l?) the] 1*}. I)0V0r L. T. C. M. Muplc King Licensed Auctinneer.‘ fur the Ununty nf Yul-k. Sulvs nttemh-d tn un shun-test notice. and at reusnnuhle rates. Patronage sulicited Telvphnne Main 2777 BARRISTER SOLICITOR ‘ NOTARY {Lulnsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide Sh. Ofï¬ces 4 East. anomn, LNnughtum Black. Ann-0m. . - _ I I Th“ Town of Aurora bmwltm fԠ1.). Al. \Vulmn. Aurora 200 BERESFORI) A WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special uttmntiun given tn sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on cmnmission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the must approved lllethuds. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls by phnne or otherwise promptly respnnded to'. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC J- T. SAIGEON Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Libel-31‘ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbridue, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates $1.50 per annum, in advance; VOL. XL. PIANO TUNING ’atronz‘ Denton, Grover & Macdonald Bérristers. Solicturs, 8m MANNING ARCADE. 24 Kle ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mucdmmld Harry D. Anger Tel. M. 3631 A. Cameron MapNaughton RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE TEACHER 0F iano and Vroice A huge stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept, at. the above places W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. J. 11. Prentice RESID EN C E J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. JOHN T. ANDERSON sz) TUNER phone or mail me attended to. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW'AYS ON HAND. Underlnkcrs & Elllhallnors. REAL ESTATE LICENSED AUCTIONEER VETERINARY SURGEON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Soï¬a 3. @avidson II. Naughton 415 Balliol St... Tax-unto. Phone Belmont, 13-17 Organs Repmred. Expert Work WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND WRIGHT BROS. Thornhill. sulicitcd â€"-AGENCYâ€" THORNHILL Rpsidonce Elgin Milk Rvsideuce leue 4L4 MANAGER RICHMON D HILL | C. WALKINGTON 95821295 xges promptly PHONE 1421 RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, The following letter was received by Ml: Frank Denton. K. 0., from his brother. who is serving overseas: My Dear Brother. Now that I have got, over to Blighty [ will be able Lu give you a little of my experience in France. The ï¬rst, place an which we were sL-(uioned was 2» small village about ten kilometers from Ahllyvillu culled Snigncville. \Ve spent. thwe moule Lherehvhich seem- ed like three years) building railway sidiugs and spurs Im- a muniqu dump. In all We huilL about, 3.3 miles. ll} On the 5111 day if Septunbvr \vv ciowd up and Sent all [he biSLt‘lS away and we \n‘re put. at. nng and cal-r)- ing sand bags to ï¬ll mound n wenâ€. Vi 9 were an leL until the 21ml , when we opened up n.2,an l'ui- naming wounded unly, and the ï¬rst (Liy lilvl‘t \\'ele 0\h’l‘ Luu Lhousuud unam. W hile We were open lslepL 1n the ward and i had n. cmnfoi'mhic hl‘d, but “Lo 1 ye got the tents pmtech-d \vu \Vclt‘ ordered to sleep in [hr-H). They \vu-e Vci-y damp, and l gut it cold which deâ€" veloped hike in nnchiLis. \\'.is in bed in the hospital Lhcre IL‘Uul L1“: 20le Lu the 27th ut’ September. when the duc- lux- 59an me down the line [0 Cuinmis. 1 was Lhere until [1): 3nd of Ucluln‘l', when they sent me heie. \Vnmi Lilr ductui- immd nut. how mid I was humid me he thought. 1 had done my “bit,†and he wound send (In: to Biighty fur the winter. So I consider l mu one of lheluckimtlnds (hilLC|US:1’Li[llthHlLL Really, Frank.) have had far \Hnsv colds in civil life and [mid \‘m-y litLle attention to them. but sixnp y carried on business. I told the doulm on imm- ing France that it was mlhcr a pim- sant illness. In fact, I prefen-ed it to _ hailth in the uuny. “ 4.151). m.â€"Hud a very good dinnor. smoke and a chat with the fellow in the next bed, who comes fxou) Vam- couver, and I was sleeping soundly when they \Vuke me for text. It [1st been mining all day. which is the ï¬rst 1 have seen tor about a month. Sep- tember weather was delightful. but from now on we wxll likely have cun- sidemble min, although last October was very nice. min; after letter From M. H. Denton HI day wt" Suptembr-‘r \vv sent all the aisLexs nu‘ny )LILuL ï¬lllng mud cal-r)- iU ï¬ll around 0 'LenlLu. ,luL until the 21ml , when H Had a very good dinnor. chat. with the fellow in who comes fxou] Vam- l was sleeping soyndly In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Now. when they think I have hndl at long ennngh rust. they will give. me Len duys’ leave. which I um guing to spend nmstly 1n Irelanl. My wife wants me tn look up her people. They live at Newl'y, u. town about midway between Belfast and Dublin. If 1 have any time left, I may spend a (lay up in Yorkshire and u t-Buple in Edmburgh. It (Ines nut take lung to run from one place to the other. Ynn knuw yuu uuuld put the whole of the. British Isles in the middle of our \Vestern (andn. and they wuuld scarcer be nnliced. Now. it is drawing near the time for collection of letters. so I will have to quit. \Vould be pleased if ytm \vuuld send a copy of this to the relatives as usual. Now. I don’t want, you to think he- cuusv 1 mm writing this from n hospi- tal that I mu sick. for such is not, the case. Am feeling fine. They are simâ€" ply kwping me here fora rest. ldnn't, kumv what they will do with me when [ come off leave. but, expect they will place me in the Stores Depmlmcnt sumewhere in England. w \‘Vkiliilgihdesrt lggfllf‘la to all the con- nection. A MESSAGE FROM THE FRONT. Aï¬ectionntely yours. No. 204,638, M. H. DENTON. Lord Delhy \Var Hospital. \Varrington, Luncnshire‘ England South York Electors imm VOTE DECEMBER 13. 1917 and spuke to 5,1)00nwn. A big stnrm was on all last night and all our lights \VL'l‘lfuilt. I had one candle 10 read mm- the verses of the hymn. and the men sang in utter darkness. It w:.s Weird and impressth I must 1):â€? linden zhmtly kind of preacher itand- ,ing in the ï¬xed light of a mllow dip. Hmv wnnderfnl it was tn hour thnsr lads sing the muse after I read it: ' they roared even when they couldn't reuwmher the words! Wem-o (m the move just, now, so packing is the older of the day. All guud wishes and a thousand regards. Very sincerely ymns‘ An excellent, progl'nlnme was givpn Monday en-ning‘ at. the Epwm Lh Lvn- gnu under the Missiunell‘y Department. After the Opt-nng services u. may in- teresting address was-givon by Rm‘. A. 1’. Latter, (If valinnwnb Street )hurch, Toruntn. tn " My Expexience in New Onmriu.†A \‘ncul 51-19 was given dnling the waning by Mrs. N. Glass. At the close of the meeting Mr. Latter was awarded a» hearty votv of thanks. which was moved by Mr. \Valker and svcunded by Mr. Crow- hnr<t. The chair was occupied bv Miss \Vellwund. A veiy interesting prngxannne is exâ€" pected at the Epwm'th League next Monday evening. An old fashioned speHing match Will be the 11min fen- Lme (-f the evening. and an excel- lentnmsicnl prograuuue is being ur- i'anged fur. Everybody come prepai- ed to spelland enjoy a good laugh. Epworth League sincerely yums. ALLEN P. SHAHFORD. s n. n-ry in- ivon by Rm‘. meL Street _v Expexience Acul 51-10 was II by M . N. < Dr. C. LaVerne Pabtison Hnn. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Tm-(mlu, will be at Richmond Hill ewry Tuesday and Friduv. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce lomtcd in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30:1.111. to 5 p.m- Licensed Auctioneers fur Tor-unto and the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe Phone No. 23. Richmono Hill COMBUSSKONER. CONVEY AN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance .I. If. I‘IcFJ‘ven 8: ‘ Sou B. H. LASHEB ’1‘. (Sr. 14 S7 O D LICENSE!) AUCTIONEER D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. Reside-m Victoria Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Ghoirnmster St. Paul's Prrshyteriam Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill :13cept a limits-d number of pupiLs at his Home studio, Richmond Hill H. A. NICHOLLS Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 014‘ THE VIOLIN \Vill he in Richmond Hill nn Tlnusduys after September]. 1916 Address Nuult-imel' Building :22!) Yonge St. Toronto Oummissioner, Conveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Llcenses. NeWmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1334 J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC P.O. Box 436 THORNHILL I} iohnlond Hill NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMON D HILL Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and. Marbles Building Stone cut to order It. J. lIUDIE FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Piltl‘nnzlfl'r‘nnd influence respeckfully solicited dance address P. 0. ad( orin Square Gm-mley. R S. SHEPHERD OFFICE AND RESIDENCE King, ()nt. PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Nurlh Yonge Street Phone 950 \Vnod bridge [Single copies, 3 cts. EARLE N E VVTON PAINTER PAPERH ANGER Gunmen. ETC. ISSUER or MARRIAGE LI‘ NOTARY PUBLIC CORVEYANCING 0. " PIANIST P. 0. address Gol'lnlt’y. R. R. LICENSES IQ Residence Phone 183 44 12