Co I b L) A true story is tuid of a. man in Hauniltnnszully in need of con] and unable tn uhtuin .I. supply. He 2m- swered an ad of a coal dealer for a driver and upnn applying. was. r wing to his personal nppem-mmv. readily accepted. His first order was to de- liver a ton to Nu. â€"â€" Banks Street. but insteadnf doing so. emptied it int») lHS mvn cellar and promptly paid the amount Over to the cashier upnn his return and at the SulllP time told what helmd done. He paid for his experi- ence with his half-day's pay. THE CHASE BROTHERS c0. 0F ONTARIO, LTD, NURSERYJEN, beneï¬t. C interest yo luLely first. Send In of hardy order dir cummissk meet. exi our big dire ‘5 u TOM Pm Preston. Ont. formerly employed by Mr. Jt-u-y Smith called an old :10- quaiutances in Richmond Hill last Thuzsday.‘ He betterknown as “Billy†has spent the past yem'iu Franceus a. machine gunner, wheae he was wounded in [he elhuw by n. piecs nf shrapnel last May. and returned In Canada in December. Hewus just. one day‘s jnurney \Vestnf Halifle when the great exulosinn [null nluna Lient. N. A. Keys. M. O. of Queen‘s Own Rifles late of Piihcess Pzitl'icin’s nght Infantry visited with his friends Mr. Mnyle. Miss Mnyla. and Harry. He spent frmn 1915 (01917511 acme servme in France where he Wm; [11» Military Crvss. His tathex- is Prof. D. R. Keys of Tux-unto university at noon. nor has any mail papms hle n-crived here a night. The (:nul situuliuu i seriuus. Public schufls closed fm- lack uf fuel, and has cut off the wood supply Fruit Trees \uyuu. unit have reached the town since Sutmduv Newmurket. Jn n. H- Huw w-ml" you likv to take berth at the Union Slutinn. full. and npun l'lllt'ling the dile mornlug inqnile huw far on the to New Yul-k “"1 were and Iecvh reply "\Vvslon." Such was me. ience uf 0m- uf nur prominent mercinl men during thu lulu» <In--- It, will he sm-n I: this paper thuL bridge “pens :n Allisnns uld stand means and plmis I'ecoivvn share nf sectiuu. Read the subscxilu‘d their IOSPPCHVP lie-c [inns uf qualification and hf uffit-v udjnurned Ln meet, mu “'6de awning for business. Chllsl'd from Mr SK l'etrt . ute “"9 have souw suuw here hmu when We Come In think uf (hifls‘. twenty three feet high. pvl‘hnps WP feel I hm: k- ful we live flll‘lht’l' Sunlh. Snlne hf [ht- dllfts nm-lh nf Newnmrkvt :Ictunlly nu-asm-ed {hut height. Nutwithstauding (In,- rxh-Pme “‘Clllhl‘l‘. mu- (fUllIl'n‘ltth'd‘, lmuis mel' is making gnml headway with Ml. Hill's new 1m k [muse on .1 Int he ppr; ..|..‘,..A A.-. \ ... . York County Council win hold its ï¬rst sesion of the year, in the Munici- palbuildings. Adelaide St. East next Tuesday. Owing to the storm and lack of can]. the Anglican Church lwld no se-nim-s on Sunduy last. The stnl m prewt’ntt'd the Rectur. Rev. T. R. Hunghtun, from taking the services at Maple and King. And Plants FOR SPRING PLANTING. at 2 P. M. The Im-ulingrEjnbï¬ri‘trfl-li- public. The sex-Vices in the Methudist Chm-ch next Sunday will be conduclvd in the morng by the Rev. R. McKev, and in {ho- vvening by the Pastor. Rev. J. R. Aikenhead. " Miss \Vellwuod is spending a few days in Tm-nntn with her Aunt Mrs. Demorest wbu is in poor health. The annual meeting nfthe liinhnumd Hill Agriculurnl Sucirly will he held in the UUIIIH'“ Ulmmlzer Ilpxc Saturday ,,. n r. ll nu PtP. \ RICH MOND H ILL. ONT The Council met. pnvallzu m nu Mm-dny nn-xnmg 'cluck. The members 0196! ,rne 1( on. Om 'ou. great c-xblosion took stnry is mid of a. man in sadly in neod of con] and obtain .I. supply. He nu- x n unit-ling the diner next inquire huw fur nu the rum] York We were and leceive thv Voslun.“ Such was me exper- one nf our pmminent cum men during lhu lute storm. H. Ifeisez. watchnmker of 1r Illu 'ieties [he elhdw by piecs L May. and returned ns :n-dny in Mr. T. istand, n blnt'k Hf ChUi'JE prmisiuus. and lmmaxtn are of nutlunngu nf l||i< we of pntlunugu 1d the adv. ht Isaac \Vuldm lny adv. elsewhme i'n Mr. F. J. MAIN- puvauzmt (0 1t nng at 9} (-100: made i( ntario electlic ems JAN. )7. 1918} \Vedln’sdn y K BOT nu Mu! your [his {M- \‘en ||'.‘l- and ’1' Richmond Hill E Skating Rink Wednes ‘1 Y5 For Service and S follow 11 cunrse in on Hess Schools, Tel-th free catalogue. \V. 393 Yonge St. 3/01; KELLYâ€"At Thm-nhill. 0'!) Saturday, Jam. 12. 1918. Catherine Kelly. wife uf Michael Kelly. Funeral un Tuesday. Jan. I"), at 10 :1. m., from St. Luke's Church to ’l‘hurnhill Cemetery. \Vedl GRAHAMâ€"On DONALDâ€"On Fliduy Lu Mr. and Mrs. Jun. MiJs, u daughter. Look out for the Scout Concert in the Masonic Hull, Thursday evening, Feb. 7th. Un Munduy night Jan. :31. 1918, : Thumllill rink. North Tnmutn Be moms and Thm-nhill. See Bills. Mr. Samuel Doner of Gnrmley has sold his chopping :md Cider mill tn Mr. Lugem- of Stayuer, undhzls lmughb Mr. \Vnudxvm-d‘: hunse and blacksmith shop and is (uoviï¬g in. He has engaged Mr. \Valtcx- Newns to do his blacksmith- ing um] will lnnk aftm the woudwul'k and painting himself. nary 18. at 2 P. M. Business nt' ntficvrs and Directmsf Auditm‘srvpulLand for Ihutr nl' (llhel business. Erelbudy ‘ The annual meeting uf the King and Vaughan Brunch of the Ontmiu l’lmvâ€" men‘s Asm-ciation will he hrld at Ann- slmng‘s Hun-l. King. un Fuiddy. Junâ€" nury 18. at 2 P. M. Rummm.‘ -- [Pluno ldren 10 B A N D Saturday Evenings Now is the Lime tn renew your new paper or vrdm-uewqmes. Eve: 3‘ [mu shunld have these stirring limes: lvnst nne (Iuilv and lllt‘ hvnw papr- The Daily Star “hen clubbed with '1‘! Lilwrnl is $2.75 :1 your. The Glob the Mail and Enlpile, the \\'nrld ur the Evrnina Trlegrmn m1: punk ‘2'! nu“ .ulruuu. ur reucli lne Village on Sullnduy had [he nnsfm-lune to have an upset, at. Boyle's Fund and mving tn the sou-r- itv 0f the gale was unable to light the sleigh and had to lemVe his rig. In-mul and all, in its snowy ht'd until Mnndny morning. He managed Ln mach Mr. Juhn (‘rhnrlvs wnnn stable where his horses “‘91? C(Imfnriullly liuused, K Whllt’ he trudged his weary way hUlllU I on foot. ‘ Our own Mr. Mylkes, '2: server‘ thinking his custmm nut, rvquirr bread on Mnnd: lo such It hwlvv full (-f snuw unusual gulc- did nut make u] diuary lmlchnn Sunday hi; lesult, \vus many hatches made huL buns. Owin v to illness. the Editor has not been Millie to he in his usual place this week, but. the rest, hi the stuff hope thathe will soon be Well enough to resume his xegulnr wm-k. We are grateful to the friends who huvc sent in neWs items for the paper. 1H Louk nu the inside page fur ' The TI it'lers." lhe Iww serial Slury, which begins in The Liberal this week. RAHAMâ€"On \Vednesduy, 1918. LU Mr. and Mrs. \hum, Richmond Hill, a sun Look out, Ml Th}? anlgrBukel we yu)|117m-d(.l- R OPPORTUNITY Open f day 8: [HS Renew Your Paper T[( Changed Hands Scout Concert Annual Meeting Hockey Match mr. .uylkes. '21 [me can- Ikiug his custnmors would 'breud on Monday owing wu'v fall (-f snuw und the “: did nut make up the m- :hnn Sunday night. The many hatches nf home [be 11111;;th ul U md Salary will surely in one of Shaw’s Busiâ€" n-(mto. \inte for mu \V. H. Slm\\'.~PIes.. Saturday EVenings IE ,, .., ....... these stirring: Linws at v and tin,- humv pupm. r “hen clubbed wilh'l‘he 75 :1 your. The Gluhv, Enlpile, the \\'m-ld nnd ‘rlegrnm are much $3.5â€. Plot :1 t, The Li hem! Ofl‘iCP. BIRTH 1‘ Sknt DIED iduy, Jun. lltll, 1918 JuhuUmmkl, Elgiu Business ll) in littempling tn PS 011 5', Jan. 16(1) “"111. G111- May. Junâ€" ;, Election receiving mnsacLinn \Velcume. (IDES :lt The Maple Sand, Gravel and Company Ltd. have on hand for Cement drain tile, 3, 4, 5. G and Culvert tile 12, 15, 18 and :20 Tuesday February, J. LUNAU. __W-- uuuvvunuu, ULV1A1(1 sand! Gravel, ll » Tile and Brick! VV m LAVV CEâ€" COUNCIL CHAMBER. RIJHMOND HILL ()n the Aflmmmn of SATURDAY, JANUARY. 19th. 1918 At 1 O’Cluck. Election nf Ofï¬cers, receiving Reâ€" ports. and any other business that may legally be brought before the meeting. All interpsted will please govern themselves acounlingiy. Richmond HiH Agricultural Soc’y The Residents ufthis Municipality are nntiï¬ed that puttingnshes on the roads (hiring the sleighng season is strictly prohibited. Oifenders in this regard will lw liable to the penalties in such case made and provided. PUBLIC NOTICE. FUR SALEâ€"Cunt. Ladies black, por- sin n lamh medium length. size 36. ‘splondid Cunditinn, will sacriï¬ce for 1 $75.00. Satisfaction guaranteed Ul’ mnnny refunded. Miss dee. Hyslnp ! Brothers Ltd. 'l‘m-ontn. 29.4 The Public is l inns of the bylaw ing snow from carripd out. The all sidewalks mus within twenty f fallcmses. Negle offenders liable t: that l‘L‘ng'd. (30 inches i Also Cement Bric Sand and Gravel in car lot-s. 1‘ ed shut gun, Ithaca In;qu Liberal Ofï¬ce. 1' '51 l ufhnrnvss Richmond Hill. price Division Court \v‘ Presidént Yhnge and Charles Sts.‘ Toronto. Unnndn‘s Popular Schunl (:fBusiuess Training! Satisfacliou uswred :III who cums here! All graduates and scures of our undergraduates of the past. yenrhuve sr-cun-d gond bush ness positions and still the demand is fau- beyond uur supply. Our Catalogue gives full particulars. \Vrite fur (mp. Slmleuts umy commence a course at am lime. RICHMOND HILL \V. J . ELLIOTT Next OR SALEâ€"Ono Genuine Bulfnlu Rum: in gum] onnditiun. Also muss nxrrnhe. Mrs. I. D. Smith. 0R SAL} Public Notice 0R SA LE Public Notice The Annual Menting of the Get The Best! It Pays! flELLIOTT/v , _ )ounty of York Willi in the Court Room. ANTICDâ€"â€"Live pnultry kinds. Muhnnys. Ce Richnmnd Hiil. Best. fond l'epnil 2nd con. V; BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL. â€"Aygr(:( \Vlll be bold in the BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL 1“. .UCJLAHUlV U The bylaw pmvidesfhat ; must, he cleared nf snmv ntv four hams after llw Neglectuf this will romlm ‘lhle tn the 'penzllities in ant; Ads. H. A. NICHOLLS lSt in nutiï¬vd that pmns- With regard tn elem-- sidewalks must, he bylaw pmvidesihat =t, he clean-ed nf snow COUSINS lughzm :ud cultvr Apply I). ‘ngth d double- bane“ and slon PRINCIPAL Centre St. Best, uml'ke-t 29â€"1 Secretary the M a r Sh-ighs in 5 1n inct Apply 1d :Tv r s 9’ 9 ~ ) V“ ti“ IIOLJLbALL AND LEIAIL I‘LORIST Willowdale Builders†Supply Small Pudding l Bowls with blue Invalid Cups cucl Brown Tea Pots Bro w n Mugs Nursery and W hitc Soap. 3 cake‘ moves, shirts, Ties. Cuff Link: Moccasins, Sox, 5 Garters, Arm Bands etc. All useful and necessary Give us a call and we {we sure you will be pleased. good useful gifts. Remember wâ€"re Gloves, Shirts, Ties. Cufl" Lin Spaganta sz .. Heinz‘s Prepared Mustard, jar Cream of Tomato Soup, can Tomato Camsup large bottle. . .. Plain and Stuffed Olives bottle Wetheys Condensed Mincemeat package.................. 1 lb. tin Perfect Baking Powder Glycerated Oatmeal Soap, -3 ca kes . . . . . . . _ _ . . . ...a-..--u.u Heinz’s Sweet Pickle G Sterling's Sweet Mixed bottle . . . . . . . _ . . . La rge I Lime Hard \Vall Plaster Fire Brick Plaster Boaxds Plaster Paris Mortar Colors ntc. Â¥ 4 A-~ Mm ‘7 Tl) Phqu GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILI GuEExuoUsEs AND OFFICE 153 Rnsm.» Richmond iiiii Furnishing Sinre Crockery Now is the season of the ye Groceries adding imher tastefully an d Carnations ichumnd Hi“ MCKENZIE, \VILLOWDAI Atkinson & Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE 1.41.). H: 1\1"‘. ...............I_’0 2d Mustard, jar 15 ‘to Soup, can ...‘_’5 27 large bottle. . . .' :d Olives bottle 25 71 14115685. S'ouge Street Bowls Bowls ripe STORE ULOSES AT SIX RM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY uut size lilac Toile an herkins. ‘20 Pickles 10 & nights ll I'E ...10 for weddin Also Flour and 01-1) 211' ud Sunda (OSELA Baker Ave :al'ry Sweater Coats, Neck Scarfs ft 36 in Won] Womens Men's Heavy Elastic KnitShir and Drawers, each Check Glass Towelng 24 in, yd All Linen Crash Toweling yd. lack Rock Fast Drill S‘ï¬rtinnr 22x44 Heav each .. Grey and White Victoria Lawn 1612 to remember your friends with “ll tripod Flzlnnele 11 plil 1m ped 0 per uc stripe e wx An nens Ovcmll Aprons made oflight print; with black ur len‘s White Flax Night Gowns..favc_v each . . . . n {ibb All Wool Hosiery, size 641, to 10, pr.ce pr. 65‘to 1.00 and White Flannelette Blankets with pink and blue borders... . . . . 2 05 to 2.95 1 Dry Goods funeral White Madras Muslin. yd 3O Guest Towel 1nd fruit 160 ft Bath Tu wels Lemen-t Sewer Pipe Weeping Tile lm ;t down Sox, Suspenders, 3&0 ll) White Bath towels 1111414, U.\ L. Me Gowns Drill Shining ONTARIO View Flannelette in. wide...20 6" C articles each yoke. 1.50 1.00 30