Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1917, p. 1

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BARR‘ISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal’ Office). every Thursday fnrenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbridqe, Saturday forenoon. Money to Lonn- at Current Rates I‘el. M. 3631 JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respnnded to', 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, (IA-NADA Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mucdonald Harry D. Anger RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIDNVILLE HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attvntion given to sales 0t every description. Farms and farm stock sales :1 specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest, notice, and con- :i‘ucted by the: mnstnpproved meLhods. W. HEWISON A. gamerqq “MaypNaughton VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS ON HAND. PIANO TUNING Denton, Grover & Macdonald J. H. PRENTICE 415 Bulliol St. Patronag're solicited ()fTi TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt ‘ attention. Tommi 0 Phone Belmont, Snlimtm Maple King Licensed Auctioneers fat-11w Ummty of York. Sales attende to nn slim-test notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage sulicited Tel-)phnne Main 2777 REAL ESTATE 200 BERESIrmm A Phone Junclum TEACHER 0F l’iano and ‘70ice Ethel l4: Undertaken-s & BInhaIlllCl‘S. phone 01- mnil messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept, at. the above places J. T. SAIGEON BARRIS’I‘ER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST VOL. XL. $1.50 per annum, in advance. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. JDH N T. ANDERSON RICHMOND 370571 3. ?avidson Organs Repaired. Expert. Work WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK iarristers. Solicwrs. &c MANNING ARCADE. no Residnnce Elgin Milk 77 Rl’sidt'llm‘ Phone- “.4 II. Nang‘hton Lumsden Bldg East, Toronto Nunglltun Bln ~AGENCYâ€" MANAGER SOLICITOR â€"NOTARY 1347 A v 1?... WEST TORONTO levn of Aurora I. \anmn, Aurora TUNER G. WALKINGTON M. T. E. BOYNTON (3 AdelaidL-St D 0 v0, 1'- A H mm Gonnlpy P.O. 1nd. Phone The Canadian Magazine for Now-m- lmr contains two articles on “The Inevitable Quebec.” which are of unâ€" usual interest just now. The first is by H. (J. Hocken. editor of the Orange Sentinel. It is :1 criticism of Quebec fronr the standpoint of the Ontario man, who sees in Quebec :1 menace to the best interests of the whole Domin- ion. The other is hV Mr. Hugh A. Ryan, a Roman CilLlHlllC, who defunds Quebec on the ground that th5 people of that Province have .‘llwnvs shown their loyalty loGrenth-itnin and have taken their proper place in the settle- ment, pioneer work and general ad- vancement of the Dominion. These articles will givp H. hotter general un- derstanding of the people of Quebec in . the Dominion. similar cnux-se ‘binn to dn h i nppnsilion is ' measures are I that “ruse. The President was warned that, l grave disorders might follnw the (In- .fnrconwnt (if the conscription law, ' which it was argued, \Vnsin opposition ‘ tn the constitutional privileges and liberties of the citizen. Lincoln tnok the ground that demoâ€" lcrucy means an equal share in the I burdens. as well as the blessings of n \Vilson. Jr. 1H son, G. I Beatty. “"hitty. I.â€"D. \Videmnn, Pal-t (b)â€"L. Mc( Hilts, S. Baker. D. Boynton, R. Hilts. ' Class (n)â€"'M. And Bezltty Henry McDonald changed his plea of not guilty of murdelato that of guilty of manslaughter in connection with the NI. 0. R. fatahty nt Ridge- tmvn in May, 1911. and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Hm'vest Home Services and Concert will he held in Zion Methodist, Church, on me Newton Brook Circuit, on Sun- day and Monday. the 11th and 12th of November. ()1) Sunday the Rev. C.A. Jourdan will preach at 3 p. m., and Mrs. Jourdan will preach in the even- ing. A free-will offering will be taken in aid of the Church funds. Monday evening a high-class programme will ton, The Liberals of Vaughan To will hold a meeting at, the To Hall, Vellm-e, on Saturday n9 10H) of November, at 8 p. u). H. Dewart, K. 0.. M. P. P., Mr Harding and others will addr: electors. All Liberals in the ship are invited to be present. Lincoln tnok the ground that demoâ€" cracy means an equal sham1 in the burdens. as well as the blessings of a republic, and decidedon the firm en~ forcemeht of the law. All opposition was firmly supplessed. On entering the present war, the United States profited by past experiâ€" ence and promptly adopted compulâ€" sm'y serwce. burden s. republic, fm'cemel was firm infliid of the Church funds. Monday evening a high-chiss pwgramme will be rendered by Toronto artists, and Rev. E. Baker of Huttonvifle, a former pastor. will deliver his lecture. “Jack and Jill.” Admissmn to concert. 25 and 15 cents. Pi-uceeds in aid of Zion Ladies’ Aid Society. d _. _ Since Lincoln is regarded as one the greatest statesmen this confine has produced. it, is instructivv at, t present stage of Canadian histol‘v, see how he dealt with the Noble] after attempting to prosecute l ()ivil \Vur with volunteer troops, last, in 1863. turned to conscription order to spcure the necessary forces It is it matter of States history that RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. TH\URSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1917 Jr. IV.â€"E. Geo, L. \Vid Lyons. D. Morinrety, G. MCL Sr. [ILâ€"A. ‘Vilsmx. E. Bak }. ‘Beatty. L. Murphy, H.‘ Repm l for Octobm Sr. IV.â€"C. Tho! )bez Compulsory Service in 1863 At Zion Methodist Church rvice. that Canada has adopted :1 'cnurse she is in :1 better posi- 1 dn her full shmeand though ,ion is unluoked for, repressive "95 are provided for in the Act. Beatly ; A. .â€"M. Lyons, Curtis. I. Ful [.â€"--L. B-akel. M. DixmL E. Hilts; \V. Thompson. qual). A. “'ilson, M. Bake) The Inevitable Quebec S. S. No. 4, Markham News Notes Liberal Rally Gee. J Thompson, McGarety Ilkm-d h-ews L. Dixon. Dague. D. Gee. Davis. G. Hoad, R, Ellis. :madinn historv, to with the problems In Essentials, Unity,- z'n Non-Essentials . Hoover, R. \Vil VVhitty (absent) L. Gee, M. Boyn- record in United President Lincoln to prosecute the 3 p. m., and in the even- will be taken Cnhm Township Township next, the . Mr. H. Mr. Robt. dress the mam M Igue.‘ 1' (equal) when D. when Town- Hons me of Linont It, the M at: in The Fire Brigade The Editor of The Liberal. Dear Sir,â€"MaV I through the colâ€" umns of your valuable paper call the attention of the. ratepayers to a most important subject. I refer to the ‘weakness of our Fire Brigade. \Ve have a fairly good equipment, but nn/t enough men to intelligently handle, it in the event: (If a fire. It is true that on the nocasiun of a fire in the Village there is always plenty of help, but be- ing for the must part untrained, it is not possible to use it to the hr-stad- vantage. and is sometimes more of a Sunday, November 11.â€"The minister will preach in the morning on Job‘s question: “ If :1 man die shall he live again?" In the evening, “ One man out of ten for the from." The Young People‘s Society meets Thursday Elt7.30 p. m. A paper will be given by Miss Edith Mac-kit; on “ The life of Robert Morrison." at their teacher's hume, when: u dinâ€" ner. which was waiting for them. soon disup eared under their lmvish up- petites. and after much gathering up (If cunts and cups and many good-byes and much boyish laughter, they were motored to their vm'imu' homes. The immediate relatives of the late George Beaniish, who died at the home (if his daughter. Mrs. J. Shem- down, on Sunday. desire to thank the friends and neighbors for their Kind- ness and assistance at the time of his death. Although deceased had only resided in Richmond Hill for four months, he learned to appreciate the kindness of many with whom he came in contact. \; APLE PURE BREADâ€"\Vhite l and Brown. 18 cents a 3 ll). Loaf. You cannot get any Bread that will keep as good and moist as Maple Bread. J. Grey, Maple. IG-Lf Mr. Lennard Clement 'entex-mined his Suhlmlh School class of lmys of Hope -Tuesdr.y afternoon by giving them it mutor trip through Maple and Richmond Hill to Toronto. where the sights of the museum. Luke Ontario and \‘zuious othm'pluces gave gr'eett in- terest to their much anticipated trip. On their return they were, vntertained Farmers. in soliciting your sales. do so. not with a. View of befitting an other man out of them. but 1x cause it IS my special plofession. Hm ing been «'I. farmer fur years. knowin stuck and values, (grade or pedigreed knowing how to dosmibe s.ock an values. having conducted many hnr dred farm and stock sales. havin made a world’s record, and havin Ur'sul McCluskey. Sr. III.â€"Annie Glubinn, Jas. Park. Jr. III.â€"Ruth Hull. Zilphu 'l‘Opper, Homer Leggv, Lyda Glass. Sr. II.â€"Vem \Vntts, Martha John- son, John Cluhine, Mary Barbe-1'. Jr. II.~â€"Mnry Hodgins, Clarkson Murphy. Donald McCluskey, Max-y VnnZuhen, Howard Neill. Jx'. l.~â€" Harding Burnaby. Ida Spmnlp, Violet Park. Btfasil‘ \Vntr, Hugh Tnpper, Maggie. Ban-her, Leonard Hodgms. 5 Primer (a) Beth Gmnhlp, Roy Neill‘ (h) Viulu Sm-(xule. Helen Bxillinger, Kathleen Hudgins. man in the business. You: Sale is dollars to you not, get the most of them ? Write or see me. J. R. LONG. Auction S 599, Yonge St. Toronto. “given to the world its greatest mu; tion WOI'k." I canâ€"and I/submit, grounds for the claimâ€"get you more money from a sale than any her man in the business. Honor roll for September and Octo- her. hindernnue t]1:1n_n help. The Fire Brigade have. during thC past year. made several attempts [(2 secure new mmnbors, but without suc- cess. and I wish to nmke an earnest appeal for volunteers to assist in appeal for bringing mm of t-Hiciency Secretary (If Jr. IV.â€"Phyllis \Vutts, Ella. Dibh, Thanking you for Auction Sales Season Coming Jefiersan Public Shoo] Presbyterian Church Card of Thanks Boys’ Outing ‘ People‘s Society meets .30 p. m. A paper will Miss Edith )lznckie, on {ohm-t Morrison.” Yours truly. \V. H. PUGSLEY, Reeve [1619 2L dinâ€" them. soon bnvish up- ltbering up ' good-byes .(m. Havâ€" knowing «edigx'eem took and my hun- :_ having ll!) ‘pecial {SSiSt in 0 a state er. The W n y Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” any teaching agriculture in tl Schools was held in the Mn last; Thursday evening. Qui her of trustees and rate-pa present, and addresses wen Inspectors Campbell and J( Dr. J. B. Dundeno. Inspecu culture. The chair was ac Mr. J. T. Szligeon. Vocal were lendeled during the ev Dr. F. Routley, Mr. B. Jackson and Mr. Chas. Norman have gone n01 th to different camps for deer hunting. A number of people 2119 having their houses wired in readiness for the hydro electric. the last week unnouncemen Mr. and M Miss Flore" daughter. Mr: mntu last; Mn Miss szthle Dennis enlert at, their home Quarterly services were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday. Arrangements are being made for the holding of the annual Christmas entertainment in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School. decm‘alions for this weird meeting. In due time the "Glmst” appeared, bringing :L “fortune” to. H\'el'_V(7lle pre- s<nt. Calling for heat, five, dc” th “Ghost,” with its assistant, produced thenmsmge in "burning words, read by each 1~9cipient. Then the witch foretold what. the future Wifeof the male pnrtinn of the guests would be like. There were games galore and stmies suitable for the occasion, and like. There were games galore and stnries suitable, for the. nccztsion, and as the lights were switched ()f’f and the dim light (if the fireplace alone cast its glow over the upturned faces of the listeners, it seemed (IS if the nld time " Witching hour of twelve" had 1e- lurned. After a. toothsmne lunch had been paltitken of the guests departed with the one upinion that this was the event of the Hallowe’en season and the beet ever. ~ It has been decided Xmas season by 110“ and entertainuwnt. Miss Funny Ulnsson of Highland Greek \‘islted with Miss M. Brown last week. Messrs. \Vnods and Smith of Milli- ken motored up and spent Sunday evening “‘th Mr. H. (101121111. The new furnace.‘while it may he a good heater, does not. add anything to the heuuty of the S. S. mum. Don’t, forget that the celebrated case of ” Snooks vs. Foozle ” will take place the last week of November. Further announcement will he made. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glover- and Miss Florence visited with their daughter. Mrs. Herb Buynton of T0â€" mntu last Monday. Hallowe‘en festivities “ Silwr Springs/Farm.” Mrs Brumwell gave a p of Miss Mm-guexite Bmu were \velcmned by In witches, and amidst IIHIL dumb show were usher-e cemenhnll. Pumpkins nut, were placed in com black cuts, witches. (-1 dccm‘alions for this w: In due time the “Ghn bringing :1 “fortune” to. s<nt. Calling for heat, Sap. N VanteI‘ J. Kendall. Sup. 11. B. Lang Lawrence. Pt‘e. J. Hun-y McGann. Mnckie. Pte. A. \V. Murray, Sap. V. Rolph McGonagby Sap. \V. Mansel', S Jus. Pollard, Corp]. H. H. Palmer. Pm. E. I). Palmer, L. Uorpl. E. R. Rilpy, Sup. J. B. Ransom. Nursing Sister Mary I. Richardson, Pte. Thus. Scott, Pte. Jno. Sanders. Sap. J. Stallihmss, PLe. Roy D._Seanlan. Pte. E. Tippett, Sergt. Y. B. Tracy. Corp]. J. Teetzol, Sap. L. B. Toetzel, Cupr. A. H. Vander- Sup. L. B. Tum burgh. PLO. M R. \Vnuds. L Rolph McGonaghy, Sup. M Sap. \V. Mansel', Sap. F. A. Pte. J, P. Nunghton. Pte. I Ormerod, I’le. K. P. Osborne- I. Parke, \Vhr. Chas. Page, ( R. Patton, Sup. \V. E. Parry Jus. Pollard, Corp]. H. H. Pill] E. I). Palmer. L. Uornl. E. I The women of the Red ( finished packing the Uhx-i: for the men overseas lus There were 77 boxes. each about, $4.75. They left Ri‘ P. U. by special cur M: following are the names whom boxes were sankâ€"- Lieut. D. \V. Atkinson, Atkmson, Sup. J. N. Bo) Baker. Sergt. \V. H. Bass Bruckin, Driver John L. T. F. Cobb, Corp]. 0. H. ( \V. II. Drysdule. Cm pl. J. I Sap. J. N. Dixon, Sen-gr. . son. Sup. Jon. Espey. Sup Cm-pl. Fred Froud, Sap. Sap. \V. Fisher, Pte. J. R. rm. '1'. Green. Sen Sap. E. C. Godfrey. var. PLe. Chas. Gl Golightly, Nursing Gamble, Sex-gt. VV.( \V. Hull, Dlivur Ll Carl E. Hill, PLe. E. J. G. Hunt, Sap. \V‘ L. S. Hunt, Sap. I Vanter J. Kundull. Sup. [1. B. Lang. meetin ‘d packing the Chris :9 men overseas last were ’77 boxes. each $4.75. They left, Ric by special cur Mn ing are the names: VICTORIA SQUARE hall. Pumpkins, grub 'e placed in convenlent Lts, witches. etc.. “'l Boxes for Overseas \Vellw 000. . \Villmms lg to discuss the question of lgriculture in the Public .5 hehl in the Masonic hall lay evening. Quite a num- stees and ratepayers were xd addresses were given by en festivities were en 21nd Master Arthur iiued theil'young’ friends on Hallowe’en night. MAPLE Cm pl mxes. each box costing ‘hey left, Richmond Hill in] car Monday. The the names of those L0 ded to celebrate the holdng a Xmas tree “foods mmn T. Healey, Farrier J. Harding. Sap. . Johnston, Sap. Sup. H. pummel-s, Driver E. L. S. I). Manir. PM. Seaman Hal-01d Maf‘fev, Sap. Chas. w‘ Sister Agra . Grant. Li Va A. Hill. :son, Pt . Boyle, Basset! n L. Cu H. Cm‘ l. J. N. l ugh Ha‘ u. Umvie, Szlp‘ .J. N. Drysdalc; "gr. Harry Dob Sup. Jno. Ellis up. A. Fin-man ‘R. Flanningzm LI] John Green [6. Henry Gulli- m-, Sup. J. T‘ isLer Agatha B ” when Mr. and party in hunt»! 1w n. The guests hubgoblins and uch mopng and red into the re- .>d Cross Society hristmns boxes last Sntmduv. Metcaif. Pte. )I. W 3. \leder Jno. VVyse grotesquely t. Limit. R Hill. Lieut 'ening. add in the ’te. R. \V 9, Sup. R >L[.Â¥Sz|«p. D‘ )hh up: weie the M u( Ade held at Mr. and ll] una Harnld u Chas. f. Pte. M let \V. Driver r. PM. A gri- tions apes keH Sap 1p. P.O. Box 436 CCMMYSSIONER. CONVEY Richmond Hill Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist: and Chuirmaster St. Paul‘s Presbyterian Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a limited number of pupils at his Home-studio. Richmond Hill Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE v10le Newmarketz Granite Works J. K. DIcExven & Son Licensed Auctioneers fur Toronto and the UCUHth’S of York, Peel and Simcoe Residence address Victoria Square F 1"idav, CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofi‘ice located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Office hours 9.30am). to 5p.m- \Vill be in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September 1. 1916 Address Nordeimer Building 220 Yonge St. Tornntc King, ()nt. Phone No.23. Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Hm). Graduate Royal College Dvntnl Surgeons. Toronto. will be Richmond Hill EVSI‘Y‘TH‘ISC‘HV ' x A. J. IIUDIE Richnlond Hill D. H. PINKERTUN. V.S. Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone out to order H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHILL )onlmissioner, Conveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND . H. LASHEB PHONE 1834 . EARLE NE WTON PIANIST FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronnqe and influence respectfully solicited LICENSED AU JTIONEER Box ISSUER OF“ MARRIAGE LICENSES Real Estate and Insurance PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER North Yonge Street EDWARD FRANCIS G. W. LUE SBY OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Phone 9.30 \Vnodbridge S. SHEPHERD NOTARY P UBLI( CONVEYANCING NOTARY PUBLIC [Single copies,‘ 3 cts. PAINTER PA PERHANGER GRAINER, ETC. 23 - MAPLE, ONT Phone No P. 0.11ddre5 Gormley, R. R. Residence Phone 183 nTT 4; 12

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