Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1917, p. 8

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NU'JJIUE is hereby given. pursuant to Section '56. R. S. U. 19“, L‘hziptvl 121, that. all persons having any claims against. the estate uf the late lteheccu Oster. who died on ur about the Twenty-sith day of Dctulwr. 1917. ale required. (m m- helm-e the 20th (1le mt December. 1917, tn send by post. pre paid, or Lu deliver to the undid-signal Executor their muues and addresses and full pan-ticuhus, in \vxitmg, nf their claims and the nature vf the security (if any) held by lht-m. AND TAKE EUR’I‘HER NOTICE hilt after the said 20th tl-\Y of Decom- her. 1917. the said Execntm- will pro- ceed to distribute the estate of (he said deceased among the pm‘HE-‘S enlith thereto. having lt‘gill‘tl onlv to the claims uf which he shall then have not-ice, and the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets, or any part, thereof. tn any persuns of whasr claims he shall not then have received notice. SHORTS, . . . . . . . . BRAN ‘ . , . . . ‘ . . . PU RITY FLOUR BEST PASTRY Having Fight Lugv mums, fullvsized cellar, with summz-r kitchen. hard and soft water, my ONO-(Illaltf’l' acre 10:. next, In slnw and pust ofiicv. Gill'llllt‘y. Ont. Nu encuml-mmu'e. Terms: $500 cash. balance nn-ungrd. 7% off far cash. M. Tran, 335 Clinton SerPt, Toronto. Ont. 24â€"3 The Next Sitting nt‘ Divxsmn Uonrt No. 3. Countyof York will be held in the Com-t Room. A CAR 0F BRAN AND SfiORTS and PURITV FLOUR. Bakery and Gloom-y Store, MAPLE IN THE MATTER OF T111“. ESTA’I‘I‘ 0F REBECCA OSTEH. Luv of thy Township of Vaughan, in the (‘mmu' (id ; 6 pigs. 2 months” old H. ElliotL. Richmond Hill. [ANTEDâ€"A good can! heatvr for Richmwnd Hill (‘ulling Clip). A. l.’ Gluss. Secretary. 202 { 0R SALE-«A numhm- 0f (fflnill'iPS. gum-unwed singersâ€"w beautiful Christmas: pvt-sent. Apply G. CALDWELL. AT MAPLE BAKERY Saturday. Dec. 29â€"Fm-m Stock and Ilnplvnwnls, :rm- lot 19. " (:un. ., Vaughan. Lhe property of J. Y. Humor. Sale utl (o‘clock. Terms 10 months Suigeon & \Vulkiuguyn. fly Expert. nu all kinds pairs. High-class \‘uI double-tread Lin- gti A large stuck of pants band; also all kinds :1 tires und necessm-ios. F vice supplied how. am your buck pm'ping tin! Excelsior Motorcycle Agency; stn tlonary engine work; sun-age lmi teries recthng; bicycles l-epuixed Romxsux Bun 30R SALEâ€"A frets]: miluh cow. John Kirkland, Richumnd Hill. L NOTICE is h DJth at, Maple. 0mm W of November, 1917. 24-2 Township of Vaughan of Ymk, \Yiduw. Dem :OR SALE 1 Pei-Cm aturdny. Dec. 22â€"Auctiun . 40 hand nf (rrsh milk L‘l)‘ springms, at lut34. r:nn.4. Ma the pl‘upfl'ly or J. H. Bl-i Salem 1. 'lvrms IO nmnlhs Prentice, :nucLit neox'. nucliunet‘l Al 0 HON SALE r‘dny, Docmnhl-r 21â€"Auc inn Snlt- of [he Mrthmlist Church at [’urplovillu, at, but 37), (Jun. 0‘, Vaughan. 216 x 36, and sheds. 22 x “5. Terms rush. Sniacon & Walkington, auctioneers Division Court HOUSE F0 8. SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tuesday, Jan. AT GRAY’S Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop Unmmencmz at RICHMOND HILL T. F. MCMAHON CLERK HIRAM E. KEITFER ant Ads-z. BLOCK. YONGE STREET PHONE N0. 68 E EURTHER NOTICE said 20le day of Decem- snid Executor will pro- nnte the estate of (he said mg the parties entitled ng logax-d onlv to the ich he shall then have e said Executor will not the said ilsSEtS, or any to any persnns of whose L. Curtis r011 mare. rising 2 yam- InUHth’ old. ADleVyAJ. fire. stitchin xecutur, Maple. Unt Brood mare in fun], stitching \vmk putts always m Richumnd Hill of motor l-e- camizmg “1th eased 9. 45 mm. 8, 1918 ‘0. $42.00 a ton 35.00 “ 12 (10 u. bbl. 10.80 " by hrvnl- by hand sizes ( nir 5m this 3th H. Furumrs. in soliciting your sales. I do sn, not with a. Viv“! nf heating any nther man out of them. lmL lw~ cause it is my special [)Infi‘sslnll. H:u‘~ ing been :1 farmer fur years. knnwing Gtuck and values, (grade. nl- pedigreed) knowing how to descxihe Spock and values. huvingcnnducted nmny hun- dred farm and stuck sules, having made 2L wurld’s record. and lmving “given In the world its grvnv‘st, nun:- timl won-k." I canâ€"and I submit grnunds for [he <:l.iimâ€"get you mare 1110an hum a sale Ll)... any hel- mam in the husinese. Yum Sale is dullnrs tn you. “’hy not get the must of them? \Vx'ite m' sen me. J. R. LONG, Auction Specialist, 599, Yonge St. Turomu. Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement ..AND.. Tile for Draining. Orders taken tor Red Clay Pressed Brick We have the J) L. 8c W. Scranton Hard Coal and Kennel Coal None better" Order now, ALL A’I‘ REASONABLE PRICES applicants of Nursery to sell Pelhmu Omnmental Tl‘e \Vinter mnnths territory, fl't'e s of tho choicest Nursery NE\V \‘urielies cun Hundsmne up-Lnâ€"dntc ment and :I spfendfd 1. stocx, to offer custmm johbers. \VriLe nuw f Richmond Hill Annex Richmond Hill FIHK FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE 81 CO. A modern snlid brick Church Street with u 50 A new \vell finished brick veneer dwelling on Markham Road at a bargain. A very comfortable brick clad house on Centre Street “'95: with good sized lut. A good house. stablv. chicken house. orchard. etc., just the sput. for a retired farmer at Victoria Square. A great bun-gain for a Stu qulck sale. Three good farms in Ms Township and seven-11 in Va \Vill be able to please you. One of the best farms vicinity of Kettleby 150 acre buildings. good bush. gooc‘ cheap. Terms to suit. Pos any time. Owner retiring We Want Now 190R II. A.. Nicholls REAL ESTATE Puhiic Attention Auction Sales Season Coming PELUAM NI'RSERY ( J. H. RRMER YORK COUNTY Over A Reliable Agent in icest Nm-serv Stm‘K m ale mt 111 lugue sent on for agencies or Sto(.k. Tonoxro. ONT Building Lots on Yonge St, Belmpnt and Clarence AVenues; Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Ach Garden Lands. s Pom-less Fruit and as during (hp Full and Gmld pny. exclusive :lling equipment. 600 Acres For Sale on Easy Terms lu-ick house on ,1) :\ 50 ft. lot 1x210 on Church [[1 Med selling hand in n *1‘s. “'0 Inns in the ngen good Lind, Possession M :n-kh Vuugh request pun-ch: Ge chicken the spot- Victoria ‘1 for a we Hut. ' terms ludng equip- grown MI] :(11. HS 3m The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale' Cement (1min tile, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12, 15, 18 and :20 inch (30 inches in length.) Also Cement Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. 33-t.f. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick l0 Adelaide St. E. Toromo Ambassador Gerqri “Winder-mere." Carl Ackerman “The price is $3.00 a year in advance. You may sepd this to the publisher of your local paper, to your pestmaster, or drrect to THE ToRONIo DAILY STAR.” T. COUSINS‘ has. and Manager Maple Read The “Toronto Daily Star” each day. You will thoroughly enjoy it, and be glad to acdaim it 1 n a} In brie broadâ€"; it you that a The big through dents. as we maintain our own staff in Ottawa, llontreal, Quebec and \Virmfpeg, and our local News Service is right up to the minute. 'rder it to-day. About once a month we “Scoop” every other paper in the Province with the aid of Mr. Ackerman and other United Press corre- spondents. The only Canadian VVomnn Correspondent in the War ZonemMiss Rosamond Boult- beemsends us dispatches exclusively. In London the veteran War Correspondent, Mr. F. A. McKenzie, assisted by The Star‘s own Staff, cables the big news of each day. Thomas Geggie, late Sergt.~.\lajcr KO. S.B.. writes regularly upon Imperial and blilimrv matters. \Vc When Ambassador Gerard left Berlin, the only correspondent who traveled with him, and the last American Newspaper man to leave Berlin, was Carl Ackerman of the United Press Service. \Ve maintain Mr. Ackcrman‘s diSpntches appear‘exclu- sively in The Toronto “Daily Star.” 310mm .0“ all sincerity as “MY PAPER! (ilspat news from the Unitu the Chicago Daily Ne‘ we“ as their \Vnr cable carry the cable service of \Vindermere of the 31 Daily Star.” ubac Iar news ser L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH other brands of bread. We make VIENNA, BAKER’S, HOME-MADE, EUREKA, BROWN BREAD, MOTHER'S, and Irt E5T'D1873 HE“ kcp \Vedding Cakes and fanCy icing a specialty )1 SIVC are Richmond Hill Bakery ive us a trial. C0“ ltl‘ib man nited States comes to us News’ special correspon- 1t and This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. STANDARD BANK \V SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 all C y foremost writers \Vo OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO madmn the rea sub fated W. H. MYLKS THE 1t Sergt.- M ajor Gaggia Florence Boultnce F. A. McKenzie. roprietor Manager.

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