American meat is the richest in fat; 'British home-grown meat is second. Camellias require very careful waâ€" tering; not enough or too much water causes the buds to drop. When buds drop withhold manure water. The time to feed is when the flowers have faded and whei‘ the new shoots are growing. Forty-ï¬ve to tiffyï¬ve is the right temperature. The double collar 21nd the wide pgirdle or sash gre unusually attractive ,, . -nvw-..†“maâ€..- featu:es of this simple pleated tunic dress. McCall Pattern No. 8064, *Misses’ Dress Pattern in 4 sizes, 14 ‘to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto, Dept. W. Get a package of Grape- Nuts from your grocer and try this pleasing recipe. Here's a new oneâ€"a most delicious desert that can be made in a hurry. To one and one-half cups of milk add one cup of In These War Times you want real food that contains the greatest amount of body - building material at lowest cost. The whole wheat grain is all food. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the whole wheat in a digestible form. Two or three of these little loaves of baked whole wheat with milk and a litte fruit make a nour- ishing, strengthening meal. Six Minute Budd mg and one level table- apoonful of sugar, boil six minutes, cool and serve with milk or cream. Add rai- sins if desired. Grape.-Nuts Made in Canada. Frocks for ’Winter water L buds The have s are mm“ Llnlment Cum Distemper. ’ED- 7- the nose. They rise some 300 feet ir the air. More than 200 of them were sent up from seventy-nine ï¬re sta- tions the ï¬rst time they were used and the result was pronounced very satisfactory. The public was inform< ed about the rockets in advance so that the signiï¬cance of the peculiar sound which they produced was under- stood are ing the the sen' The London authorities have begun using sound bombs, or rockets, as a means of warning the populace of ap- proaching air raiders. These Bombs consist of cylinders about eight inches long, weighing one pound each, which are ï¬red from small mortars by pull- ing a lanyard attached to a fuse at MONEY ORDERS Dominion Express Foreign Cheques are accepted by Field Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their full face value. There is no better way to send money to the boys in the trenches. “So good of you!" said wish you would tell me of black lead you use on ventilators that are let. im “[9 have the same sort ( my house, but my maids them to shine half so brilli What/ Interested Her. The director of the British Museum, Sir Frederick Kenyon, has had many amusing experiences with visitors. Once, he was showing a distingui h~ ed lady some of the priceless t ea- sures of which he is the custodian, but for a long time nothing seemed to in- terest her very much. Then suddenly he noticed a change. Her face lighted up and she leaned forward. “What is it, madam?†asked Sir Frederick, gratiï¬ed at this tardy sign of awakening appreciation. “Pray do not hesitate to ask if there is any- thing you would like to know.†“So good of you!" said the lady. “I wish you would tell me what brand | price mnard's Linlment Cures Gen-get 1n Cow. Cow’s milk contains from per cent. of fat. Whales’ tains 43>per cent. “Well,†remarked Tommy, smiling, “I gave a German a punch on the nose for it, and I’m quite ready to give you tw0 if you’ll mend it.†After a careful survey the watch- maker said: “I’m afraid, sir, the cost of repairing will be double what you gave‘ for it.†. “I don’t mind that," said the soldier. ‘Will you mend it?" “Yes,†said the jeweler, “at the A Tommy on‘furlough entered a jeweler’s shop and, placing a much- b..tte1'ed gold wat ‘ on the counter, said: “I want this ’ere mended.†l Your grocer has the lemons and any 'drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and _ ‘.â€"-.â€"uuu‘.â€" a, vuua, "‘5' Sore Eyes, Ey lnflamed by Sun. Dust and ind qulckly relieved by Murine. Try it In ' your Eyes and in Baby‘s Eyes 7* ~- ~~~rxuc l v 1-- three ounces of orchard white for a ’ y few cents. Massage lhis sweetly } . fragrant lotion into the face, neck,1 - ._ arms and hands each day and see how 1 T N08111:? ,J’aleyeCor-{orl . fl freckles and blemishes disappear and l MnrlneEyeRemed) mum“) 3'::§‘..:$"u:;.‘:z D how clear soft and white the skin be. : no s.m.«n Tubes 25c. FurBoolr‘E/tthva_Froo. ’ . l . la! 04 comes yes! It ,5 ha].mless_ I AskuurlneEye Remedy Co . C cag Squeeze the juice of two lemons into I a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you To cut hot, fresh have a quarter pint of the best freckle knife well, and the and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- rsmoothly and evenly fler, at very, very small cost. l Minard's IAniment cu: Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. ; Experts advise that nuts be fed to stock in limited quantities, not more than a kilbg‘ramme (2.2 pounds) at the utmost daily, and then only after they have been shelled and boiled, care being taken to throw away the boil- ing water. It is remarked, however, that nuts can be fed more freer to pigs than to other animals, and that, besides, they are very fattening. LEMON JUICE IS l The United States Consul at Am- !sterdam writes that all kinds of sub- }stitutes for fodder have been fed to animals. The death of stall-fed aniâ€" mals has been frequent and is attri- buted to spoiled or otherwise unwhole- some food. In many such cases the animals have been freely given acorns, chestnuts and beechnuts, unshelled and uncooked. All of these nuts, it is averred, in their natural state have poisonous elements, especially in the shells. It is said that horses have died within two hours after eating raw and unshelled beechnuts in conâ€" siderable quantities, the stomach and intestines being fatally disordered. Fed to Livestock in Holland BecauSe of Shortage of Fodder. .Because of the shortage of fodder in Holland farmers have been feeding their live stock with nuts, and as a result many of the cattle have died and the health of a large percentage has been affected seriously. EATING NUTS KILLS ANIMALS. New Air Raid They Tommy's Watch FRECKLE REMOVER ,ms from 3%» to 4 Whales’ milk con- Alarm on those iron into the floor. L of things at ds never get “Fishy†dishes and utensil: 1y retain their odor, but yo move this by soaking the dis leaves and leave stand for before washing. Boil tea a little water in the frying that, too, will loose the 1 odor. MINARD’S Parkdale Cupid’s Machine Gun. An amorous British youth was be- ing taken to task for his fiirtations. “Engaged to four girls at once!" ex- claimed his horriï¬ed uncle. “How do you explain such shameless conduc't?" “I don’t know,†said the graceless nephew. “Cupid must have shot me with a machine gun." Thï¬iprsian. Valley England’s Self-Conï¬dence. j Baron Plener, a German, speaking! before the Upper House of the Reichs- tat, said he was sceptical regarding the peace feeling in enemy countries. “England,†he declared, “will [not be ripe for peace for a long time yet. Her military self-ponï¬dence has been :50 enormously increased through the, creation of a great army in such a short period that one cannot imagine ‘anything diverting British public opinion from its war policy." “ QTTO HIGEL†PIANO ACTION Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, /because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted off, root and all. without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store. but, will posi- tively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irriv tate the surrounding skin. When' buying your Plano Insist on having an If your druggist hasn‘t, any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his Wholesale drug house. It is ï¬ne stuff and acts like magic every time. Cincinnati man teHs how to dry up a corn 0r caIIus so it lifts off with ï¬ngers. YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN WEI/V5 Frayulated Eyelids, I.Lsm.‘Co|o-iufloualnaaï¬n'lllfl. home Sule- Ibow 13w (3. P. anthem)... Nth. MW: term any. Ail a for lulu-nun lahrmfllon. ovum y free. on are cordial]; Invmd (a call fl Mom [[2, Union acMo Baud!!! . to us our nxcellont and extent". I It" a? unduch flown In the Union Pun. Country. v In Southunorn Oregon it a bunmul, fertile dmrlcl that you much! to (I- vcalmto. MI"! shrewd farmer: an buylng there. became Ihnlr mu bull- Mu nnslgM ml: them that Invali- montufl nay blly returns 1mm {ha nflural lncnuq n {ha ulna of hi Inna aim". to my nothing at "no I. In†that (My can product. Prlon law: terms unv. LINIMENT Ont. J. eave stand for a while ng. Boil tea leaves in r in the frying pan and ill loose the repugnant ISSUE 50â€"1.? utensiis naturalâ€" but yup can re- the dishcs in tea bread ‘heat the bread will cut HA BAILEY PULLEYS, Large size. 26x6H30 ; 12x60â€"$20 ; 12i’2x48â€"$12 ; 2 BLOWERS OR FANS, Buffalo make. 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts DOA Wlll accept $425 cash for immediate sale. 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Double, Endless l WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42 ï¬umaxmmnaï¬ Spread Coverirï¬ongdy. Awful Disï¬gurement. ltched and Burned. Had to Scratch. Athletic \training aces not rid of “fat,†but of the excess water in the tissues of the body.’ A famine in fat (as in Germany) is more terrible than a famine in Generéus oil-ed boidcé. at 25c†50c.. $l.00. Thcre is no fat in potatoes. Lard is nearly 90 per cenf. fat. Butter is the best form of fat for children. , The fat of plants is contained in lthe seeds. , i At' least a third of the body‘s food should be fat. ' Cocoa is the only popular hevéTage which has “fat.†The colder the clima‘e the greater the craving for fat. / Body fat is of three kindsâ€"~steurine, palmitin and oleine. Oats are the “fattest†and most "heating" of the cereals. ] A loin of mutton has more fat nu-i trient than any other joint. 1 Fats yield glycerine, an essential; component of high ezqzlosives. i gmnmxmmmmn Cold rain; winds, and dampness bring out the rheumatic aches. An application of Sloan's Liniment will soon have the blood circulating and the pain will disappear. For neu- ralgia. lame back, stiï¬ neck, sprains. strains; and all muscle soreness. Sloan's Linimentcnn't be beat. No rubbin ; it quickly penetrntcsand does its work wiL - out stain or clogging of th: pores. Better than plukers or ointments. For cold feel: or build: try An applicqtioqof Sloan} Linimcnt. BUIIGURA HEM _ EBZEMA 8N WY One 10 inch, other 14 Inch dlschar Will accept $300 for irï¬medlato dltlon and new one would cost New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supï¬ly and ‘ flywheel, etc. _ WIH ‘accept $1,200 cash for immediate sale “Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowel." If your teeth are good, look to your digestive organs at once. Get Seigel’a Cumxive Syrup at druggilta. 15 to 30 drops after meals, clean up your food pauage and stop the bad breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. r 5 EXPO-sure Aches REAL ESTAAiTES CORPORATKON, LTD. ' 60 Front St. West, Toronto Fats in The Diet. am Bad Breath “mug, "q", A. Sold everywhere. one would cost about $600 :1 and burned r scratch terriâ€" ’ Was cross. _used Cuticura aweâ€"$30 each Double, Endless. 24 inch x 70 ft. saIe, although belt is In excellent con. World beyoff 400 pages ; H. Law, 486 ARSORBINE. JR.. antiseptic linimem toy mankind. ra- iucca strains. Painful. Knotted. Swollen ch'ns. Concen- mKedâ€"wnly I few drop: required atan Ipplluzlun. Prim .1 per home at denier: or delivered. W F. YOUNG. P. D. F.. 516 Lymans Bldg, Montreai, Gan. lbsorblue and Absorbluc. 1:" are made In Cantu; _ Does not blister or remove thd hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. 2.00:! bottle, delivered. Describe your can. or special instructions and Book 5 M free. QRSQRBXNE. JR.. antiseptic linimcm for mankind. ra- ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPSA ETC†lnmrnal and external. cured with~ out pain by our homo treatment. eru as betore tt’u late. Dr. Bellman Medkd 00., Limited. Colllnzwood. Ont. Minzra's Linlment Cures ColdsA 85c TEAR BUFFALO â€"â€" WONDERFU Farm bargains; exceptional oppo tunities awaiting immediate purchaser: descriptive catalogue free. Buffa] Farm Exchange. Brisbane build‘m Buffalo. New York. AV beans. honesi 763161121 _wâ€"a-n~t'e2]: II‘EEI: est prices given. J. D. Arsenauu. 1195 St. Catharine East. Montreal. ‘6 EAVEN borg's Ayrshires, Jerseys and Guernsey are the best milch cows. Teacherâ€"Name the chief exports of Canada. Prompt; Pupilâ€"~Soldiers! Second Pupil (indignantly)'â€"Sol- diers are not exports; they are trans- ports. 400,000 VocabularyTemxs. 2700Pa as. 6000 lllustmlona. Colored Plates. 30,000 eograph- lcal Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Ermine. Regular and India-Paper Editions. The New Ingmitional in 9:; teacher, a unxvcxsal question answerer. DICTIONARIES are in use by business men, engineers. bankers, judges. urchi- tects, physicians, farmera, teachers, li- brarians. clergymen, by successful men and warren theworla'over. of WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL Anya YpU EOUIPPED TO WIN? QVV LAID EGGS. POULTIIY. PEAS 12x36â€"$8 AVEN AND I'IELL"â€"â€"SW berg} great work on a MISCELLANEOUS I: aid the life afigr (“L 113' 25 cents nostpaid Euclid Avenue. Tor: PRODUCE WWfllé‘i Which ? .lfl piping, Toronto Buffalo ath .‘ Lien-