Wednesday. Feb. I-lâ€"Auction sale of fumstock implements. etc. on lot, 8. can. 6. Vaughan. property of William Morrison. Terms 10 mos. Sale at] p. m. Snigennflz \Vulk- ington Auct. Thursday Feb. ch.â€"â€"Credit Sale of Farm stock, implements etc. Lot :3. Con. 8. Markham. the property of Alex. Boys. Sale at 11 u'cl03k, 9 mos. Lunch provided. .l' H. Pren- tice. nuct. Saturdny. February lSâ€"Farm Stock. Implements etc. Lot 4 con. 8 Mark- ham. the property of W'. \V. Ruy- mer. Sale at [ p.1n. 9mnnths cred- it. J. H. Prentice anct. Wednesday Feb. lBâ€"Ciedit sale of fut-m stuck, implements etc. lut 5. run. 10. Markham. Pruperty of Jan. Boyd. Snleut l p. m. 9 mos. credit. J. H. Prentice. uuct. Tues.. Feb. Iiiâ€"Credit sale of Farm stuck. implements etc. Int. 23, cnzz. 4 East. ank. Properly of Thos. John- son. Sale at. 1 o'clock. 9 mos. cred- it. J. H. Prentice auct. “'ednesday. Feh. 20â€"(7reditsnle of farm stuck Ind implements. the property of G. \V. Andrews. part nf lot. 30. Cun.3. Markham. farm known as Dilman \Videman farm. Sale tn commence at ln'cluck sharp. No reserve. All articles to be sold. Eight montns credit. '1'. Lyons, auctioneer. Lorne Perkins. clerk. “’ednesd-y Frb. m-Ci-edit sale of farm stock, im lementsetc. Lnt l0. Con.4 $Vest ork. annsriew thn property of Jun. R. Dunstan. Sale altl a. "1.911108. credit J.H. Pren- tice auct. Thursdn Feb. 21â€"Auciinn snle of 42 heado Holstein Friesian cattle at lot. 24. con. 6. Mxrkhum. Cnshel, property of ‘l‘. 0. Lowry, cumprising 42 head registered Holstein cattle 37 females. fresh milk springers, and cows in full flow. boilers and heifer calves and 4 males. Sade at 1. Terms cash or 8 mos. credit on npproved papers, with intrrest add- ing It: the rate of 6 7,. J, H. Prentice. auct. Write for catalogues. l'rl. Feb. 22â€"Credit. sale of large herd of pure bred jersey cattle st Green- burn Mills. Pickering. Property of F. L. Green. Sale at. .I n’clnck. 9 mos. credit. J. H. Prentice nuct, Saturday Feb. ZLâ€"Fnrm stock. im- iements etc. lat 45. con. i Yonge St. ichmond Hill. Property of \Vm. Palmer. Sale at. l. 9 mos. credit. Saigeon and Walkington. sucts. n .... ...,..:._ _7__ U ,_ Catalogue gtves full pnrtxculars. \Vl-ite for one. Students may commence a course at, any time. W. J. ELLIOTT - ~ PRINCIPAL Yong-'2 and ClmrlPs Sts.. Tornnttv. Canada's Popular Schunl of Business Training! Satisfaction assured all who come here! All graduates and scores of our undergraduates of the past, year have secured good busi- ness positions and still the demand is far beyond uur supply. ‘Onr other brands of bread. Richmond Hill Bakery W'e make VIENNA, BAKERS, HOME-MADE, EUREKA, BROWN BREAD, MOTHER’S, and Get The Best! It Pays! Wedding Cakes and fancy icing a specialty. AUCTION SALE Give us a trial. Thursday. Fed. 28â€"Credit Sale of Farm stuck. implements etc. Lot 20 con. 3, Scarhuro Blowns comer. the property of Robert Armrud. Sale at. l. 9 mos. credit J. H. Prentice, tucc. Tuesday. March 5â€"Fnrnl stock. im- plements. etc.. at 1m 18. can. 4. Markham. the property of \Vm. Neill. Sale at 1. Terms Onmnths. Sulgeon & “'ulkingtnn. aucts. “'ednesday March 6â€"Credit salt- of farm stock. Implement: etc. Lot 1 con.4 Mulkhum the propeny of \Valler Hnud. Sale at. 12 noon. Thursday March 7~â€"Ur0dit, sale of farm stock. impiunwunsem. Lot 15. con. 2 Scm-hcm. the px-npm-ty of Alex. Tait. Sale at 1'2 noon. 9 mus. credit. J. H. Prentice. auct. Friday March 8.-â€"Cr9dic sale of {arm implemonts and stock. Ptc. Lot 10 Gun. 3 East Yurk the prupm-ty M R. Suhen. Sale at, 1 p. m. 9 months credit. J. H. Prenticv. and. Tues. March lZâ€"Credit, sale of a herd of Pure Bred Shnrthorn came. farm stock. implements etc.. lot 35. con. 1. Scan-barn. Prnperty nf Thm. Pilkey. Sale at 12 o'clock. 8 mos. credit. J. H. Prenticm auct. Thurs. March 14~Uredit Sale of fan]: stock Implements etc. lot 38 mm. 1. Yapghnp. Yu-ngg _st.. pfgper_ty .pf Tues. Feb. whâ€" Auctinn Sale of 250 acre Farm one of the heat in Vaugh- an, Fun-m Stuck. implements Gruin‘ routs, etc. Int 8. con. Vaughan, Edgely. the property of the late Christopher Kennedy, sale- at, 10 n.clock :hnr implements sold in the furennnn. arm offered at 2. Lunch at noon. 9 mos. J. H. Prentice, Thurs. March 14~Uredil Sale of farm stock Implements etc. lot ‘38 «run. I. Vaughan. Yu-nge 8L. property «if C. N. Cooper. Sale at 12 O'clock. 8 mos. credit. J. H. Prentice auct. Tuesday. March 19.47:er slack. im- plements. etc. at lot 4. con. 1 Yonge st. Richmond Hill. Property of Charles Palmer. Sale at l. 8 mos. credit. J. H. Prentice. auct. Wednesday, March 20â€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements. etc. Lot 13. con.2. East York, ploperty uf Late Jacob H. Smith. Sale at 11 a. m. 8 mos. credit. J. H. Prentice. auct. Thurs. March 21â€"~Impcrtant credit sale of Pure Bred Clydesdale huxaes Pure Bred Holstein registered cattle. Farm stuck. implements. etc. will be sold by puhl'c auctinn on lot, 25. Con. l. East ank. Steele's Corners. propâ€" erty of P, “7. Burton. Sale at 12. o'clock. No reserve as farm is rent- ed. 811103. credit. J. H. Prentice nuct. Thuls. March 28â€"Cré-dit sale of farm stock. implements etc. lot 18, con. I W'est York. \Villowdale. roperty of \V. A. Wallace. Sula at n'clnck. 8 1110-. credit. J. H. Prentice. auct. DI. DeVAN’S FRENCH P1115 ï¬xfl‘t all-Uni Pill {01' Womom 35 5 box or m". {or 9: 80 d n q! pry: [month or mum to my A- -_A__-_ 15...- PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. 5mg: Vlumy: {or None Ind Bruin; lamene- "my Inner"; t Tonicâ€"will bufld you up. I box, or "'0 for 35. n drug nuns, or by uni on receipt. ootnxgiï¬: Tin SWELL Dnuo Co.. St. Clanan it???“ u £11 nm'smfes. or mu“ u may Adana on receipt of price. Tn- Boonu. DIUG 90.7.73; Cathnrinel, ammo. 966$Tcréait. J. H. Prentice. nuct. \V. H. MYLKS lâ€"Credit Sale of Proprietor Partners. in snliciting your sales. I du so. not with n view of heating any other man out (If them. but, be- cause it IS my SDPltial Plufession. Hav- ing been :I farmer fur yems. knowing stuck and values. (grade or pedigreed) knnwing how to descaihe stock and values. having conducted many hun- dred farm and stock sales, having maden wm-ld's record. and having “given to the. world its greatest auc- tion work.†I canâ€"and I submit grounds for the claimâ€"get you more. money {mm a sale than any other man in the business. SKIP ismdollnrs to you. \Vhy not. et the most, of them ? rite or $90 me. J. R. LONG. Auctinn Specialist», 599, Yonge St. Turunto. Phosphonol réskorcs every nerve in the body to it: proper tension; tesmres vim and viumy. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phospho-ol will make on a new m1n. Price 331 box or two (or :5. ailed :0 any address. rho aahu Dr. 00.. It. Cuban-Incl. Ont. Electric Restorer for Men Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale- Cement drain tile, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12, 15, 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length.) Also Cement Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load 1' in car lots. 33-t f. Auction Sales Season Coming T. COUSINS, Pres. and Manager Maple G. A. M. DAVIDSON, Unionville, Dealer. A, E. GLASS, Richmond Hill. Salesman. "Thornhill Garage†THOS. HUGHES, Thornhifl, Salesman. * Richmond Hill Annex RICHMOND HILL BRANCH FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE 03 SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE & CC., Rlchmond Hill IIT'D 1.18 Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmxnt and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms Our Saving: Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. no STANDARD BANK OF CANADA new ornc: - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS TH! l0 Adelaide St. E, Ton-out! ’39