Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1918, p. 5

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Cattle and Farm tractors lmve her-n placed an the five list; by the Dumiu- ion Guvm-muvnb Ash “'udm-sdny, Um tilst day of Lent, wag nhwru-d in St. Mzu‘y's An- glican Chm-ch hv u >Pt'Cifll ski-vice iu the evauing. Rmumm HILL. ONT” hm. H. IQIR‘ The Furmm's Ciuh of King and \Vhitchurch held Ihvir annual “H‘Pl- ing in Aururn last week. S. P. Fume. Ol-ruve of Whitchurch, presidrd, and Addlesies we”: given by O. \V. Unnr: Mr. Hrndic. President vanmrkel Club; and Mr. R. \V. E. Burnaby. In View hf Uw Luzk of Hnspitul m:- cmumudntiun l’m- wtumml suldims. lbejui) full” prupully may he lenst'd to the Miliuuy Huspiml Ummmssiun. Mr. Almer Mt'thlfl‘. was kicked in the «to-mmle u («w days ngu by one u! Wrights Mde hnrsvs. which confined him to his lml. Furlunulcly, nothing unions in cunm-hi‘plulod. _ The Fuel Cnnll'olll'l expresses him- ielf as peifchly satisfied Wllll the H'- snlL of the neatleszxduys Lest. Many beatless dinner-a rcsnlwd nu Sunday as also umuy Lnlmcuulvss ours. as pm- liel failed to lay in llt‘L‘L‘hh‘zll‘y supplies before Sntmdny. - Presidcnt anm and Secretary Niohulls (If the Ricllnmnd HIH ugli~ cultural Society attended the cvnn-n- linu of Fairs and Exhlhiliuns dining Tuesday and \Vrdueuday uf this wvek. Roy?“ City Curling Club nf Guelph were the winners of Lhe Onhuiu 'l‘uuk- ard, defeating Oshawa by 11 shuts m the Film]. The G(|\’cl'l|nl'â€"Gellel'nI‘H was Won by Lnkvview. nf'l’munm de- feuting Dell‘llil in the Final. Some thirty {he drunks got an un- expected surprise on Muting in the 'l‘nrontu Pniice Uuuil, Who-ll Mugisâ€" [rule Dvnniuuu mderrd their disnmâ€" III. it being mu cold [,0 dispvnse jusâ€" tice. Some ruhhed their eyes. \vondelâ€" it.“ if they we“: mvnke, whilst utiwrs. to [nuke saw they Wt-l'e alive. pinchrd themselves (unnenifully. Wurd has Nun rectivod thinsut. W H. Busselt is ill in Chadwick Hospital, Oarliolo. Cumberland, Englhnd. Inflec- ing from she'll shnck and gas. Be an at present, lost the use of «He leg hm hopes are mnertninoâ€"d he will regain its usefulness. Sgt. Basso". Woll at. one time our Lady Tnilur in Richmond Hill and but hupes of rruumng here m cngnge again in his fmmrr occuva Mon. Abnle twn n‘clnck lust Sunday man-hing the Dr. we“ called to the U. N. R. shttiun. m attend a yuun" man named Shkw. who cullapscdnll the nation platform. frnm are-r emu-(inn. having \Vlll‘kt‘d fifteen hours continu- oufly m) the show plough. The young man was taken lulhe Metrnpnlnau Station, and sent to his hmuein T0- roam. A grand rxhibitinn nf fireworks was given Iratuimuslv by the Metrnpolitnn Slturdny murmng in eudeavuuring to propel their cars uvrr the ice-covered tracks and wires. Farmers frnm the outlying districts cuuhl easily diepenne with their lanterns dun'ng tho mrly marninz bums. so blight. and brilliant were the flashes of electricity emitted from the trullies. Many aviators hzwe met death 0n lheirlnitiul flights. (he latest, bring Cadet Fisher \vlmwas diacovvred dvnd in a field near Downsview by at farm- er with his wrecked machine. No (me witnessed the mishap and tho mn- chiue fell from an Altitude of 300 Dr 400 feet. The residents of \Vuodhridge unexpectedly an: a thriller on Sunday when Cadet Pmter landed with hlS machine un Main Street. The engine of the cadet. suddenly stalled and he had m make thu descent on the wide street. He escnped injury and after his muchine was repaired returned to the uerdrome in safety. “79 need no further intrnduction than the fact that we have been in the Nursery Business SIXTY-ONE YEARS. and are now pxepared to meet existing conditions by offering uur high-grade Tues and Plants dinecc to customers at ROCK Bow. 'rox PRICES. Send for our Illustrated Circulars of handy varieties. which you can ordor direct and save the agent:- commission. of which you get the benefit. Our prices will be sure to interest you, and all stuck is IMO- lubely first-class and true to name. THE CHASE BROTHERS CO- OF ONTARIO, LTD,‘ I NURSEOYMEN. _ ESTABLISHED 1857. Cdlborne. Fruit Trees And Plants FOR SPRING PLANTING. Ontario. ' AThe Executive nf the Richmond Hill U grlculuu-nl Society met at the house 1 cf Mr. .3. S. MuNnir inst Saturday svening. ie\ ised the prize-th and cun’ idered other impnrwnt business in cunnectinn with the Fair. After their iarimnrs were concluded. they Were in- vited to the dining-mum by Mrs. MC Nuir. whvre Lhetirvd Direclnrs were surprised to hehnhi n. hunntifui repast spread. It. is Needless to suv full jusâ€" tice was done Lu the gund things pro- \ided and after thanking the kind hostess for her hospituiity, had a Very lpleasant, Hde home m'er the crust- iuden snow. fences being no nl)strm~t- inn and gutesnn hindrance. The rih- huns were in the careful hands ut' stunt Jimmie McLean. "Thr- Condiliun of the Fur Seuls Tn- dny" hy Bunnycustle- Dale: "His First Duck" by F, V. \Villialns; ‘ Thu Civilizng hf Split Ruck” by M. A. Ska“ ; "lnjun Devil" by H. A. Sturtzel; “A Tuilvl Setfnr the Camper" by E. G. Brvwel; The Old Time Hiveâ€"r Brigudv" by R. J. Fruzu: "Wandering Trails" by H. C' Huddun; A Hunt With New Brunswick Guides;" lhese are some of lhostories and articles that go tn nmke upthe mid-winter nnmhw- of Rod and Gun in Canada. pulviished at, \Vund- stuck. (MIL. hv W. J. Taylor Limited. In addition to Lhenbnve theirF-shruury :i\1r|ibeI-cox_miii\s undvr the heading «f "Guns and Almuuuitiun" twu flue articles lly oxpwt qummuh. muner Thus. K. bro and Major Tuwnshend \Vhelen. Mr. [we is described by the editur of Lhisdupzuuuent us "undoubt- rdly the finestvuu'get shut, with the .22 Iifle that that has ever lived“ and his ulticle on Repemin and Single Shot, rifles willhe ren wiLh great Interest, by gunmen. The Red Cums Skming party, In: shun- gning to be uwnll. Thu Indies have A booth fixed up. And good things there Ln sell, You may come all tagged in costume. A prize perhaps you," get. And if you cume ynu will have Aswrli time that I'll bet. At the annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Board of education the fulluwing uflicers Wrre elected for the rnsuiuglyemb-Uhnirumn. H. A Nich- ollu: we chairman. I. S. G. Van- oils; Vu-e chairman. I. S, G. Van- \VnI-1;Mamuzing ()nmmitleeâ€"Dr, R. L. Laugslafl'. (Chainunu) Rev. B. McKee. (:‘r. Cuwie. Spr. Victor Metculfe 7780“ C. Com- pany Int Cam. R. R. [reaps trance. writes that hr received his Xmas box which was in gnud cundiliun, and cumin; the following menu. which he enjoyed on Xums Day He also says the Tnnst Master n at present, in Eng- lvmd. being deem-Med by King George with Military Medal. MENU Dmenâ€"Cream of Tmnntu Soup. Roast rib: uf beef. Ronni. stuflod Turâ€" key. Chicken u in mode. Mashed pour toes. Fem: pelit pois. Plum pudding Brandy slum». Mince pie (Old recipe). Celery. Apples. Min-d unite. Giuness' stout. Buck beer. Cafe nu luit. Cignre. Cignreuvs. 7 SUPPERâ€"Steak and Gilulrt pie. Uuid I‘OMSL beet. Unld hum. Sliced tomato salad. English pickles. Cheese. Apri- cms. Hume-made cakes, Tea, Oefiee. Are ahead of any argument we cm offer in their behalf. Nothing we can lay here will quite. come up to the sausages themselves. Delicious and Dainty, Toothsome and Tasty. Homemade, About 6 to the pound 22c Little Pig, about 12 to the pound 25c Davies Cambridge, about 6 to lb. 25c Special Country Sausage about 10 to the pound ...... ......28¢ Frozen Headless and Dressed Haddock ...... . . . . . ...l2§c lb. 2 to 4 lbs. each " ””””” Haddie Fillets . . . .22e. lb. Finnan Haddic....l7c. lb. Choice Prawns . . . . . . . . . . 40c. pint Ohoice Whitefish Cleaned, 16 0:5. lb. Choice Fresh Cod: Headless and Cleaned,.............. 12} ctst. Special Values in F. l S H gpi Our Sausages Officers Elected Obuintble at. ANSBRiDGE’S E A T A 2K E T Sir Henry Pcllult hus kindly im‘iu-d ‘the members ofthe Thmnhill Honi- cultnrnl Society mind their friends In Visit his greenhouses on Salllldny . next. Feb. 16 Specml car will leave Thul-nhill at, 2 o'clock. Everybody welcmue. Remrn fare 25c. The Thurnhill nwmhm-s \vnuld wel- come any nf the Richmond Hill men;- bers who wish to go along. A grand concert, will lw given in the Methodist. Church \Villmvdalo, under the auspicps of me Ladies Aid nn'l‘hurs- day evening Feb. 2191. Splendid tal- ent has lu-en received for [he nccnsiun. Half the proceeds to heduvntvd In the Y. M. U. A. (worse-us fund. Admission 2') 013. Ounccrt at 8 p. m. +§¢+H+MHWÂ¥++-r+++ {-+++H++N+M++++++++W~Q I‘ A ply N. O. Hagennnn, Rich- mond ill. 0R NALEâ€"A maven r-mnwd brick hang. on Richmond Shut, Oak floors. fireplace. furnace. Plectric lights. Ap IV to E. P. \Vellwond. Richmond ii]. / 3%! WANTED â€"1() 2 months old pigs. \V. Free-land. Int. l2. cnn. 3, West York. Dufferin st". Failhnnk. FOR SA LEâ€"Aqunulity of potatoes. uhnut [00 bus. of nuts. lot 48. Con. 2. Vaughan, John Kilklund. 32-2 OR SALEâ€"l white \Vynndnue Cockorel. 1 white \Vyandotte Cuck. Both choice Mid: and in an A-I condition. h-omJnhn S. Mal-Lina heavy laying llmiu.I.H. Suudersnn { OR SALEâ€"Good hnuee. stable. Gat- nge. one acre land. Nico-1y situ- ated. One 4»! the most. comfortable homes in Maple. Possession given most any Lime- Apply E. Lahmer. Maple. Ont. 323 The Rink will be open on Wedneu days from t to 5 p.m.. free to children under too yum of age. 0 RENTâ€"A five roamed cottage. reasolmble rent. on Richmond St. Apply to Mrs. H. Robinson. Rich- mond Hill. “'ednesduy Evenings â€" Admission for all 10 cents. . ‘ Saturday Eveningsâ€"Adult! 16 cls.: Children 10 cents. OR SALEâ€"10 acres clay loam sail a never failing stream. a good brick bungalow with, summer kitchen. hand and soft wnter. good out buildings. orchard etc. Lat 22. Gun. 4, Markham. Apply to Mrs. Jennings. Gormley. 30-4 Wednesday & Saturday Evenings Fol SALEâ€"Goat. Ladies black, pelâ€" sian lamb medium length. size 36. splendid condition. will sucl-ifice fur $75.00. Satisfaction guaranteed 01‘ money refunded. Miss Duke. Hysiop Brothers Ltd. Toronto. 29-4 ANTEDâ€"~Live poultry of all kinds. Muhnnys, Centre St. East»? Richmond Hiil. Best market prices. 2944 0R SALEâ€"A huh cow and (:qu B A N 0 Saturday Evenings Richmond Hill Skating Rink VVant Ads. AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE Overseas Envelopes Open for Skaters on \V IL LO \\' D A L E THORNHILL J. A. Moxxuu', 7.30 to 10 p.m. Chuiuunu uf Cummiucn TICKETS \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST Wlllowdale Builders' Supply Co’u I. & G. H. MCKENZIE. WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO We Can Supply You Coffeeâ€"We have one that Will suit the most ex- acting taste lb .................................................. Old Cheese of appetising flavor 1b.. ............................ 326 5 lb. pail of Edwardsburg Syrup. ................................ 53c Italian Macaroni pk. .................................................... 14c Spagctta Prepared Spagetta, tin I5c lee Fire Brick Plaster Paris me. __._.‘ Only one lot left on Church St" 80 ft. front by 160 it. deep. gravel l-(md entrance to garage. Ornamental and fruit new. This is a [are choice to secure a beautiful place for a. new home Some chuicelots on Church St, Baker Ave. and Roseview Ann. hbeul discount for cash. or 81.00 per foot, down an. three to five year agreement. Flowers tastefully arranged for weddings. funerals, etc. Roses and Carnations Phene Richmond Hill, (at nights and Sundays Belmont 989, City GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILL GREENEOUSES AND OFFICE 152 Rosmuwx AVE, Tonoxro Toweiings Table Linens Hosiery, Gloves Saxony Flannelettc Striped Flannelettc Underwear Flannelette Night Shirts House Furnishings Knitted Goods Dress Goods Men’s Duck Pants Fancy Goods and Notions And Other Lines of General Dry Goods. I. LAW R EN C F CONCRETE HOUSE Atkinson & Switzer LAWRENCE STORE ULOSES AT SIX RM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY Hard Wall Plaster Plaster Boards Mortar Colors . Plaster Cement Boards Sewer Pipe Colors Weeping Tile Also Flour and Feed H ICH MON [3 HILL. ONT.

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