Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1917, p. 7

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The Real “War Bread” must contain the entire wheat grainâ€"mot the white flour center â€"â€" but every particle of gluten and mineral saltsâ€"also the outer bran coat that is so useful in keeping the bowels healthy and active. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the real “war bread” because it is 100 per cent. whole wheat prepared in a digestible form. Contains no yeast, baking powder, seasoning, or chemi- cals of any kind. Food con- servation begins with Shred- ded Wheat Biscuit for break- fast and ends with Shredded Wheat Biscuit for supper. Delicious with sliced bananas, berries, or other fruits. Made in Canada. “Carried On“ During Air Raid as the Hun Bombs Fell. Scenes of bravery among the girl.v of a London telephone exchange dur- ing the recent air raid are vividly de- scribed in “Telegraph and Telephone Review” by Mr. J. W. Kennedy, who was present. He says: Overstudy and lack of exercise make thin bloodless children. Study does not usually hurt a child at. school unless the studies encroach on time that should be spent in out-officers exer- cise. But lack of exercise and over- study is a combination that brings on St. Vitus Dance If your boy 01‘ girl at school is thin and pale, listless and Bombs actually dropping 1“ the 1m'rinalttentive, has a fickle appetite, is mediate vicinity, while the presence of airmen over and on both sides of the building was reported, and while the smoke from exploded bombs was dis- tinctly seen from the windows, and through it all, the supervisor nearest to me hovered over her section lil5e a strong spirit seeking to help those un- der her charge. ‘ unable to stand still or sit still, you must remember that health is much more important than education, and more time should be given to exercise and recreation. , See to it at once that the child does not overstudy, gets plenty of outâ€"ot- door exercise, sleeps ten out of every twenty-four hours, and takes a safe, I can paint no picture of stoical in- sensibility. Some nervous cries there were as the bombs dropped, white faces were the rule, but in‘ many of these the lines of determination were the strongest. Silent tears were dropâ€" ped, but only for a moment. No one near me left her post, and calls were péssing and cords connected with the music of death in our ears. So near and insistent was the hor- rible thud of the bombs that most of us thought, that some part Of the building had been struck. It seemed to us that the rattle of guns continued longer than even during Zeppelin raids. Some day it may add some value to our lives to know thht there were times when, for duty’s ’sake, we faced the chances of death. It must add infinitely more to the lives of wo- men, whose finer nervous and physical organization makes them feel more acutely. Used by Toy Makers and Has a Good Commercial Value. That a market for virtually all of the waste of a planing mill is to be had for the seeking is evidenced in the occasional bringing to light of what is being done by some planing mill managers in various sections of the country. The latest has to do with a planing mill in the Northern States. BRAVE TELEPHONE GIRLS. “Tea and Cof- fee Interfere with Diges- tier!”â€" PLANING MILL WASTE. Many who use tea or cofl'ee, not know- ing that it aggna- vates stomach troxi- bles, could still enjoy a delicious hot table beverage ‘and es- cape harmful effects by a change to the wholesome, pure cereal drinkâ€"â€" POSTUM says a well known authority. “There's a Reason In turnng out some of waste Mocks numerous and the fuel requil gan to 1 in a ton mat aton :er turn and the See to it at once that the child does not overstudy, gets plenty of outâ€"ot- door exercise, sleeps ten out of every twenty-four hours, and takes a safe, reliable tonic like Dr. Williams Pink Pills until the color returns to the First Introduced Into Literature by a French Composer. Every ship in the navy and every regiment in the army has its own he- loved mascot. This creature is be- Path lieved in some mysterious way to order 1; bring luck to the men. It is interest- __uW1u ing to know just where this custom Pat’“‘ originated, and how. Up to thirtyâ€" gs long five years ago, while there were such a week Ithings as talismans and luck charms, (the mascot was unknown. ‘ GIRLS cheeks and lips and the appetite be- comes normal. For growing children who become pale and thin Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills are not only safe but in most cases are the very best tonic that can be taken. These pills build up the blood, strengthen the nerves and assist nature in keeping pace with rapid growth. You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams ll‘he word itself was first introduced into literature by Audran, the French composer of tuneful comic opera, in. his work “La Mascotte." The word' had travelled up to Paris from Pro- vence and Gascony, where a mascot has been kept in every household to bring luck to its inmates. Apparently it is derived from “masque,” which in provincial French is synonymous with “ne coifie,” meaning “born with a caul.” In many parts of Europe, not- ably in Scotland and in France, good fortune is attributed to the can], and high prices are paid for one. A child born with thi " supposed charm is not‘ only fortuna itself, but also brings: good fortune "to those in its home. I Medicine C0,, Brockville, Ont I In Audran’s opera mascots are used to thwart the evil powers of Satan. So popular was the opera and its story. that mascots in the form of watch charms, coins and other devices were carried on the person, and in houseâ€" holds dogs were christened as mascots to ward off evil. Gradually the idea was adopted by sailors and ‘soldiers; and mules, cats and goats were sup- posed to have a particularly strong inâ€" fluence in attracting good fortune and bringing success and victory. Sometimes bits of earth are used as mascots. A small piece of Ireland was recently shipped to the United‘ States in ordef that Mr. William H. Taft might deliver his St. Patrick’s. Day address while standing on Irish soil. Mascots are indeed fortunate creaâ€" tures, for they receive the best care and treatment and live on the fat of the land. Every ship in the navy is proud of its mascot, and every regi- ment in the army sees to it that its mascot is guarded and treasured. Whether the mascot really attracts good luck is a matter of Opinion, but it certainly is true that any animal adopted as a mascot is a mighty for- tunate creature. STUDY AND EXERCESE Mina:- WHY THERE *ARE MASCOTS. 11 had a 1 day a vi Loted the V18 d’a Liniment Cures Gan-get 1n Cowl all the waste of tl‘ out. A contract ksitor informed th toy manufacturer ircd a ft a of specula of utor looked me waste blocks an t the number of ‘ered the manage waste of that 01' A contract Was uel v itor various sxzes rved to furnish for the plant. :el value of $3 a are greatly of exercise make its produc sizes we: in t1: and be- of them an arac- :11] This ton. 0n Blouses. Dresses. Table Llnen, &.c. Accordion and Knife Heating. Covered Buttons made from your own I Ey. Ealvo, in Tubes 25c. For [More] nu but! â€"- rrna. \ Ask Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago a Be strong: w Sing to your heart a bat‘de Song: Though hidden foemen lie in wait, Something is in you that can smile at Fate. Fresh air is the environment in which man developed to his present state‘ of perfection. Now that our newspapers reach to every nook and corner of the world bearing the mes- sage, most men and women appreciate the part pure air pla, ; in sustaining health. Press through: No hing can harm if you are true. A (1 when the night comes, rest: The earth is friendly as a mother’ Write For Itâ€"It Is Free TORONTO PLEATING C0. 14 Breadalbane St, Dept. W. Toronto The The - “â€" _V 7 At Ym; Dru iist's or b Manna Eye Remedy mmsoc Der bgtfie. Marin: Eyo Salvo, in Tubes 21:73. For gunk/of the E1 â€"- Fro. itaml Gentlemenâ€"4n July, 1915, I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was ob- liged to use a crutch for 14 months. In September, 1916, Mr. Wm. Outrldge of Lachute ugged nfe tQ try MINâ€" ARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the most satisfactory results and to- day (an) as well as ever in my life. ' Yours sincerely, Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a botâ€" tle, then put in the orchard white and shake Well. This makes a quarter p t of the very best lemon skin w itener and complexion lbeautifler known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, snllowness, redness and rough- ness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! ‘It is harmless, and the beautiful reâ€" sults will surprise you. 2‘ Sore Eyes. Eyes Infiamed by Sun, Dustand Windqulckly L ‘6' 11 db M l .T m w {E:zuivgyuzndfimby-Fay; OUR E! No Stunting, {an Eye 9015fqu Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited Patâ€"“Mike, I joined an insurance order last night, and its fine." Mike â€"“What kind of insurance order?” gateâ€"“Well, I pay one dollar a week as long as I live, and get two dollars a week as long as I’m dead.” GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. If you buy a Christmas present, Buy it now! If it be for prince or peasant, Buy it now! Buy it‘ early in November, 01' at least before December; You’ll be glad if you rememberâ€"- Buy it now! make an appetizing garnish to serve :with the turkey. ‘ Tiny balls of fresh country sausage baked and rolled in choppgd parsley Mlnard's Idniment Cure- Diphtheria. “In the event of an air-raid do not collect in a crowd,” read's a notice posted in a Kentish hamlet where the total population consists of nine per- SOUS HEMST ml sir: p firml : heave 3 good tread. breast Granulated Eyelid; Sore Eyes. Eyes Infllamed by Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relievsd by M‘qule.‘ Tfynlfjp xi ght ray ROAD RULES throw your weight; 5 high above yqur head, av road is faithful to your his . MATTHEW x BAINES‘ mark elt WITH LEMON JUICE Edward Markham mum 11 lédy l thrive Paris 4 French Raw Eggs Outkeep Boiled. Raw eggs keep good much'longer than cooked eggs, even when these are hard boi‘ed. This was proved by Dr. Leon Lin'Iet, .1 member of the Paris'Conseil d’Hygiene, after many French soldiers had xeported that the hard boiled eggs they received from home had gone bad, while the raw eggs remained edible for weeks. Dr. Lindet expiains this fact by saying that the boiling makes the inner membrane pervious to gases, liqaids and mic- robes, and the white of the egg be- robes, and the white comes an agglomerati: albumen and particles is an ideal medium in HFTEEN YEARS USE OF BABY’S OWN TABLETS In these days of food shortage it i; important that meat be produced with aminimum of feed suitable for hu- man consumption. This can be done by using more forage and by feeding properly balanced rations. MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion 'Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. Along with bookkeeping study out;- of-debt keeping. § WATERY BUSIERS 1 FORMED ERUPTEBNS Let folks step on your feet here- after; wear shoes a slze smaller if you like, for cows will never again send electric sparks of‘pain through you, according to this Cincinnati "authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone. applied directly upon This drug dries at once and simply; s‘hrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrbundlng tissue. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or s'oft corn or callus from one’s foot. a tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. If your druggist hasn’t stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house. Rio de Janeiro has 1,000,000 people §MWWWA 0n Hands. Caused Disfigure- ment, Itching and Burning. Cutlcura Healed. How to loosen a tender corn ' ‘The trouble which I had afiected my hands only. It first came in watery . blisters under the skin andilfltey were scratchecl \ \ theybroke,causingamass ,J of sore eru tions that caused dis guremem, itching, burning and loss of slee. The trouble lasteda u: one year and after using the Cutlcura $03 and Ointment for about three mom I Was com leter healed." gigncd) Miss Aileen weet, Maln SL, men, Que._ 1-1, ,Ag LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS Luann on, bun-u...” â€"-. Keep your skin cre’ar by daily use of Cuticura 803 and Ointment. For Free mple Each by Mail ad- dress.p0§t-cardz “Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. {Imsfipafion Cure A druggist says : “For nearly thirty years l have commended the Extract of Rools, known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup. for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fails to do the Work." 30 drops thrice daily. Gel: the Genuine, at druggists. 2 or caHus so it lifts out without pain. he inner m :s, liqdids a vhite of the on . of hich microk 'Js and mm- the egg he- of coagulated a serum that Mi‘ght Be Better. “Don’t you think you have a good mamma to spread such nice large slices of bread with jam ?” asked lit- tle Ethel’s grandma. “Qh, I don’t know,” deplied the little miss; “she'd be a heap sight gooder if she’d let me spread the jam myself." Minard’s Linlmgn: (71.31319 001113. ko‘ ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC. internal and oxmrnal, cured Wuh- out pain by our home trnatment‘ Writs mu lmfr‘ra mo late. Dr. Hellman Medical (‘nu Limited. Collinzwnod. Ont. that make a horse Wheeze. Roar. have Thick Wind of Choke-down. can be reduced with Fifiifi‘KySWEELLEEé ELMQBS also other Bunches or Swellings, No blister. no hair gone, and hers: kept at work. Eco- nomical~on1y a few drops required at an ap- plication. 32 per bottle delivered. Bank 3 M free. AHSURBINE. “L, the antiseptic linimcnt for mankind, reduces Cysts, chs, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. 831 and $2 a bottle 1! dealers or delivered. Book “Evidence” free. W. F. YOUNG, P. D F.I 51S Lymans BEdg, Mcn1rea|,02n. absorblnc and Absorbinmdh. are made In Canada. Woman Tells How $5 Worth ' of Pinkham’s Compound Made Her Well. Lima Ohio.â€" “'I was all broken dowfl in health from a d13pl_aqemept.0ne of my .14 --_.-..A “OTTO HlGEL” PIANO AGTHON When buying your,Piano insist on having an lady friends came to see me and she ad- vised me to com- mence taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound .and to use Lydia E. Pinkham’ B San ativo 3 Wash. Ibegan take ing your remedies and took$5.00worth and in two months - was 3 Well woman after three doctor; said I never would stand up straight again. I was amidâ€" wife for seven years and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to eVery wo- man to take before birth and after- wards, and they all got along so nicely that it surely is a godsend to suffering women. If Women wish to write to me I will be delighted to answer them." â€"Mre.JENNIB Mom, 342 E.North St, Lima, Ohio. Women who suffer from displace- ments, weakness, irregularities, ner- vousness, backache, or beanngedown pains, need the tonic properties of the roots and herbs contained in Igdia E. Pinkhamia Vegetable Compo These men know from experience that Sloan's Liniment will take the stifiness out of ioints and the sore- ness out of musclesâ€"And it's\ so convenient! No rubbing required. 1!: quickly penetrates and brings re- lief. Eas; to apply and cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments. Always have a bottle in the house for rheumatic aches. lame back. sprains and strains. Generous sized bottles at all drug- gists. 25c., 50c., $| .00. Hal‘s mm IES VVANTE 1 light sewln ime, good pas Raifiroad Men Montr WSCZLLAMOUI 1t ) DO PLAIN Lorne, whole or < sent any dis- nd stamp for Manufacturing ISSUE 46â€"'17.

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