. V"--- vau nu nun. “wow ' __ worse, she had called up the police on youliixirh17¥§illhuglodhlggton Yâ€??? the tslgphone, and. at. least, a dozen 'Monte caught {h'é‘man by the arms genaarmes Were “0"! 0n the†Wa)’: and forced him' again into his chair. The pain In Monte 5 arm was agate†. J» $553.1} é‘SdeeévM-ï¬ag i 4‘ ¢ 94 o a.†wand abhmagsï¬mm Mvflmï¬lï¬Ã©fas â€"llmp- Exhausted by his exertion, Hamilton 1y as an empty Lleevei huh fortunate‘ 4.... .. a sat th ' , - 1v, it was not lgleed a greatld'eal,r, _ ‘ eigfézitmg f9r greetb “1:13 eyf f†. ’43 ï¬messing thing‘s‘ ' I “w 13,â€" 2, a} herefoge, by a1- ' o 6 u-- (we ml. wlt _with an honest_ ways keeping his good arm toward to_God love?†. the ladies to conceal from them “It's with a“ t - - 1w ,_ disagreeable, consequence of, H‘ mil-l iflg‘torn,†he‘igï¬aLRSEE‘ ‘l'S'Vm ‘me’* 90:“ ' ll'iton’s rashness. 9‘ _. ‘ “Hum-v out and get 23 téxi.‘ ‘ 9n _ he ilslizdwhat does she mean to you . “We cm“; allow the man to 1 ' 1‘ o r n A r ., nuiflAl-hzfllhé’é l‘d‘tiphdifeï¬y ansï¬zl’ga ed? -'-' ‘ fl ' . Q Hém‘ilton. M‘All that’s to “,ork“ ‘He tued 1.0 :hOOtâ€"‘hlnlké f v; 1" f , » askgd. _ U . gunï¬i§é§£fï¬Â£Â§ï¬$é§$ï¬Â§Â§ï¬ï¬Â§â€"“I‘<%‘h°r’3cï¬l%?é’Emu“s . ‘ . .' . . ,I l , SQ.†boat. I was coming- nvm- horn n. nrnw tlled to do. Hull) D 8:! fl--- -uv n LIAM. I counted the hours at night to the time when the sun came}: and I could .see'ih'er again. I didnâ€t’ ‘egin to live u til then ,_he rest of the time I was any whiting to live. Every time ,s'he came ill-“sight itâ€"it Was as if I \vé‘re resuri‘ected, Covington; ,as if in the-«f mean-while ‘I’d been dead. I thought at ï¬rst I had a chance, and [ planned to come [backhomenIvith her \t'Q db."things.-a' 'Iannted-to do big things for her. I thought I had a Phance' all the While, until she came here.â€"until this morning. Then, ‘yhen sllepnly Ismiledtheil‘, I lost‘ my headli. - ~ .. 71188 “It's with all t ‘ere, ‘15,.111 me; COX: iï¬gto-n’," he-‘Eéilal‘h"“ ' "" ‘ W ' .The pitwa lawns, oï¬xeouvsegthat-“so little was left in himâ€"that so much had bebn wasted, so much soiled, in the last few years. The wonder'Wa's thaé so much was left. 37%;“ w % div; ,mégmg . n g- tg-Cilzi 1132331.. Wu “That I love her,†gasped Hamilton. “She thought I was lying. I couldn’t make $w$eï¬ewiï¬*-I~1¢fl~y0uf‘8he justnsfat there and smiledâ€"not believ- m . - gCreed Tï¬onte?’ mg.“-‘ . v .f' V . . “Good “LEM-1M3?! 'ï¬onte?» "ï¬n? gen} mean that.y0u,rea‘lly do,,lov,e er . †' ' ‘ Hamilton sprang“ with' what little strggth there was in him. “She wouldn’t believe me," exclaim- ed Hamilton. “I saw it in her eyes. I couldn’tmake-her believe 'me." . V “‘Bélieve‘ What?" Hamilton got to his feet and leaned against the wall. He was breathing rapidly, like a man in a fever. Morit’e studied HhVixirâ€"z- '5' curious interest. “She drove me mad. I didn’t know what I was doing.†, I ' “In just what ‘way do you blame hegzj’ inquired Monte. “What business is that of yours?†demanded Hamilton nervously. ‘ “MiSS Stockton and I are old friends,†he answered. . “Thenâ€"she has told you?" “She gave me to believe,you:made a good deal of an ass of yourself this morning,†nodded Monte. Hamilton sahk'"back limply in his chair. _ . ~‘-"»I didg" he gl‘éanedi “Oh, my God, I did!" . “All that businéss of waving a pis- tolâ€"I didn’t think you were thot much, of__a_,_cub, Hamilton.†' ’ ‘ " ‘ ' M “What was the la?†asked Mont? d’mflton ans'wel:c “I meant to end If I lost mv new; suicide: X . W‘/ CHAPTER V. “It seems to me," he said, “thdt if 9. Pistols man loved a woman,â€"really loved her, Evidently young Hamilton did not. â€"then one of the things he would be 1r Monte come down the stairs, for‘ most anvious about Would be to make was .sitting' in a chair near the winâ€"‘ her haPDY- Are You With me 0n ’V. Wlth his hand .in hief handgunnd that?" -.\ 2 - 1 VJ te assed} e couk ‘m glad that? answe a ,.na§si.on hours at night to the un came}: and I couild I didnâ€t’ ‘egih to live rest of the time I was 0‘ liye. _ Every time 4993335227845421; Hamiltor 11 down. ’ hand even idea :1 with ‘30 léd W bl‘liV the :10 the‘ seeme Then-1195a: down in a,cha his knees were beginning to Marjory was back in a n when she ~came in Mbnb‘e w ifeet agaihz. ' .fLAnd; depends whether Monte. . ,Hamiltohbimself .had staggdred to h‘s feet, and, 1 aningagainst the_wall, i'as ‘st‘ai'fï¬g‘bféhkly'ht the confusion about himsl. f! Monte turned to Marjory. ,. “Hurry out and get a taxi,†hefs‘ai'q. “We, can’t allow the man to b; amâ€"esr- $11.1 P w- an It was no very difficult matter for Monte to wrest the revolver from Hamilton’s weak ï¬ngers, even with one arm hanging limp; but/it was quite a different proposition to quiet Madame Consormdeapie, who'Were screaming hysterically in the Hall. lMpar'oll'gv to be sure, was splendid; but m s 3 aauid do little with madame; who insisted that some one hadfbeen‘ mui‘déred, even when it was quite‘V'ob- Vious,’ with both men alive, that this was a mistake. To make matters v Monte heard a deafening report, and felt a biting pain in his shoulder. A‘s he staggered back he saw a pistol smoking in Hamilton’s hand. Recov- ering, he threw himself forward on, the mgn and bore him to the floor. 11 E l“Th§ti"s yoin- own suggestion?" said Hamilton, tottering to his feet. “Exactly.†, “Then,†said H milton, “1’11 see you in hellï¬rstu 'It’s 0 basineSS of yours, I say.†“But it is,†said Monte. “Tell me how it is,“ g'l‘owleclflam;i :ilton'... - r ‘ - h- “Why. you see," said Monte quiiet- lytlfMlsshchkrtoeranq I are engaggd." “What. do you mean?†_ ,ï¬â€˜Steadywnow," warned Monte. “I méaln 'just‘what I say. She can’t stay here and let you camp in her 'front ha'll. Even Madame Courcy wonft stand for that. Soâ€"why don’t you 'gét out; quietly and without any, confusion '2†He ' The old inad light came back to Hamilton’s ~eyes. ' “Did She Ask you to tell me that?†“Noâ€? answered Monte; “it is my oWn 'fde .‘ ’ Because, you see, if you dgn’t go_shefll have tof’r broke 'in. ' , f'Admitting that,†resumed Monte, “I should think the best thing you cquld do would be to go away and sbbel‘ up.“ “Go away?†“I' Would.‘ I’d go a long wayâ€"to Jaggn or_ India." _ _ . ‘Hnmiléon‘ ‘raisecï¬his 'head. “Yes,†he answered. ._ , “Then,†continued Monte, “indoes‘ n'tr seem1 "to me that you are going about it in just the right way. Wav- ing pistols and throwing ï¬tsâ€"" . _ “I was mad, I tell you,†Hamilton M “He friéd to’ shootâ€"‘himsel‘fi‘?'3L géh'e 'uY ou lie!" ant ‘_,s at flie door,†she 53 the spuhd. other vbic t} l.tlyby the érm me on," he ordg shOYed the_boy 11 M ll m1 rom- his 61‘5‘ chbked' ‘Hamiltonv. “You < in a minute, and Mbnb’e was on his mead M 111' 7/11 H weak iuse ArticiesWanted ï¬n \gt’v. ---‘-“-"‘" "" ‘- ~â€""' ‘ '1t;ls,eagsy w m; howuseful: su.c},x::.a_ " 'qpntiivm'cg‘ .is ,ljkeix .tmbeï¬fot- exam"- plehenabling‘ a‘ flock of ï¬ghting“ bird- Lmeta, (who Mam-operatetinfsqwd‘rons): to .mlkwith ona another-‘whflé f high in,.the airm Théy5can’6h'us: mLï¬ï¬erï¬te‘ to rgu’eater'édvahta‘ge, perhaiï¬fï¬ï¬eyih‘g‘ the spok'en'ordéï¬VOf‘ “i ,"Ofï¬Ã©gr-V‘j‘n' v ,4 I W I| ,3 .â€"‘ command. ‘ ., The talk of‘the flyjpgrgnen audiblé,‘ ‘nf course; onllv ‘to;t‘}fé' bars ‘of onegzmh gother. ~pr this 'g'ééï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬itï¬if’fqys; from Ithe' ciir‘fi'érsiitiéii" 'o‘f “and wild geese. . “ 0f the langua e of. hese.,big;gls some. 'little'h'as been: éaï¬Lé fby’ natél‘ZaIi's'fs, ‘V‘hb‘ 3593' thafq‘it.‘ ,ils.‘ ï¬loi'eryonwlex than ‘ mpst’ “pe‘rs‘0n§ _,.;suppos,e.l;{ 1 The? ‘pro‘W‘ has thr,e.ej..diï¬er_ent,.*fl&l}s- that 3 {mean warning oflgdangerw'rdnefdft them 1 v I’éï¬rdiiig'"'t'612ï¬i‘t" s‘iv‘éiii'éE's; caps joined the class. She was j'ou £¥§£h*;- My??? ï¬Ã©ï¬zmir cla a long-drawn ~“tiaI-a-a-awz"“"1153â€brdin- ary conversational remark isv “owk, owkn owls,†s‘athgr..quiqk,1y uttaered. _‘ Tï¬e':dzinggt,-i§zalsrling may. of the wi’ld gopsé :is a longidjawn :Wowuasa-nk." ,But‘sitmas othe-r~motes for‘ s‘ig‘hglling‘ the start" to?» fly,- -"2f§1‘:‘so('iafl“t‘_éilll<, ’et Cetera. " > ‘ . ,The aviator wears a head-Eelephone ‘arrangément which, with its receivers clasped close to his ears, is structural: 1y 3* Raft of his lleathey he]p1_et:’"-A‘ transmitter. is..attachpd to his pel‘sor} .in mule wthersamezway ‘as'rsudff things. 'aré' worn by telephoné girlsi‘asb' as' to be convenient for talking.=-' ‘ i Suspended from the airplane - is a .wire that Vserves “tha‘pu'rp‘o’se' of an antenna." The who'le‘ï¬ppbratus 'is me? markably' simple, an‘d‘â€_the"' (flaim. ‘is. inade that it"Wiu éï¬g‘lf'y‘bgal, ,Speech 200' miles’.‘ ‘But 'o‘raiï¬amy ' it 'will - not be arranged for covering any such-im- necessarydistainrce, »- l,- 1 » ' " In _',th,e: box are .cqils, cogndensei's and a, small astqrége battery, wjnich is chargécl with electricity by a vrev‘olving fanâ€"a little wind propeller energized by _the.ai;‘ pressurevas thgflying ma- t}:in is. driven along. ..-‘ U 6 The apparatus (as it has been ï¬nal- ly perfected) is contained in a box a foot andva h2.‘f long. afootâ€"wide and a foot High. It is thus very compact, 3nd,,weighing-only‘about ten pounds, is easily carried on an airplane} dangerousuAprveall things, he Angst remain 'édHSCibdé.‘ Hamilton was gueit because he (thought; Monte: still had the.gun_ andywas still able to use it; but let. himswagy, and. matters would he reversed..~, Sm~Monte gripped. his jaws and bent his ~full energy to keep, ing'wontml. elf himselfmntiiEthe cross: ed the Seine. It seemedr'like' a.full day’s joul‘Hey‘before-hea‘saw that, the muddy waters werebehin‘d them. Then he ordered-the driver t‘o stop. -.- WHamiltonTQ‘ shiï¬t'yeye‘s looked up- “Hamilton,†said'P'Monte; ’“have,you got it clear yet thatâ€"that Miss Stock-â€" ton and rare engaged?†~ l : Hamil‘to “did (not answer. -.~~HisI ï¬ng‘elé wé e t‘vollléi'ng nervously: lu‘ ‘ -v -- (rToibevconti-nuedi) . iNng,‘ “Ame‘lï¬d‘étjr birdmen are do Vit,'the instrument utilized fo‘r‘the purpose being the wireless telephone. Crgv'vs and: g§e§e, while, in flightplimit theirwconver‘sation to short dista’ cesj but our aviators can make ‘fheir’ gpoken words understood over ‘ many miles of intervening air. Everybody has heard crows calling to ,xomr anoï¬her grin ~ the airâ€"ta1king afte‘l" Jchéfi" dwï¬ fashion. Wild geese do the same thing, using a different language. _, ' ‘ ' ‘ » Oneflf‘ï¬zh'emmremm‘kétmwabhjeve- ments of American inventiorf since‘tl're‘ war began has been the development of a method by\which flying men‘a'lje enabledebmspeak 4:0 ~'one another pvet long distances. " ‘ Ti Ena’bléé ï¬nhï¬ shqï¬i‘d‘ 15a?“ ‘31? well: After several m. women r'be‘ga-‘nn .to hir RSWQQRF A Sweéte‘r fo:r"pilly,v . « -W'v ¢ n‘tgm dQPMmet 51.0. lington Star, a large 1- WIRELESS iTELERHONE. «tj'o "Tall-k: ‘, ith‘ Another. ' ' ‘ lie Strbe daily arm wusiéthe a largevknljtï¬ï¬g: Ikéwjypmsq are ers, caps and alt ,he, s†diers and ittjng: A Riva“: Iessons the take aminâ€" recruit 1g, she†3 that ‘ cauld. 3Y8 ad dea perhaps 4th; ‘t‘h ignites 4% . . V mmmnmh»: “’7’ ‘ 1 '7' Wee with General 3.11;.“ f Mewburn‘, Nginister, of Militia, ï¬lial lfwï¬â€˜mtgzéi er a stair; .“ ment pém mgl out that it is entirQ-Miu unneces rylfoz additional food to his n supplied. bi. ï¬elééives and friends1 to Canadian soldigrs while in. this} country: liniwiew“bf'-tlie libéll‘hl andip varied food .rationdssueai io‘fhe troops “by the Milit-ia'imerpartment. § ma! 1 The statement, adds‘fch t p11; ,ag-g'm- ' gatb‘f‘duéntity of fpdd"thu*s privmayi" r:se11t[tqlfche s'oldi'e'rs' i's‘ive‘ry léi‘ée' aha i. Lthat much oi it, having been .comieyétl ‘l‘difg’ idi‘sta-nc‘ehs. in ,hegtec} ‘QXKPFESS 011., min cars, 'is more or'less spoiled and clonsequently injurious‘to t'h'é‘h‘é‘dlth ofv; 2' lthoin‘en.‘ The public are,.~therefore,‘; ' jasked to disrcontinup tho..prgctico‘ 'of'i {sending foo'dStLif’fs to ihe soldiers inf I ICanada.,.. v r " ‘ ' ï¬re expl lay on. ,_« Theflwastefrgefel‘ltedzto can be: check @(3 Ko‘nwuibng‘etting: each sbldier’: 1'01“ “FocA ï¬gpqï¬oliflyiewed from (the eminence’ 6f the parish pump’ is very simpiegnbut†there"; are‘ ‘ n6 _‘parish pumps“ ixi' ‘ Ca'nAda not, sufficiéz‘zt; a'I-t'i; 'tï¬â€˜dé ‘t‘é‘ï¬ï¬iï¬iï¬ahld' 'a,;vi_e;v o’f _th'e, forty: 'hineh ï¬ï¬fa’iiélifi‘om _th Atiagtig to the .Pés‘iï¬c'. $32595~ miles»; " : ..i,-“The..wa.n:is not :bejing :fought by one 'man. Canadd‘ presentsi'b.‘ solid front of some 400,000 men in - tho" trench‘eé‘.‘ ‘Thé Victory Loan of $450,- 000,000 was not raised by a few, was paid flvlby on'e' person in 99¢in lniuevthroughoqy C‘alinadaiu .Tii‘is‘ gvias "ailiivoltinteii‘ji “I Work under I.@ida-nce.’ .ow ‘ihgy ï¬hé ,3vhoie situation and {He pr'gssinginecessity of conservation‘ and; production-have- been put- ‘before‘ the, g peopleï¬eaehvof the "eight: ‘ fniliio’n citizens of vGéijidaal'ishould 'c‘onstitum him or horéiélfg'a Food ._Cor,1t_i;oller. ‘ If is up‘ to evaryér’iéio'f» you to. §eev tiilfaétI .r gthejr'g 'ï¬blhrqéfli iu,1;he. line, . . u’ ,‘,Z,‘.“Th,¢;-wbgls, mistmcxaofl the case 11%] : Asummed “up in two; ~ :wordsngHRIET†and ,‘INDUSTRY.*" ‘G'et t0“ under“ stamdi the meaning? of both ‘of theser words and then ‘DO ,,YQ"U:R_‘UTMOST.’ Miracles cali'zipt‘" (36" performed; but . w --I- in.- I~ v enqy‘momly. 1 grï¬ï¬fï¬u xgqod can..be . acâ€" CPiï¬pï¬siheï¬â€˜giï¬ Wen-9H Pull ‘toge-bhen'ii .1 .gwu ..i v > ,, , . ‘ g .; Food! Comm] Comer : :.,“N&wp.that the: full.-sa:-iousn¢ss. of the, world; féod "situation ‘has been graspesvdi‘ by ' Canadians, 31:1“will devote their eheggiés 't’o' Hel'ï¬'i 1' and I construcâ€" tive caâ€"bpeflt'i‘on iri thi‘s‘nation-wide work. v b! ‘fully recognized._ The people of this country will then come to the concéusion that Canada. was truly fortunaltgwin theâ€, selection :9ï¬ .Mrg Hanna’vaï¬onqd_Clean-0116137 said Mr. . 'lx'l’I' -- 1‘“ 'P¥¢Sézï¬Â¢Â§1‘<?slif9z~ beéd-mihded, cod-I Strudtwe co:9peration by. all the peo- ‘ifle oï¬rphg‘amgp‘qm‘jniony He also paid “‘in tn ,the wm'k of the Hon. Mr. Hanna, his’predecess‘or-in the'Oï¬â€˜ice. féWhen- the history of ‘Food’Coï¬trol is'writtem‘ the initial handliri'g: of a_ mqst'fl‘ifl'i L t" 'anH' ,c'bmplicated 'situa- tjon‘ ‘ Win, He‘léppreqi'déga. ,Not till then _w’fll th‘éj 'w'bfk,’ of theHon. Mr; Hanna .Mr. vH. B, Thomson; Can‘a'da’is new Food Controller, in' his‘ï¬rst’ p‘érsmad' gubli‘cv“ statement, t‘o‘ the Cahadj‘a’n’ ismsadyâ€"JlZpagcs df Seeds, Maris, Bulbs, Implements agd Poultxy Sgppgies. Wbfliz ifs weight ‘in gold; Free- ' Writefor a cogy to-dqy. ' ‘ 1.5. , C0; Limited Qurg. 1918‘ Catalogue QUR DUTY I§DONE ' Business Eiiabllshed 1850 ' ‘ ' YourDutyâ€"“l‘o grow all the fo'odstuff possible and to get the best results, high-grade seeds, such as BRUCE’S are a necessity. .‘ ‘ Our Dutyâ€"To provide sufï¬cient seed and of the highest grade possible. , BRUCE’S SEEDS Fan's: imminnIInIIunmImmmnnnmlln I‘I‘I ""Lhé‘larg'estg flowerii'in‘ the" world grows 011 the ‘Island‘r 'of ‘ Mindaï¬Ã©o. It: habitation is fair Up "the 'Raxag‘vMoun- *taih, 2;500‘féé§~ ab‘gsy‘e ltzh'ghlevglof thq ’séaf "I‘heuneiti‘xï¬gs giW it the name 01 bblb.‘ Its; fun-Blown blossoms. is con- siderably over three feet in diameter and weighs twenty-twgkppundvs. Th; flwei" W51ï¬i‘ï¬iféï¬hd'ihï¬umatra and .‘S’géééilfééï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©ifléï¬Ã©- Scii'afééï¬iurgia, i; $939139?†"its élï¬ï¬o-N‘ereh‘a cw Hit: gilt] miés business methods for ï¬ne fax-merinoglonggr sufï¬ce. 'Farming recognized ï¬rst as :1 phase of life. W'Thefarmer doe’s not‘ï¬vgurwhls ad‘- 'countsA on an egg shell in these days of scientiï¬c preparation. Modern ef- ï¬ciency hasadapted a‘ specipL book- §keéping'sys'téin directly tahis needs, ‘ owever_small his.plae.e, and-hefarms {by 1edger.‘:- MIN" ‘ They a 'e' grounded in'vthe general principlefof business ï¬rst. Follow- ing this they are shown the necessity of accounts and the'inst‘mm‘c‘nts of credit.‘ Simple farm accounting com- pletes the c’durse. ~The 'training is re- édmmended by ‘the‘ v'g'cgtiona) ofï¬cers teall the ‘men. who‘ enter upon any special line.in farming. such as poulJ try or animal husbandry, as well as those who take the general course in agriculture. ‘ Farm bookdkeeping’ is: ‘nne of courses arranged for by 'the_ \to'cational branch of the Military‘Hospituis Com- mission in connection 'with the agri- cultural courses offered to‘ Returned s'oldiers in the University of- British Columbia. .The men who are taking farming courses aré mai‘sté'rihg the system of debits and creditri: . along with the problems of the Soil. _' éflavaurSI Soldier Fhrmérs Will Become Good 220 St. Pull St. W.. Montreal. no. 20 years of reliable trading Referqnogvâ€"Ty'won 33.. oz Oanada. BOUKKEEI‘ING FOR WOUNDED. Vegetable fits and natural flo‘Wer extrami'giv'q BABY'S OWN SOAP it‘s wonderfully poftcning and aromatic lather. ., Sold everywhere. Alba}! Snips leltcd. Mfisl. Montreal N‘.“‘SI'L VER Largest .Bud Business Men In éag‘hjown' Whete I go, ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Fthere was' gone WALKER: OUSE er iast, I and me via Autumn»! Wanqeq ‘ Rxgneat Price. Pntdl r My troubles then would last like that Proverhial ball 6! Show. pas JOY and 5815