“In Essentials, Unity; in Non- VOL.’ XL. E. Devei- L. T. C. M. Ethel TEACHER OF Piano .and .‘7oice .I- T- SAIGEON C. WALKENGTON Ilia ple ' Kin {3; Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. I Patronage solicited _ I . , , ‘ Telephone ResidenceElgin Mill< Main 2777, Residence Phone 4.1.4 ; J. H. Naughton BARRISTER SOLICITOR' NOTARY Lumsden Bldg, 6 Adelaide St, East, Toronto ' - tNaiighton Block, Aurora. j'l‘hu- Town of Aurora H. .\I. \Valton, Aurora _ ~ JOHN T. ANDERSON PIAN) TUNER“ 200 BERESFORD A\'.l£., WEST TORONTO Phone Junction '72. = TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE I All mail orders will receive prompt: - attention. ' “- J- H. Prentice , .415 Balliol St., Toronto. , Phone Belmopt13~ï¬ â€" i LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1 FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO‘ Special attention given to sales ot every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought ' and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, .' Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to'. WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates l Ofï¬ces Solicitor for goï¬n .7. @avidson PIANO TUNING phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL Organs Repaired. Expert: Work Denton, Grover & Macdonald Barristers, Solictors. &o MANNING Ancs‘. E, 2! KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Macdonald Barry D. Anger A. Cameron MacNaugliton Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc. I OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3l. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET ‘VEST Tel. M. 3631 WRIGHT BROS. [undertakch it thalmers. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL- AND UNIONVILLE Adarge stock of Funeral Furnish ngl Kept at the above places ‘ W. HEWISON; HOUSE PAINTER, . . : Glazmr. Gralner and Pattern Hanger. l RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL! RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE! â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" I J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARJI PROPERTY AL\V.â€"\YS ON HAND. ,splendid condition Letter from Dvr. Pollard I Reinforcement Co’y, CanadianEngineers, ’ B. E. F. FranCe. To R. II. Red Cross Auxiliary, ' Just a line thanking you for the‘ parcel you so kindly sent. It was in _ and everything it contained \vas most acceptable. The coffee was fine and we midp it in a gasoline can. I had a most enjoyable Christmas and a dinner which I don't think was surpassed even in R. Hill. 1.3 ot‘ us ’1’g.)'ok part in this feast against which that feast of “fitted calf" fame paled into insignificance.‘ He started with oysters with the necessary dressâ€" ing. then tomato soup, roast lamb, green peas, potatoes, baked ham, toast stuffed pork, applesauce, wax pod beans, pium pudding. brandy sauce, fruitsalad, cakes. pies, coffee, cheese, jam, nuts and for those who liked it wine, vin blaiic and vin rouge. This was at our own expense and iii a room we hired, all the cooking being done bycne ot‘iaii- liuiich. a real arâ€" tist. [suppose this would not be ex- . actly in keeping with the Food Con- troller’s \‘iews but we couldn’t let such a. small thing as that spoil our sport. The weather here is cold and there is continual snow Hurriesl hear reguâ€" larly troni my triends Mr. and Mrs. Potter, and so am kept in touch with Richmond Hill and the receipt of your paicel was a pleasant reminder that I am not forgotten by others in the “Old Berg.†\Vishing all the members of the. R. H. Ii. C. A. the best of all good luck for 1913 1 am, Youis truly. Dvr. J. Pollard, 312095 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".0 Letter from Overseas Red Cross Auxiliaiy, Richmond Hill, ()nt., Canada. Dear Friends:â€" Many thanks indeed for your lovely Xmas box, received today in perfect condition. Everything in it was much acceptable and seemed to be what I needed. Fora while it was impoSsible to buy either tea or sugar in Bassingstokc. The civilians here are now beginning to realize the seriousness of the Total question. Two pounds of meat per. head per. week including fat and bone is all they can buy, so in Small families that is not much. In place of butter we use margarine entirely and once last week we Could not get. that. It is quite a change to be in England again and our thoughts often travel back to our pioneer days in Greece. \\'i: still getlettrts from our old Pts. thci'c telling us how much they missed us when we left. \Ve hope they will all soon get out of that country. \Vishing you all as bright and happy a Xmas as is possible under present conditions. \Vith many thanks, Yours sincerely, N. S. Mary I. Richardson, No. 4. Care Gen. Hospital, Bassingstoke. England. . â€"â€"_â€"â€".oOâ€"â€"_â€"â€" Epworth League A most enjoyable time was spent at the Epri-th League Monday evening when Mr. Burrow of Metiopolitan Church Toronto gave a vei y interest- ing illustrated lecture with limelight views, on “Hls Life and Experiences During His Tiavel Through Central Africa." Hegave us a very vivid pict- ure ofthe c‘rude manner of living of the different tribes of people, and of their savage and barbarous natme, and Of the disadvantage existing in the country. During the evening, a vocal solo was given by Mis. A. Sav- age. At the It‘pworth League next Mon- day evening, a very interesting time is‘ promised, when Rev. I’eicy Price our missionary home on furlough fiom Japan. will give a missionai y talk on Japan. to be illustrated by pictures, he took while their. Everybody crudially llH ited to‘ attend and bring their friends. Silvei l collection to be taken at the door. Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop ROBINSUN BLOi-K. YUSHIC STREET 1’“thle Ni). lib’ l i . Expert on all kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class \ulcanizing with tlt)lll|lt'â€"llt'.lll tiie stitching work. A huge stuck of pails always on band: also all kinds, and sizes of tires ‘llltl accessories. Flee air ser- vice supplied here. so why llll'llk your back pumping .tires by hand. Excelsior Mrtoriycle Agency: sta- tionary engine “‘(il’k: stoiage bat- teiies iechirgcd: bicycles iepaued. L. Curtis i â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" L N one better" The Carnival In spite of the frigid temperatuic Tuesday night the carnival held under “Laililies Pals" Vlctâ€" proved an unqualified the Auspices of (Ilia Square success. The costumes were many and varâ€" ied and elicited much admiration. Many of lhc comic custumt‘s were the source, ofl great amusement. The bright (‘Olom s of National dresses add- i-d greatly to the general picturesque effect. Many of the nations of the world were represented. John Bull and I'ncle Sam typical figures. To the latter a smiL ingnegro made frequent obeisance. A fair Japanese lady hobnobbed with a “Heathen (‘hinee’l A pretty Iligh- land lass carried off a first prize. Natâ€" lve women from sunny Italy weir- flll'l‘L'. Two charmingrepresentatives of Miss Canada Were to be seen. Toronto Sunday “'oi'ld was well vei'tised. There was an Irish Colleen in emerald git-en. Russia‘s Military general cut a bi-aVi- ï¬gure but he was “'(“l‘(' Essentials, Liberty; in allt The , ad» surpassed in the opinion of the judges . by another pompous officer. Besides theSe there were Red Cinss nurses, clowns and witches. Thejudgrs had a difficult time deâ€" ciding as tO the mei its of the diï¬ferent costumes. Finally the awards were made. and some twulve prizes distribut- ed. The only Richmond Hill girl to receive a prize was she woo, represent- ed “The Cat and the Fiddle." In- cidently the cat gave valuable assistâ€" ance to the Richmond Hill Band. The proceeds were in aid of the boys from Victoria Square, now overseas. .- High School Alumnae The Alumnae Association held its first meeting of the season in the High School on Friday, Feb. I. MISS Gladys Leger): WhOse subject was the French at List. (‘laudc Lorain, also touched on French art in general. showing that the French people, inâ€" cluding the peasants, are peculiarly artistic. Miss Mary Trench paper prepared by Miss Marguerite Boyle, giiiug characteristics of the works of Jean Antoine \Vatteau, who was brance’s foremost eighteenth cen~ tury painter. Miss Anna Boyle being unable to be present to give her paper on Jean Baptiste Greuzv, Mrs. Jen- kins explaiur-d that, while his'paint- ings are beautiful they show insinâ€" cerity. Red Cross Notes A sewing meeting will be held at the home of Miss Anna Boyle on Fri-1 day afternoon one thiity o’clock. Another shipment of nine dozen stretcher caps, has been made recently making a total of sixteen dozen. knowledgements for Xmas parcels during the past week front the follow- ing;~George \Vellwood, I’ollaid, R. February 8th, at Atkinson, Sgt. F. E. Fi-Oud, Spr. Vic- tor Metctlfe. Spr. Jas. Dickson, Spr. Norman Boyle. W. Kendall/T. Greene L. A. Hill, .luo. Gteane, Russell Riley, Arthur Cooper. o.- First January Without a Thaw ['nduly cold has been the first month Of 1913, and in only one pre' vious Jannai yâ€"lb‘éTâ€"was it colder. Apparantly the uionth which is just ended was stiiving for a real record, and it came near to making it. No thaw set in last month, and it is the only January on record when the temperature. never rose above 30 degrees in the whole time. â€" 77‘ i. 7 â€" l Pllllllf} Attention Good Bran and Shorts stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale I ALso IIANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken tor Red Clay Pressed Brick We have the 1) L. (Sc W. Scranton Hard Coal and Kennel Coal Order now. A. LL AT REASOXABLE PRICE I. H. RAMER in AC- 1 ‘, latter ill. home I I read a i I l l l t i. l i, 1 kings, Charity.†Accidently Drowned The funeral of the late Edwin Smith of Miliken's (,‘mnrr‘s who m<=t a [magic death on his fathei’st'arm, was llt'ltl on Saturday afternoon to Agiurom't (it'lnt‘lt‘l'y, the funeral bring one of the laigi-st in that district in a long while. Mr. Smith who wasilt) yours of age and unmarried, \vasin cour pany wilh his brother fer-(ling the stock at thr- barn and wont alone to the well, ashoit (listancv away. to draw some water. 'I be well was with~ out a pump. and in removing.r a board from the covering the young man in some, way. slipped in and was (frown- ed. There was about 8 feetof water in the Well, and when his absence was noted. assistant-t- was at once, piocured :lllll the body removed. but all attempts at testiscitation were unavailâ€" ing, the body having boon in the well about two hours. The family ï¬ie years ago ii-n'eil the Morgan farm at Miliken's Corners and \vere removmg in a few weeks to Buttonville, where they had secured another farm. The young man is survived by his father. mother-and two brothers, one of the. and the other in the west. I ï¬â€"eâ€"eo-â€"»â€"â€" Banquet To Warden Citizens of York tuwnship and \Vestou gave. aetunplimentaiy ban- quet to warden Thus. Grih'ith in the Town Hall of VVestnn last Thursday vwening. Members of the County Counciland the Pariiainentary repreâ€" sentatives for the County of York Were piesent to do honour to the new Warden. Capt. Thos. \Vallace, M. P.. \V. F. Mac-lean, M. R, Dr. Forbes (lodtrey, M. P. P., and O. S. Henry, M. P. I’.. spoke of the sterling woith of \Varden Griffith as a son of York county. Among the other speakeis were Major Brunton. Raeve II. D, Rams- dcn. Reeve, \V. Keith, Reeve \V. II. I’ugslev. Reeve J. G. Connel, Reeve C. L. \Vallace, Reeve George Padch and J. Fairhairn. Reeve James Guardhousc was in Charge of the arrangements for the banquet. and Reeve J. M. Uuardhnuse conducted the Toronto party to \Vcst- on. I-â€" Mitchellâ€"Stewart The marriage took place on Jan, 30th, at "Emblem Farm", Vaughan, the iesidencc of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. James Stewait, of their eidest daughter, Bernice. to Hugh Gordon Mitchell ot' Motherwell. Out. The ceieinony, which was conducted by the Rev. F. Dunlop of King City. took place under an arch of evergreens and ferns. The bride who was gown- ed in white (:repede chine, hand-em broidered and pmiil trimmed, with veil and wreath oforange blossoms, was given away bv her father. while Mendelssohn’s “\Vedding Maich" was being played by her sister, Miss Annie. She was attended by her sister, Miss Velma, gowned in pale blue Georgette crepe, and Mr. Melville Stewart was best man. After the ceiemony the wedding supper was served, about seventy guests particip.tting. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell left on their honey- moon Iatei and upon their return will rcstde on their farm, Yonge street, Bond Lake. ‘0»â€" Patriotic Fund A bylaw was passed by the County Council last Thursday providing for $300.01)!) to be given to the Toronto and York County Patriotic Fund Association. and that Iheamount he Included in the estimates of the county for lQlSaiid be raised by taxes. This amount is to be paid in monthly in- stallments of $3.000 it'needed by the association. the ï¬ist payment to be made July I5, I‘Jlb. Iii‘Olifl S AIDE A modern solid Inirk house on (‘hurch Street with a .3†ft. lot. A vacant lot S'Ix'llfl on L'huich Street. A new well finished bi It’l-i veneer divelling on Maikhzim loadat a ‘ bargain. A very comfortable lilli‘k r-lad house on ('elltie Street \Vest \\'Illl good sized lot. A good house, stal Iv. thicken house, Ull'llill'll. vita. just tln- spot for :t l'(‘l.llt‘(l t'ainn-r at . \‘I‘dhlld Square. A git-at liaigaiii tor .‘l quick sale. Three good fonts in Mnikliutil Township ainlsi-vrril in Vaughan. \Vlll be :llllL' to please you. One of the lae>t farms in thi- \‘Il'illIlV (if lir‘LllelIy 15f; nt'l‘r's. z.'|(1 buildiiigs. good bush. go: «1 Iain], Cheap. Trims to suit. .l)l“>r‘.‘.\ll»ll anytime. Owner li‘lll'lllg_ [1. A- Nicllolls REAL ESTATE l l t l l l i 'Mr. 32 S. SHEPHERD PAINTER PAPERHANGER GRAINER. ETC. Box 23 « MAPLE, ONT_ PHONE 1.934 44 1 Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal College of DentalSurge-nus.Toronto. will be at; Richmond Hill evm‘y Tuesday and Friday. CRtHVNS ANI) BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce. hours 9.30a.m. Lo 5 p.111- J. If. D’IOID‘VQII at: SOIL Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe Phone 950 \Voodbridge D. H. PINKERTON- V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE King, ()ut. Phone No. 23. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer etc Insurance, and Rent Estate Issuer ofKMai-riage Licenses. Richmond. Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS. NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY I\N"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL B. H. LASHER PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER North Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL Phone No. 72 '1‘. (Sr. LY ON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrnnaize and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P. 0. address Victoria Square GorinIey, R.R. J. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Choirmaster St. Paul's Presbyterian Chuich, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a limited number of pupils at his Home studio, Richmond Hill Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN \Vill be, in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September 1. 1916 Address Nordeiiuer Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto N ewmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone out. to order PO. Box Residence. 4363 Phone 183 A. J. 11 U DIE NOTARY PUBLIC CONVI'IYANCINH I><UIZR OI“ MARRIAGI'I LICENSES 1% iclunond Iiili