Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1918, p. 8

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“’ednesday Feb. Zliâ€"(‘i-edit sale of - S l ; farm stock. iiiiplemcntsetc. Lot [0. l a (let The Best! PHYS! i (inn. 4 \Vcst York. annsrioiv thi- . prnpi-rty of Jun. ll. Dnrston. Siilu " S C . at ii a. in. 9 mos. credit J. H. M-en- ’ T . lice, auct. L J Thursday. Feli. 21-â€"»Anctinn sale ( 1' 1 Farmers. in soliciting your sales. I a llt‘ld nfpllre Bred registered Hnlâ€" (in so. not with :r \imr nt limiting any stein Cattle lot 35. con. (i MurKlinln. nthcr man out. nt' then). but lie- THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO ’ :1“ ‘F YUM?!" “"d Gh’WIW‘ Sign .T"”,”‘t"' Uaslicl, the proper ty of T.().l.mvery. cause it is my spm-ial [lltlf1‘58l(‘ll. Havâ€" Uimfldfl‘s PUPl'ljllzscln'm‘A 8”“"955 1 Salt- at l p. in. 9 mos. ciedit J. H. ing been :1 farmer fur years. knowing Tmmmgz SZ'L'Sl‘wm‘" “my”! "ldl 1 Prcnticu nnct. stuck and Values. (grade 111’ pedigreed) Who 0mm. hm“ 1 4".g““‘l"‘fi"“f“? , Fri. Feb. 22 â€"(.‘iedi[ sale of largo herd k'IUWIIiL! how to lll“(‘l ilu- stock and scores Of our um “gnu "duh " t it I (if pulp “[vd jpwev mm]? at “We”. ‘ \‘nliies. liiiviiig conducted many linn- . f [msL 39““ have secul‘e‘l goo“ bl’fi" ' hm.” Min‘. pivku'xlmn 1})»“ppl'I‘V “f di'ed farm and stuck sales. having Vances to armers are made I h l‘b‘t'ldt‘li‘. 5) "Hide a World‘s round, and liming ness positions and still thr- demand J. n. l Villr' gl‘ 3 St (1' t‘ f: Sauurday Feb. 23â€"Fai-iii stint-k, iiii-l "m “m ' ‘1"““"‘ V *“m” EsT'D 1873 me or one. ._ u an s ind} lgmiundg fm.1]“...1.|Iln.,,gl.t 3,.” m,,.(.‘ . . . . , . ,- 3 v ‘ 5/. ‘ commence. a course at. anv time. tiiillllit 41);“,(;)i:).”lv‘r :v'lfilicvllil' “Hm”. hum n “It, Hm“ um. “mm W. a. mom - - PRINCIPAL 1- l "m: R 1 c H M o N D H I L L B R A N c H F. Ii.(ll't*t'l\. Sale at a special feature by this Bank. 233 Inns. credit. Singer-l1 and \\ :llklllgttill.‘£lll(tlfi. . - “mt gel, the “HM [I “Wm? 'Tues, Eel». Ztilhâ€" Auction Sale of 200 ‘ “lem, “1.5”, m0. L E“ HAND, , Manager. ' “Cr” l'i'l'”) “"0 "f the hi)“ I” V “"gh'. J. l{. LUNG. Auction Spl'vlilllnl, . s A an Farm Stuck. implements Grain. 3H9, Yum,“ “L THme . ‘ AUCTION SALE l'myiis. etc. Lot 8. cums, Vaughan, " ' I" ~ ‘ . v ‘ ) ~ I Thursday. Feb. ¢.â€"â€"Fami stuck, mi- ludgely, the pl'flpt'll) nt lllt l.Ill WW, A ‘ Kennedy. sale at 10 ‘ h I #~ r ‘77â€", if A “mflâ€" 7 -â€" Jements. etc.. at 101.17. rear 5 COIL, Cln‘lsloplivr‘ 'nua‘han. the property (1fR[|()l)(|] o.clock sharpin.plrinriits sold in the Electric Restorer for Men Harrisonâ€" Sale All. 1- Terms 10 mos. l fl’l'i‘n"(m~ H" '” “lrl'l'l'llll‘” Luv”) Phosphonol rustorcs cvcry ncrrc in the lmdy . _, - ‘ ' . -' . . z ; l n _ 9 “my, J, I . ’i't-iii ice its proper tciismn ; rostnrcs Surgeon and Wallangton. «HILL. :fwilti n ~ . m“ mm mm”. gramme (1%“. a“; 311?“,1} - ' ' ‘ W; kness :irrrtu at once. 108p ono \\‘1 1 ThUrSduV‘ Fob“ 7~‘Clle‘1lt SM“ 0f ‘ s r â€" i ‘ l ll‘La‘kc run ‘a new man. Price sen bnx or two for l Furni stock Implements etc. lot. 11. \VPFI'H'Sdny. J't’l). Zilll.~('l'0tl1l Salr- ‘ 55A Mama manvaadreeq. “rue Scoboiinrug . con. 10 Markham. the property of R “l FMIH 51001:. rte. Lot 11. non. ill Co..St.C&tlmrlnes.0n¢. 1 D. Clark. Sade utl p. in. 9 months 1| “‘3; initial-tiigafig' Jilly}? _-__ kw, . , ,, __ credit. J. Li. Prentice. anct. . l’i-entire auct. Fri'Eeb'8_G""‘“tS“l"“”'”‘”' film‘ktTl‘ln‘SiliiV. Foil, 'J‘lâ€"(‘rcdit Rain of Sand, Gravel. ’ For Sale 0“ Easy Terms Implements‘ pm” “red ‘Shm'lhm1'l Faiiii stuck. lll)[)l('lll(‘lll~‘t‘l(1. [mt Elli 1 lzittle on 101.13 can. I).S('H|‘llul(i‘ “on .; Smmm.“ HH\H,.(.M,H.,. U... I . . » s. ~ Butldln" Lots on Yonoe St Belmont 1 e and Buck ” ‘ D " 1 Kingston [{(md. l’i-uiicrlv (if I“. l . . . - .. . 1 q. i. . ‘ , ._ . . _ _ v ‘ piniwil) nf Rnhi it Aiiinm. .ai Butt» 5'1") “L 1“ dm'k' 9 "H's‘ at l. 9'iiius. credit. .7. H. l’ri'iilii'c. and Clarence Avenues. " ' . . l. P" - v . . . “Ed.” J l lumwAmt “m- Thc Maple Sand, (lrnvcl and llrick l Monday FEIL “lll.*ol‘(’dlt Sill” (f \Vt-diii-sdav Mai-r11 (iâ€"(‘i-edit saln (71' Company LN]. have on 1mm] 1.”. sflie. ‘ A farm stock implements etc. int 22 farm stuck. linplmiwnis etc. Li-I Cemeng 11min tile ‘l 4 5 (“mini S in Acre Garden Lands” \ ,r, l y ,1 y l \ . con. 5. Seal-horn the property llf .Ias. 1 u H. 4 Mai kliani the proper ly t‘f ‘ . . ,â€" . - Leather-stone. 8:119 at 1 Unlock. 9 \Valter Himd. Sale at 1:2 noun. Culvem “10 1‘2” 1')’ 18 “m1 “)0 le‘ mos. J. H. Prentice. tillct. I 9 mos. crcdit. J. H. Prenllclfi “W‘- (30 inches in length ) Tuesday. Feb. IZ-Ci-edit Sale nflTlHllNll‘Y Mill'Ch 7‘”C"°‘m' “I” "ll Also Cement Brick. Farm stuck, implcmpnw 91C. [wt ‘i t'aiiii stuck. iiiipli-iiieiitsetc. Lot 13. ‘ 12 can. 7 Markham. the propeitv of Con. 12 Scaibcrn. the prnperly ut Szlnd and Gravel sold by the load Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. the late John Hood. Sale at 1 p. m. Alex. 'l‘ait. Sale :ll'lgntlnll. 9 mos. r in car lots, l 5) mos. credit J. H.Prentice aiict. Credit. J. H. Prentice. nuct. T COUSINS FOR FURTHER INFORh/IA'H’th WRITE OR SEE - Y ‘ “'edncsday. Feb. Iiiâ€"Auction sale of . Friday March S,~Credit sale of farm 394 f_ 1). k and Mann er . . futmstnck implements. ctc.un lull il”l"“'“"'ll$”“‘1 and“ “1‘” L“ 1‘) ) . leg. M‘iple g L. A. T. & CC" 8. con. 6. Vaughan, prnpmty (if ,' (hm. 3 East York the property of ll. \Villiain Moriisuii. Terms 10 mos. S-Ilwh- Sill“ “L lp-IH- 9 "Nuths __,,,,“,__,, __ Sale at l p. m. Saigcnn & “fink- ‘ credit. J. H. Prentice, tillf'l. ingm" Aucl' Tues. March IZ-Credit sale Ufa herd H l G H L A N D L A K E\ F A R M s Thuisday Feb. ch.â€"-Ci-edit Sale of of Puie Bred Shorthni-n cattle, f:ii-iii Farm stuck. implements 9“. [at stock. implements etc.. int 35.0011. 1. . . . . - Herd sire AVOVDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under lG'ISt’ l. s .. " 1 . ., , L . i . - i A I «1.; onof 33v 00“- 8. MEU‘MHUH. U“? PI‘ODPI‘U‘ 59“"lmm- Pmlwfiy‘” “‘“Q' Puke-M garglgillfse £3121” MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the “wilds best record cow for iniik produc- Richmond Hill 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto of Alex. Boys. Sale at 11 u'clrnk Sale at. 12 o‘clock. 8 mos. credit. .1. . mm .md 0”“th Recmd for butter 41 “)5 on] ‘ I . ' . . , J . r « v - . . V one. other 4l-lb. ii 11 Slums. Lunch provided, I] H. lire“. i H. Prelillca‘, anct. \ ".1 the cmnt‘ Room‘ in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes neain fifty daughter; hf “ce' duet" Thurs. March 11~(fredit Sale of farm a 33.3l-lh sun of the great KIhGISE‘GlS, brother-to the sires of three Saturday’ February 16__F“”n Stock smck Implements HQ 1% 3.; [mm L world 3 record c0\vs~_â€"niatnre son‘s, hi‘.‘4-yi'.-old 40:84. Jr. 4-yr.-old 40.32 Inlpleulpnts ..[c_ [NE 4 CH“. 3 “1.11;- Vaughan. Yi~nge st.. [)l'npeiiy nf -ON__ llis. .lniiini- lieid Slt‘e' RING: SEGIS‘ PONTIAC CANADA, a half ha in. the prnpertv of \V. \V. Ray. C. N. Cooper. Sale at ]2 (Vi-lock. ;i{1'(it11(;_i-t(i_i\V Oli\f' PEN P1,sz IéltlJHOé-ontcf z. 3011is. Segis cmv. me“ 5:19 at I " . 9 . h - _ 8 mos” med“. J. H. pmmice “nun ‘ . , 7' ' e is m- sa e. iis coin iinatimi o irce ino' interests ‘ou, write for it. J. H‘. Prentipcemuuct"mnth “ed 1 2 C 1 Tuesday P equar)’ 2‘ l 1918 prices (in either Illillt'S or females. O y ' \Vedncsday. Marc 1 ‘0â€" re: it sale of , . r . g g . .. , v ; I Wednesday F431). l8â€"Cicdit sale of farm stouk.implemeiits, etc. Lot 13, L’mnmencmg (It 9'4" ‘L'm' - FARM AT STOP 50' 10‘“ E ST“ RADIAL . farm stock, implements etc. lot 5. cmr2, East. York. pinperty of Late T. F. MCMAHON CLERK R. W, E. I, COM- 10. lilarkhani. I’ri-perty ofJas. Jacoh H. Smith. Sale at. 113.11]. Boyd. Saleatl p. in. 9 mos. credit. 8 mos. credit. J. H. Prmitico. aunt. J. H. Prent' . -. . Ice and. ‘ Thurs. March illâ€"Important credit TllCS., P's-b. l9â€"Credit sale of Far-ml sale of Pure Brcd Clydesdale hnises stock. miplements etc. Int 23. con. 4 Pure Bred Holstein registered cattle. raw «r E 1311a“ Yj‘l‘k- Pl‘llperly (if Tlins. Jnhii- Farm stock. implements. ctc. will lie . “ ‘3' 'l“ yon. bale at I unlock: 911105. credâ€" sold by public auction (111 int 2.3, con. » '4 a 113. J. H. Prentice auct. 1. East York. Stcclc‘s Corners. pinp- erty of P, \V. Burton. Sale at 12. farm stuck and im l o'clock. No reserve as farm IS rentâ€" pmperty of G. W.Aiiilsgiifsliiiirsldl “1' 8”” Md“- J- “' P"""“°elot con. 3. Markham. farm known nucl' as Dilman \Videman farm. 8.119 to Thurs. March 28â€"(lredit sale of farm commence at. lo'clock sharp. No stock. implements etc. lot 18, con.I I‘ejsel've. All articles to he sold. \Vest York. \Villnwdale. property E'gh.t “mnlns Cl'Pdlt. ’1'. Lyons. of \V. A. W'allacc. Sale at 1 o'clock. auCt‘Om’crr Lm‘ne Perkins. clerk. 8 mos. credit. J. H. PrenllCP, anct. W ) \Vediiesday. Feh. 20â€"(7i-odit. sale of In] I F. In:li'll ‘1'."i-1 i “7'1 Flre to protect your buildings and their contents. to protect yourselt‘and family and old age. _ to protect yourself from large doctor bills and loss of time when out of employment through accident or sickness. Plate Glass against all kinds of breakages. Complete Service to Ford 3 g p . Owners Everywhere ‘ OURTEQUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always “among friends”. There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners ~f0r gasoline, 011, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advme or motor adjustments- I The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of i the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of Spare parts for other RIChmond Bakery _ cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. We make VIENNA, BAKERS, HOME-MADE, EUREKA, BROWN BREAD, MOTHER’S, and i other brands of bread. against fire, theft. accidents and liability. Insurance which means protection. P. 0. Savage & Son GENERAL AGENTS, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Runabout - - $475 Touring - - $495 .. ,4...“ , 5., 1:” . \Vedding Cakes and fancy icing a specialty. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Give us atrial. .. F.O,B. FORD, ONT. w. H. MYLKS ' a. A. M. nAvnson, Unionville, Dealer. «~â€" p . to A, E. GLASS. Richmond Hill, Salesman. ‘ mime 1' L- “Thomhill Garage” THOS. HUGHES, Thornhill, Salesman. J

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