The Pastor will preach next Sabbath morning and evening. The Sacra- ment. of the Lnrd’s Supper will be con- ducted at the morning service. Colbc me. THE CHASE BROTHERS C0- OF ONTARIO, LTD, NURSERYMEN, Send for our Illustrated Circulars of hardy varieties. which you can order direct and save the, agent's commission. of which You get the beneï¬t. Our prices will he sure to interest you, and :Ill stuck is :leU- luLer ï¬rst-class and (me Lu name. Lnudvr. Spenrs& Hnwland expect 10 hold their Annual Sale of horses in Hichmuml Hlll between the 20th of Murch and Ihe lst of April. 'l‘wn cur loadsof horses will be sold. Sec bills atel‘. YEARS. and ure nnw plepzu'ed to meet existing cuuditions by offering our high-grade Trees and Plants direct to customs): at ROCK BOT- TOM PRICES. In case the Metropolitan Railway is taken over by the city the county of York has no claim for damages. The above decision was arrived at when the matter came hPfUl’t’ the Ontario Railway Board for decision. The Board hasvd ilstlecisimi on the far-t that tliefact, thaL the County in .1896 illlanllnnvd the road totlm smaller municipalities and therofore lost the right toanv claiiniii the futiiio in connection with thelhmugh faie and notwithstanding the fact that. the road became part. of the Highways sVSleni it was the opinion of thé Board that, the Council had no pal't iii the jiii-is« diction and ownership of the road \s‘lthin the City limits. \Ve need no further intrm‘iuctinn than the fact that we have been in the Nyrsery rBusiness SIXTYÂ¥ONE John L. SllllH'Hll the former popular Champion Heavyweight. lmxex divd at his hume in Massachusetts lnsL Sul- urday rf heurl failure. He was pulmâ€" lar and had many friendsuf both lmv and high drgree and was a special fuvmite nf CULThendm-e Roosevelt, and“ place was rvsm'ved fur him among the list of pallbearels. He he- came 5!. total uhstainer upon the day Rnnsevelt was elecuid President. IL is estimated mat during his career he had made $2.0(JlLUUU hut mving to his large opt-n healleduess died practically pour. Fruit Trees The factory building of the Office Bureau Cmnpany of Ann-ma was enm- nletely destruyed by he on Monday night last. The building has been vacant fnl'SlHllt‘ six wwks huh smne Limep-eVinus (n this had hen-n used for ma ing vunnition hnxwz. Nt-ither firennr watchman was kupt on the premises and [he (uigin of the fire is Iuystelinus. Tuesday mmning hnlds the record fnl being lhevnldestof the senmn. At. the Jail Funu [he meI-eury register ed 39 helmv. at 6 21.1“. and several places in the village Iepnrl 3U helnw. Everybody agreed that It was cold. A Valentine Social In aid of Junior Red Gloss will he held at. Mr. Hughes Hull Thm-nhlll Thursday evening. Feb. )4. fuun 7.30 m “L30. ngressive competitions. Light, refreshments. ndmissinu 25uts. And Plants FOR SPRING PLANTING. Mrs. G. H. Jucksnn of Gndsby. Alberta, whn is vi<iiing her parents Mr. and Mrs. John T. Suiyzeun. anlr. spent u few days last week with Mus. Gen. Metrnlfv. and eallrd on :1 number of old friends. The Executive of [hp Richmnnd HillAincultui-ul Society will meet at the hmncul‘Mr. J.S.McN.-lir(m Sat- urday evening mâ€"xt. A conveyance will lpuve the Metropolitan statinn about. 7 p. m. The \anen's Institute wiil meet at the home uf Mrs. Ness, Centre St. “’93: nn \Vrdnesdny Feb. law. at 3 u’cluck. Prnglmnme. pupe-r by Dr. Lilliun lmngstntf, reading Miss Paul- ine Butty. Vicu-nin selections. Regular Quarterly held next in the Me Hill. The report spl-t-ad on Monday through the village-that, the Council had secured“ caruf cunlbut. upon inquixing it was found to he an illusion. RICHMOND HILL. 0N1. FEB. 7. 1918 The \V. C. '1‘. U. will meet at the Manse nth Tuesqu evening at, 7.30 n’clnck. "Temperance in Sunday Scbuols" “‘Ill be the subject. fun-discuss- ion. Every one try toutu-nd. ESIABLISH ED 1857. Methodist Church Sale of Horses business meeting of the Bmud n! the (‘ircuiL will be Saturday nflernmm M, 2.30 ‘thdiSL Church. Richnmnd Ontario. Homemade, about 6 to the pound Little Pig, about 12 to the pound Davies Cambridge, about 6 to lb. Special Country Sausage about ‘10 to the pound Are ahead of any argument we can offer in their behalf. Nothing we can say here will quite. come up to the sausages themselves. Delicious and Dainty, Toothsome and Tasty. Choice Fresh Lake Superior Herrings 3 lb 25 Fresh Lake Erie Herrings 100 lb. No.18melts . . . . . . ........200 lb. Cohoe‘Salmon and Choice HalibuE Boiling pieces. . . . . .250 1b. Sliced...‘............ .. ....27c lb. Coast Sealed Oysters ......... .50c pint nmmn {Qiscoes .. .. . . . . . .20c. lb. Beacon Brand Fm Service and Salary will surer follow a Course in One Uf Shaw's Busi- ness Schools. Toronto. \Vtite f01'0lll‘ free catalogue. \V. H. Shaw, Pit-5., 393 Yonge St. Frozen Headless and Dressed Haddock ....1 The Ladies Aid (If the Methodist Church purpose having u Skating pun-lynx: the Richmond Hill Rink mi Tumdnyevcning. Feb. l‘JLli. Panic- Don't forget the Scout, Concert L0 be given in the Masonic Hall tn-nigbL. Come and enjoy the songs. recitatiuns, dl'IHS etc. prepared by the boys. Ad- missiun adults 25 cts. Children 10 cts. ulzu's lH'tFl'. YQUR OPPORTUNITY UOUPLAND~J ONES-On VVednesd 23. 1918, at the home of [he Now is the time to renew your news- paper or order new unes. Eve: y house should have these stirring times at least «me dailv and th home pzlpel. The Daily Star when chi bed \viLh'l‘he Liberal is $2.75 a. your. The Globe. the Mull and Empire. the \Vnrld and the Evening Telegram are each $3.50. The Annual C(mgl-egatimml meetâ€" ingheld \Vcd. evening will be report- ed next, week. The. Yming i’eï¬ï¬lev's‘SUE-Thu:s. 7.30 p.11): “The China of the Past" by Mrs. TILylur. Sunday. Feb. lUlb, the minister will preach at, both services: in the mom- ing on ‘ The Riches (vf varty,†in the evsning. 0p "God's Candles.“ [Bil Vt‘ Sr. ILâ€"Ruynmï¬a'McLean, Keith Ball. Mauguret Mitchell, Muriel Simp- son. Jack Dance, Gordon Tulnlinsml, Ellgene Burlun. JVl". llâ€"Cyril Bull. Mal-gulch Dance. Jean McUm-L. ’ lst. Glassâ€"Doris TumIinson. Billy Mcht. Plimerâ€"Sidnvy Dance. Jessie MCâ€" Lvau, \Vnrren Rculnun. Sr. IVsâ€"Marjorie†Effie Rich- mds. Vern Nichulsnn. Jim Scum. Cyril Bljllenger, _D_nr(.thy Banks. Sr. x’ll.'â€"My.-ue"ï¬liiiiiiih, Genrgin Chapman. Hurvyy Tnmlinson. Jr'. IIIâ€"Russ \f;.lla£.',"ï¬7éii§ii Nichol. sun. Frank Ulurkv, Lottie Ball. George Burton. Eddie Bankq. Nnrmes in order of merit uurLAqu ONES-U1] W ednesdav, Jan. 23. 1918, at the home of the Bride‘s pure-ins. Oak Ridges, Ont... Eveleen Sarah ynungest (laughter of MI. and Mrs. James Jnnes to Earle Ed- “‘urd Cnuplund Eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Uouplnud Temnen zmce\ inc. Ont. Special Values in F l S H Report of S. S. N). Z Vaughan Our Sausages { Haddie Fillets . LFinnan Haddie. Prawns . . youfm-dur? t. The Liberélr Obtainable at; Renew Your Paper Presbyterian Church ARKET ANSBRIDGE’S Skating Party Valentine Carnival Scout Concert to 4 lbs. each MARRIED ....200. lb. ....22c. lb. ....17c. lb. . . .40c. pint 28c The Rink will be open on \Vednes days from 4 Ln 5 p.111., free to children under ten years of age. Suturd Children \Vedne fur all 10 Wednesday & Saturday Evenings prices. FOR SALEâ€"Gout, Ladies black, per- siun lumh medium length. size 36. splendid condition. will sacriï¬ce for $75.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Miss Duke. Hyslnp Brothers Ltd. Toronto. 29-4 FOR SALEâ€"10.10115 a nmPr failing good brick bungulnw kitchen, hand :uzdsoft ‘ buildings. urchuxd etc. Markham. Apply tuj Gonuley. SE Applerrb umnd Hill. "ORSALEâ€"Gnod hnuco, stable. Gal‘- uge. one acre land. Nicely situ- ated. Une uflhe must cmnfurtuble homes in Maple. PUSSESSil)" given most any time- Apply E. Luhmer, Maple. Ont. 32-3 0R SA LEâ€"A quantin of potatoes. ahuut [00 bus. “fonts. 10c 46. (Jon. 2, Vaughan, John Kixkland. '2‘2 I, the undersigned wish to anouncc to the residents oi'Richmond Hill and vicinity that malicious persons are circulating false statements that I am charging $20.00 per ton for coal. I want it distinctly understood that my price is $13 00 per ton and every ton contains 2000 lbs. ' The sacks sold for $1.00 weigh 150 lbs. being 13; cents per hundred dearer- than larger quantities owing to extra labor in handling same. I did not have any intention of entering the coal business but I will endeavor te supply those people who have so kindly placed their orders with me, with the best ccal obtaincble at an honesn price and full weight. As. at this season, we can't gem \Ve'll supply you with ple fresh hut, dugs, There‘ll be sandwiches ton. and to drink, If you came an St. Valentine to the rink. If you want to help our boys along. Come and give us yum-dough Aud we’ll hand out a gnod but do}; And coffee and sugar, that’s w. This shine comes off on the Nth, of Feb. We’ll have n jolly time I've asked the \veulherumn all about, it He says its guing to be fine. B A N D Saturday Evenings The meeting of the Horticultunal Society was postponed as Mr. Id. Grainzer who was m have given as address on The \Vays and Habits of Bees was unable to be presrnb on account of an accident to the heating system of his greenhouses. The-directâ€" .,_.. |.-_ ‘ U ,7.....»..v\q. AllrullCCl' urs hope to alrunge for this address at, an earl y date. Sir Hemy Pellatt vxtouds to the members of (he Hurticulmml Society with lheirfliends u cordial invilntiun m visit the GI'Penbouses and conserv- utrics at Casa Lomu on Saturday Feb. 16th. A large number should avail themselves nf this opportunity Lu SH: the beautiful flnwels. Th9 directors will urmnge fur transpermtmn. Sre notice next, week. ‘0 Richmond Hill Skating Rink Public Attention OR SALEâ€"An Pl ice one dullzu ANTEDâ€"Live poultry (if all kinds. lehnnys, Centre St. Richmond Hiil. Best, market 1. 29â€"4 RENTvA ï¬ve loomed change. reasonable H‘IIL. (m Richmond prly Ln Mrs. H. Rnlrinsun. Rich- Sday XV Evemn 10 cents. uen Open for Skaters on uflhe must (VIOVIVIthjl'tII-bi-e Maple. Possesxion given time- Apply E. Luhmer, TICKETS [3â€"10 acres clay lou ll] snil Pr failing stream, a bungulmv with summer (1 :uzdsnft \vutex , gnud out 'chuxd etc. Lot :12, Gun. 4, Apply tu Mrs. Jennings. 30-4 ant; Ads. ' -â€"â€"â€"â€"..._ 30 to 10 p.11) IHURNHILL Svenings St. Valentine's night we can't get f1 ogs. )u with plenty of Uld lel heater, Jen-y Smith. Adults 15 L. B. STONG Admis ssxun cls.; cotfve \VHOLE SALE AND BE WiEHowdale Builders’ Supply Oâ€.MOWâ€M COO-WWW 5 lb. pail of Edwardsburg Syrup.. Italian Macaroni pk. ..................... Spagetta pk ................. xoc Preoa‘ Coffeeâ€"We have one that wxll suit acting taste lb ........................... Old Cheese of appetising flavor 1b.... Lime ‘ Hard Wall Plaster Fire Brick Plaster Boaxds Plaster Paris Mortar Colors. EIC. _.,_¢LA,_.\ _ Alcn p Sume choice lots on Church St, I Ave†hbexal discount, for cash, or three to ï¬ve year agreement. Only (me lot, left on Church St gravel road entrance to garng¢ This is a rare choice to secure: We Can Supply You Flo-wens tastefully an Roses and Carnations Plume Richmond Hill GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILL GREENHOUSES AND OFFICE 152 ROSELA‘VN AVE Richmond Hill Furnishing Store We carry a good stock of men’s odd pants, overalls and smocks, work shirts, heavy sox, heavy work boots and rubbers of all kinds. . MCKENZIE, VVILLOWDALE, ONTAR‘IO Also agentf‘or B‘if‘e Insurance We c . (fr IJA’LSS, l’onge Street Towelings Table Linens Hosiery, Gloves Saxony Flannelette Stnped Flannelette Underwear Flannelette Night Shirts House Furnishings Knitted Goods Dress Goods Men’s Duck Pants Fancy Goods and Notions And Other Lines of General Dry Goods. Atkinson & Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE STORE GLOSES AT SIX RM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY ............ 10c Prepared Spagetta, tin 150 arranged for weddings, funer urch St.. 80 ft. front, by 160 ft. deep, . garage. Ornamental and fruit trees. secure a beautiful place for a. new home or nights and Sundays Belmont 989, a master Cement Boaxds Sewer Pipe Colors. W'eeping Tile Also Flour and Feed Baker Ave. and Roseview 1- $1.00 per foot down auu CTAIL FLORIST the most ex- “815. 91c TORONTO RICHMOXI J 1j4.4. u.\ i. City .......I4c ....32c: ....4SC