Owing to the necessity for conserva- Hon of can! the Canadian Northern Railway has decidpd tn \\’1TH1)R.â€"\“‘ trains N0. 5 and 6 lwtween Toumtnand 01-min, effective January (51h. 1918. It is expected that service- will be resum- ed on or about May lst. 1918. 26-2 Undoubtedly you want, to make your farm pay. that is what you are working lur. you want, help hm, nu dnnlrt? Has it. ever ()L‘Olll'lvd to you that there is another kind of help that. unstslmt :1 [rifle and pays for itself over and nvr-r again each vmr. help that hvlps you tn farm and buv and sell right ? The farmers’ business pa. per. The \Vpekly Sun (26th year), is pulvlished with only one point in view. that, of serving the fan-mar. It costs but. a trifle to ï¬nd nut, what :1 real help The Sun can be to you and yuu will wonderhmv you got “long with- uut It. Its market reports are unsur- passed fur accuracy and its general farm news is wmlh many dollars to you. The snhscriplinn price rpmnin the same as heretnfnre~0ne Dollar. You cannot get as much real help through any other source. ur Spend a dollar to greater advantage. Try it for 1918. Friendsin tmvn have been pleased to l'eCe-itcgreeting raids hum Lifllt. Curl Hillnml \Vm. Patton. m'ezsims. The fmnmr writing 10 this nï¬iu- fmm Brmushmt Camp. also sent :\ unm~ pmgu shepl In which is :9 sample of the ballot, usvd in the gem-ml elvctinn. Thelmast vi the candidates do not appear u" the ballot. The soldiers are expected H) \‘nte eithm "Fur the Gnvernuwm.†or "Against the Gov- eminent." , ., M... ducted n \thlvsule dry goods business on Flori! street. TON/IAIN, and who for n number of ymra rvpre-svntrd East, Yul-k in \he anl Legislnmle. died at. 1109 AnngvS. CHL, nbtlut the middle (If the nmnlh. The mun-ins we‘le brunth to his late hme un Shel-hounw street. and interment took place to Mt. Pleu- mint Culwtery. :\ mnnlwr of y4 YUX‘k in \he Luv: hos Angolvs, Cm the umnlh. The Thi‘ publisher of Xhi< pnpm' M (n Iemn Hunt The Lilwml Ilmil which “11‘ immiubly taken tn T! Thursday Mening. dn not, H-‘MP‘ lmxes (:Il Gurmhy R. R. until day. and NHIM‘HIIN‘S :1qu till ’l‘m he has plmniscd matter. :md lnnnietl I-ncunmwnrl fu ni-‘ed (If he-lp n lions at Thu L Mr. \V. Bum'md‘ Dunliuiun Immi- gmtit-n Agt‘ut. has \uillml thv Inca! ngmxt lhns hv has a few single men nnd nuanin (:\'ll|!l('ï¬\ llml he mm I-ocunmwnrl fur full!) lwhl. Thus“ in "bed (If h‘f-lp 'muy l(-:\\""tl\oir um!!- '1 “7}: I: Yonge and Chm-[es Streets. Tn- ronto. Stands Loâ€"dnw before. the public with a cleur~cut record suc- cessful work. A training in this paves the wuy to bigger and better positions of responsibility. Ar- range now tuentorat an em-lv date. Thousands will soon be required for ofllce pusitinns. Let us train you and we will do it right. \Vrite tn- day for om‘_L>u-ge Catalogue. 3'. {It ‘ 'V‘l‘lliv'k ship of Vaughan (-undidntvs fur! (-mmcillms will ship Hull. \H-ll \V. J. ELLIOTT - - PRINCIPAL Ticnell (If V are spmxdinz and Mies 'l'i‘ BL‘HmiHv. Mism: Grm-gin lins, Duris Ding. Winter Term from Jan. 2nd mELLIOTT/y - _ x _ “'nlh'v Bully, who has [won attend- ing \Vundstlmk College. ix‘ lmnm fur the Chi-i:ans holidays. and Muster John (i In spend thu next Flatts. Bemmdn. Miss h mw h“ mnnlhs 1h: Hut R‘ICHMOND HILL. ONT., Dm M 1‘. and Killhunk Uht islnms Mr. J. R. vahory of Amara vi; his cousins. (he Misws Bluu‘ll Tut-5d“ y . Mr. ( Mr. and Mrs mwm spent 1 Dr. \V. R ir sml. Mr Withdrawal of Train Service meeting Corinu mu day “inn 1 B: Sulilh. who formerly con ‘ lmmmhly taken tn Tux-onto 'mening. dn not, nâ€"mvh the Gurmhy R. R. until Mun- smm-tiuws nut [ill Tuesday. - \vrilirn 11n- Inspvrrlmg and Mus. .\I Hilhdult ilh My. m PenLl-md. Miss Pvmlund 'u'Jn (hum. luff, MM)qu (1 nth fum' months in ihi-ml um ‘lnrin ()UHPLV hrislmns Wit IlnLuin, 0H {It-r 5pm ;\li\('5 :IL llw muninulinn v:dwpulyâ€"xe-M'v: huh) in the Tm m1 Monday. 11 111., fur the Tm L0 Junk into the h's HiL Huwm-t h ‘\ikl'l)]lP;I(] ixuwn Ind hn Hicksnn (.f (‘lll‘islllms with with Mr. 1‘). H Chmch slum! Aumm visitt pauper rem-u nnml mlng L the M m ho (mun M nts U1) fmui I‘l l'l\’l’( i‘mx'nâ€" DH . mvn- 1nd .1 w .nlt Hill Mls lbw due 1917 illl md L'lmir and llw' rv-mgnu choir will sing ï¬xe mumwr The Eglintun chmir “ill sin lovely mmccmnpnniml m 'I‘Schuikmvsl‘ y, and n lwuull of “ “'lmtut' llelng 0 \by Tlmmpsnn. Sulns will be sung lxy u lmll) clmlx-s: also a plum) l Miss Murnu Rutter, n ("m-n Mr. S. J. Dnuglus. and .1 In» Mr. A. J. Hume. A‘suulion Mi: isnugn Hmse lmnd wi the car and give a shall, [ while Llw (:hull' is gullim-inu You shnllld registm- at one of Shaw’s Business Schuuls. Toronto, and oujnv the best pussihle [mining for a gund businoss pnsilinn. From Camlngue vxpluin: cnursvs fully. \Vl'ite \V. H. Shaw, President. The Gills’ Blanch will not hum \heir n day .‘IfLH-mmn, Dew meet vrery fullmvi; p. m. in the Red C Plllllic Sclmul. and girl to cnnw and hv Sui-y work. HAI‘GHTnN-Tn the Rev Mrs. qulghlon, :IL 1 Richmund Hill. (It) F1 id: lel, :1 daughlm'. while L110 (:huir Tllu' cum-o clu WHIP gnwns. A at the dour. JUDGE â€"D11mâ€"In Am-ura‘ by Rev. A} Nhll'lha Dihh, tn Judge’uf King City (1i The Ofl Chaplm‘ I Pvt-nng l and V. E The fiflh‘mnuml SilClt'li concert Im- :‘l' the =1u-picv5 nf Lln- Lndit-s‘ Aid neiely nflhu Richumml Hill Nell“:- Est Uhuu-ii will luv giwn on Muuduy, mumy th. in lhv Chincl). This your [lie Eglmlun Melime Mir :md thu‘ l‘t’-i‘l}_{illiill'd itCHi mm ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2nd Winter Winery (Hun. \ THE MISSES BARKER. - Thnrnhill We have an unusual display of fancy bags, fancy aprons, dainty handkerchief sachets, crepe de chine collars. fancy handkerchiefs, shadow lace corset. covers, hosiery, waists, stamped goods in various designs, and many other articles that will make excellent and appropriate presents. Call and see for yourself. Yonge Street They will make the children‘s eves glistenoâ€"dolls, horses. drums, furry dogs, ships, guns, automatic toys of all descriptions, games, etc., em.â€"You should call and see them. um Don’t worry about what to give this year. We have provided for every need in the line of presents. Xmas and The Gift Ofï¬c Store Closed Through Feb’g itls' Brunch 0f the RH] Cross huld \lwir mH-liug \his’l‘luu'» rnnnn, Deg-timber 27. but will 'ery fulluwing Thursday at, 4 the lied Cums 11mm in tin: £11001. and \vnnld urge every um» and lwlp nut this new:- H Innâ€"In Tlinity Chm-ch by Rev. Mr. Sauna-s, Annie Dihh, to Thomas Gem-g9 ..â€"- â€"â€"< Red Cross News Sacred Concert (‘lm p THORNHILL Ill 'l‘hnnu Donn MARRIED GIFTS FOR LADIES :Olll H ilmnll the numb: s L hnir “HI singt ‘Inpnllit'll nun. ï¬r ()1 u.) culh’ctit BORN Thing-n p51 M V. SC(HL . l‘jwlnpsx . \“Jlnn RHMPH Jnnwx rnncis Pl) \mg by mvmhms (‘1’ a piunn numbn- by ('1‘, n Conn-L solo by , and a bum Suln by Ahwlion of [he 97! I) ‘: hand will pluY nu a short, plugmmulu gathering. Ht )pï¬pl At Reduced Prices During January SOII Hips tuliu Ruan Auh :-d on “'ednesdm' mu. R. J. Gibson ml numheis lwanlil'nl set ill ll] MRS. W. DAVIES l will play Ml ‘11, [nugrulmne ling. ï¬ne \‘Uicl's will m will bl' taken the Rog-L01 y. ‘ny. December .binsnn SALE OF sellin humâ€. TOYS lllt‘l and Schco} Reports ï¬ll: MAPLE. sun Repmt for December. Names Tu. nde uf me. it. _ Jr. Il.e\\7illizim Johnsun. imnr MIC AUNUUUI Munlglvmer‘ sun, \ l'l‘llilJ Chapman, . hem-r, (Elan.- Muhuu. Jr. L-H Mulht‘usun, Uuuams. Nu Lean. Jessie Joan Lem“.- Juhnson, Z9 xmy. (hwcmh curry ni'funy \‘isiiilc vapor. as (me or nun-u nwmhi’rs huvo been known In uocusinnnily induigv in :4 mild (:ignrettv. The walls :uv :Idni-de \\‘i(hf1~umed pivhnvs nf distingukhrd men and pretty" women. and U10]? mu seven]! tables where [he nwmhms indulge in (3h1’CkPlSillld nlht-l- games, principally thy lultor. Ow: lnuking the links are three large- windows lhmugh which games nn huth sides of the ice may lw \ Hitched from u wan and “‘t-ll lighud mom. The curlers me (a he congratu- iélLL‘d (:11 their latest enterprise. Life." The Managers have purchased the wood on :L lnt (m the thild, at little north of the (Jul-ville mud. On F: May they are Wilding a bee In cut and haul the wood home. Axes. teams and men all welcmno. Cume and land .1 hand. First, bus leaves Stop 4'7 at 8.15 a. m. Sunday. Dec. 341, the llHllistf‘l‘ will preach at hnth svn‘ices. In the morn- ingnn “Old 'l‘inws. Uld \Vuys. Old Friends." In the awning, on "New hwng fmIr inr-h strip pine. The mchilect 1 plan (huughtfuily and made w-m-isinn fur u (-ntulgmi and 1' $100. 'l‘lwxumn hunhwmd flaw", hwng fmIr inr-l Joan Lehman, [1 Jnhnsun, Zé'lllm 1‘ lwy. (hu-ndnlyn . ewsun, James \ch FINDERâ€"156:3 c Snider. Dull June Lloyd Anuis, Min Mullin. llu\\'&ud-. JUUHU)’. Nmm's in on!†of merit Jr. lV.â€"Houols. M. Bu BrcK 51.15;, (i. Killuugh l. qunsmg 1373. I. Mum; 11. bunlh 0-5g. u. Uallllp 43 SI. 11Lâ€"unmuxs. .J. ht J l‘. Il.~\ViHiam Luulsu Shuwmwr, nie MacDmde. Mumgomely, Vit. al'll, \l‘l'lhl Linc. l The Richmond Hill rm} me of [he “mu-5L Club minty. Thoir fwmex- Ir' wrungâ€! and romwaled “(10. The xumn is BL X In, \ l lmpni lhun. )1. l. uhL-u l‘nss. U. Um Ur. Mutinmwun amphvll “, L, P ill Curlers’ Clu‘J Room Presbyteria ‘ hutch l Linc. J ulm ll'uuuu rm ML l2k Richmond Hill \I. M :Xl'llx HI linhinsï¬ Uuwuvy H [’1 (mm wan. Um [Itllu Jx Pulluck. the sides and L ', Luci Lemuel Nun“- Beck, 01:1 Bynm. In Ruth l’vlluck Mal) Ecru-envy, R 1, Harry bhuwnl x Uhnpmuu, Edw Muthmvsun, Mm ewlon, px-iucip UH Qumrk {uml 3U“ Minis 1:) fee-C. \ViLh us and u-iling ()f Smlthmn drawing); the uitv pr-(npu'ly u-uliiumr m llt 11mm] E bl'uhnnli mum in II III [ms hm «L H 0031, l In AZ)†um». M ll) Ml Lean-hm Bun h '11: 5 Alli]: nuts M( d IWWMH hen my Dow 1h Math HIE umes in 1);†Rm h H Mx Ht \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST Willowdale Builders’ Supply Co’y I. & G. H. MCKENZIE. VVILLOWDALE, ONTARIO “wowowwwmmmwmn Madras Curtain Muslin 15 to 36 pink and green, and green and red, yd. stair carpet yd. 360. Jabot â€" pretty designs Currants Dates W. I. LAWRENCE China ~Tea Se Wrist Watches marmc Mechanic Man and Dog. 5 Etc. Lime Hard Wall Plaster Fire Brick Plaster Boazds Plaster Paris Mortar Colors Ten Aprons of whi ICC and embroidery. Come and look for yourself 1ndreds of others we have no room Some choice lots on Church St., Bake!- Ave. and Roseview Ave“ lxberal discount for cash, or $1.00 per foot down anu three to ï¬ve year agreement. Only one lot left on Church St.. 80ft. front, by 160 ft. deep. gravel road entrance to garage. Ornamental and fruit trees. This is a tare choice to seeure a beautiful place for a new home Flowers tastefully arranged for weddings, funerals, etc. Roses and Carnatirms Phone Richmond Bill, or nights and Sundays Belmont 989. City GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILL GREENHOUSES AND 0111-1612 152 Rosamwa Ava, TORONTO Guns ’arlor SeasonablcC Dainty Neck wear Mons Grey Fabric Gloves pr. 800 Dolls in Tea Sets jamesâ€"l’zu'chesi, Checkers Alice in Wonderland, Card I. LAVVREP'ICE Atkinson & Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE ul Toysâ€"War Autos .quuking Chaplin, :q uc ChriStmas Toys ' STORE UUOSES AT SIX RM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY El sizes, some are dressed Building Blocks, Rattles, urge assortment of medium and l High Collars with large lace Shooting awn and dotted muslin trimmed with u‘d Games etc , Plaster Cement Boards Sewer Pipe Colors Weeping Tile Also Flour and Feed rscn‘. You can see them all and mu to tell you of here. Mass. 8 hrism \mc in. chian floral patterns, 30 and 460 , 22 in. hemp mus Heads, Tin and Banks, Horns; Drums, nus Novelties, Wooden ‘lit: H‘C a ("are Repeaters with Sink Lhe Sub- R] CHMOV-D HILL. 0.\' L‘. ars in