Telephone Mai n 2777 J. T. SAIGEON C- WALKING'I‘ON Maple King Licensed Auctioneer: for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage smicited J. H. Naughton BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide Sm. Ofllces East. Toronto. Nuughton Block, Aurora. . . " f'I‘hP Town of Aurora snhcnor f'" '11 M. \Valton, Aurora Ethel 3. Dever L. T. C. M. TEACHER OF I’iano and Voice J. E. PRENTICE 415 Balliol St. Toronto Phone Belmont 1347 Special attention given to sales 0t every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought, and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the most, approved methods. Patronage soliéited. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFOHD A um. W EST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail order. will receive prompt attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to? LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR COUNTY or YORK AND ONTARIO BARR‘ISTEE. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofl‘ice, Richmond Buildings. 33<Bi9hmnn§i Street, )Vegt. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridqe, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates PIANO TUNING Barristers. Solictors, 85c MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. Tonox-ro, CANADA Frank Danton, K. C. Denton, Grover & Macdonald Tel. M. 3631 A. Cameron MacNauEhton RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILLi AND UNIONVILLE : A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at. the above places HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL W. HEWISON â€"'â€"â€"_â€" â€" " _ â€" _ _ _ is nourishing and-that it â€"AGENCY“_ I regular intervals. Above J: v. S. in the sunshine every mi spare; see that the wim M ANAGER place of business and in 3' open so that day and ni VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY be assuer 9f a plentif REAL ESTATE $1.50 per annum, in advance. VOL. XL. Underlakers dc Embalmers. Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. 30511 :7. 9avidson RICHMOND HILL Organs Ropuired. Expert Woxk John Irivin Grover Arthur A. Mucdonnld Barry D. Anger WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. AL \VAYS ON HAND-f Residence Elgin Mills Residence Phone 41.4 T. E. BOYNTON 1nd. Phone Gorullgy RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1917 \V. F. Maclean who had represented that constituency for the past 26 years gave reasons why he did not attend the South York Conservative Con- vention on Saturday. The Association had passed a resolution of censure on him for advocating inlhe House of Commons n. Union or National Governâ€" ment, and that tesolutlon has never been Withdrawn. although Union Government has been established. Mr. Maclean madeastrong plea for National GOVermuent. for prompt enforcement of the conscription law, and for the united action by the people of Canada for the winning of the war. ‘ Mr. Gunn, the Labor candidate, who RronounCed himself u. liuprmrten: of Valter Rollo. the Provi cial leader of 'the Labor Party. criticised the present l government for being tied up with ' the big interests, and against the \ lahoring classest In Eglinton Town Hall on Mondav. ï¬ve candidates were duly nominated to contest the riding for a lent in the next Dominion Parliament. At 2 o‘clock Mr. I. A. McDonald. returning omqex- read the numinations as follows: James Thomas Gunn, electrician. Toronto. James H. Galbraith, medicine, manu- facturer. Todmnrden. Richard L. Baker. mexchant. To- ronto. William Findlay MAEléiiï¬,â€i§ï¬iiéE Donllmds. Alexander MacGregor, barrister. Toronto. Mr. Galbraith also criticised the moneyed interests. and referred to the big dividends of the Ogilivie Milling Co. and the \Viiliam Davies 00. Mr. R. L. Baker pointed out that he was the proper candidate of the Smith York Conservatives, duly select- ed at a nominatiun meeting. He was in favor of a heavy tax on we r proï¬ts. and prhper representaliun of Labor. “The ï¬ist interestofevelyone is in the boy; at the front. The adoption of conscription is the best way to support them. We must have victory; without victory we have nothing. Everything must be conserved and preserved to win the war. L9t the man with the big incorng pgy the big amonntsz" Alex. Ma'cGi-egmv. Eiberal and supâ€" pmter of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. reï¬ned to the present Government, as a cabinet of millionaires. Relative tuconsmip- tion he said We musL have. not only conscription of men, but cunscliptinn of all the resources of Canada. \Ve must; not isolate Quebec fur the sake of some any game. but, to make a. real union etween all the provinces. He thought Sir Wilfrid Laurier had been unjusth accused of being disloyal. As a matter of fact, Sir \Vilfrid had always said our ï¬rst duty was to get mule men to the front. There was nothing disloyal in proposing :1 referen- dum. and it could only be Opposed upâ€" on the doctrine LhnL the people were not to be trusted. For himself he was not afraid to trust the people. That Victory Loan button on Your coat is quite becoming. Last Year, as in years past, nearly every C ergyman and School Teacher in Ontario helped to spread- the Gospel of Good Health on Tuberculosis Sun- day and Tuberculosis Day in the Schools. This year, under the auspices of the National Sanitarium Association, en- :lorsed by the leading Clergymen of all Denominations and by the Depart- nent of Education, Sunday, November 35th, and Monday, November 26th, have been appointed for the annual Ibservance of these days. At no time in the history of the world has the necessity for physical ï¬tness been so great as it is to-day. )ne has but to scan the reports of re- iections for active service abroad to note the many that are unï¬t. “You iave tuberculosis!" has been the pro- aouncement to thousands of young men in Canada and the United States luring the past few months. » A thorough physical examination a year ago might have exposed the weakness and prevented the.develop- :nent of this dread disease; and yet, an spite of such a warning, thousands of men and women will continue to disregard the danger until they too have become victims of Consumption. If you would avoid this disease, pure, flesh air. TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY ’ wmflé. South York Nomination “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essential;, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Canadian War Contingent Association London, Eng., Oct. 25, 1917. Mrs. L. G. mngstuif. Thornhill Springs. Thornhill, Ontario. Dem- Madam.â€"In reply to your let- ter of September 25th. addressed to Lady Perley, I am very glad indeed to explain to you the method by which our supplies _are distrributgd. Each ~of the senior ofï¬cers at the front is supplied with registration slips (sample enclosed.) From time to time, often several days in succession. these ofï¬cers in consultation with junior ofï¬cers. non-coms. and so on. ï¬nd out wth is needed for the men. These needs vary according to the positions. Men behind the lines ask continually games gramaphnnes. gum and, of course. socks. Men in the frontlines want such things as tnmmy eookers. curry powder, chocolates, soup. cocoa, etc. Others constantly ask for note pager. soap. candles and so on. ' The ofï¬cer makes up his requisition from the articles on the back of the slip. Signs i] and foiwai‘ds it: tr) our oï¬ce here. As fast; as the goods asked for can be counted, checked and baled (an hour or two) they are despatched back to the unit. and every one and all of the things asked for are sent abso- lutely free of cost, though sometimes the order is a very big one. The only trouble entailed upon the unit, is the neggssity askipg. You will readily understand that this is the only practical way of hand- ling the wox k. \Vere we to send out on our own, without waiting to be told What was needed by the only people who know. that is. the men and ofï¬â€" cers themselves, there would be con- fusion. We might send soap where cocoa. was iequired. and candles to men wanting chewing gum. but the letting them tell us what they require we avoid square pegsin round holee. It is because everything we send to the men at; the front is entirely free of cost that we have no besitancy in urg- ing the claims of the O. W. U. A., for the vexy strongest support, that the people _in Canada. can; give. I Enclose a. list, of the things sent out by the Associatinn to the men at the “out during September, and I may say that, the heavy months are just be- ginning. \Vhen I tell you that last year from the beginning of November to January we sent, nub nearly 300.000 pairs of socks alone. you will under- stand that the demand upon our re- serve is very heavy. I also enclose a. copy of our monthly bulletin, and you will see what, the Omens themselves say in regard to our work. Hoping that this covers the ground. and assuring you that at any time I shall be very glad to give any further Information possible. Sincerely yours, ELEANOR IUCLAREN BROWN, Hon-Secretary Ladies’ Com. C.\V.U.A. Applications for Victory Loan Bonds received at the Standard Bank. Mr. A. J. Hume and Mr. A. E. Glass. Mr. N. \V. Rowel has been nominat- ed as the Union candidate in the County of Durham. Mr. H. M. Mowat, K. 0.. was unani- mously nominated as Unionist candiâ€" date for the new constituency of Park- dale, Friday evening. Mr. Mowat, is an tax-President of the Ontario Reform Association. Nominations for York County were on Monday made as follows : North Yorkâ€"Armstrong. Conser- vative-Unionist ; King. Laurierite. \Vest Yorkâ€" Wallace, Com-Union- ist ; Dentun. Laurierite. East ankâ€"Foster (Thos.), Con.- Unionist; Cockburn. Soldier; Ballan- tyne. Labor. South Yorkâ€"Maclezm. Com-Union i'st ; Baker, - Com-Unionist; Mchreg or, Laurierite; Galbraith, Ind.-Con. Gunn, Labor. Alex. MacGregor which W111 be announced later. will South York Electors (Opposing W. F. Maclean) Political News a series of meeting MWL APx'imex'.¥«Min:1 Chapman, George Chatburn. Charlie White. Olive ‘White. Florence Cooper. Geo. Cooper. School report for October. Names in order of merit. Jr. IV.-â€"â€"Winnie McDonald. Gladys Chapnmn, Lael Lamer. Wm. Johnson, Louise Shnwalter. Ruth Pollock, Irene Pillon. Grace Montgomery. John Leece, Viola. Byam. Nellie Beck. Ver- na Line. Arthur Jones, Kathleen Mc- Mahon, Azaln Flex-heller. Jr. IV.-â€"â€"M. Ball. M. Beck. J. Dow- ney, L. Smith. J. Montgomery, G. Kgllough. G._ Calnp. The monthly meeting of the W0- men's Institute was held on Wednes- day of last week at the home of Mrs. T. H. Keys. Readings were given by Mrs. Keys and Mrs. W. Johnson, the latter giving a. paper on the life of Florence Nightmgale. lst'Clussâ€"Hazel Rumble, Beatrice Mathewson. James McLean, Not-mon Pruner. James McMahon. Sr. Primer.â€"Jessie McLean, Sarah Mathewson. Mona Cousins, Bel-l. Math- ewson.Zelma Pollock. Frances .1011!)- son. Jean Lehman. Gwendolyn Beck. Irgnegqnes. Mupmy Dow_ney. Jr. Primer.-â€"Agnes McLean, Bessie Scrivener, Harry Showalter, Howard Mathewson. Lloyd Aunis. Dell Jones. Maze! Breedon, Murray ,Malloy, Ed- ward Marï¬n, Catharine Line. Sr. III.â€"â€"D. Cooper. B. Rose, H. Mulloy. M. Manning, J. Hearn, J. Line, \V. GJaham. Sr. II.â€"R. Jackson. J. Annis. D. Line. A. Campbell. G. Mathewson. Ruth Robinson, 0. Downey. J. Beck, L. Pilson. The Ladies‘ Aid Society purpose packing a. box with clothing and other necessary articles for the needy in Tux-onto. Refreshments were served at, the close of the meeting. A bazaar under the auspices of the Women 5 Institute will be held in the Masonic hall on Friday. November 30. There will be booths Where different articles can be, purchased. The pro- cveds will be devoted to Red Cross purposes- Rev. S. L. Robinson preached anni- versary sermons at Strange 0n Sun~ day. The choir of St. Andrew’s Church conducted the musxml part of the service. Mr. E. Gordon. who has spent the past, four month in the West. return- ed home last, week. One of Vaughan’s old pioneers, Mr. Abrahjun Smith, passe5t_ atvay lagt Saturday morning. at his home in Almira, Markham Tp. in his 87th year. Mr. Smith was born on Lot 7, Gun. 5, Vaughan. His father Jacob Smith. emigrated to this country from Pennsylvania when the Tp. of Vaughan had only small and scattered clearings, and by unremitting toil made a. com- fortable home for himself and family. The farm was subsequently divided. Abraham settled on the north half. Samuel, the father of Mr. Jerry Smith of this village remained at the old home. About twenty-one years ago Mr. Smith desirous of more convenient church privileges bought“; the ‘Spoï¬'ord’ farm at Almira. where he died. Mr. Smith was an excellent farmer. an industrious and unassuming man, honest as the day. lulled and respected by all who knew him, especlully by those who knew him longest and pest. A faithful member of the parent; body (or ‘Old’) Mennonite Church he adorn- ed his profession by the life he lived, more than by much speaking. Mr. Smith leaves one son Jacob, on the old farm, and three daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral took place on Monday morning. Nov. 19. to the “716113an Church and Cemetery, Con. 8. Markham. Services in German by Rev. G. Gayman and in English by Rev. F. Elliott, to a large congregation of friends and neighbors. throughout the Riding, E. M. McQaarrie, teacher. J. S. Newton. principal. MAPLE Obituary Hon. Graduate Royal Collega of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be at. Richmond Hill evex'y Tuesday and Friday. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECXALTY Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 a..m. to 5 p.m- Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of York. Peel and Simcoe Dr. G. La. Verne Pattison Richmond Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COXMISSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Phone No. 23. B. H. LASHER Residence address Victoria. Square Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Choirmaster St. Paul‘s Presbyterian Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society Will accept a. limited number of pupils at his Home-studio. Richmond Hill Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN- XVill be in Richmond Hill on Thuxsdays after September]. 1916 Address Nordeimer Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY P.O. Box 436 J. K. McEwen Dollars for Bullets Buy Victory Bonds D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. H. A. NICHOLLS Commissioner. Conveyancer etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHILL Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles ' Building Stone out to order Richnlond Hill PIONE 1334 PAINTER PAPERHANGER GRAINER, ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited . EARLE NEWTON PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Phone 950 Woodbridge S. SHEPHERD >Kiing, Ont. [Single copies, 3 cts. New; anaï¬ Street Win the War & G Son Phone No. 72 and help to PIANIST P. 0. address Gormley. R.R. Residence Phone 188 No. DIE 44 12