sunday was the presentation of a. ï¬ve dollar gold piece to George Wiley, who returned recent- ly after spending nine months over- seas in the Royal Navy. by the Ladies’ Aid (Society. Mrs. A. G. Savage made the presentation, and gave a. neat ad- dress. complimenting George for hav~ ing done his bit it the service of the King. \Vords of welcome Were also given by Mr. Sanderson. Rev. R. Mc- Kee. J. Hickson, ’I‘. F. McMahon and Mr. Price. Before closing a solo was sung by Lauder Glass. Your Sale is dollars to you. \V not get the most cf them ? White or see me. J. R. LONG, Auction Special 599, Yonge St. Toronto. Farmers. in soliciting your sales. I do so. not with a. View of beating any other man out; of then). but be- cause it is my special profession. Hav- ing been a. farmer for years, knowing stock and values, (grade or pedigreed) knowing how to descxibe stock and values. having conducted many hnn- ‘ dred farm and stock sales. having madea world‘s record, and having “given to the world its greatest auc- tion work." I canâ€"and I submit grounds for the claim~get you more money from a. sale than any her man in the business. Auction Sales Season Coming Lost and Found Presentation Obituary Obituary MWL “’hy The Christmas Parcel Committee ask all the ladies of the village tocome to the Red Cross Rooms on Friday afâ€" ternoon and Saturday morning to help prepare the boxes for overseas. As the parcels are to be mailed on Mon- day next it is necessary that all names and addresses of the men who have gone from the villages and immediate vicinity, Should be in by Friday of this week. Telephone No. 69. Friday. Nov. 2, All Liberals who are In sympathy with the movement in support of the Military Service Act andthe Conscription of \Venlth will be made welcome at the convention. Besides the general business of the convention, addresses will he delivered by Hon. Newton Rmvell, President of the Privy Council; Hon. Frank B. Carve“. Minister of Public \Vorks; Hon. General Mewhurn. Minister of Militia: Hon. Geo. P. Graham. Mr. F. F. Purdee, Hon. W. S. Fielding, and otheis. The regular meeting of the Red Cross Auxiliary will he held in the Public School on Monday afternoon, Nov. 5th. atfnur o’clock. Two hunting parties from Richmond Hill left. for the wilds of Musknka this Week, by C. N. R. The: ï¬rst party consists of J. Innvs. E. Innes. \V. Gmham. C. Gl'ahzu'n, H. Graham, J. Shem-down. 1‘. Cook, \V. Bone. N. Glass, and P. McCarter. Most, uf the members left Tuesday e‘ening fur Bzu‘nsdale SLatinu; the balance will follow on Saturday. \V. P1'att(cnpt.). A. G. Sewage. M. Boyle. J. Tyndall, W. Curtis, F. Todd and G. Maudie started for camp north of Bayswater yesterday foxenoon. Posters are out announcing the an- nual Plowmg Match of King and Van- ghan Plowmen’s Association. This year the match and Tractor Demon- stration will be held on the farms of Sir Henry Pullutt and Mr. Arthur Lloyd, 1} miles north of King City, on Friday. the 9th of November. There are eight classes, and excellent prizes for every class; also very tempting specials. Conveyances will meet the Metropolitan cars at Even-slay station. The \Vnmens Institute of King will furnish meals for all comers. The Young People‘s Society meets Thursday at; 7.30 p. m. at the Manse. Au address will be given by Mr. Stew- art, on the “Literature and Philoso- phy 3f China.†_ Citizens can assist the band and listen to a. high-class entertainmentby going to the Masonic Hall Friday evening (not Thursday as previously announced.) P. Tevensky, violinist, and S. Scioggs. coi‘uetist. will take part. and the New- Edison will be illustrated. The entertainment will begin at, eight o'clock. Mr. Chas. Clark and family of Head- ford desire to thank the friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympa- thv shown them during the illness and after the death of the late Samuel Brett who had been a member of the Clark family for many years. Mr. John Snider and family wish to take this opportunity to express their hemtfelt thanks to the kind friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy during the sickness and death of the wife and mother, Sunday, Nov, 4.â€"â€"The minister will preach in the morning on "The High Court of Justxce." In thé evening on “'{he Mjghby P_mve1; (jf fiaigh.†- The Grant; Mission Board will meet Saturday at 3p. 111., at the Manse. For further particulars see latest Time Table Folders, or apply to R. B. Hyude, Stutinn Agent, Richmond Hill. A convention of ()nnscriptionist Liberals will he held at Hamilton on Change: in Train Service The Canadian Northern Railway an- nounces that, effective October :2an to November 6th, inclusive. anunnissax-y Lunch Counter Car will be operated on Trains No. 3 and 4 between Toronto and Parry Sound. and November 7th to 15th. inclusive, between Toronto and Key Junction. North-bound. Mon- day, \Vednesday and Friday. Sulth- hound. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturâ€" day. The Cafe~Pnrlor Car Service hereto- fore operated on the above trains is withdrawn. King and Vaughan Plowing Match Convention at Hamilton The Hunter’s Depart Presbyterian Church Red Cross News Card of Thanks Card of Thanks Band Concert COMMISSIONER. CONVEY KN"ER. ETC Real Estate and Insurance Richmond Hill PO. Box 436 Will he in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September 1. 1916 Address Nordeimer Building 220 Yonge St. Torom Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe 1. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Choirmaster St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Viil accept a. limited number of pupils at his Home-studio, Richmond Hill Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Hnn. Graduate Royal College of DPntulSul'genns. Toronto. will be at Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friday. CRO‘VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Oï¬â€˜lce located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 a.m. to 5 pm- King, ()nt. Phone No. 23. B. H. LASHER Residence address Victoria Square Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison ‘ Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone out to order A. J. HUDIIC Riclnnond Hill D. H. PINKERTON- V.S. THORNHILL Commissioner, Conveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Llcenses. J EDWARD FRANCIS RICHMOND HILL PHONE 1834 Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT K. DICE “1311 ‘2: Son LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited NOTARY PUBLIC MARRIAGE LICENSES . A. NICHOLLS PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER _Nï¬grt13 Yonge Street OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Phone 950 \Vnodbridge S. SHEPHERD NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEIANCING [Single copies, 3 cts. NOTARY PUBLIC PAINTER PAPERHANG ER GRAINER. ETC. Phone No. 72 ISSUER OF P. 0. address Gormley. R.R. Residence Phone 183 N06 18 Téi'onto 44 12