Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1917, p. 1

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Telephone Muiu L777 ()f’fi Licensed Auctioneers York. Sulesnttendw notice, and at reason" Patronage : Solimtm' FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attmntion given to sales at vvery (lvscriptim). Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest, notice, and cm)- ducted by the most, approved methods. Patronage solicited. l.’ian 0 and 200 BERESFORIJ A v11. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. J. H. PRENTIGE T. E. BOYN 415 Bulliol St. Guru T “In-um E 74mm: Belmont 1317 1nd. Pl) LICENSED AUCTIONEERS JOHN R, CAMPBELL: Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respunded to'. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings, Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Lihex'al’ Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ‘Voodbridze, Saturday fox-enoon. Money to Loan at Current, Rates 1‘] $1101 PIANO TUNING Barristers, Solictors, &c , M ANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA Frank Dentnn, K. C. John Irwin Grover Anhur A. Mucdmmld Henry D. Anger Denton, Grover & Macdonald Tel. M. 3631 A. gamerqn: hMapNaughton RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL W. HEWISON J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HANDS J. T. SAIGEON BARRIS‘ REAL ESTATE Undertakers & Embulmcrs. VOL. XL. $1.50 per annum, in advance.] phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, E'tc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST JOHN T. MDERSDN Pmo I‘UNER VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. 30/511 :7. 9avidson RICHMOND )[n plo Organs Repaired. Expert Work WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BRO S. S'I'ER SOLICITOR NOTARY Lumsdun Bldg. 6 Adelaide St, East. Torontu. Naughtun Bluck. Aux-om. flu. I 'I‘hr- 'l‘mvn of Aux-om 1.1. M. \Valton, Aurora â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" THORNHILL MANAGER ACHER 0F T. C. M. Rosidnm Naughton King .mrtthunntyof (1 Lo on shortest iblfl rates. sulicited C. WALKINGTON IN T. E. BOY‘N‘ION I)OVOI' : King and Vauzhan Elgin Mill: Phone “.4 Inc]. Phone Gormley RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1,917 helped Ln draw tngctl lurgPst crowds [hub 1-, plowing match under King and Vaughan Pl elation. The match I: held on the farm of Sir a shan distance north Much of the plowing w to be highly crediml) number 01" entries in classes was not as lurg expected considering prizes ni’fered. Excellent meals were Mackenzie King, H. E. Ross, T. Gou- sins and others. The following me thopl-ize winners: Class 1 in Snd.â€"â€"Ist. Chas. Uluhine, Vaughan; 2nd, Stanley Tyndall. Vau- ghan: 3rd, Clarke Young. Bagel-man; 41h, \Vm. ()rr. Vaughan. Best Clown, Chas. Clubine; best finish, Stanley Tyndall. Excellent meals were served by the King: \Vumeu‘s Xustituto in one of the large halls. and hundreds of people went through the hams :md stables on Lake Marie Farm, viewing the well-bred hulses, cattle and other fine stock. Later in the evening the prize list was read by the Secretary. Mr. J. T. Snigeun, and addresses wen-made by Mr. Lockie \Vilsnn. Hon. \V. L. Mackenzie King, H. E. Ross, T. Cou- Particularly fine \v helped tn draw (up Class 2 in Sodâ€"Ist, Gardhnm Tran. \Vhitevule ;'2nd. Elma-01'1". Vaughan; Ambassador Gerard Carl Ackerman. “Win dermere.” In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentiais, Liberty; in all things, Charity In rithe)‘ last) Friday ther one of the ever attended a ,' the auspices of Plownwn‘s Asso- Plowing Match \81; Friday was Henry Pellat-t. of King City. as pronounced 9. though the some of the e as could ht the tempting \Vhen Ambassador Gerard left Berlin, the only correspondent who traveled with him, and the last American Newspaper man to leave Berlin, was Carl Aekerman of the United Press Service. Mr. Ackcrman‘s dispatches appear exclu sivelv in The Toronto “DailV Star.” About once a month we “Scoop” every other paper in the Province with the aid of Rh. Aekerman and other United Press correâ€" spondents. ' The only Canadian Woman Correspondent in the War Zoneâ€"Bliss Rosamond Boult- beeâ€"sends us dispatches exclusively. In London the veteran War Correspondent, Mr. F. A. McKenzie, assisted by The Star's own Staff, cables the big news of each day. Thomas Geggie, late Sergt.-I\Iajor KO. S.B., writes regularly upon Imperial and Military matters. The big through dents, as We also carry the cable service of VVind'ermere of the “Klontreal Daily Star.” We maintain our own staff in Ottawa, lVIontreal, Quebec and \Vinnipeg, and our local News Service is right up to the minute. Our special articles are contributed by foremost writers on each subject. Our regular news service consists of all Canadian Press, American Associated Press and Canadian Associated Press dispatches We also have I London Dailv '1 opical tress Servxces, as well as Canadian Utnual \Var Records, Sports, etc. In brief, The “Toronto Daily Star” is one of the great broad-gauged newspapers of the World. By reading it you will be kept well informed upon every subject that a good citizen and man of the \Vorld should know about. ‘ Read The “Toronto Daily Star” each day. You will thoroughly enjoy it, and be glad to acclaim it in all sincerity as “MY PAPER!” Order it to-day. cvown, Robert \Vntsnn. Pine Grove; best, finish. Roht. \Vntson, Pine Grove. Class 7 in Stuhhleâ€"lsl‘, Gordon \Velâ€" di'ick. Vaughan; 2nd. Chester Loy. ()l‘iiiifl‘. Best cmwn, Gm-dnn \Velâ€" duck. Maple; best jointel‘, Chester Ley. Urillin. Youngest Boy in Sud or Stubbleâ€" Chester Ley, Orillin. Class8in Stubbleâ€"Let, \Vm. Reid, Vaughan. Best crown, \Vm. Reid, Vaughan; best finish, “7111. Reid, Vaughan. . Best Going Team in Fieldâ€"Charles Clubine. Vaughan. Best Groomed and Equipped Team in Sndâ€"lst. E. Shropshire, King ; 2nd, Stanley I‘yndul}, Vaughan. Lon. King. Best crown. kiug‘on, King; bestfinisln kingum. King. Class 4 in Sod. J()int£’l‘â€", Brown. King; 2nd. W. King; 31d. E. Shropshire. crmvn. \V. T. Brown. : finile ‘V. T. Brown. King Glass 5, Men in SLubl)leâ€"~ \VuLSUn. Pine vae; 2nd, King: 3rd. John Loy, O 3rd, James Richards, Vaughan ; gnliu. Best ghzm; best \Vhitevnle. Class 3 in news from the United States comes to us the Chicago Daily News’ special correspon- well as their \Vnr cable service. exclusive rights to the pictures of the Blirror, Underwoods, Daily 3121i], Services, as well as Canadian Official as Ley, Orillm; 4th Vaughan: 5th. Roy‘ :(ith, John Lawrie, st crown. Elmer On st finish. Gal‘dham John Loy, OI ert, \Vatsnn. P Roht. \Vntson,i Stubbleâ€"131', (J‘r ghun; 2nd, Ck 95k, crown. Go 3d.Juinterelst. \V. ; 2nd. W. A. ()zu'sr: Shropshire. King. Bt ‘ Brown. King; he Alex Ol’illiil. Best Pine Grove; 1, Pine Grove. Gordon \Velâ€" Chester Ley‘ u‘rm-don \Velâ€" )ter, Chester Roy \Vi] uvrie, A ‘r Orr. X 1. \Va Alex. Alex 4th. t, Robert 311 ngyd. liking ilscn, Mtln- Vauâ€" Tran. \VM \Vzll Shropshire, Judges on sbmusser, J N. Manny, Sunday. Nov. 18.â€"â€"The Sacrament hf the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed at tlienmi‘ning service. in the evening the minister will preach on “The Growing Power of the Spiritual in Mudel'n Civilization.” On Monday, the 19th. at; 7.30 p. m., the Grant Mission Band will give an entertainment in the Sunday School mum. consisting 0le lantern slide talk on " Formosa ;” also musical and other program. Young People’s Society Thursday, M730 {7. m. “ Village Life in China," a paper by Olive Foden. Prepamtury Service Friday evening Alfred Hnmhleton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hmnhleton. on the second, who enlisted ns‘hugler, hutsaw ten months’ service in the trenches, is home on leave. at 8‘ in Stubble ghan. jll ll‘l imome Presbyterian Church on 1m 111 Sad 01 *. King. ‘1) Plowing we: J. Morgan. J. , J. Lawson. ‘ m Equipment Sergt.-Major Geggis Florence Boultoee 19d :mc Gordon F. A. McKenz J‘quppt \Veldx-ic Stubble \V. Haw Jumpbell litter-son Cousins ‘1 l1 In} éDollars for Bullets 53w Victory Bonds Hm]. Graduate Royal Cnllegla of DentalSnrgenns. Toronto. will be at. Richmond Hill c-voi-y Tuesday and FI'idilV. CROWS’S AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Office hours 9.30am). to 5p.m- Richmond Hill Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe CCMM'SSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER; ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Phone No. 23 B. H. LASHER Residence address Victoria Square PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Choirmaster St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a. limited number of pupils at his Home-studio. Richmond Hill ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill on Thmsdays after September 1. 1916 Address Nordeimer Building 220 Yonge St. Turom Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY PO. Box 436 D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. H. A. NICHOLLS Commissioner, Convey’ancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A. J. IIUI‘IE Riclnnond Hill THORNHII J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cut. to order RICHMOND w OX >IIONE 1834 NOTARY PUBLIC LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited . EARLE NEWTON PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER North Yonge Street. G. La Verne Pattison OFFICE AND RESIDENCE S. SHEPHERD Phone 950 YVood bridge King, ()nt. K. DIcExven & Son [Single copies, 3 cts. Win the War PAPERHANC iRAINER. Phone No and help to AXNTER MAPL P. 0. address Gormley, R.R. E, ONT T( Residence Phone 183 Tâ€"TTT No. Tbi‘onto 44 12

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