The Annual Meeting of The Rich- mond Hill Hm-ticultura) Society win he held in the Public School on \Ved‘ nesdzw, Nov. TLh,1911.ut8 p.m. for flu! purpose of clecliun of nfï¬cers for the ensuing year. L. E. HAND R. HEnmsog. The annual meeting of the Thorn- hill Horticultural Society for the elec- tion of ofï¬cers. and reports of the year'u work. will he held in Victoria Hall, Thm'nhill. Tuesday. Nov. 6. 1917. at 7 p. m. After the hllSlllt‘SS meeting a. social time will be spent. with music and refreshments. OR SALE â€"-Two young holstein cows frpsh with cnivps by side. Apply Geo. Manir. Int 58. 2nd cOn. of Vaughan. 182 During my unavoidabie absence until Nov. 15Lh next. Mr. Edward Barker will he in charge cf my Coal and Wood business. and all orders may be given and accounts paid to him. w-ahdr Brawn, 18 cents a. 3 lb. Loaf. Buns and Scones 12 cents a doz. A. A. M. Gregsou, Thornhill. 16-tf OR SALEâ€"Tiumbhy and clover hay (mixed): also Lm; Thorough- bred Shropshire Lamb Rams. Apply John H. C. Durham, “OR SA LIEâ€"Registered and un- registered Shropshire x‘am lambs, 6 manth old. to be sold at once. Ross I’Sâ€" RATCLIFF. Stoufl‘ville, Ont. Phone 4814 4-15 ‘ OR RENTâ€"Lot 45mm Yonge Street near Richmond Hill, 215 acres good land, 3 spring cranks, first-class house. ample smblingfor horses, catile and hogs. water in stables, gasoline engine for grinding and pumping. Metropolitan cars hourly. Enquire of Mrs. J. N. Bayle. Richmond Hill, 01' Ouok 8: Gilchi-ist.33 Richmond St. \V.. Téronto. Ill-Lt". 17L f Richmond Hill. Duties to commence Nov. lst, 1917. Apply, statmg salary required to W. A. \Vright, Sec. Trustee Board. lOâ€"t V ANTEDâ€"-An Organist and Chair leadeg fur thy MgthndisL Church. OR SALEâ€"Gurney self feeding heater in good shape. Apply Fr. 0. McDonald. 18-2 F. J. WUUDWAHD ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO ARM TO RENT m‘ for sale. Apply 0. ROMBOUGH. Richmond Hill. A new well ï¬nished brick veneer dWeHing on Markham Road at a bargain. A very comfortable house on Centre Street good sized lot. A modern solid brick house on Church Street with :\ 50 ft. lot. A good house, stable. chicken house. orchard. etc.. just the spot for a retired farmer at Victoria. Square. A great bargain for a qulck sale. A vacant lot 50x210 on Church Street. One of the best farms in the vicinity of Kettleby 150 acres. good buildings. good bush. good land. chenp. Terms to suit. Possession any time. Owner retiring. Three good farms in Markham Township and several in Vaughan. \Vill be able to please you. SEOEENG LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE Soucx'mn Ax» SATlSFACT‘IO)‘ GUARANTEED FOR SAIJE F. J. WOODWARD. 0R SALEâ€"Young mare. six years old, good driver." n H. A. Nicllolls REAL ESTATE 1-18 GENERAL BLACKSMITH. New Gormley APLE PURE BREADâ€"\Vhiye PUBLIC NOTICE ‘Vant Ads. Pres. NOTICE NOTICE M. SIMPSON. H. ESPEY, Phone Maple. R. HERBISON, Sec Bond Lake W M. PRATT. brick clad \Vest with Secretary. Toronto. prepare for every known Canndian Omnmerical Diploma. or Certiï¬cabp. None too high for our grade of work. Free catalogue. Emer any time. “I. H. Shaw, Pros.. P. Mc- Intosh‘ Prim, Head Ofï¬ces. Yonge 8: Gerrard Sts., Toronto. of the choicest Nursery Stack including NEW varieties controlled by us. Handsome up-m-date selling equip- ment: and a splendid Canadian grown stocx. no offer custnmers. We are nut johhers. \Vrite now for agency terms to SHAW’S BUSINESS SCHOOLS N.B.â€"Catalogue sent on request to ap licnnts foragencies m‘ purchasers of nrsery Stuck. 12-3m to sell Pelhnm‘s Peerless Fruit and Omnmental Trees during the Full and Winter mnntbs. Good pay. eXclusive territory, free selling equipment. Richmond Hill Annex FOR FURTHER TNFORMATION WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE - J. T. LOCKE & CC., Richmond Hill We Want Now PELHAM NURSERY CO. YORK COUNTY Over 600 Acres A Reliable Agent in TORONTO. ONT Trackage Lo’ts on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmpnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale an Easy Terms But to raise money by selling Canada's Victory Bonds means that those of the next generation who will beneï¬t by the BONDS are issued payable in ten or twenty’years, as the case may be. It means that repayment of the money will be spread over ten or twenty years instead of being raised by taxation to meet current expenditures. ' To raise by taxation all the money as fast as it is needed to carry on Canada’s share in _winning the war, would be an unbearable burden upon the people. sacriï¬ces this generation is making; -â€"who will share in the freedom this generation is ï¬ghting for and largely paying forâ€"will 7a1§o pay their share. It would mean that more than a million dollars a day would have to be raised right now. And when you buy Canada’s Victory Bonds you make a ï¬rst-class business in- vestment in a security that is absolutely safe, likely to enhance in value after the war, and bearing a good rate of interest. You help the country by keeping open the British market for Canadian products and this helps the general welfare in which you share. And again, every Canadian who buys a Victory Bond becomes a ï¬nancial partner or backer of Canada in the war. Why does Canada Raésg Money by SeEEing Bï¬ï¬‚d§ 2’ When you buy a Canada Victory Bond I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders ï¬aken for Red Clay Pressed Brick We have the 1).L. 86 W. Scranton Hard Coal and. Kennel Coal ‘N one better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Good Bran and Shorts in stock. ‘A good supply of PURITY AND pASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale Buy Canada’s Victory Bonds Puhtic Attention J. H. RAMER 10 Adelaide St. E. Toronto Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court No. 3, County of York will be held in the Court. Room. HHGHLAND LAKE FARMS RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 19I7 Division Court Herd sire. AVONDALE PONTIAC EUHO (under lease). a. son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA, the World's best record cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for butter. 41 lbs. Only one other 41-lb. bull in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes nearly ï¬fty daughters of a 33.31-lb son of the great KING SEGIS. hmther to the sires of three world’s recmd cowsâ€"mature 50.68. Sr. lLyn-old 46.84. Jr. Lyn-old 40% lhs. .lunim' held sii'e. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, 3. half brother to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of a 30 lbs. Segis cow. He is fnl‘ snip. If this cmnbinabinn of breeding interests you, write for pl ices (In either males 01' females. FARM AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL KBT’D 1.13 you give a personal pledge that 32:1 are going to help to win the war. Every man and woman in Canada can help to win the war by buying Canada’s Victory Bonds. And Canada wants the personal, individual interest and coâ€"Opera- tion of every man and woman in the The buying of Victory Bonds by the whole people unites them in adetermination to win the war. Every purchase of Canada’s Victory Bonds is a blow for freedom against the tyranny of German Kultur. country. So it is both patriotic and good busi: mess to ' that Canada is in the war to the ï¬nish, until victory is with. the Allies and the wOrld has been made safe to live in. Every bond 3:93 buy is a new pledge that Canada will remain true to herself, the Empire, the Allies and to freedom’s cause. RICHMOND HILL â€"0Nâ€" (,‘nmmencmz at 9.45.1.m. Every bond sold is a new guarantee T. F. MCMAHON CLERK To PATENT 600d idea: may be secured by ' our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. I“ Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont. Canada’s Victory Bonds as a s_afc and proï¬table investn-wnt in addition to being a help to your country. Any Branch of this Bank will him your subscription without chute. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO We advise the purchase of Expert on all kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class vulcanizing with double-tread tirP stitching work. A large stock of parts always (m hand; also all kinds and sizes of tires and accessories. Free air ser- vice supplied here, so why break your back pumping tires by hand. Excelsior Motorcycle Agency; sta- tionary engine work; storage bat- teries reclurged; bicycles repaired. Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop Romxsox BLOCK, YONGE S1 THE PHONE L. Curtis , YONGE STREET so. (38 Manager.