Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1917, p. 4

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fSir Wilfrid Laurier. The reportsofthc cle:tion.~.through The ten eonstitucnces in out Canada go to show t'iat Lac Unionist Govornur n: has a large , supporters, many (f the lllajol'lllCS majority in Ontario, .\lauilo‘w,-Sa.~k- , goingr tar up in the thousands. atchewan, Alberta and llrilislilsaid that ovcr.‘lll,lH)tl women E'Suggesz‘z'onrs from 5 (1721565 \Vilh Christmas only five days away there are nnny things to he prepared for the day of days. To assure the success of your Christmas party the groceries must be selected \yith care. \Vhat would Christmas be without, Fruit Cake and Juicy Pudding. Our Dried Fruits, Peels and Nuts are new goods. If you are too busy to bake, see our display of Bodley's Fruit Cake, piain or iced at300. a. ll). the value is hard to equal. After the baking there is to consider tlle Fruit -â€"Oranges, Bananas, Malaga and Emperor Grapes. Cluster Raisins. Nor forgetting the. Candyâ€"\Vith a sugar short- age. we looked ahead for our supply. \Ve have the Old Fashioned Hard Mixed, Creams, Nut Creams, Gum Drops. Special Mixed ‘and Willard Forkdipt Chocolates. Also Nutsâ€"Almonds. \‘Valnuts, Brazils, Filberts, Peanuts, and Soft Shelled Pecans. See our values. We have prepared to look after your needs quickly. G. A. McDonald 8: Son Yonge Street '- i ‘ Fire to protect your buildings and their contents. Life to protect yourself and family and old age. to protect yourself from large doctor bills and loss of time when out of employment through accident or sickness. Plate Glass against all kinds of breakages. AutOmObile against fire, theft, accidents and liability. Insurance which means protection. P. G. Savage & Son GENERAL AGENTS, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. What Will Your Christmas Present Be Useful or Otherwise We have a few very good appreciated by friends and relatives of all ages and sex. Hand sleighs from and useful lines which would be ‘ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c to 5.00 Skates all Sizes and styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 to $8.00 pr. Hockey sticks from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c to 600 Pocket knives from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c to $1.00 each Flashlights from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90c up Ingersoll \Vatches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 to $5.00 Eastman Kodak and Cameras all prices and styles. Any of the above would be a welcome gilt to a young person. Safety Razors and outfits also regular st les . . . . . . . . . 1 t .' Razor Straps and Hones . . . . . . . . y $ 0 $) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '5: t 1.25 Leather Mitts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . ti: $2.00 Any man would hail with delight one of the above presents. While for Mother or Sister possibly one of the following would suit. I Princess Electric Irons $4.50 as well as regular stvles Irons. Copper Nickel Plated Tea Pots and Kettles, latest styles. Coal or Coal Oil Heaters are always welcome gifts and possibly “Au Alarm Clock" would do for the whole family. We would be glad to have you call and inspect these lines as well as many not mentioned. be d Our prices are right and satisfaction guaran e . Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Norman Batty Phone 18 NE RICHMOND HILL 051:, l)1“.(' go. 1917 I Columbia, while Quebec and Prince ’ v" ‘ ’ ’ " ' S , Edward island wan almost solid 101‘ Toronto and York County elected liovcrnlnent ll is cast. 'y their votes for the lirst time. the great majority lire-uniallly ,1‘or ['nion and thc Military Stl‘vicc Act. Now that the elections are over it , ilS hoped that harmony will prevail, and that everybody will (-ndeavol l to work for tho gm (1 of our counti y. and the, winning of tho war, Thousands. of Liberals all over Canada voted against Sir Wilfrid l l'l'lurier on Monday, not liccausc they had lost their esteem or atl‘eclion for their former leader, nor lecausc they . did not favor his general policy. 3 but because they ditirred with him on the one question of the Military 1 Service Act and Conscription. There, ‘ is yet roastin to believe that Sir \Vi‘i- fl‘ed willcontinue, to prove, himself one of the greatest of Canada’s sons. F Tho Toronto Daily News the eve- ning after the election offered a pray- ‘ c1 of thanks for the victory over po- . litical opponents. It sounded, howâ€" ever, more like sacrilcgc than rev- crcncc. â€"_ Soldier‘s Overseas I’uckl'ls. contailr _ l voting i32:(i;lllll£1lllli;\\’llillllt‘fillllllllli ballot.l ,_ Wm. - l H “Wm-8 W‘W-I l THE crocr STRIKES THE .3112..llfL‘.‘.‘.‘.“3:;l..T.;1':l:3‘.‘.'l.::;!::'.‘.il..”:f: 1 HOUR or NEcessrri' ” FUR GREATER llv §Jl\"'ll rill (‘lllisllllus l'ln'. lli-i. 31.: \\ I‘ll 1' till ulti, "I'MVY 81"]‘uin\\lll l l‘ . 1"‘h llri-lxcntrll].t l‘nli'ilaiininr-nl :il 5 (l-i‘ltlt'k. .\(lllll~sl1ll| 21.3 and 1.3 l'i-Illx. Hi, ‘\\ “N h” Y‘mg‘, 5“va Ymk _ A 7‘.- , ,__ ‘(Hdilil)’. 'l‘niirilln l.‘ lliilv-s. lillli|lli'.\\t‘li\.lill". lull-Hire ll lltl\\'1'llll hush, 1 Th" ""1" i” “l'l””"'“l Hi” "” M"”‘ ’ ill'lU (ll‘llillll. (‘l.l\' loaln \llll, il-‘lllll‘ day ~loml Mal-hail 177: Mai-liligol' llllll\l‘ 3‘. llllllllfi, R'll'll ('(‘llill, [milk lullll |S\lill, li.ii ll No. 3 L’lx'lfv. pit: [ll‘ll lNXZJ. Grimm \ilu. lllll-Il mail and phone. l'llce ' ' 3810,0001 ll. 'l‘e'rins arranged. Xmas and New Year‘s no (‘onnly ..i Yolk. 'iu. ronlo Kl. mills. liiil-k house and bank barn and othrr buildings, mail I clay loam and randy loam. \\ l~~lnli :f llllll‘. l’licl- $13,100. 'l‘l'luzsaiianged. l’iil't' lt‘lllll'tll lofis‘lr'lllldlll l'm (lllll‘k sali- i1‘\\llllillflt"~l3|ll'. ('ally linllir- stein]. 100 acres, 10'! \\'l>li\'.‘|l'li'. flann- house illoanis, hank llalll. .'\(‘I(>ll .il llllll“. loo ,-\i i-os Ifsilut'sintr Township. 1\'llllll\Vlil'lllll‘l'sxllilH. Him il-s \\'l‘l ix‘ ahlo, h Ilnllltl’ paslull- and hll'sh. small orchard, soil «lay loain, brick house 10 ll'lllllF. hank harn titlx:li,llilll1Nll.z 51x18. drning houseon stone found- ation. hay-loft. S: houl 1 mile, church 3 llllll'tj. Price $3.500. Tel ins arranged. ’l‘llt' It'll EXCURSWNS FARE and oummuo KIT/PAS Good going Del-elnhel' 2'2. '33. 23, “H7. 20, 1017. NEW YEAR‘S Good going December 2.0, 30 and 5;], ‘li :illll Returning until “('(f'llllif‘l' Mason Homestead acres. ing 24 sheets light paper, it hem y en- velopes, in a neat box. for sale at The Liberal Stole. Price. 250. â€"â€".o MAPLE The Sabbath School Scholars and Friends of the Methodist Church, are 1117, and January I. 1918. Returning Slrretsville[hie-e inilvs. Alllvoikalvle, llntil January 2, 1918. 3 “Hrs mrhald. flame house, hank . I _ f , ‘ . llarn litixli‘i. Srlivol é mile. Price Fur” 91‘ Pl'tlilgéxnst rom bl‘ltm" $l0.500. 'rt‘l'lllSNI'I-‘Il‘lgid. R. B. HYNDE. The Willougl by Farm Agency CANADIAN NORTHERN. j Gecrgetowm 0m. % gEGQQGSSQCQGQSQSQGESWQQ preparing an excellent programme to ie given on Christmas night. Dec. 25. “The \Vooing of Miss Canada" will be presented. Among the characters to he represented are Miss Canada, Jack Canuck, Uncle Sam and others. Every- body invited. The annual Christmas Tree and En- tertainment in connection with St. Andrew’s Sabbath School was held last Friday evening. A good pro- gramme ot' dialogues, choruses. etc”! was given and a sociable evening was , spent. ' l _ The monthly meeting of the ‘V0- men's Institute was held on VVednes~ day of last week at the home of Mrs. J. A. Rose. A baking Contest took place, when prizes for biscuits and cookies were rewarded. atter which afternoon tea was served. Mr. John Martin of Alsask, Sash, spent the week-end with friends in the : village. " The concert in the Methodist Church on Christmas night promlsvs to he a good one, and it is hoped there will be a lal ge attendance. What Shall [Give This Christmas? It you are one of those who a hundred times a day ask yourself this question. Let Us Assist You to Answer It Of Course no Xmas is complete without_a box of CIIOCOLATES. Our prices range from 10c. to 2.00 Then of course we have the. ever popular PERFUME in dainty gift boxes all prices. PAPER AND ENVELOPES in daintv boxes EBONY MIRRORS AND BRUSHES. CIGARS and CIGARETTESin gift boxes. PIC- TURE BOOKS, KODAKS, XMAS CARDS and~-well just call and see the lot. We handle the best and cheapest GRAMOPHONE in the market. It is made in Canada. Plays all kinds of disc records. You are invited to call and hear them. Sloan’s Drug Store Richmond Hill Q6©QQ9©E9®QG©$QS®§QSQ§QC§ {.95 {i} 9 Q5 9; £9 ‘25 25c up. 0 Q 65 Q: 6} E3 E3 © @ Q) S Q 63 §> G a: g Q: £9 ‘5 9 6 ti S e; v â€"i: , l Complete Service to Ford ~. Owners Everywhere OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always “among friends”. There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners lâ€"for gasoline, oil, Imotor adjustments. The cost of Ford the car itself. Nineteen of the most calle tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or low as the cost of for parts cost only Service is as remarkabl $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. (i. A. A, E. GLASS, Richmond Hill, Salesman. THOS. Runabout - - $475 Touring - - $495 22:33 7 ‘- ~ 54. :22}: e k a 4‘ F. O. B. FORD, ONT. ‘ -: - M. mvnson, Unionville, Dealer. | ___.J H UGHES. Thornhill. Salesman.

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