1 Maple King Licensed Auctionevra fur the County of York. Snles attendt-d to (m shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Telephone Main 2777 J. H. ‘Naughton Hummus Somcrron QNOTARY (Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide St" Oflces { East. Tm-nnm [Naughton Block, Aurora. . _ Tho Town of Aurora S‘mc‘mr f'" {.l. M. Wnlmn, Aurora Special attention given to lalea or every description. Farms and farm atock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. TEACHER OF I’iano and Voice JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER N0 Bun-roan AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail order: will receive prompt. attention. Ethel IQ. Dever LEQM Richmond Hill OMce (‘ Liberal' Oflce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday «(tel-noon. Woodbridue. Saturday forenoon. J0_H_N_ 31 CAMPBELL, Chile by phone or otherwise promptly responded to’. Bummrna. Sonlcx'ron, NOTARY ETC Toronto Omce. Richmond Buildings. 83_Bit_:hmon_d Qgrgec. \Vest. Money to Loan at Current Rates Tel. M. 3881 416 Bulliol Sm, Tornnto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER son COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL PIANO TUNING :Bbrristers, Solicmrl. &c MANNING ARCH]. 24 Kma ST. WEST. TonoN'ro, CANADA Funkppntpn. K. 9. ï¬lial-lake" & Embalmen. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Benton, Grover & Macdonald J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. A. Cameron MacNauihton Int-hm, Solicitor, Nam-y, . OFFICE_SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST W. HEWISON VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE J. '1‘- SAIGEON ‘Elarge séock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above phcen Von. XL. $1.50 per annum, in advance.] Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL J. H. Prentice VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. RICHMOND HILL 9051i 3. 2410111101 Drum Repaired. Elï¬n} Work John Irï¬in Grover Arthur A. Mucdonald WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. -â€"AGENCY-â€"â€" MANAGER Residence Elgln Mills Residence Phone 44.4 C. WALKMTON Harry D. Anger The Scout Concert held in the My sonic Hall last Thursday evening, Feb. 7th. 19l8 was :r great success in every way. the Scouts distinguished them~ selves in the way of recitations, songs, etc.. and received badges. Won by nmch hard work and strict testin ' We had some local talentwho contrio- uted kindly to making a pleasant even- ingnnd. in no less ndcgrse didthe \Volf Cubs with their drill under the admirable training of Miss Edwards and the performance of their other work such as rs necessary as part of their training. The Hall was packed to the doors and all went away feeling they had spent a most enjoy- able evening. Mr. H. G. Hammond. Provincial Secretary occupied the chair. with 'the assistance of the Rev. '1'. R. Haughton. Chuplnin. and Messrs. H. A. Lawrence and Col- Stslker. Commissioners. Mr. Ham- mond in his remarks touched upon the splendid work that had been done by the Troop and Scout Muster. which was in evidence during the evening. The Troop desire. to thank all those who helped them, particularly Dr. L. Langstafl.‘Re-v, T. R. Hsnghton. Miss Edwards and Mrs. Duncan for their kindness to the boys. It. is ho ed that the outcome of our concert w ll mean that several other boys will now come and join the Scouts. The proceeds go toward Camp equipment which is in great need of funds. Robert Mans- bridge received his wnrmnt as ï¬rst assistant Scout Master. The“bnrning of the stuves" was also an interesting feature of the evening. Much regret was felt at absence of Scouts Hugh Oliver and Ted Msnsbridge. Naturalistsâ€"Elvin “'ellwuod, Hash old Mitchell, Edward Mansbridge. Bernard White. Stanley Runsum. Jack hues. Horace \Vade. PROFICIENCY BADGES Musicianâ€"Stanley Ransom, Robert Mgpsbridge. Clerkanlwe-IL Man‘sBri-(ige. Pathï¬nderâ€"Stanley Ransom. Wilfred Dean. Rubt. Munsbridge,Jubn Leh- man, Bernard \Vhile, Horace \Vadv. Elvin Wellwnod. Farmerâ€"Wilfred Dean. Cyclistâ€"Stanley Ransom, Bernard W'hite. Handymanâ€"Wim-ud DEâ€"nu. Leather \Vorkerâ€"Stanley Ruusum. Horace \Vade. Friend to Animalsâ€"“’ilfred Dean. Luundrymanâ€"Stanley Ransom, H. Wade, Lambert Atkinson, Elvin W's]!- wood. Gardenersâ€"Stanley Ransom. Ber- nard White. Hen-old Mitchell, \Viifred Donn. Elvin Wellwood. Robt. Mans- bridge. Hog-ace Wnde. w'mi Badgesâ€"Néu' McDonald. 100 Wilfred Dean. 100. Stanley Ransom. 100. Elvin Wellwood. 100, Robert, Munshridge, 100. Harold Mitchell. Ed. Manahridge. Lambert Atkinson. Jame- Cowie. Lel‘uy Fair. Poultry Farmerâ€"Bernard WhitP. Fir-t. Classâ€"Stanley Ransom. Bur- nurd White. Ruben Munsbridge. Cdbksqvmred'iï¬an. Robt. Mans- bridge, fiance \Vadn. A most interesting time was spent at. the Epworth League on Monday evening. After the usual opening exercises. a vocal solo was given by Mrs. N. Glass followed by an excellent address. illuutrated by picture. by Ber. P. Price. our missionary home on fuilough from Japan. on "His work in‘ Japan." In a very adequate way he gave us an idea of the. manners and customs of the Japanese peoplo. and of the good mka be accomplished during his three years as u missionaiy among the people of Japan. Avery excellent entertainment will be given at the Epwnrth League on Monday evening Feb. 18th. Some of the best local talent are taking palt. This in your opportunity of hearing a good canoe-rt. free of charge. Every- body welcome. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1918 Expert on all kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class vulcunizing with double-tread lire stitching work. A lame stock of parts always an band; also all kinds and sizes of tires and necessaries. Free air ser- vice supplied here. so why break your back pumping tires by hand. Excelsior Motorcycle Agency: sta- tionary engine work; storage bat. tex-ies recthged; bicycles repaired. Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop ROBINSON BLOCK, YONGE STREET PHONE N0. 68 Howard: League Scout Concorl L. Curtis “In Essentials, Unity,- in For many years past it has been known that peat existed in tremend- ous quantities on the Holland Marsh. near the town of Bradford. The ex- tremely severe weather of the past winter has brought the question to the front again. in order to help solve the fuclqueutlon- A meeting ofa num- ber of the business men. ofNewmarket was held a few days ago when corre- sgondence was produced indicating t at the value of the peat did not rest In its heat producing qualities, but that it contained hy-products suffic- ient to pay for its manufacture. A committee was appointed to obtain further information as to the cost of machinery and installation. Another meeting will he held. and the matter will likely he brought to the attention of the Provincial Legislature. The regular meeting of the Red Cross Auxiliary, will b9 held in the Public School, February 18th. at {cur o'clock. The members of the Girl's Branch of the Society. would be glad to receive donation: of fancy material. pluin materials. or anything in cotton nods suitable for personal property ags. Tune bags are 9 by 13 or 14 inches. The knitting (Jummittee request all then who are knitting mittens. to send them in thin wevk. so they may be shipped next Week. A seed fair will he held in the Lorna Hall Richmond Hill. under the anus- picel of the Richmond Hill Agricul- tural Societv. on Saturdin Feb. l6th, 1918. As will lie seen by posters. good prizes will he offered for compel- Ition. All entries must be made with the Secretary, before 12.30 on day of Fair. at which time all exhibits "lust he in position for judging. The public will be admitted at two o’clock p. m' Mr. Wm. 8. Seal! President of the Ontario Association of Fairs and Exhibitions will address the meeting. The Ladies Aid of the Richnmud Hill Methodist Uhulch are giving 3 Skating Party in the link on Tuesday next. February 19th. Refreshments ennui-ting 01’ hot, coffee.hut weiners, rolls. and cmde will be served. Good band in attendance. Adults )5 cts. Children lOcta. Everbody come. Remember the Valentino Carnival under the auspices of tho Gilli Branch of the Red Cruse auxllinry. in the Rink (AI-night. Good prizesnffered for cost- umes~ Refreuhluenu served. Rich mond Hill band in attendance. Ad- mission, adults 15 cts. children 10 cts. Come and help the cause «lung. in the Sunday School roomuu last Tuesday evening. Farm to ice of generalinterust werediscusse while musical selections on the violin and organ mud? u very well balanced pro- gramme. Upon conclusion: a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the pet- formers. DOWNSVIEVV A vex-y interesting and educative programme was given by the Young inen_when the Elia Young Pnople {net Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale I ALso HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken tor Red Clay Pressed Brick We have the DJ... 8c W. Scranton Hard Coal and. Kennel Coal None better" Order now, ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Public Attention J. H. RAMER Put Near Bradford Red Crou Notes Valentine Carnival Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." Shun. Party Sud Fair Sunday. Feb. 17th. the Minister will preach at. both services: in the morn- ing on. “\Vinning nur own louls;" in the evening nu, “The Sluggurd will not plow." Tï¬e Mary Slessur Missinn Band Inf-ï¬ts at the \langg 4 p.m. [frjdagn The W.M.S. will méot. at. Mm.'\v.t- 302:3 \‘Yed. n95!“ p.n!. _ The Annual Meeting- of the Congrp- gatiun was held last Wednesday even- ing, when reports were prolented and new officvrs elected. Mess". Pruu. Clark. \Vatsun and Monkman were erected tnthe managing lmmd for A three year term. The different mis- lionnry nrganintiuns reported good work. The Grant Mission Band of young er boys and girls raised $20. the “Mary Sleusor" Bnnd of older girls raised $30. the WmnPn's Auxiliary 8168. In addition to these. the Sun- day School raised $106 for missions and the cuugregaiinn $252â€"in all. the missionary contributiuns of the chiirch amounted to $575. - The Sunday School showed splen- did progress. about fifteen per (cent in- crense in attendance. over fifty per cent increase in missinnsry giving, raiging_in_all3375. TheuLadles Aid reported their total proceeds for the year $359; of this. thgy pzfjd 8200 0"}th urgan. Thé Centenary Connniitee repnlted the net financial returns from the celebration $218. The Treasurer repotted envelope contributions $1300. plate collection. 3276. rent $163. of thls. acaah bal- ance of $349 remained. against which stood $333 of unpaid accounts, leav- ing an actual balance of 316. The outstanding liabilities of the congregation are $1940. of which tho orgnn debt: comprises $_lI49._ The total aunuunt raised by the con- gregation for all purposes was $3159 or about $18 per member. The mem- bership is now just 200. A! the annual meetingnf thv East York Plcwmen’s Association hold on Saturday afternoon in lhe Heather Hall in Agincuurt. these oï¬icels Were elected. Honomry oresidents. W. F. Mac- leau. M. P.. Capt. Tom \Vulluce. M. P. George S. anry. M. P. P.. Alex. Mc- Gowan. W. N. Miliken. John Little, Alex. Duherly and Andrew Huod. president, “KB. Patten-sun; lst, vice- president, \v‘V. H. Mum-n; 2nd Vice- presidcnt. Bert. Kennedy: secretary- Lrensurer. Deputy Reeve J. T. Stew. on. Directors. T. Shadlock. J. Shudâ€" lock. A. Dohertv. Clark Young. Arth- ur Little, Charlus \Valsun, Jamel A. Bonnie. W. G. Rennie. T. A. PM. 61- oon. .- The council met, on Jam. 2t in tho Clerk's ufl‘ica with all the membe'u present. Several accounts wrrervud. which the Treasurer was instructed to pny. Bylaw 576 was passed appoint- ing ofl‘icials furthe current. year nnd Council ndjournred. The officinls Hpointed were as followsâ€"Assessors r. C. A. Skcele Auditors Means A. E. Lehman and G. Maudie. High school Trustee Mr. J. P. Glass. Public Library Trustee. Wm. Pram. Board of Health Mr. G. Reanian. Medical health officer Dr. \V. R.Pentlund. Fence viewers. Messrs. D. Steele, R. Dixon and A. Richardson. Caretaker and trnnnl, ofl’icvr. Geo. Smith. â€";&' â€":al;r';dou- n: any bfliiâ€"y'oii Want "me '1." me:sz .°°.~i saw" u .- uwn . .. or o r . o all-h“ at no hint!“ hunqu wag. Wantedâ€"4n Idea A modern solid brick house on Church Street with u 50 It. Int. A vacant lot 50x210 on Church Street. A new well ï¬nished brick veneer dwelling on Murkhum Road at, a bargain. A very comfortable house on Centre Street good sized lot. A good house, stable. chicken house. orchard. etc. just the spot for a retired farmer at Victoria Square. A great bargain for a. qulck sale. 7 Three good farms in Markham Township and several in Vaughun. \Vill be able to please you. One of the best farms in the vicinity of Kettlehy 150 acres. good buildings. good bush. good land. cheap, Terms to suit, Possession any time. Owner retiring. FOR SAIJE . A. Nicholls REAL ESTATE Presbytorian Church East York Plowman Village Council brick clad \Vest, with Hnn. Graduate Royal Cnlle e of Dmle Surgeons. Toronto. will a at Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friday. OROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce locuted in Standard Bank Build. ing. OMce hours 9.30 mm. to 5 [un- Dr. C. La Verne Pabtiaon Licensed Auctioneers fnr Toronto and the Counties of ank. Peel and Simeo- Richmond. H111 J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYRN"HH. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Phone No. 23. B. H. LASHER J. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist; and Choirmuster St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society Will accept a limited number of pupils at. his Homeâ€"studio. Richmond Hill Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN ‘Vill he in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September 1. 1916 Address Nordeimer Building 220 Yonge St. Torontc~ Reaidenca address Victoria Square PO. Box 436 Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY J. K. McEwen D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. H. A. NICHOLLS Oommissioner. Conveyancer e Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A. J. HUDIE Richnloud Hill THORNHILL Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cut to order PAINTER PAPERHANGER GBAINBR. n'rc. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT 930m: 1834 A RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK Patronane and influence respectfully solicited PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER MAR RIAGE LICENSES OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Phone 950 Wnodhridga S. SHEPHERD __I§ing, ()nt. [Single copies, 3 cts. NOTARY P UBLIC North angre Street CONVEYANCING 43.: Son Phone No. 72 IiiUER 0F P. 0. address Gormley. R.R. Residence Phone 183 No. 33 441