coveryidt was thought maths-3 might help me "and r was~ 'takeff‘t’b' Nev Ontario. Those who saw me while on my way. did not think I wouldhrwch my journey's end‘alive.‘ After I reach: ed my destination 3 friend strongâ€" ly urged me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and as of course I was anxiOus to regain health I did so. The .pills were the ï¬rst medicine I had taken which seemed to help me at all, and it was not long until I‘ felt the :3 were doing me good. I continuedmt on use gladly, and began to feelï¬hnnggy-.;q13§i‘i soon after was able to move about the .- sqgryï¬ex’ez'l‘wa 'blg- gwwtoï¬tl 3321-5. aï¬aew hdp’ixnm‘ï¬ae iaiiwééwnm ' and _f.r9'm_‘that time on _m ' i-qgggss‘ was'répi‘dg-Tand ï¬fth???) its-enjoy- ing better health than I had ever done VVeak, watery blood is the starting point of Consumption. When your ‘blood is in this condition your whole health declines. Your face becomes pale or sallow, your appetite fails, your heart jumps and flllttelip'ilt the least exertion .or excitement. You are always weak and Wretched and yon lose intercstin bothdwork and amuse- ment. This is the point from which you may easily step into that hopeless decline that leads to consumption and the grave. What is needed to bring back health, strength and energy is the new, rich red blood Dl‘.- Williams' Pink Pills actually make! In all the world? ‘of medicine there-is no other tonic and blood builder like them, and all who feel weak, run-down or easily ired @0111 dew-11,0 time x in :_-giving est: pins" fairE Etrial; Whey have transformed thousands of weak, hopeâ€" less men and women; boys and girls into Strong; robust people." ‘In proof of these statements may be given the experience of Mrs. T. Brennen,â€Charl- “tonâ€; Ontawwho- saystL-e‘Woe mlyvimr self, but my friends think that had it not been for :Wi‘lliams’tf’inkaf’illï¬ {Would have" tilled "a ‘c'bnsumpti've‘s grave. My condition was most .seri- ous; my blo§§7 Zseemed‘jliterallxu 0 have turned water; I washes pale a§~a sheet and became utterly unable to do any housework or golabout. _ I doctor- ed steadilyï¬mj a long .time‘,but.wa$ growing weaker, and ï¬nally the doctor held out but little hope for my re- THE STARTING POINT 3 "OF 'CONSUMPTTON; Li'e's ifn“ W'e'a‘k,’ watery“ Blbodâ€"fâ€" Dr. VVilIiéms’ Pink Pills :Muke the Blood Rich, Red and Pure. caâ€˜ï¬ mam-:on medicinE': k‘noWii.†“‘ ' " iYouvqan agetï¬these: pillgthi‘ou gh any deï¬lei'ï¬nfï¬iediciné ér VbSrmeil “at 50 cepts a-bm‘z (51‘ six bees fgr $2.50‘from The iiDréi Williams: dicimsfl‘flflo" Brbckvill’e,:0nt. ' ‘ -" ‘ 3-; - ixâ€. .9†Sths' 31‘; j Ye tl‘umpetswsound a requiemy» ~ 139mg 09$" 9°999mmalitum-orzmmd. Ye red, red: watens cr it ib駧§g§ffl$ibvglér¢d We; $073310“; Your lamenfdti'dï¬cg?goa§¥ljt01561a§éf “4 w at't ..t__-,t1e sid§§9~ W‘QanQutI SS; ' rh ; r; .m 8113‘?“ wwï¬riaiwpgnxlzdmes‘iper- Andflmï¬e 6‘sky""éâ€"“ fe‘ uy;"gb9_d._gwpgg .thg‘zgeqvt.81"V“'ill a be' Kneel, kneel, y? slaves of high estaftte‘, thdré‘gilm W912i I,‘._’I§11&§ur.i1mer.;ï¬x:on- 0 blue-flower bow yew h9§§ . ceive. .th'e‘â€ided‘qt‘mgkingE-thpm‘ into A dog that s'h'hmes'an ér'nper‘o’r’, ' ’ “‘ ‘ pillow ‘ $1M, E13382.I‘fï¬llvï¬ysvfï¬iake Somewhere, somewhere lies dead. I the two ~(Aims "13,13';_u'1’y’_swheg‘ts.l mggamé“ â€"â€"Herbert Randall. . width, it was‘ta’yerygsvlinlme: thing to} ~ #â€" ‘ 3 ‘ do_ "3' ‘ - Â¥ ' gLEMONS \VHITENEAMWWM â€"â€"_-o JJINIMENT R ver and we use it as A} throat and chest.‘ would not, be wit]: LINIM ENT 3. The Perfect DE What a da‘y’fhat'ï¬tfllm ï¬diflgï¬ Wig-1333992 WEI-f ! sand tlmes ten bells will ring man Czthirlgwg,‘ étl long hopedâ€"for history-‘of the Minard’s Liuimeut Dear Sirsn,â€"IVV_e5 that we con§ijfl mama-’5 wife’s ska-exec has been declared! Fr sand times ten thousand bells will ring out. as if t >~§§'=;.?‘sama V55_ 3 vs; - v I ~, ~ : “a any m - . .«-".-"»7' . fl W' ' - is!» ail-dew ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬gï¬Ã© {ï¬gg‘gssqfls ï¬mflfl’ï¬be‘hwk‘rï¬ farï¬â€˜ ’an‘ Important Dry "‘9 Sweaters» from that time on m ro ï¬re.“ Part, of {‘11 €®®92Â¥15L9:9.11ky 9:19.51? 5313233195 S§§§££i9_wmm.§w& Liiggégéhiiflinfihé?" “enjoy:- WIHaiï¬â€˜ETprï¬p'ï¬s, I'lp 10-3511: Wea‘ét‘ 213 3 [Hem up To drv: W‘mhte‘t‘hénrmrw of age, should be compul 01 «team radiat mu better health than I had ever done .d chest†'Wh‘eh‘Tteu' yOl the Win}°“©;.i.t iï¬xfllï¬- DI ddllar 'a‘b‘otfle', I mean‘ it: Yours truly. ‘. . , -"= - C‘HA‘S.‘F.'1‘ILTON Alr Without Draugï¬g Fajrvi niment Iva-«2 sW’ai’eWébï¬ an?! ‘ï¬ehge: red! From" _ 1 thou- thousand itiéigs‘fhaf aut, gs if they Were hu; eii~swhd aélig‘nt £7516 ‘event!- " ’ Néi'er‘ ï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜fhé‘ wot-kt will l'thbï¬e‘ Fh'in‘e' lle,‘S’ébTL 30, 1 , (10., Limited “rigixgg‘lfvgï¬n 34) jar t the cost of a small jar Gigli'ï¬â€˜am- .k v- ‘ 'éif‘ cord cream one can prepare a full .‘5. s'up'efloi; article, quarter pint of the most wonderful sprawl-e ‘ef for so; > lemon skin softener and complexion "’w‘h‘eï¬â€œ ‘teu‘ yOu‘ Beautiï¬er, by squeezing the juice of mug}; jï¬xme‘ mica Ltwojre lemons into a bottle con- btflé; I [ï¬Ã©aï¬â€™ifj “ "'Itainin three ounces. of orchard white. rs truly, _ iCaye should be taken to strain the HA‘S.‘ F. “- iju‘i‘cel'through a} ï¬ne cloth so no lemon “‘V'H' ‘7 †t ‘ 7' ~lX-pulp getts'l'iï¬fthen this lotion will keep “ l at: ‘. . "<-.:v ifre'sh‘ for intonths. Every woman jknodish'fliat'llemon juice is used to sea 8130 R8 .vhe1 I ‘V’I‘RAININ’G ‘ CANADIAN YOUTH Ye trumpetswsound a requiem,» Ye red, red; wateï¬ï¬ cry) Your lamenfdtioï¬g; ‘coé‘sf 10“" I And .¢P?i§§essééliï¬ï¬.’$heï¬khg ' Thé Demand for 'l‘eéhnically Canada has' very‘im’purtdnt naturzil resources, requiring Capacity to develop them. ..‘Wha.t are we doing. to.-_produqc this capacity? Howimgny‘ ._o_£ on? farmerg’hchildt "33ng the qualitiegi , We..are not doing justice to the! 'riéing"generaltion.w At the close of the war,' Canada \vill noi'doubt see a? influx of immigrants from the Euro; 'pgaaï¬cougtriestfl Their sYstem of in: Fdï¬sï¬â€˜ial'traiï¬ing‘ has put-them in 3 position to understand thé theoretical .39 wellAas the practical side of theii means of livelihood. Canugla will havj to meet these [European ebuntries i competition for trade, and, to do sci (successfully, her manufa’ciuring an bther lines of activity must utilize al trained help available; to‘flisecure thi result it will be necessary to give th .mogt important positionsgto our for eighib'om residents. We" wi‘may theiï¬ realize, too late, that we h‘ai/e been uni ‘fair to our own childreziï¬: Industriai with ï¬ght classes, 9351mm sbéLï¬paW, and"? as?" important part, of all educational work, and at: Imf'bf'ï¬iï¬iiï¬ï¬â€˜p?87§¥ï¬Ã©aé'ï¬mtif years of age, should be compulsory} Probably 100,000 :boysl‘and {11115 from. 14~toy'16‘ years:off'é.ge Van'hual 1 aye schgolfli'n'Caqéd'a' to' engage .1 VSome O‘c‘cu’pa ’91) Vcohnecfed with mam;â€" factu‘ring'L',’ égiiéulture‘, mining '1' tfahepbffatiohi Th'el'bi‘e'sérit‘ “g‘éner l plah of éducéit'ion‘does' not ‘pi‘ovi e sufï¬ciently-hi these young ‘peopl. They are‘istep'ping‘i'out into the-wvorfd to ï¬nd their Way,‘ with ,an‘_almost (2%- tirely literary education; The a9- prentice-usystem incur industries is almost a. thing of thevpast, and. the youth in ouriiactoijilegand other: bus? ness organizations iiis‘l'eft to pick up 33 smatterihg 9f his:intuyefogéubation #5 bvest'he‘ may, thyvitlisf'ahding thik, every manufaeï¬uref'will ag‘i‘ee'. thzit propefl‘s,v “trained help is'th'e’ beé‘t i1}:â€" ve‘stment; Germany, in'th'éipa'st years, has ‘a'mp’iy‘ ‘d'eni‘ohst‘rét‘ted value-of technica'ittrain-ih‘g: ' - f of soil and the proper fertilizers to use-for best results? Mgr. Choquette has told/us of the Belgian farmer": knowledge‘of‘hiws ian‘d éndhis' scienti- ‘fl'c use of it; Can ‘wa hope to meet him on «we» oer-mail.» .How many-1-ametzil workers know the composition anal working qualities; oft their, raw mater} 'ia’Iss 3"Do wrearp’enters', 'tex’tile work?F ers, employees in our ceramic ant? othtr industries know why they per} form ce'i‘tain operations and why they secure the results they do? .WWKETJE Wat" Dog. I turn the crimson. ge of war, And here I ï¬ngi' ur nagge, V_ “ A coml-gï¬â€˜ezgéï¬e‘lgan shrapfé}; sygfï¬edg And b“ tle fangg. ' ’ A friend-.915 man, a 'friend bf £611, Of royal blood and true, Who mgt_t11e :heIlâ€"hiqytnds, brgast A 50;? yer, fljr‘oughF agd thrd‘ï¬ï¬h. Make this beauty lotion cheaplyrqu‘g your face. neck. arms and hanï¬s ‘3 hat thofldflkï¬kir Eeu‘utiï¬Ã©r. ' ï¬nal-fl; Guru Diphtheria leac} We W'orkérs is Imp‘erative “£1,111.65 5 sallowness a remove S "A‘Bï¬usz.mmn:u:uuun‘- 53.5w C - a - » ' IWMH‘: BEAU "FY [HE SKIN'tï¬Alarmï¬ [acreasgquiiiflyspepsia and stomach disorders is largely due to too â€"â€" much rich food, and the.widespread use of so-called digesktivc ___ E ‘1’ $3 .au‘y lotion cheaplyffqpflr‘w-Ej- Egmï¬ï¬‚wï¬g :Eg ipills ï¬ghgï¬e only temporary reliaf >4 0 'a' 3' "Wk arms and hangg ; ; 5:51; anse 0_ {mini} the stomach later on, _. tealxze Lt is the V61 mm 0th so no lemon lotion will keep Every woman Ice Tand emishes Trained i311 So Mrs. Jos. R0get5tfééd Dodd‘s Whe*’i}0'sï¬or "Did Not -' *- I Do Her Las’iing Good months. ' " Backache, heart flutterings, sciatica, neuralgia, Iï¬rvbusness, dizziness, and failing ‘m‘é‘mory were ambhg my symptoms. the too my mil‘ “I took 12 boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills in all, and I can say for them that they have done. me Zall uth Fwas claimed for them." If you )gageg'any of the symptoms that troubléd AMrs. Roger, askyour neighbors if Dodd’s Pills are not the remedy yqu igélooking for. Popular . _;1{gpbit Wool. Rabbit‘ héii‘:‘is supplanting wool in the felt hat making industry of Aus- tralia, where there are thirty factories in operation at present‘making use of rabbit fur for thisqpu‘rpose. It is said to be superimth the ï¬nest mer- ino, and millions of rabbit skins are made use of annually. mnard‘s Linimug't‘QIu-el Distemper. '. Sore E Ey InflJmed by x In. no . uiduy rillcveé by Mu ; 1! In you: Eyes-“din b 0%â€; Humminhd EyeCo-hfl 37.75.}. 'm. an. 'rLTA’aTKJ'JE‘EJ. 3.... Ask lurulo 87° Remedy 00.. Clam. a ‘buf of EEK-p? :3 e ample egg: " A " m fle‘ï¬ood, magpie pleés: Hré'i ~sn'np'le §loth‘é"s. \Vol‘kma‘f‘fl, pl'ayi' hard, plgy ha'rd: Work, at, recreate 'anii'h'sleep. Ed it: all} 'co'm‘ag’eou'slyT Wezhsv‘e; awittgfgi toï¬vin. “ Put a teaspoonï¬liï¬â€˜bt hydrochloric acid in your mogthgï¬hlold it there ï¬ve minutes ‘andtvall‘ (1:91; tissues will be burned nd' inflamed. 'Yet you go around uh a glasstu'l or more of this same powerful acid†. ' ' In :3 Q. E'â€" o :I q o z: a. ('0 ‘1 A will; b‘est‘wky is tb‘-codsu1t‘s)'reuab1e stomach specialist or take a. little ordinary bisuraggplfgz‘pagnesinâ€"nothing‘ elseâ€"to neutxg’liï¬ r7igomaeh ' acidity and thereby r’ï¬ï¬mre, 9 cause of your stomach distrg ' . burns and huyts and'ï¬â€™ digest? Aug; 'heny r ‘ add ptdiiléch ' agrd gammy). J2le thexsweehf’mééts and pota- 0125; .‘you eat and the tea, coflee arid minors yotrï¬xdnk, and makes. a lot ï¬lhrï¬acm. ' . ’ 7- ’ '1 th_e'~::ap‘id may eat ‘1ni‘911vouy stw "(Eh walkiéni‘bducing a Stomabh 111; ï¬iï¬pr. 1658:5351“, ;‘ and 0le half the cï¬ï¬â€˜s’ bf stoma! ulcer ever gei‘nfen ,Iï¬gï¬iï¬kfllful treatménat‘g 'iha o Sooner or later! a!) die! and A‘émw‘S'TéiM-‘AQH Psiâ€"DANGEROUSE’; . “$595.17ngREQUENITCAH§§E:"0F TCHR‘ONIC DYSPEii‘SIA.’ tell you Wait I have not lost, a day's ork as teacher during the past year." That is the statement.._qf Mrs, Jos. oger, the dwell-kn‘e‘wh‘ and‘ipbpular ‘acher here. Just how ill she washe- ‘re using Dodd's Kidney Pills is best dd in her own words. “My troubgleï¬ame from a strain," 1e says, “2.381131 suffered {or‘thirteen You must Aneu'ti‘alize:athe‘ï¬L'idiainggjnomVVstomach. says Doctor, or give up eating :jweets, meats, potatoes and salads ’2Ԡf P“? aï¬d‘ï¬â€˜iï¬t drinking tea, coffee or liquor. What rom :5 ‘ (182‘. U} New Brunswick Teacher Tells .Smpnï¬id .Re‘sults She Got boddl’Is' Kidneyl‘Pill‘s: ' K‘ ’INB Granulated Eyelids, Kidney Pills. my *‘jix‘fl don made y' Pill K lit); 'ihe re, and always hen s 9 * imagiiéigmaï¬Ã© Pamj ‘Liun ""'“"""“ ‘â€"' the Coiléné] has alv possibi that he Directx A small bomtle ot-fr-eemne{absits’wé‘r'zrl little at any drug store. but will posi- Lively take on every hard or soft corn } or callus. This should be tried, as it ; is inexpensive and is said not to irri-‘l, Iggte ‘ l,g'ilf youlggiï¬isféï¬fgï¬ezonek tell him to get a small bottle 1’07? yoï¬' from his wholesale drug house. It is ï¬ne stuff and acts like ‘a. charm every t time. | The c or grga ity Wm people Good t1†You comâ€"pes’réred men and women need suffer no lo'nger. Wee} {be shoes that nearly killed you before,“ gays th-ï¬ Clncinnau authoflty, Bdc’ï¬iig‘e a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus 10089qu 50 11.93.11 be lifted off, root and a“, 'wimouflbzï¬n. Minard'a Linhneht Curel Colds. Etc. lï¬â€˜cura‘ï¬ler'Case of stolnacï¬flï¬x‘oubfe. Therefore he very careful ‘Wï¬â€˜ï¬fwï¬jâ€˜ï¬ take. The best was is toAtcons-uie a reliable stomach specialist or take a. little ordinary bisurated magnesiaâ€" nothlng elseâ€"to correct tac- tamach acidity, and thereby; remove. e,c§use of your complaint. ‘ ‘ ' l " If you have an mm‘swmgch. :ymli must conï¬ne yoursel {98. ding 0! milk and eggs, or it you“ Wis-h ‘(o éLt s‘ucï¬ articles of food as meat, potatoes, sal- ads, sweets or rich fong oxf gggï¬egpr drink beer, wines, liquors; tea or cor. fee, you must take a beaspoonful of bisurat‘ed magnesia Immediately’after legt‘ï¬ngqo neutralizang acidity; 38122. léhgw that 99 per, cqnt.,,qt.Ԥhe ï¬ght) have d‘yspepsiï¬' an’d i'ndl- _'"‘ ti wave an exoess of acid, and ';is thegreall cause of‘ftmeri‘r “ï¬lapnthe acid neutralized at all ï¬ggnggigï¬o that In no 10:13:91: gnmmga ï¬g‘itï¬mhch walls. eaf slow'ly and @sdcate your food .thomuxhly; [and ur stomach will soon get Well of its ‘:n accord. , H {mes venir MONEY ORDEBSV,‘ It is always sate to WQ‘Domipion xpress Money '3 Order: Flvé dollar’s vsts three Cents. b] e $ï¬$§ï¬hém m -s~;ï¬'am"""-Tsrrgi taking 30 dro - quf Homer Sclgcl's . . . 5L (é accumuhtion invtlgimuldes and jointing type c.“- j ï¬bï¬ ' "~' 0 warm "atjï¬xuggisu. arr} expe‘led, _ ' oorenes ’5 known â€"-~nrv, favnlie‘vin pain and of "él’a k = giï¬ac! containsnodapgenoro erstrong ‘ drugs to kill or maski e pain of ‘ rheumatism or lumbngo, it re- 50q. a bottle ‘ n moves the came. YES! LIFT;A CORNl " A 1 .- 9‘ OFF} WITH‘OUT PAIN Cincinnati "ï¬n tells how to dry up a corn or callus~sg>llt41fts ‘ off with ï¬ngémua RI Fiat lemand ï¬or fruit will be great ter than;ever because prosper- . pr‘evailJ and thaï¬im'eans that will warllt good"ï¬hings to eat. lings to eat means fruit. 33‘ H‘Tanliï¬osï¬ihflitjï¬u, ; w .. (sky's'fla'q‘cbif'é’s‘ï¬oï¬Wé'ï¬t‘ bf 'ï¬fé' Standard) are the popular f the moment, and every tumor is abroad regarding opme It hhs Beén greatIs'i“‘lin- Tank possibilities. A ment of production by America might have Itj-cgn be no se- men? ‘n impao i iias’ï¬een i‘gyvg IndeI )‘n'lof the ‘Ta'ï¬'k, nsistent in their be \remembe‘red ‘ed hï¬s job from lucxipn.flor.. i .1- éb‘a’s‘ï¬â€˜ï¬k ‘Ai ‘ Lemtoodxhaï¬be :se“ ormnrm ) longer gynam it re- ’2 bottle 6) n (9 3333339 WW J ‘. ELASR‘E “1 o @\ V. \ 7*\ It (o ’0 mm m _ ~ L Skimmed milk furnishes protelnl 4w labout half the outlay for which fhi, essential can be purchased as milk} 1 jsiakio a vqlmhlisou‘ice of antigen hydraï¬s and mineralywater. Thea .- ï¬ciency of fiat" in‘skimmed mllki is counterbalanced by the fat of @hd ordinary mixed diet. mum's Linlment Cum Guru u: ca?" ern Ontario. Doing a (and b . ness. Death of owner places it on market. . A great ch nos for man w t cash. Appl 80x3 .lelpon ublls 00.. len'e . 'runmm. , EEKLY NEWSPAPER IN Quebec’s forest land: cover an ai‘eï¬ of over 100 million acres. é ‘J Internal and extents}. cured V out pain by our home treatment. J us before too late. ‘ gBellmtn Mod Co.. Limited. Comnlwood. On ~ ! ‘V and job printing plant In Eu! Ontario. Insurance curled 81.600. I? 20 for $1,200 on quick Ialo. BOX‘ 9. Vvuson Publishing Co..._Ltd‘. Toronto. V ELVLV 'EQCX’W’ED‘ NEWSPAP‘R innd_job printing pla‘nng‘AEu‘t “x! Doctors Rerommemli Boll-0pm for the Eyégs Physicians and eye specialists pr - :IcriborBlon-Opto as a late home reme y in thrtnntment of eye troubles and o strengthen eyesight. Sold under mou y refund guaranty by all drugglsts. '1 This -Worhhâ€˜ï¬ Recommenéi Lydia 'E. PinkhamkiVegef fable Compoundâ€"4+1“ ' Persohal Experience. g wo;nan.â€~‘ers. OK}? No. 1, Mc'Lean, reln‘ McLean. Neb.â€"'"I wan't to recoil} mend Lydia EL‘Pin'k‘ham’s Vegetalflg Add r5; ï¬Â®t~c@zglï¬ticgrï¬mm;§. Bosto {LM‘X’ 561d ï¬ll‘ï¬hghom "-‘thc wml [scafmfldm d baby rashes th - #3,“; saws are we ‘ WET»; ANGER TUAMORS. 14mph Em, The Soul of: Plano Is the? Action; Insist on the E “ OTTO HIGEU’ PIANO ACTION mIOBLLMOVI 1'08 SAX-I Compound tjo aï¬ women‘ who Buff . from any functio r HiSthrbance, 85‘ has done me 11.10% 09d.‘.§h3n'.an this pctor’a medicine; SinCe takig it have a ï¬ne‘ ea] ’ babgsxéfland' ha ' ‘gaine in health a strengï¬h; My ha "-‘5 hansLAnd .1 b0 mth a KORREL MANN, IE ut