t1 He is 1 Free H is beir. Muskol tives i.- t_hem seek hes and g for their 1 Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secretaryâ€" Treasurer. 223 College St. Toronto. OLll' Emmi?! A Having eight largo mums, full-sized cellar. with summer kitclwn, hard and soft water, nn one-quarter acre lot, next to stare and post oflicv. Gnl'mlvy. Ont. N0 encumheI-nmm. Termsz$500 cash. balunce arranged. 7% 011' for cash. J. M. Tmn, 335 Clinton Street. Toronto. Ont. 2443‘ ENE EEJNEMM * 0R SALEâ€"A number of cnnm‘ivs. guaranteed singersâ€"n. beautiful Christmas presmlt. Apply G. UALD‘VELL. ANTEDâ€"A good (-031 heater for Richlnnnd Hill Curling Club. A. E. Glass. Secretary. 2.3- OR SALEâ€"l Brnnd mare in foul, l Percheron mm-e, rising Zyem' old ; 6 pigs. 2 months‘ old. Apply J. H. Elliott. Richmond Hill. 25-3 ANTEDâ€"An experienced Furm~ el wishes to buy a. farm. ulmut 100 acres. Stdte full pnrtmulnrs. prico. etc. Chalk-s Palmer, Richmond 26.2 Hill. ARM \VANTEDâ€"IOU Acre. Fun-m \anted. Must have good build- ing. I have a client. who will buy at once a farm of th above description. A. E. GLASS. 26-t.f. Richmond Hill. Saturday. Dec. 29â€"Fnrm Stuck and Implements, rear lot 19, can. 2, Vaughan. the property of .l. V. Hunter. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 10 months Saigenn & Walkingtun. auctioneers. Tim‘ï¬mfï¬Ã© C(mipamon as it†is {6-day ? Send Today for Samplg Copies RI More reading tï¬an is givén in axyAmerican monthly 52 times ayear ~ not 12 'rom Enlarged,impr0\/éd and Beï¬Ã©r than eVer HOUSE F0 R SALE OR SALEâ€"A fresh milch cow. John Kirkland. Richmond Hill. ARM \VANTEDâ€"IOU Acre. L16. E0 3791a Eimw now a [ospital Want Ads. a Free Hospita appealing for ï¬ght against t1 The money yo '0 m ives iti AUCTION SALE ick tGflSflmiz‘ sbuta s to save his life. The Hospital for Consump- ding for help to carry :gainst the Great White noney you give will help these unfortunate fami- them a ï¬ghting chance [a man? Wégeé 6g wt th nt at the MI me every end4 save his life. :pital for Con ing‘ t Richmond Hill nes a ghastly r Province of dible; yet, to 9.1' of more 'ch ndeavour ife. The stricken C011 A re'iable French regulator; never fails. The“ pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating the generative portlon of t e {emlle system. Rah!“ I" cheap imintions. Dr. do Vn’l ere sold at I! a box, or three for 810. Mailed to any address. the look“ Dru; 00.. 3t. Comm". one The Mason Hmnestead 100 acres. Streetsvillethreemiles. Alhvm-kuble. 3 acres mchnrd. fxzune house, hank barn 66x48. School é mila Price $10,500. Terms arranged. Dr. de Van’s Female Pills 100 Acres Esquesing Township. Acton Lwocnncessiuns. 83ac1'eswork- able, balance pasture and bush, small orchard. soul clay loan), brick house 10 rooms. bank hat-u 66x54. barn No. 2 54x18. dnving house on stone found- ntion. hay-loft. School 1 mile, church 3 miles. Price $5.500. Tel-ms arranged. Price reduced tn$4800.00 for quxck sale to wind up estate. 72u‘ty Home- stead. 160 acres.100 workable. frame house 9 rooms, bank barn. Acton 3.5 miles. 110 Acres (.11 Ynnge Street. York County. Torontols milvs. 100maes wurkahle. balancehardwood bush, 1 acre mchard. clay loam soil, frame house 8 rooms, good cellar, hank barn 48x00, barn No. 2 24x25. pig pen 18x24, silo. Rural mail and phone. Price $10,000.00. Terms arranged. {Richmond Hill Annex Good goim: Dec. 29, 30 and 3!, 19W, and Jan. I, 1918, returning until Jan. 2, i918. Furt h (‘1‘ FARE and 0NE=THHRD . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken Ior Red Clay Pressed Brick We have the ])_L. & W. Scranton Hard Coal and Kennel Coal None better" Order now, ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES New Ymr’s EXCURSHGNS Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn ‘ and Oats For Saba I ALso HANDLE THE The Willoughby Farm Agency Georgetown, 0m. THE CLOCK STRIKES THE HOUR 0F NECESSITY FOR GREATER PRODUCTION Ii. B. IIX’N 1,)E. Canada, Portland Cements FOR FURTHER INFORMA'II’ON WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE & CC., Richmond Hill Pubiic Attention CAN ADIAN NORTHERN J. H. RWER particulars Agent Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmunt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms from Station [1. A.. L ’ieholls {EAL ESTATE to sell Pelhnm‘s .Pcorlvss F1 Orzmmentnl Trees durng the \Vinter mnnths. Gtmd pay, 0 territory, free selling equipme Over 600 Acres {+H+++H++++++++++++++H§ Farmers. in soliciting your sales. I do So. not with a view of beating any other man out of then). but be- cansv it IS my special profession. Hav- ing been a. farmer for years. knowing stuck and values, (grade or pedigreed) knowing how to descnibe stock and values. having conducted many hun- dred farm and stock sales. having made a “'erd’s record, and having “given to the world its greatest nuc- tion work.†I canâ€"and I submit grounds for the claimâ€"get you; more money from a, sale [him any other man in the business. Your Sale is dollars to you. \Vhy not get. the mole of them ? XVI-ite or see me. J. R. LONG, Auction Specialist, 599, Yonge St. Toronto. +++H+WW+++++ N. B.â€"Cut; applicants of Nursery Handsome up-Ln-dute selling Equip- ment and :1 splendid Canadian grown stocx, U) (ï¬fe-l- customers. “’0 are nub jobber. \\’rite now for agency terms of tho choicest Nursery Stock including NE‘V varieties controlled by us. Handsome up-Ln-dute selling equip- ment and :1 splendid Canadian grown (30 inches in length.) Also Cement, Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. 33 t.f. The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale' Cement (1min tile, 3, 4, 5, (3 and 8 in Culvert tile 12, 15, 18 and 20 inch Sand, Gravel. Tile and Brick When you want more business, it is time to advertise. b‘quzu'e. A great, {nu-g qmck sale. ‘Throe good fmms in F.) vnship and several in \Vill he :iblc to ple One of ghe he: vicinity of Keltlvl: buildings. gum] 1) Cheap. Terms to: any time. Owner house Oil-Grlntl‘e SL1 good sized lot. A good house. 5 house. ul(7h:ll'(L ('tC“ for :1 retired fnnm A' modern snlid brick house an ClLurch Street will) :1 50 ft. Int. A vacant lot, SUXZIO on Chm-(h Street. A new well ï¬nished brick vemm‘ dwelling on Markham Road at a bargain. We Wanï¬ Now When you are ready to step out, it is time to stop advertising. E‘OIR SS Auction Sales Season Coming PELHAM NURSERY C0. YORK COUNTY IO Adelaide St. E. Toronto 11( TORONTO. ONT SIOLk Reliable gum] N131). 'erm§ to Suit. Owner n-lir gue com I m-tul I9 sent on .Igencivs or D. stul-le, chicL r.~tc., just tho s1 lnm-r at View ?iltl)ill'gilil1 fm- ‘UOHvSS Fruit and COUSINS, res. and Manager Maple 15b :19 brick ct \Vost with IXIJIC ms - in (In ICI'PS. gnml :nod land. Possession Markham: V11 ughu n. request purchasg ll] anH and exclusive eut. pl: )l'i 3m gm MAPLE BAKERY g: ‘A CAR 0F BRAN AND SHORTS and PURITY FLOUR. Bakery and Gxocery Store, MAPLE SHORTS, . . . . . . . . BRAN . . . . . . . . . . PURITY FLOUR BEST PASTRY Subscriptions to be sent to The Liberal Ofï¬ce. will be $5.00 The Liberal adva: same date from £51 to for this paper and any Umil further notice our clubbing rate for The Liberal and the All the Daily newspapers in Toronto increased thmr subscription rates on the first of August from $3 to $4 a war. A large stock of parts always on band; also all kinds and sizes of tires and necessaries. Free air ser- vice supplied here, so why break your back pumping tires by hand. Excelsior Motorcycle Agency; sta- tionary engine work; storage bat- teries recharged; bicycles repaired. Expert on all kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class vulcanizing with double-tread _tire_ stitching work. ROBINSON BLOCK, 'XVONGE STREET PHONE N0. 68 CLUBBING HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS DAILY GLOBE DAILY MAIL AND EMPIRE DAILY WORLD DAILY NEWS EVENING TELEGRAM L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH W'e make VIENNA, BAKERS, HOME-MADE, EUREKA, BROWN BREAD, MOTHER’S, and other brands of bread. AT GRAY’S Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop . W, E. Burnaby - Jefferson, 0m Herd xix-o. AVONDALE PONTIAC EUHO (underleasv). a son MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the er-ld’s best record cmv fur milk prodl Lion and Canadian Record for butter, 41 lbs. Only «me other 41-11). h in Canada. Our herd of one hundred include-s nezuly ï¬fty daughters :L 33.31~lhsnn of the great. KING SEGIS. blather tn the sin‘s of [hi wmld‘s nocnxd cowsâ€"mature 50,68. Sr. ~1-yr.-nld4(i.84. Jr. 4-yr.~nld 40‘ lbs. .Iuniur held sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, a h; hrothor to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO, nut nf h 301bs. Segis CU He is for SHIP. If this C(vmhirmtiun of breeding interests you, writet pl ices nu cilht'l' nmh-s or femull-s. Rum AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL EST'D 1.73 \Vedding WITH DAILIES L. Curtis Richmond Hill Bakery advanced on the l to $1.50, making any of the dailies RATES Cakes and fancy icing a specialty. us a trial. Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 233 STANDARD BANK $42.00 a ton 36.00 “ 12.00 a bhl 10.80 “ OF CANADA HEAD orrlce - TORONTO at S p.m. i United Farmersâ€"Meets in Robinson's Hull. Richmond Hill, 2nd and 4th \Vednesdny. iPubiic Library and Reading Roomâ€"â€" Open Tuesday and Saturday eve- nings. Richmond Lodge. A,F. &A.M â€"Meets Monday on 01‘ before the full moon. HI“ Crest Lodge, 1.0.0. F.â€"Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesduy of each month. ‘ Victoria L.O. L. 2368â€")[eets 4th \Ved< nesdzly of each month. Court Richmond, A.O.F.â€"Meets 4th Fiiday. FARMERS The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court No. 3, County of York Will be held in the Court Room. Camp Elgin, S.O.S.â€")Ieets 2nd and 4th \Vednesduy. I.O.F.â€"â€";\Ieets 3rd Thursday of every month. Epwm-Lh Lengueâ€"JIoet day at 8 p.111. Presbyterian Young P90 Meets every Thursday Village Cunncil â€" Mee \Vednesduy of month Fire Brigade â€" Meets 1: each Month. Band];Practiceâ€"Monday of each wee Church resbytm-izm Church mm. and In.m. S muux' alter 10.30 and 7 p. Genoml evening. ethndist Churchâ€"Sex \‘ICF‘S and 7 p.111. Sunday Schc Genoml Prayer Meeting nin mm. :1 (m the 211’. 11 i 8 :mn. Division Court Tuesday, Jan lSS ‘ummencinz at RICHMOND HILL \\'. H. MYLKS THE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE ) Cnthohc Church â€" Sem- mute Sundays at, 8.45:1.“ ’ 21.n1. Overseas Envelopes 1nd Village Directory [I] Sunday T. F. MCMAHON CLERK In Church â€" Sex-vices : (p.111. Sunday Schw {yer Meeting Thursday England Sunday Meets lst Monday of Ind â€"5er\'ices at 11 I. Holy Connnuniun «lay in the month on other Sundays at .7 School and Bible Meets every Meets every l_V thS p 9.45 u.m. Proprietor 8, 1918 Manager. Tb 1t 11 half cmv. n 1H etvâ€" m. 30.