Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1918, p. 6

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. V"--- vau nu nun. “wow ' __ worse, she had called up the police on youliixirh17¥§illhuglodhlggton Y”??? the tslgphone, and. at. least, a dozen 'Monte caught {h'é‘man by the arms genaarmes Were “0"! 0n the” Wa)’: and forced him' again into his chair. The pain In Monte 5 arm was agate” . J» $553.1} é‘SdeeévM-fiag i 4‘ ¢ 94 o a.” wand abhmagsfimm Mvflmfilfiéfas â€"llmp- Exhausted by his exertion, Hamilton 1y as an empty Lleevei huh fortunate‘ 4.... .. a sat th ' , - 1v, it was not lgleed a greatld'eal,r, _ ‘ eigfézitmg f9r greetb “1:13 eyf f” . ’43 fimessing thing‘s‘ ' I “w 13,â€" 2, a} herefoge, by a1- ' o 6 u-- (we ml. wlt _with an honest_ ways keeping his good arm toward to_God love?” . the ladies to conceal from them “It's with a“ t - - 1w ,_ disagreeable, consequence of, H‘ mil-l iflg‘torn,” he‘igfiaLRSEE‘ ‘l'S'Vm ‘me’* 90:“ ' ll'iton’s rashness. 9‘ _. ‘ “Hum-v out and get 23 téxi.‘ ‘ 9n _ he ilslizdwhat does she mean to you . “We cm“; allow the man to 1 ' 1‘ o r n A r ., nuiflAl-hzfllhé’é l‘d‘tiphdifefiy ansfizl’ga ed? -'-' ‘ fl ' . Q Hém‘ilton. M‘All that’s to “,ork“ ‘He tued 1.0 :hOOtâ€"‘hlnlké f v; 1" f , » askgd. _ U . gunfii§é§£ffi£§fi$é§$fi§§fifi§”"“I‘<%‘h°r’3cfil%?é’Emu“s . ‘ . .' . . ,I l , SQ.” boat. I was coming- nvm- horn n. nrnw tlled to do. Hull) D 8:! fl--- -uv n LIAM. I counted the hours at night to the time when the sun came}: and I could .see'ih'er again. I didn”t’ ‘egin to live u til then ,_he rest of the time I was any whiting to live. Every time ,s'he came ill-“sight itâ€"it Was as if I \vé‘re resuri‘ected, Covington; ,as if in the-«f mean-while ‘I’d been dead. I thought at first I had a chance, and [ planned to come [backhomenIvith her \t'Q db."things.-a' 'Iannted-to do big things for her. I thought I had a Phance' all the While, until she came here.â€"until this morning. Then, ‘yhen sllepnly Ismiledtheil‘, I lost‘ my headli. - ~ .. 71188 “It's with all t ‘ere, ‘15,.111 me; COX: ifigto-n’," he-‘Eéilal‘h"“ ' "" ‘ W ' .The pitwa lawns, ofixeouvsegthat-“so little was left in himâ€"that so much had bebn wasted, so much soiled, in the last few years. The wonder'Wa's thaé so much was left. 37%;“ w % div; ,mégmg . n g- tg-Cilzi 1132331.. Wu “That I love her,” gasped Hamilton. “She thought I was lying. I couldn’t make $w$efiewifi*-I~1¢fl~y0uf‘8he justnsfat there and smiledâ€"not believ- m . - gCreed Tfionte?’ mg.“-‘ . v .f' V . . “Good “LEM-1M3?! 'fionte?» "fin? gen} mean that.y0u,rea‘lly do,,lov,e er . ” ' ' ‘ Hamilton sprang“ with' what little strggth there was in him. “She wouldn’t believe me," exclaim- ed Hamilton. “I saw it in her eyes. I couldn’tmake-her believe 'me." . V “‘Bélieve‘ What?" Hamilton got to his feet and leaned against the wall. He was breathing rapidly, like a man in a fever. Morit’e studied HhVixirâ€"z- '5' curious interest. “She drove me mad. I didn’t know what I was doing.” , I ' “In just what ‘way do you blame hegzj’ inquired Monte. “What business is that of yours?” demanded Hamilton nervously. ‘ “MiSS Stockton and I are old friends,” he answered. . “Thenâ€"she has told you?" “She gave me to believe,you:made a good deal of an ass of yourself this morning,” nodded Monte. Hamilton sahk'"back limply in his chair. _ . ~‘-"»I didg" he gl‘éanedi “Oh, my God, I did!" . “All that businéss of waving a pis- tolâ€"I didn’t think you were thot much, of__a_,_cub, Hamilton.” ' ’ ‘ " ‘ ' M “What was the la?” asked Mont? d’mflton ans'wel:c “I meant to end If I lost mv new; suicide: X . W‘/ CHAPTER V. “It seems to me," he said, “thdt if 9. Pistols man loved a woman,â€"really loved her, Evidently young Hamilton did not. â€"then one of the things he would be 1r Monte come down the stairs, for‘ most anvious about Would be to make was .sitting' in a chair near the winâ€"‘ her haPDY- Are You With me 0n ’V. Wlth his hand .in hief handgunnd that?" -.\ 2 - 1 VJ te assed} e couk ‘m glad that? answe a ,.na§si.on hours at night to the un came}: and I couild I didn”t’ ‘egih to live rest of the time I was 0‘ liye. _ Every time 4993335227845421; Hamiltor 11 down. ’ hand even idea :1 with ‘30 léd W bl‘liV the :10 the‘ seeme Then-1195a: down in a,cha his knees were beginning to Marjory was back in a n when she ~came in Mbnb‘e w ifeet agaihz. ' .fLAnd; depends whether Monte. . ,Hamiltohbimself .had staggdred to h‘s feet, and, 1 aningagainst the_wall, i'as ‘st‘ai'ffig‘bféhkly'ht the confusion about himsl. f! Monte turned to Marjory. ,. “Hurry out and get a taxi,” hefs‘ai'q. “We, can’t allow the man to b; amâ€"esr- $11.1 P w- an It was no very difficult matter for Monte to wrest the revolver from Hamilton’s weak fingers, even with one arm hanging limp; but/it was quite a different proposition to quiet Madame Consormdeapie, who'Were screaming hysterically in the Hall. lMpar'oll'gv to be sure, was splendid; but m s 3 aauid do little with madame; who insisted that some one hadfbeen‘ mui‘déred, even when it was quite‘V'ob- Vious,’ with both men alive, that this was a mistake. To make matters v Monte heard a deafening report, and felt a biting pain in his shoulder. A‘s he staggered back he saw a pistol smoking in Hamilton’s hand. Recov- ering, he threw himself forward on, the mgn and bore him to the floor. 11 E l“Th§ti"s yoin- own suggestion?" said Hamilton, tottering to his feet. “Exactly.” , “Then,” said H milton, “1’11 see you in hellfirstu 'It’s 0 basineSS of yours, I say.” “But it is,” said Monte. “Tell me how it is,“ g'l‘owleclflam;i :ilton'... - r ‘ - h- “Why. you see," said Monte quiiet- lytlfMlsshchkrtoeranq I are engaggd." “What. do you mean?” _ ,fi‘Steadywnow," warned Monte. “I méaln 'just‘what I say. She can’t stay here and let you camp in her 'front ha'll. Even Madame Courcy wonft stand for that. Soâ€"why don’t you 'gét out; quietly and without any, confusion '2” He ' The old inad light came back to Hamilton’s ~eyes. ' “Did She Ask you to tell me that?” “No”? answered Monte; “it is my oWn 'fde .‘ ’ Because, you see, if you dgn’t go_shefll have tof’r broke 'in. ' , f'Admitting that,” resumed Monte, “I should think the best thing you cquld do would be to go away and sbbel‘ up.“ “Go away?” “I' Would.‘ I’d go a long wayâ€"to Jaggn or_ India." _ _ . ‘Hnmiléon‘ ‘raisecfihis 'head. “Yes,” he answered. ._ , “Then,” continued Monte, “indoes‘ n'tr seem1 "to me that you are going about it in just the right way. Wav- ing pistols and throwing fitsâ€"" . _ “I was mad, I tell you,” Hamilton M “He friéd to’ shootâ€"‘himsel‘fi‘?'3L géh'e 'uY ou lie!" ant ‘_,s at flie door,” she 53 the spuhd. other vbic t} l.tlyby the érm me on," he ordg shOYed the_boy 11 M ll m1 rom- his 61‘5‘ chbked' ‘Hamiltonv. “You < in a minute, and Mbnb’e was on his mead M 111' 7/11 H weak iuse ArticiesWanted fin \gt’v. ---‘-“-"‘" "" ‘- ~â€""' ‘ '1t;ls,eagsy w m; howuseful: su.c},x::.a_ " 'qpntiivm'cg‘ .is ,ljkeix .tmbefifot- exam"- plehenabling‘ a‘ flock of fighting“ bird- Lmeta, (who Mam-operatetinfsqwd‘rons): to .mlkwith ona another-‘whflé f high in,.the airm Théy5can’6h'us: mLfifierfite‘ to rgu’eater'édvahta‘ge, perhaififfifieyih‘g‘ the spok'en'ordéfiVOf‘ “i ,"Offiégr-V‘j‘n' v ,4 I W I| ,3 .â€"‘ command. ‘ ., The talk of‘the flyjpgrgnen audiblé,‘ ‘nf course; onllv ‘to;t‘}fé' bars ‘of onegzmh gother. ~pr this 'g'ééfiééfiitfiif’fqys; from Ithe' ciir‘fi'érsiitiéii" 'o‘f “and wild geese. . “ 0f the langua e of. hese.,big;gls some. 'little'h'as been: éafiLé fby’ natél‘ZaIi's'fs, ‘V‘hb‘ 3593' thafq‘it.‘ ,ils.‘ filoi'eryonwlex than ‘ mpst’ “pe‘rs‘0n§ _,.;suppos,e.l;{ 1 The? ‘pro‘W‘ has thr,e.ej..difier_ent,.*fl&l}s- that 3 {mean warning oflgdangerw'rdnefdft them 1 v I’éfirdiiig'"'t'612fii‘t" s‘iv‘éiii'éE's; caps joined the class. She was j'ou £¥§£h*;- My??? fiéfizmir cla a long-drawn ~“tiaI-a-a-awz"“"1153”brdin- ary conversational remark isv “owk, owkn owls,” s‘athgr..quiqk,1y uttaered. _‘ Tfie':dzinggt,-i§zalsrling may. of the wi’ld gopsé :is a longidjawn :Wowuasa-nk." ,But‘sitmas othe-r~motes for‘ s‘ig‘hglling‘ the start" to?» fly,- -"2f§1‘:‘so('iafl“t‘_éilll<, ’et Cetera. " > ‘ . ,The aviator wears a head-Eelephone ‘arrangément which, with its receivers clasped close to his ears, is structural: 1y 3* Raft of his lleathey he]p1_et:’"-A‘ transmitter. is..attachpd to his pel‘sor} .in mule wthersamezway ‘as'rsudff things. 'aré' worn by telephoné girlsi‘asb' as' to be convenient for talking.=-' ‘ i Suspended from the airplane - is a .wire that Vserves “tha‘pu'rp‘o’se' of an antenna." The who'le‘fippbratus 'is me? markably' simple, an‘d‘”_the"' (flaim. ‘is. inade that it"Wiu éfig‘lf'y‘bgal, ,Speech 200' miles’.‘ ‘But 'o‘raifiamy ' it 'will - not be arranged for covering any such-im- necessarydistainrce, »- l,- 1 » ' " In _',th,e: box are .cqils, cogndensei's and a, small astqrége battery, wjnich is chargécl with electricity by a vrev‘olving fanâ€"a little wind propeller energized by;‘ pressurevas thgflying ma- t}:in is. driven along. ..-‘ U 6 The apparatus (as it has been final- ly perfected) is contained in a box a foot andva h2.‘f long. afootâ€"wide and a foot High. It is thus very compact, 3nd,,weighing-only‘about ten pounds, is easily carried on an airplane} dangerousuAprveall things, he Angst remain 'édHSCibdé.‘ Hamilton was gueit because he (thought; Monte: still had the.gun_ andywas still able to use it; but let. himswagy, and. matters would he reversed..~, Sm~Monte gripped. his jaws and bent his ~full energy to keep, ing'wontml. elf himselfmntiiEthe cross: ed the Seine. It seemedr'like' a.full day’s joul‘Hey‘before-hea‘saw that, the muddy waters werebehin‘d them. Then he ordered-the driver t‘o stop. -.- WHamiltonTQ‘ shifit'yeye‘s looked up- “Hamilton,” said'P'Monte; ’“have,you got it clear yet thatâ€"that Miss Stock-â€" ton and rare engaged?” ~ l : Hamil‘to “did (not answer. -.~~HisI fing‘elé wé e t‘vollléi'ng nervously: lu‘ ‘ -v -- (rToibevconti-nuedi) . iNng,‘ “Ame‘lfid‘étjr birdmen are do Vit,'the instrument utilized fo‘r‘the purpose being the wireless telephone. Crgv'vs and: g§e§e, while, in flightplimit theirwconver‘sation to short dista’ cesj but our aviators can make ‘fheir’ gpoken words understood over ‘ many miles of intervening air. Everybody has heard crows calling to ,xomr anofiher grin ~ the airâ€"ta1king afte‘l" Jchéfi" dwfi fashion. Wild geese do the same thing, using a different language. _, ' ‘ ' ‘ » Oneflf‘fizh'emmremm‘kétmwabhjeve- ments of American inventiorf since‘tl're‘ war began has been the development of a method by\which flying men‘a'lje enabledebmspeak 4:0 ~'one another pvet long distances. " ‘ Ti Ena’bléé finhfi shqfii‘d‘ 15a?“ ‘31? well: After several m. women r'be‘ga-‘nn .to hir RSWQQRF A Sweéte‘r fo:r"pilly,v . « -W'v ¢ n‘tgm dQPMmet 51.0. lington Star, a large 1- WIRELESS iTELERHONE. «tj'o "Tall-k: ‘, ith‘ Another. ' ' ‘ lie Strbe daily arm wusiéthe a largevknljtfifig: Ikéwjypmsq are ers, caps and alt ,he, s” diers and ittjng: A Riva“: Iessons the take aminâ€" recruit 1g, she” 3 that ‘ cauld. 3Y8 ad dea perhaps 4th; ‘t‘h ignites 4% . . V mmmnmh»: “’7’ ‘ 1 '7' Wee with General 3.11;.“ f Mewburn‘, Nginister, of Militia, filial lfwfi‘mtgzéi er a stair; .“ ment pém mgl out that it is entirQ-Miu unneces rylfoz additional food to his n supplied. bi. fielééives and friends1 to Canadian soldigrs while in. this} country: liniwiew“bf'-tlie libéll‘hl andip varied food .rationdssueai io‘fhe troops “by the Milit-ia'imerpartment. § ma! 1 The statement, adds‘fch t p11; ,ag-g'm- ' gatb‘f‘duéntity of fpdd"thu*s privmayi" r:se11t[tqlfche s'oldi'e'rs' i's‘ive‘ry léi‘ée' aha i. Lthat much oi it, having been .comieyétl ‘l‘difg’ idi‘sta-nc‘ehs. in ,hegtec} ‘QXKPFESS 011., min cars, 'is more or'less spoiled and clonsequently injurious‘to t'h'é‘h‘é‘dlth ofv; 2' lthoin‘en.‘ The public are,.~therefore,‘; ' jasked to disrcontinup tho..prgctico‘ 'of'i {sending foo'dStLif’fs to ihe soldiers inf I ICanada.,.. v r " ‘ ' fire expl lay on. ,_« Theflwastefrgefel‘ltedzto can be: check @(3 Ko‘nwuibng‘etting: each sbldier’: 1'01“ “FocA figpqfioliflyiewed from (the eminence’ 6f the parish pump’ is very simpiegnbut” there"; are‘ ‘ n6 _‘parish pumps“ ixi' ‘ Ca'nAda not, sufficiéz‘zt; a'I-t'i; 'tfi‘dé ‘t‘é‘fifiifiifiahld' 'a,;vi_e;v o’f _th'e, forty: 'hineh fififa’iiélifi‘om _th Atiagtig to the .Pés‘ific'. $32595~ miles»; " : ..i,-“The..wa.n:is not :bejing :fought by one 'man. Canadd‘ presentsi'b.‘ solid front of some 400,000 men in - tho" trench‘eé‘.‘ ‘Thé Victory Loan of $450,- 000,000 was not raised by a few, was paid flvlby on'e' person in 99¢in lniuevthroughoqy C‘alinadaiu .Tii‘is‘ gvias "ailiivoltinteii‘ji “I Work under I.@ida-nce.’ .ow ‘ihgy fihé ,3vhoie situation and {He pr'gssinginecessity of conservation‘ and; production-have- been put- ‘before‘ the, g peoplefieaehvof the "eight: ‘ fniliio’n citizens of vGéijidaal'ishould 'c‘onstitum him or horéiélfg'a Food ._Cor,1t_i;oller. ‘ If is up‘ to evaryér’iéio'f» you to. §eev tiilfaétI .r gthejr'g 'fiblhrqéfli iu,1;he. line, . . u’ ,‘,Z,‘.“Th,¢;-wbgls, mistmcxaofl the case 11%] : Asummed “up in two; ~ :wordsngHRIET” and ,‘INDUSTRY.*" ‘G'et t0“ under“ stamdi the meaning? of both ‘of theser words and then ‘DO ,,YQ"U:R_‘UTMOST.’ Miracles cali'zipt‘" (36" performed; but . w --I- in.- I~ v enqy‘momly. 1 grfififfiu xgqod . acâ€" CPifipfisihefi‘gifi Wen-9H Pull ‘toge-bhen'ii .1 .gwu ..i v > ,, , . ‘ g .; Food! Comm] Comer : :.,“N&wp.that the: full.-sa:-iousn¢ss. of the, world; féod "situation ‘has been graspesvdi‘ by ' Canadians, 31:1“will devote their eheggiés 't’o' Hel'fi'i 1' and I construcâ€" tive caâ€"bpeflt'i‘on iri thi‘s‘nation-wide work. v b! ‘fully recognized._ The people of this country will then come to the concéusion that Canada. was truly fortunaltgwin the”, selection :9fi .Mrg Hanna’vafionqd_Clean-0116137 said Mr. . 'lx'l’I' -- 1‘“ 'P¥¢Sézfi¢§1‘<?slif9z~ beéd-mihded, cod-I Strudtwe co:9peration by. all the peo- ‘ifle ofirphg‘amgp‘qm‘jniony He also paid “‘in tn ,the wm'k of the Hon. Mr. Hanna, his’predecess‘or-in the'Ofi‘ice. féWhen- the history of ‘Food’Cofitrol is'writtem‘ the initial handliri'g: of a_ mqst'fl‘ifl'i L t" 'anH' ,c'bmplicated 'situa- tjon‘ ‘ Win, He‘léppreqi'déga. ,Not till then _w’fll th‘éj 'w'bfk,’ of theHon. Mr; Hanna .Mr. vH. B, Thomson; Can‘a'da’is new Food Controller, in' his‘first’ p‘érsmad' gubli‘cv“ statement, t‘o‘ the Cahadj‘a’n’ ismsadyâ€"JlZpagcs df Seeds, Maris, Bulbs, Implements agd Poultxy Sgppgies. Wbfliz ifs weight ‘in gold; Free- ' Writefor a cogy to-dqy. ' ‘ 1.5. , C0; Limited Qurg. 1918‘ Catalogue QUR DUTY I§DONE ' Business Eiiabllshed 1850 ' ‘ ' YourDutyâ€"“l‘o grow all the fo'odstuff possible and to get the best results, high-grade seeds, such as BRUCE’S are a necessity. .‘ ‘ Our Dutyâ€"To provide sufficient seed and of the highest grade possible. , BRUCE’S SEEDS Fan's: imminnIInIIunmImmmnnnmlln I‘I‘I ""Lhé‘larg'estg flowerii'in‘ the" world grows 011 the ‘Island‘r 'of ‘ Mindafiéo. It: habitation is fair Up "the 'Raxag‘vMoun- *taih, 2;500‘féé§~ ab‘gsy‘e ltzh'ghlevglof thq ’séaf "I‘heuneiti‘xfigs giW it the name 01 bblb.‘ Its; fun-Blown blossoms. is con- siderably over three feet in diameter and weighs twenty-twgkppundvs. Th; flwei" W51fii‘fiiféfihd'ihfiumatra and .‘S’géééilfééfi‘fiéifléfié- Scii'afééfiiurgia, i; $939139?” "its élfifio-N‘ereh‘a cw Hit: gilt] miés business methods for fine fax-merinoglonggr suffice. 'Farming recognized first as :1 phase of life. W'Thefarmer doe’s not‘fivgurwhls ad‘- 'countsA on an egg shell in these days of scientific preparation. Modern ef- ficiency hasadapted a‘ specipL book- §keéping'sys'téin directly tahis needs, ‘ owever_small his.plae.e, and-hefarms {by 1edger.‘:- MIN" ‘ They a 'e' grounded in'vthe general principlefof business first. Follow- ing this they are shown the necessity of accounts and the'inst‘mm‘c‘nts of credit.‘ Simple farm accounting com- pletes the c’durse. ~The 'training is re- édmmended by ‘the‘ v'g'cgtiona) officers teall the ‘men. who‘ enter upon any special farming. such as poulJ try or animal husbandry, as well as those who take the general course in agriculture. ‘ Farm bookdkeeping’ is: ‘nne of courses arranged for by 'the_ \to'cational branch of the Military‘Hospituis Com- mission in connection 'with the agri- cultural courses offered to‘ Returned s'oldiers in the University of- British Columbia. .The men who are taking farming courses aré mai‘sté'rihg the system of debits and creditri: . along with the problems of the Soil. _' éflavaurSI Soldier Fhrmérs Will Become Good 220 St. Pull St. W.. Montreal. no. 20 years of reliable trading Referqnogvâ€"Ty'won 33.. oz Oanada. BOUKKEEI‘ING FOR WOUNDED. Vegetable fits and natural flo‘Wer extrami'giv'q BABY'S OWN SOAP it‘s wonderfully poftcning and aromatic lather. ., Sold everywhere. Alba}! Snips leltcd. Mfisl. Montreal N‘.“‘SI'L VER Largest .Bud Business Men In éag‘hjown' Whete I go, ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Fthere was' gone WALKER: OUSE er iast, I and me via Autumn»! Wanqeq ‘ Rxgneat Price. Pntdl r My troubles then would last like that Proverhial ball 6! Show. pas JOY and 5815

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