RICHMOND HILL, ON T., Nov. 1.3, The Toronto Daily Star is now $3 a year to all subscribers. A few good packing boxes for sale cheap at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. Mr. .I. E. Skeele. Pi iircipal of Cayuga High School, spent the week-end with his brother. Mr. U. A. bkeelc. Buy a Victory Bond if you can raise $5â€. The act is patriotic. and it is a good and sale in\estuient. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Scott, of Hamil- toir, and Miss Pcrylc MacLeaii. Toron- to, spent the week-end with Mrs. Nor-- triaii MacLean. Mr. Frank Teetzel who has been in training for sortie time left yesterday to take a position as instructor in the Aviation Oanrp in TeXas. . December ï¬fth the \Voinen's Auxil- iary of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church purpose holdingr a Sale of fancy ‘and useful articles. Oner the attractions will be a parcel post booth. Richmond Hill raised a Week or two ago $1.267 for the British Red Cross. This amount includes $300 contributed by the Richmond Hill Red Cross So. eiety. and $3.3 from the High School. The Annual Convention of the Ori- tario Horticultural Association will he held at 2'3. College street. Toronto. on November 21 and 22. 1917. Prominent. speakers will give addresses and sub- jects of interest will be discussed. The VVonien‘s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. G. F. Allen next \Veduesday evening. November 20. Instead of the usual business meeting a social evening will be tendered to the gentlemen friends of the members. The monthly Day of Prayer on be- half of our soldiers and sailors at war. will he held in the Lecture Room of the Methodist. Church next Thursday. November 22. There will be sessions at;10.30. 2.30, 3.30. 4.30 and 7.30. Fr lends of all denominations are Welcome. Speakers at the Victory Loan Bonds Meeting toâ€"morrow. Friday evening in the Masonic Hall will tell all about them. The speakers will he Lieut.-Uol. \Vrlliams. Mr. Wm. Keith, reeve of Newmarket, and Mr. \V. J. Hill registrar. Don’t fail to be present. Chair taken at 8 o‘clock. Hon. \V. L. Mackenzie King, Minis- tee of Labor in the Laurier Governâ€" ment, was unanimously nominated as a. straight Laurier candidate for the House of Commons at a largely at- tended meeting of the North York Reform Association, held in New- market Saturday afternoon. Endean Brcs.. .under instructions of the Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety. have set outa hedge of dwarf harberry on the north. south and West side of the Public School grounds. The HorticulturalSociety is to be corn- mended for leading the way for civic improvement. Mr- W. L. Pease of Montreal. Presi~ dent of the Canadian Bankers‘ Asso- ciation, has written to Sir Thomas \Vhitu. Minister of Finance. saying that the Chartered Banks will lend money on Dominion of Canada Vic- tory Bonds. The hanks will advance up to 90 per cent. of ths face value. of the bonds. The rate of interest is 5?. per cent. per annum. Mr. John Dunlop has just returned from the Cleveland, Ohio, Floral Ex- hibition. where he was very sot-Cessful ll] exhibiting his new Red Seedling Rose. " Mrs. Henry \Vinnett," taking live ï¬rst: and two second prizes. He also won a silver and a bronze medal. being the highest awards. One of the coveted prizes was fora basket: of 100 roses arranged for etfect. The \Viu- nett Rose was used in this. and won ï¬rst prize against six other competi- tors. Frank M. Dunlop made application in New York for enlistment in the Royal Flying Corps and passed his preliminary examination before the British Recruiting Mission successful- ly ; also his ï¬nal examination in Toâ€" ronto. being the ï¬rst cadet to take the equilibrium test. which has recently" been adopted in Canada. He left for Camp Borden on Tuesday to take his military training. On his return to Toronto he will be quartered at Bur- wash Hall for further training. and ï¬nally at the Aviation Camp in Texas. The Study of Agriculture Farmers and studentsof Agriculture will be interested in learning that for . their conyenience much of the matter embodied in the three-volume annual report of the Dominion Experimental Farms. has been divisional form. visor of Illustration Stations of the Dominion Apiarist and of the Husâ€" bandmaii. In these pamphlets that can be had free on applicttion to the Publications Branch. Department of: Agriculture. Ottawa, tables of stall?â€" tics and records and tests tirade in all the dilf-reut branches referred to are ‘ sin-311:1. published in sep-iralo ! The subjects rlv'alt . with in the series are the reports it. the Dominion Animal IItlSIirrtlilllitll‘. - of the Dominion Cei'ealist. of the Doâ€" ? minion Horticulturist. of the Supzvrw Rural Planning and Development The latest report of the t‘oiriurission of Conservation deals with the im- opulent of towns in Canada. It has been preâ€" prttt‘d by Mr. I'liouias Adams. Town l'lanting Adviser of the t‘ouiinission, who has made a close study of the problems of rural development of this country during the past three years. following 2.3 years in fanning. land surveying and tree plantingr in other countries. . The report deals ctrinprchcnsively i with the social conditions and tendenâ€" cres in rural ï¬reas and the prevailing systems of land settlement and (le- velopmcnt. It itidicrttci the rural problems requiring solution in order to secure the proper development. and economic use of Iaiid for purposes of eï¬iciency. health, convenience and amenity. The great injury which land developriient iii Canada sull'crs from speculation. neglect of ptrblic health, and want of expert business adminis- tration of land settlement, is considerâ€" ed. Incidentally. the problem of re- turiied soldiers is dealt with. and the connection between lend and develop- ment and such questions as taxation. tincinploymcnt, hiin cost of living is clearly shown. Having regard to the need for more attention being given to production in (lilllrldnzto the extent to which pro- duction is impaired byspeculation in land. by neglect of public health and by haphazard systemsot’ development: to the importance of increasing the supply of human skill and energy and of capital derived from production iri- stcad of by borrowing; the problems dealt with iir this report. are of \ital arid current interest to the people of this Country. There are five appendices by com- petent authorities. and the concluding chapter gives an outline of proposals and makes general IE’CtHlIIlIt'IltlitIIUIIS to cover the conditions as presented. The Fire Brigade To The Editor of The Liberal. Dear Sinâ€"May I ask you to call the attention of the citizens. through the Columns of your valuable-paper. to the very great importance of an efficient Fire Company. Last week I made an appeal for volunteers for this service, and I re- peat that appeal in this letter. It is trite that our younger rrreir have. iii many cases. left our village to serve their Country honorably on the ï¬eld of battle. but there are older men left among us who could give good service to’the important work of Fire Protec- tion. The Secretary. Mr. S.Tyndall, will be glad to receive the names of those willing to join the Brigade. or such names could he left at the ol’lice or‘ the Village Clerk. Trust log that this matter will be given serious attention, and that a generous response will be given to my requset. I am, sir, thank- ing you for space. Yours truly, W. H. EL’GSLFY. Reeve. Parts With Regret To the Editor of The Liberal: I regret very deeply my inability to continue with those of our party who support Sir \Vilfred this election. While absolutely in accord withthose who stand for the people as opposed to the interests asI believe Sir Wilfred (lines. the foremost issue for the pre- sent appears to me to be the immediate support of our troops by means of Conscription. I still honor liirii who through so many years was our leader and refuse to agree with those who apply d'is- loyal terms to him. believing him to be as trite to the Empire and to our Allies las I myself (‘laim to he. I hope the day will yet come when I cart once more regarkhim as my leader bltt for the present must with hold my vote and support as I propose to git e it to the Union Government and for cori- scriptioii. Very sincerely HENRY .‘MOYLE Richmond Hill, Nov. It). Illâ€. o°-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Capt. Tom Wallace Chosen The Parliamentary Committee. coriâ€" sisting of Hon. Newton llowell and Hon. J. R. Reid, to whom was refer- red the question of Government reâ€" cognition as between Captain T. U. \Vallacc, Conservative. and late sitâ€" ting member, and Dr. J. 'l‘. Gilmour. Liberal nominee. both of whom pro claimed themselves as sirppoiters of the Unionist Administration. is 1(- poitcd to have chosen (‘aptain \Val- . lace. as the Government representative for \Vesi York. The Liberals will hold a convention within a few days, when it is anticiâ€" ,patcil that Mr. Frank Deirton. K. ('., i will be nominated as the Lam-icr Lib- [tral candidate. Richmond Hill Garage J and Machine Shop l l l i l l ‘ Ilonixsox BLock, Yoxoi: STREET PHONE No.63 Expert on all kinds of motor ie- pziiis. High-class \ulcanizriig will) double-tread tire stitching Work. A large stock of parts always on band: also all kinds and sizes of tires 'llilI 3H ccssories. Free air ser- vice >‘il‘i\llt‘tl here. so why break your back pumping tires by hand. Excelsior Motoriycle Agency: sta- tionary engine work: storage brit- teiies recharged: bicycles repaired. L. Curtis I m "l‘he IiXt‘llll‘Illill Tribunal sitting in Richmond Hill IIuS not yet Cttllllllt'lld ' its work. poi-taut subject of planning the devcl~ . rural districts and small. Any person finding :1 Mamnic apron ‘ lost, last evening. will please Ivrue at r The Liberal ofï¬ce. .-\pplieatioris for Victory Loan Bonds l‘t‘t't'th'tl at, tile Statiilztitl Hank. Mr. A. .l. Home and Mr. A. If. (ilrtss. Masonic Gathering I‘dt‘t‘llirtsuns from Aurora. Maple. Thor IlIrIII. Toronto and other places to‘ the number of about, eighty assembled.~ last cit-:ring in the Masonic lIall. lhe‘ occasion being the «tibial visit obR. \Vor. Bro. Chas. Murphy, I). I). (i. M. for No. IIIi. Alli-r initiating a candi- date. \V. Bro. U. Iâ€. Allen ard his oili- ‘t'ets were congratulated on the able manner they performed the work. .banquet t'ollirw‘etl iii the lower hall. with toasts. speeches and songs. all \‘oiiiig that a most, enjoyable cicning had been >pcnt. â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"ovo Fatally Injured Norman. the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred \\'illts. near King (lily. was injured by a cow Saturday evening and (lied the following day in the Toâ€" ronto General Hospital. The little fellow, who was only eight years of age. Went to remain over night with relatives. Mr. Neill‘s of Jefferson. \Vith Mr. Neill‘s children he wrnt over to Mr. George Dihb’s. the next farm north. and about dusk. a cow. frightâ€" ened by a, flock of geese. struck Nora man in some way. The little boy was able to walk hack to Mr. Neill's where he was put to bed. The next morning the case was found to be serious, and lie was hurriedly taken to the hospital where he died during the day. 7‘s.- VELLORE A meeting ol' Vaughan Township Liberals was held in the Township Hall on Baturday evening when frilly 250 people were present. The chair was occupied by .\li-.J. S. McNair. President ofthe Township Association. After a warm discussion on the ques- tions that are now before the electors a tesrlution was passed placing the Liberals on record as being in hearty sympathy with Sir \Vilfr id Laurer and his platform. Also that: astraight Liberal candi- date he brought out to contest the riding of \Vest York iii the coming election. ' There \VIISII)IIL;I1 enthusiasm shown. and speeches \vere made, by J. 0. Allen of Toronto;A. Bryson. H. J. Naoghton. J. H. chge. arid others. ‘V’ant A (15. Orders bookt d for shorts. $11.00 per ton ; bran. $36.00; bicad flour. $11.40: pastry llorir, $10.00 off the car to ar- riye this week.-J. (iiay, Maple. 2U-tt' IIWIR SALE-~(Jiie grate stme and a live basket. and other articles. Apply Mrs. A. Boyle. Richmond Hill. 21);. ANTEDâ€"By a widow over fifty years of age. a. comfortable home with a person living alone. __Re- l'erences inexchange.\A good clean housekeeper. RichmondHillorAui-ora preferred. Apply to Mrs. Adams, Aurora. Ont. 20-2 OSTâ€"A Silk Ornament for coat near Hill's grocery. The tinder- will please leave at The Liberal ()l'ljge. ., . OR‘ SALEâ€"l Drag Saw, Lot No. A 12. Con. 3. Markham. \Valter Quantz. R.R. No.1. Richmond Hill. 20-2 ‘OR SALEâ€"Two 3-year-old colts. Apply John Kirkland. lot iii. con. 1. Vaughan. Richmond Hill. 19-2 .... .cvâ€" r _ FOR BALE. Edgeley Cider and d elly Mill with Contents. -I llllâ€"Hoi-Se Power Boiler. 1 535~Hoise Power Engine. I Apple Grinder. 2 Hydraulic Presses. llil) Gallon .lack (‘opper Kettle. I 40 Gallon Jack for boiling butter. 1; I‘lvapiiratiu‘s, for boiling cider. l Evaporator. for boilingr jell. capacity 7.") or 100 gallons per hour each. 1 Iiiâ€"iii. l’lale .lollrelt Urain t'rirsher. 130iâ€. tisay Oat Roller. For for [her pai tit-ului's apply ll. \VINGICR. Maple, R. lit 4 apple R. ‘2. Phone 2581. increase Your Earning Power! Yeiirservircs will be in demand if you are trained here. Z;él:.;;/TZ/x/@ Yonge. and (‘harles Streets. 'l‘o- ronto, w-is it“‘(‘llIl\‘ asked to liil positions at iiorn silo to Slob pui- tirr.nlh, and others at from $1.30†to Silliltl per :mnuiii. It pays to get .1 Business Education if you get Tut: RIGII'I‘ erri, such as may be had _\'r ALI. Times in this school. Right now is an excellent time to Cointiicnre a course. Our Catalogue is free. Get one. \\'. .l. ICI.I.IO'I"I‘ ~ - PRINt‘lPkL l l l l l l I l l l l l l l l l ' . “â€" CONCRETE HOUSE â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" Sweet Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow bottle 200 Colfeé_l’r'esh Roasted Boston Coll‘ce lb. 45C Green Rio Coffee lb. - 25c Jainâ€"Strawberry and Apple, Raspberry and Apple in glass jars each Sliiri'ills Orange Marmalade, 1 lb. jar 18c 15c MNâ€" Muscatel Raisins lb. .. 14c Good Cleaned Currants lb. 32c Pearl Taprco lb. I60 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".__._____,_____‘ Hockey Toqucs, in plain and fancy stripes Hockey lfoques, cardinal, grey,‘black. while, With dark colored buttons each 38c \Vool Scarls in plain colored border, grey centre for boys and girls each 00 ,C U 650 Men’s Plain Black Bib Overalls and Pants pr. I 90 *Men’s Heavy Hand Knit Woolen Mitts pr. 500 Dark Grey Flannclette Shirts, all sizes 1.15 Men’s ell silk knitted mufflers, 38 in. long, fringed ends, color brown each 1.40 > Buy Victory Bonds I . "" Atkinson & Switzer l | STORE ()LOSES AT SIX I’.M\ I I MONDAY AND “WEDNESDAY i i 09990990099090.000090â€. ‘ Richmond Hill Furnishing Store , The autumn and winter samples of The House of Hobberlin are now in. The usortment isylai‘ge and of very line design and quality. Those intending to purchase a new suit or overcoat, should select their pattern while the range is complete. \ ’ “GOOOOOWOWOMOOOOOO i l. Hard \Vall Plaster Plaster Boards Sewer Pipe ’ Mortar Colors \Veeping Tile Also Flour and Feed Lime Fire Brick Plaster Paris ILIC. Cement â€"Q=W-c£â€" I. & G. H. MCKENZIE. \VILIQOWDALE, ONTARIO "WI ‘ J. LAWié CE \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST UREICNI'IOI'SI'IS RICHMOND I-IILL Unisuxirocsigs AND OFFICE 1.32 Rosin.wa AvE.. TORONTO Flowers tastefully arranged for weddings, funerals, etc. Roses and Carnations l’lione Richmond Hill, er nights and Sundays Belmont USâ€, City â€"â€"â€"â€"“__ Only one lot left on Church 51.. Nl It. front by IUU ft. deep, gravel road entrance to garage. Ornamental and fruit trees. This is .t rare clit‘it’c to scenic a beautiful place for anew home â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"___â€" Sorricchoiceleis on (‘hnrcli 5.1, BakerAve. and Roseview A\c.. lll)i.‘lill discount for cash. or $1.00 per foot down anu three to live year agreement. liICHMO 7': who. Uat‘. 1' T iVvajY‘\'/"" 1.4“. H .L\i.:; <v4-,