f TWO Big Leaders or money refunded. are guaranteed to do everything we say they will Norman Batty Snider’s Tomato Ketchup bottle ...... 22C Castile or Oatmeal Soap, MacLaren jelly Powders, 3 packages .................... 25C Gong Soups, 7 packages 25C ROYAL PURPLE and DR. HESS Luxury Macaroni, packages ................ Todhunter’s Cocoa, in to offer the following values. They are goods you know. Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Lines of Stock Specifics Poultry Specifics Leuse Powders Worm Cure Gall Cure Roup Cute Sweat Liniment Cough Cure Sheep Dips and Disinfectants 6 bars ..... pint Jars Extraâ€"Only a few dozen tins. Good Living 27C Salmon, large tin ................................................... ° Buying in large quantities and before recent advances enables us dLlHCdl QUle, A Few Real Bargains G. A. MCDONALD & SON bULUd, “1 lb ................. 23c Phone 18 5 lb. pail 2 lb. tin IO 1'0. pail . . . . . . . . . . Prunes, 90/100 5 Gu'nn’s Pork and Beans, 25c. |tin .......................... Snider's Tomato Soup, 16 oz. tin, 2 for ............ 25C Edwardsburg Syrup 70/80 size, I 1b. The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale- Cement drain tile, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12, 15, 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length.) Also Cement Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load r in car lots. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick A vet-y comfortable brick clad house on Centre Street \Vest with good sized 101;. A good house, stalxle‘ chicken house, orchard. etc†just the spun for a retired farmer at Victoria. Square. A grth bur-gain for a qutck sale. Three good farms in Markham Township and vam'zl] in Vaughan. \Vill be able to please you. One of the best farms in the vicinity of Kettiehy 150 acres. gum] buildings. good bush. gnud land, cheap. Terms to suit. Possession anytime. Owner retiring. ‘ Expert on all kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class vulcanizing with double-tread tire stitching work. A large stock of parts always an band; also all kinds and sizes of tires and accessories. Free air ser- vice supplied here, so why break your back pumping tires by hand. Excelsior Motorcycle Agency; sta- tionary engine work; storage bat- teries rechsrged; bicycles repaired. A modern Suhd brick house on Church Street with n 50 ft. lot. A vacant lot,’ 50x210 on Church Street. A new well ï¬nished brick veneer dwelling on Markham 'erd at a bargain. Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop ROBINSON BLOCK. YONGE STREET PHONE x0. 68 H. A.. Nicholls REAL ESTATE FOR SAIJIJ: size 2 lbs. 37.??? 19c L. Curtis T. COUSINS, Pres. and Manager Maple 25C 15c Farmers. in soliciting your sales. I (in so. not with a. view of beating any other man out, of them. but be- cause it )3 my special profession. Hav- ing been a. farmer for years. knowing stuck and values, (grade or pedigreed) knowing how to describe stock and values. having conducted many hun- dred farm and stock sales. having madea. world’s record, and having “given to the world its greatest auc- tion work." I canâ€"41nd I submit grounds for the claimâ€"get you more money from a sale than any other man in the business. Your Sale is dollars to you. \Vhy not get: the most of them ? \Vrite or see me. J. R. LONG. Auction Specialist, 599. Yungp St. Toronto. Orders taken Iqr Red UlayF Pressed Brick We have the 'J) L. 80 W. I Scranton Hard Coal , and Kennel Goa.†None better" Order noww ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES } Good Bran and Shorts in stock. ' A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale LA \VRENCE & DUNBA R. 36 Toronto Street, Toronto. Solicitors for Administratrix. Dated at Toronto. this 25th day of Februmy, 1918. I 353 NO'IIUE is he-iehygiven. pursuant Ln R.S.0. 19H. UhuplorlZl. Swtiun $10, Lhnt creditors or nthm's hm in}; Cl‘llllh‘ :iguinsl the Mini» Hi the said James Ostcr. who (lird on or about the 238th day ()fJumnu-y. 1918, HIEX't’qulL'Ed to send liy post, premniil, “my (lt'lth’l’ to the undersigned solicitins fur thv Adminisn-nh-ix of {he said dncmsetl. on 01' before the Twenty-eighth day of Maich. 1918.t1wi1- (‘ln-isdunnmneszmd sun-names. nddrPssvs and (lr‘SCll[)liUl)>'. With full purliculnrs. in writing. nf (heir claims, and shluylents nf their amounts and of vlw nature of the secmiiy. if any. held by them, duly \‘miï¬vd l)_v Srntulm y Declaration. and "fir-r tho said dale- Llw Administratl'ix will pinceed tn dis-tribute the assets (if the deceased among the persons on- Litled 'thereto. Inning regard nnlv tn the claims of which she has then nutice. ' I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cemens IN THE MATTER OF the estate of Jamei Ostm‘, late of tho 'i‘uwnship of Vaughan, in 1119 Gnumy nf Ymk, Gentlcnnm. (lvneasml. A Great Chance It will be seen by mlverlisvnwnt in :mnthm- column Humer Brm. :m- (le- simus 0f disposing of thvii incrnlhv milk business. Hm‘ner Bi‘ns. lmvP been disposing the helm! fluid tlnnugh cloud and sunshin in tho inâ€" habitants of Richlnund Hill fm' the pnsbLhiI-tv ï¬vv yvars and dm-ingihiiL lime inn-e built up an illillll’lisr payinu business and Inn» wall and l't'inillui the l‘l‘SDl‘Ct/ of their many (-Ininnu-rs. In health and the lulmi- (llll-‘Sliuii has mndv it m-cossm‘y fur lhmn 1:. (iispnsv of their hushws which tiwv :Ilv l-il‘W endeavouring to do lln-uugh MLâ€. A. Nichiios, Real Estate Agr‘lli. This is a chance in :1 lifetime and sunwune is a chance in :1 Iifeti I: going m get a snap RICHMOND HILL ONT Auction Sales Season Coming Puhtic Attention NOTICE TO CREDITORS J. H. RAMER §9e9@@@a§@@9©9e3ageseae§ Tile for Draining. §%G%@QS®@Q@@G QSQGQS®<§®€© It makes the skin smooth, velvety and healthy, and will give you acomplexion the OTHER CHAPS all admire. You Gary keep those UNDESKRABLE CHAPS away from your lips, cheeks and hands by Using Nyals Mayflower Cold Cream Sloan’s Drug Store Richmond Hill Hill fur Mir" 7} during LIL-1L Ilunm- paying Ilul l'rlnimd ' (-ndnnwrs. questiun Ims Price 25 cean 3!. 1918 A rc‘iabl: French regulator; never Kaila. Thae oills are exceedingly powerful in regulatmg the generative portion of the female system. Refu5¢ all cheap imitations. Dr. d9 Vln'l are sold at £5 a box. or three {or 810. Malled to any address. rho Boobon Dru: 00.. St. Goth-moo, one. H11] Crest Lodge. 1.0.0. F.â€"Meets 211d and 4th Tuesduy of each month. Victoria L.O. L. 2368-)Ieets 4th \Vcd- nesday of each month. Court Richmond, A.O.F.â€"â€".\Ieets 4th inday. I.O.F,-â€"Meets 3rd Thursday of evexy month. [Camp Elgin, SOSâ€"Meets 2nd and I 4th \Vednesduy. Dr. de Van’s Femaler lels Public Library and Open Tuesday :lll nings. Richmnnd Lodge. A Monday on 01' beft Fire Brigade â€"- Meets each Month. Band Practiceâ€"Monday of each week at. 8 9.11). United Funnelsâ€"Meals in Ruhinsun’s Hall. iichmuud Hill, 2nd and 4th \‘Vednesday. Vill Emvm-th Leagueâ€"Meets day at 8 p.111. Prpshylel inn Young Peup Meets erer Thursday Roman Cuthnhc Church altex‘pute Sundays at 8.45 13.30 a.m. Methodist Chumhâ€"Sel \‘lcf’s and 7 p.11). Sunday Schu General Pruyvr Meeting evening. Presbytmm Church â€"- Services at 21.11). and 7 p.m. Sunday School 2.45. Prayer Meeting Thursdav e Hing. Church of England â€"Sex~vices at ll u.m. and 7 p.111. Huly Communinn unlhe lst Sunday in the month at 11 mm. and (m “the! Sundays at 8 mm. Sunday School and Bible I ll]:ll1.1\“l'g4‘(lnl land and hUIISt‘ [Mint] in lhv pli Suit. Tht- (lefvn claim lllldl’l' up; should l'l’\'€‘l'[-K ‘ keep up payme illnge ()mmc “'ednesduy ‘ (lilllJFIgt'h. the punch Elgin Sid! fmm unc mnn.Allv; [ht 8 H.111. Sunday Class at 3 n’clnck A car of salt 1nd Puritv Flt Colborne, THE CHASE BROTHERS C0. 0F ONTARIO, LTD, NURSERYMEN, Send {m- cmr thtl‘flh‘d Circulars 0f hardy varieties. wh';h ynu can order direct and save the agent‘s commission. of which vou gel. the helwn'L. Our primw will he sure to inLvn-sf yuu. and all smck is absu- lutely ï¬rst-class and hue Lu name. \VP new! no further introduction Hmn th fact that. we hm 9 lice-n in rlw Nursery Blls‘ilH‘SS SIXTY-ONE YEARS. and are uuw pn'pnred tn rum-t existing(:«mdilinns hyuffr-l’ing our high-grade Tree's :md Plunls (“N’ch gm customers at ROCK BOT- TOM PRICES. Fruit Trees Mr. \Villi And Plants FOR SPRING PLANTING. Village Directory Lodge. AF. &A.M Phleets on or befme the full moon. ESTABLISHED 18.37. lluchâ€"Sen‘lcps at 11 a.m. Sunday Schuul at 2.30. ruyvr Meeting Thursday pl “'9 HI'! fvndzmls v (.f sume property ruml iunuing pul‘tt nvnI-d by MI. “'65. :l misw ])l't‘.~k'lllill inn: use and ulsn anegcd |)I il'v are [he muses Dung People’s Societyâ€" Thul-sday at 8 p.111. il â€" Meets evvry 2nd )f mnnlh. m [{uhlou ur 'J‘. Sit-11h Hts at the Elevator. ur, Barley Mun] lk‘llll'n nd Reading Ronm~ and Saturday eve- SSIYA mls cunnlu-uluiu‘. mu] mm‘mt that pmpul Ky Iln-m nl'Ll-r f:|illll0 lu st Monday of III-l Services 5 mm. a Ontario. 1t 11 30. p rty ( :ll‘l, (v lgiu M \V ( H»f huth d nltm- ‘s 01' (hr tin; and Mon $1000 50h {Dd Ml'y l on lhl' the