Snlimtor f1 Special uttvntion given tn sales of every description. Farms and farm :tock sales a specialty. Farms bought, and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest; notice. and con- ducted by the mnstnpproved methods. Patronage solicited. J DEER: QAMPBELL, BARRISTER. Sdmcx'ron, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings. 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ‘Vooth-idqe. Saturday forenoon. Licensed Allctinneors fur llw Uunnt y nf York. Sales attended to un shot-(05L notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage snlicited Calls by phone or otherwise prompth responded to“. Money to Loan at Current Rates {Ethel 1’iau o and ‘70 5,00 Telephmw Main 2777 FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO 300 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt - attention. 1‘81. 11. 3631 PIANO TUNING Denton, Grover & Macdonald iBarristers, Solicturs, 8m MANNING ARCA: E. :24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mncdmmld Harry D. Anger Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RES‘DENCE. RICHMOND HILL A. gamerqq "MarpNaughton RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIDNVILLE J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept, at the above places W. HEWISON HOUSE PAlNTER, )ï¬â€˜ices Enst VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE linden-takers at tnnhalmers. ’J. T. SAIGEON BARRISTER SOLICITOR CNOTARY (Iiumsdfu Bldg, 6 Adelaide St. phone or mail messnges promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL VOL. XL. $1.50 per annum, in advance.] Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST JOHN T. ANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. 415 Balliol Sh. memm. Phnne Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTION EER RICHMOND goï¬n :7. Qavidson )lnplt Organs “captured. E59} Work WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. II. Naughton Enst, Torontn Nunghtnn Black! Aurora. 1,.†. I Th:- Tuwn 0f Aurnra x [J. .\l. \anton. Aumm PIAN â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" PI. Prentice TEACHER OE MANAGER Residence Elgin Milk Residence Phone “.4 TUNER WEST TORONTO M. l)0vor mg TON A very pretty wedding lnnk place [at the hmne of Mr. G. '1‘. Mnrdncx, I‘ 1885 Danforth avenue, Tuesday of last ‘ wee-k when his daughter. Sarah Edith. (Sadie), was marrivd to Robert Arthur Knights, of anonsville, Out. The i ceremony was pal-formed by {he Rev. Donald McIntyre. of Calvary Baptist Church, East Thu-unto. The bride was ‘ attired in a whim- crepe dé chine gown trimmed with duqhess satin‘ veil, and Mirange blossoms and carried while E roses. carnatinm and lilies of the l valley. The bride was giwn away lhy her father and was attendsd by Miss Greta \Vilks. while Mi. Harry J Knights, brother of tha grown, acted i as best man. The wedding march was played by Miss Vera McMann, lhc : groom’s gift to the bride was a sun- burst of pearls with diamond centre s and to [he blink-suiaid a pearl crescent, pin. to the pianist a pearl brooch. The best man‘receired a gold tie pin. i, After luncheon {he happy cmxple left fur Orillia. On their rvtnrn Mr. and Mrs. Knights will reside in Queunsvillv. Ont. Th? Slnck Counly, who Stuck Judgi \VinLer Fail-1 The Stock Judging team is picked from the boys. who take the Course in Agriculture. which is held every yean under the direction of the Department of Agriculture. These buys must aISn be under 25 years of age, The picking and training the team falls to [he 10L of MI: J. U. Steckley. Newmarket. farer can win is to he a member of one of these teams. The huys.‘\vho have won, cox-minly brought cunsidexâ€" able hum-x- to York County, as well as their Lminex; J. U. Stacklvy. and are to be congratulated on their excellent work. IL is necessary lhnttbe boys who make this team sacriï¬ce a good deal 0f time and spend consideralfle muney. hutlhe training is an excellent one. One of the highest hmuu-sn yuung Red Cross. Auxiliurv. r ‘ RIL-lnnond HI“ ‘ MAPLE It gin-s me great pleasure tom-know- l _ _ ledge receipt, “f your splendid mm of l _)Ir. Ell Lahmer pmpnses selling hls Nnv, 51h. Idesn-o to [hunk a“ Lhe‘ lmnsolmld guuds and other elfects (m friends and members comet-med in the . Siltrllfday Mid “'ilh his family "N’Ving packing and despntching ()f sauna, L0 Vlnelauds, J. ll] the “Pill: future. The conlents were all of a very useful and desirable nalurel 'llmse 01 eatmg‘ IasL week in“, their new hmue recently were (1'1":le d'spns‘d “f "5 ym’ mayl purchased from D H Pinkerton V S be sure. Christmas boxes fur the buys ' ‘ ’ ' . ' away from home are greatly appreci. Mrs. G. H. Jackson and three ululâ€" ated by the recipients. and those. con- (ht-n who have spent [he Pu“ [WU earned in [he wm-k m, hmne deserve I months will. lu-r parents Mr. and Mrs. all credit. fur tlwir elfurts. I hope you ' T- Siligf’oll. still‘lt‘d fm' 1101116 last will accept, my few remarks as signifâ€" ‘ l‘hursdny. icant (If my utmost appreciation and . Ml E G thanks. . . Mrs. J. Bluugzl) and family mowed mldcn .r gin and 3112690. Bailey .. .. A... l. I]. .l I lull n v:.... The York Radial Railway had another ï¬re last Sunday. The one- storvy frame csu- hzu-ns on the Kings- ton Road Look ï¬reabunc 1.30.1. xu.. doing damage- [in the extent of $30,000. Four curs Valued at $5.000 each were The York Radial A another ï¬re last b‘uud: storey frame car balms ton Road look ï¬reabu Four cur. burned. insurance ll 593 Y RICHMOND Most. Sincerely Y Judging Unntest Fair in Deuemhu Sen'i Letter from Pte. Woods R OPPORTUNITY Stock Judging Team Knightsâ€"-Murdock ‘ \‘Ellllu The 11 York Radial Fire 5th Reserve Butt. \Ygsl Sandhng, Kent, Epworth League PTE. M.- E Il‘S( Judging Lvam ‘ \vrm (he [Mm md In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials lully Ulll‘S, \Voons, 15th Canadians fVSh \in met HILL. ONT ()\'€1'LJ Ym-k lounty :uelph at the ). ch. surely s Busx- DC illl' .x of) Mr. EH Luhmer pmpnses selling his the ‘ linnsdmld goods and other elfects (m Ithe I Sutulday and with his fumny moving Hue, Lu Vinelzmds, N. J. in the near future. 53ml Mrs. J. Bluugl) and fumin mowed l'l‘ ll‘ Iiughv; Hull looked quite guy with it's Vuh-nlim: (lay dentin-Minus when the Evar Ready Olul) entertained thew, lust Thursday evening. Ten ml:le \ve-re pmvidrd with gunwsnnd much fun was 'Lilkt‘l) in lighting candles. spmirllig Inn-ins, threading needle-s, stringing buttons etc. Priics “‘L‘l'u given Ln those who scmed the most points. Music {mm an Edlsnn helped to make things lively, and refreshmean Were Served. All thuse who paid for admission will have their mmws rec- m'dvd nn the quilt that the girls am making. This. quilt will eventually be used in some hospital for mn- sold- iers. Mrs. L. G. Langstuï¬' is nuw the president and the club i: doing splen- did wm-kalong the line of the Red 01-055 Society. f ‘ Mr. Ed. Gl'uinger ui Deer Park will give his illustrated address on The \Vnys and Habits of the Honev Bee- at, the next meeting of the Hurticultuml Society... This ndddrvss waspnstponed in FED†()nuccoum ufnn accident, IL \'\'ill be wall wun l1 hearing. If ynuzu-e inuwested in fruiLvoge-tnhles, flowers, or bees. [hi-1r will he snmeihing you can learn. Tuesday. \lurch 5th, MS p. m. in Victoria Hull. Mrs. G.H. Jackson and three dren who have spent. the past, x_uox_x}_hs will; hm pzuenï¬s‘ Mr. and Mr. E. Goddvn and Mr. C are sun-ling this week on m trip in the North \Yest. M Humble is also going out o relatives. M 1'. and Mrs. the wedding of Mr. Chm-lcs M. Lust \Vednesdny wits £21k day last Gluing; Bread ( toppled ( who was hospital. \‘mlect gour Ideal: theé ma} bring you wealth Write J 8N WEDDERB RN & 00.. Patent Attor- neylhg‘v'umugwn. D. C.. for their 81.31) prize 01!?) And t at two hundred Inventions w his sleigl hlm out Public Sch Mulch 4th nun-y subs Wantedjnn Idea (Too late for] Hughes Hull looked s Valentine dzw dl Georg Th NT.. THU RSDAY. FE 13 I)» Aukili Schon h Gmingm‘. of \Villuwdnle, an iv the General Hospital uue week will) both legs broken. l' is :1 dl'h‘er for the Canada. 0., and while passing: Hume- vunue school the I‘L'EU‘ hub of h became detached. Illmwing t. The box of the sleigh over on him. Dr. \V. L. Bond. taken in lighting Inn-ms, threading buttons etc. Pr? cull \VILLO\\'DALE Red Cross Notes I‘HORNHILL n‘F :1 him. Dr. \V. L 3. had him taken meeting. , will be n Manda i. E.KefTe-1- attended Mrs. Kvtfm’s nephew, Tt‘asdule, in Tux-unto 3112690. Bailey ( on an extended st. Mus. Hun-nee out, on at visit to due lSSU thing of the R! (1 held in [Le afternoon. Th can In me smart“: to patent? Liberty,- in all things, Charity. the Thornhill and Richmond Hill Scout Troops ing on "The, J (“Ct 0f Hiahu :"l‘he DI'f‘HlLGI The \V.M.S The name of Miss Edwards. which appeared in one of mar Editm'ials should have read Miss Adams. who so kindly and successfully lwiped us with our concert on the 7th of Febru- ill'y, for which the Cubs offer their sincerest thanks. The Officers of the Troop spent a. most enjoyable evening at their Hmd- quarters. 238 Blnm- St. East. on \Ved- nesday the 13th inst.. (m which nccsis- inn Mr. \Viifred Dean, acting 2nd Assistant, Scout Muster l't’CPil‘l-‘d his First Class badge twin Mr. Kent. the President, of the National Exhibition, with many congratulations. Sunday preach nL ing on “‘ Fishnville congregation: are adverâ€" tising an entertainment to he given Mar. 6th by the Laughâ€":Lt-Minstrels. the funds Ln he used for a new roof Em the church. Néw boys are turning up almost every week. The (Jul) Master has had sen-ml applications from buys dosh-nus u! lrccuming Cubs as soon as the Weather becomes warmer. Lust. Muster Scouts “’hite Badges ' Re Cubs I The meetings are held on TllPSdny“ evenings from seven tn Su'clnck. in J the basement (If the Public Schnn]. AUCTION SALE There will he ufferpd for sale by public auction on SATURDAY, THE 16'1‘11 DAY OF MARCH, 1918 at, the hum" of UN) by John H. tluj premise-s of [he \Vvstel- Six. Concession prnperty is suit dwulling Cnnlui TERM: [(1 be p; the time thirty d Chusm- 5 money I "ml-[gap a fi'aune burn with other necessary outbuildings. There is also :1 good well nn [he promises. Immediate possessiun can he given if fleshed. The property will be ul’fexed subject In a reset ved hid. TERMSâ€"10‘}; :‘f the purchase money tu be paid down tn the auctioneer at, the time of salunnd the balance within thirty days thereafter or if the pur- chusm‘ so desires hull" uf the purchase money may remain to be secured by a mortgage fnl‘ live years at (5521. half- yemly. Fm further puiticuhu-s and cnndilions of sale apply to T. A. yearly. Fm . cnndiLions of Kathy Esq..l undersigned St {mu-ix. At, one o’clock i the same date and furniture and effe: the lute James Osti sale. CDI‘LNU D.lted 0F VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY LA\V1{ENOI \Vednesdny evening the Scmxt had the privilege nf presenting Stank-v Ransom and Bernard with the Poultry and Fireman is said u; be erecth u containing eight rooms burn with other nece “gs. There is also :1 Presbyterian Zhurch )RUAR‘I $38 Ill 1918 n'cluck in the uftex-n'mn Prentice, auctxmwm. 0n 'ldjnilling Concord Statiun Homestead of the late Idgeley P. O. licilors furtb r(:k in 11 mg] plm will hold :1 1 lmmeuf M: on. 10 nm To PATENT Buad ideas THE 'elugzhun 1 the :ll'tm-n Hate the hu :ls hf the E: 1- will be 011' 5: DUNBAR St 1hr“): ughun. ()n [his erectvd u flame ight rooms, also ,y b¢ Secured by ' aid. Address, of ï¬ve "cu-s Easterly punt ’ Lot Number 'ENT RECORD 1m flanneletto 12f. Dunlnp (-l-mmn | house] IT RECORD. ‘l - . Ram-mm.“ Blelnnond Hill day dmim l-a Lrix hold 19H the Hon. (:‘rmdnnto Royal Cnllegv: of DentalSm-gmms.Toronto, will he at Richmond Hill every Tuesng and Fx-idav. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY OFï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30am). to 5p.m- Richmona Hill Licensed Auctionems for Toronto and the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe NOTARY PUBLIC CCMM'SSIONER. CONVEXAN"ER. ETC‘ Real Estate and Insurance Dr. C. LaVerne Pantison Phone No. 23. B. H. LASHER PO. Box PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist; and Choirnmster St. Paul‘s Presbyterian Clluich, Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a limited numbenof pupils at his Home studio. Richmond Hill Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN Newmarket Granite Works Residence address Vic-Lorin Square \Vill he in Richmond Hill on Thuxsdnys after September 1. 1916 Address Nol'deimer Building '20 Yonge St. Torontc D. H. PINKERTON- V.S. H. A. NICHOLLS A. J. II [73113 Commissioner, Conveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Myrriage Licenses. THORNHILL Dealer and importer of Foreign, and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cub to order J EDWARD FRANCIS PAINTER PAPERHANGER GRAINER. ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1.534 436 RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrnnam‘ and influence respectfully solicited PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Ngrt Yonge St reel; MARRIAGE LICENSES OFFICE AND RESIDENCE EARLE‘ NEWTON Phone 9.30 \Vnod bridge Ki ng, ()nt. G. W. LUESBY S. SHEPHERD K. l‘IeFJxven 8: Son NOTARY P UBLIC [Single copies, 3 cts. CONVEYANCING Phone No. 7:3 ISSUER OP P. 0. address Gormley. R. R. Residence, Phone 183 No. 3 D 441