Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1917, p. 8

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The Hosoital is doing a marvellous work. If you could see the Cllilili‘“n with crippled limbs. club fc-et. and other deformities, who have let the Hospital with straightened limbs and perfect correction, your response to our appeal would be instant. In the Orthopedic Departments last year :3 total of 330 inpatients were treated; and in the Ont~PatiPnt Department there were 1.946 attendances. Let your money and the Hospital's mercy lift thp, burden of misery that curses the lives, cripples the limbs and saddens tho mothers of the suf- fering little children. assail the lives of the little ones. Remember that every dollar given to the Hospital is a dollar subscribed to the Lihz‘rty Loan that opens the prisons of pain and the Bastilles or disease. and sets little children free to breathe the pure air. and to rejoice in the mercy of God’s sunlight. Will you send a dollar. or more it you can, to Douglas Davidson, Secre- tary-Treasurer. or Do you realize what this charity is doing [or sick children, not only of Toronto. but for 31‘: Ontario, for out of a total of 3.740 iii-patients last year 646 came from 254 placos outside of Toronto. The field of the Hespital's service covers the entire Provinceâ€" from the Ottawa $0 the far off Keimra â€"from the borders of the Great Lakes to the farthest ncrlherly district. The Hosnital is doing a marvellous The lot of the consumptive is a spe- cially trying one. Only recently a family was discovered living in two small rooms over a store. At one time they had occupied a comfortable home but the father took sick and had to give up work. With the savings all gone, they were forced to sell the fur- niture to buy food. When the man was found to be a consumptive, this was the opportunity of the Muskoka Free Hospital to bring relief so that not only would the stricken husband have a winning chance for life, but more desirable still, the wife and chil- dren should he removed from danger pf contracting the disease. Under skil- ful guidance the home was cleaned up and the family temporarily provided for. It is now reported that the patient is doing well, with every chance of recovery. Money mobilizes the powers of help and healing for (he Hospital‘s drive day and night against the trenches where disease and pain and death is frequently revealed in these war times even in this well-to-do Province. Hard enough to be poorâ€"still worse to be sick and poor. Thanks for your kindness in allowing me the privilege of appealing to your readers this Christmas time on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children, the "Sweetest of all Charities," which has as its mission the care of the helpless. the sick. the crippled and the deformed. This is the great work carried on by the Muskoka Free Hospital which is now appealing for help. Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secretary- .Treasurer, 223 College St., Toronto. "-Tinére' neverxvas a year in the h13~ tory of the Hosp‘nal when funds to carry on the work were more needed than now, Your purse is the Hospital's Hope. Your money lights the candles of mercy on the Christmas trees of health that the Hospital plants along the troubled roadway of many a little life. So I am asking you for aid. for the open purse of the Hospital's friend is the hope of the Hospital at Christ mas. just as the open door of the Hospital's mercy is the hope of the little chil-Jren throughout the year. Calls on generous hearts are many in these times. Calls on the Hospital are many at all times. and especially when food and fuel and drugs and ser- vice costs are soaring high. YOU know the high cost of living. Do you knew the high cost of healingâ€"of helping the helpless to happiness? What you do to assist is the best in- vestment you will ever make. Promo: 50m- ldem- the may bung you wealth Wme J rm WRDDERB RN c 00.. Patent Anor- My Washington. D. C..tor their 3131) prLze one? And L at two hundred Inventions Wanted. Dear Mr. Editor:â€" THE SAD STORY OF THE‘STRUGGLE NPR LEFE THE Hospiial for Sick Children Wantedâ€"An Idea Ihe Ne ITS CHRISTMAS MESSAGE No. 3, J. ROSS ROBERTSON. Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Division Court Tuesday, Jan. Unmme‘ncmq at, RICHMOND HILL College St , Toronto xt Sitting nl' l)ivu<:on (v..- Cmml-y uf Yul-k win he 1x916 in the Court Room. ’I‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK 8, 1918 who can of some slmp mlng to mung! mm. Farmers, in soliciting yum- sules. I (11150, nHL wnh n Vit w of beating any other man out; uf them. hnc he- cau~e it, IS my spa-Jul prufeSsiun. Hav- ing been .1 farmer for years, knowing :tmk a Id values, (grade or pedigreed) knowin: hmv to dusczihe smck :md Exwulur, Maple. Unt. Dllmlnl M-Iple, Ontario. this 26th day nf Navr-mher, 1917. 22-4 A CAR 0F BRAN AND SHORTS and PURITY FLOUR. SHORTS . . . . . . . . . BR A N . . . . . . . . . . Pl'lil'l‘Y FLOUR BEST [’ASTK Y applicants for agencies or of Nursm'y StoLk. Bakery and Gloom-y Store, MAPLE N.B.â€"â€"Czltnlugue sent on .l. R. LONG. Auction Special S; 399, Yonge St. Toronto. M MAPLE BAKERY NOTICE is hvrohy given, pursuant, In Sectinn 56‘ H. S. 0. 19H, Chapter 121. 1|l=|LnII pox-Suns having any claims against the estate uf the lace Rebecca 0519:“. who died ml or about the 'l‘wonly sixth day of Octnhcr. 1917. me I-Pqnirvd. nu or liefure (he 2)le day nt' Dvcmnhrr, 1917, In send by post. [111-- paid. m. to deliver to [he undersignt‘d Exvcuhu' thr-ir names and mldressns and full pal-liculms. in wxillng, of lha-ir claims and the nature. of the security (ifuny) bald by U)_0m._ "1)“ hm; FURTHER NOTICE " th H, uftPl‘ the said 20th thy (if Decmn- Canada. Portland Cement hm. 1917. the said Exvculm- will prn- uAND. . wed in disuihute lho eduteuf the said rrl- - - deceased :mmng [he pardes e-ntitledl "Jle for Dralnlng‘ thereto, hmng H-gnx-d uan to the, Orders taken tor Red Ola-y claims of which he shall then have ‘ nnlice. and the said Executor will nnbl Pressea Brlck be liable fm‘ the said :lssels‘ or any We have the 1).]... 86 W. part thereof. to any pen-«ms of whom: Scranton Hard Coal claims hv shall not then hme t-vceiveil and I{eunel Coal “mm ~. ‘N one better? Order now HIRAM E. KEFFEH, hxwulur, Maple. Uni. l ALL AT REASONABLE PRH‘ES t0 sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit. and Omnmentnl Trot-s during the Full and \Vinter months. Gun-d pay. exclusive territory, free selling equipment. IN TH E MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF REBEUCA OSTEH. late of tin- ’l‘nwnship nf Vaughan. in the County of Ymk, \Yiunw, Deceased. HIGHLAND A modern solid brick house on Church Street with u 50 ft. lot. A meant lot 50x210 on Church A new well finished brick venef‘r dwelling on Markham Road at a bargain. Street home on houm for u One of the best farms in U)! vicinity of Kettleby 150 acres. goof buildings. good bush. good [and cheap. Terms to suit. Possessior any time. Owner retiring. We Want Now 130 R S IXIJE H. A.. Nivholls REAL ESTATE qum NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AT GEAY’S [inn and Unnudiu n Room in Caumdn. Our herd uh :13331-Ihsun (If the gum \vnrld's H-‘Cllld cowsâ€"ma lhs. Junim‘ hPH] Sit-P. hrnlhvr In AVONDALE He is fur snl». If this on prices nn eilhrr mnlrs m- me A'r Auction Sales M AY FA PELHAM NURSERY C0. Season Coming YORK COU N'I'Y sale Over 600 Acres Herd zed 1M. wd house. stably. chicken orchard. etc” just the spot retired farmer :11: Victoria . A gloat bargain for :1 A Reliable Agent. in Tuuoxro. ONT comfortable brick clad Fpntz-e Sheet \Vest with cit-v. AVONDA LI; HO SYLVIA, llu . Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont I $42.60 n hm 36.0!) “ 1'2 U!) a hm. 10.80 " request tu purchasers 12-31“ ‘ALE PONTIAC ECHO (nude , the \\‘I‘)'Id's lush record cnw nd fur butler. 41 lbs. Only um 'mw hum]: rd im'lndes manly 1 at, KING SEGIS. lnnlht-r Ln 1‘ film-v, 50.68, Sr. Lyn-old “3.84. KING SEGIS PONTIAC (TANA DA. u h: PONTIAC ECHO, out of z. 30 lbs. Sx-gis CU Inhinutinn of hreeding interests you, w: itef fmnulvs. ‘ STm- the LAKE FARMS stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR‘l v always on hand. { Wheat, Buckwheat, l < Good Bran and Shorts in; l , Cracked Corn American Corn and Oat-s For Sale 1 0N( Expert on all kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class rulennizing with double-trle Ur» slitching Work. A large stuck of parts always un hand; also all kinds and sizes (If tires and accessories. Free air ser- vice supplied here, so why hrmk your buck pumping tires‘ by hand. Excelsior Mutorcycle Agency; stu- tiunary engine work; storage but- teries reclurged; bicycles 1'0p:lirt‘(l. ROBINSON BLOCK. Y0an STREET Puoxiv: x0. 68 I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. m1 3'? Tabuzes cure dizziness. Puhiic attention Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop J. H. RRMER 8'1“ under lease). a son l :nw fur milk pmle y mw thr 41-“). ha uly fifty daughters I ‘ln [he sin-s of [In-v [3.84. .h'. 4â€"vr.-old 40 3‘. ADIAI. L. Curtis (1) Canada will send n o m o r e reinforcements to the front, which practically means quitting the war and placing the country in the same class as Russia. ~ It is because the French-Canadians have not done their duty that Conscription had to be resorted to. The French~Canadians have made it perfectly clear that they do not like the war and are against Canada participating in it further. Some of them even go to the length of saying that the soldiers should be brought back from the front. The Nationalists are demanding that the men who have been enrolled under the Military Service Act be disbanded and sent back to their homes. To secure the Nationalist support Lauderâ€"Liberal candidates in Quebec have signed the following pledge : - A Laurier-Bourassa\Victory means dcserting our boys in the trenches for over a year, throwing up our hands and quitting! Don’t shout “Kamerad” under the Referendum proposal. Comp out and fight for Union Government. Make N 0 Mistake SUPPG UNIQN Liberals and Conservatives are United The People Must Unite to “I, the undersigned, candidate in the Federal Elections, undertake by these presents, if I am elected. to demand the immediate suspension of the Military Service Act, 1917, and of all its effects until Canadian electors have pronounéed by way of plebiscite; and should the majority of the electors condemn it, that it be considered as null from its Origin and that in consequence all conscripts be disbanded." E‘I also undertake to vote against any Government which should refuse to adopt the above enunciated policy.” ‘ ARE THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE PREPARED TO STAND FOR THAT? This Adz'ertisement is inserted by The Unionist Party Publicity Committeo‘ Ilf '01 Win Elm War Richmond Hill Annex L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill All kinds of Motor Repairâ€" IF LAURIER WINS I Maple Garage EST'D 1873 3;“ STANDARD BANK \T THE IJBRRAL ()F‘FH‘F Overseas Envelopes FWR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR SEE SMITH BROS. MAPLE, ONT' Buildng Lots on Yonge St., Belment and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garder’x Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms Money Orders and Drafts are issued by_this Bank payable in all parts of the world. 234 (2) The French-Canadians who have shirkcd their duty in this war will be the dominating force in the Govern- ment of the country. OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO J. T. LOCKE 8: CC., (30 inches in length.) Also Cement Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load 01' in car lots. 33-t.f. The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale: Cement drain Lile,3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 it). Culvert tile 1'2, 15, 18 and ‘20 inch. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick THE l0 Adelaide St. E, Toronto T. COU SINS, Pres. and Manager Maple Manager.

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