I‘licmroxn HILL, 0511, Fan. is. lllla‘ .‘Irs’. A. \V. Hal l is and ln-i daughter. Mrs. C. \\'. (Bu per of \Virrnipeg. \\r‘l(' in the \illage l-IJL week Calling l'll i‘ltl iri~-nds. Mr. I“. .l. (il'-!lli|lll forinlrlv gus left Friday l.‘.>L tor a trip to Los‘ Atlgeles. (Valitornra. 'l'lii-y expect to return illli-lll April lJih. (‘omingz F. If. Luke, all I Uplician lti? Yonge St.. Toronto's able t‘yrvsigllt Sp. cialist can he consult- ed about your eyes for glasses at J. H- Sloan's drug store. Richmond llill. Tuesday,at'ternoouellar-cli5th. ll-llll< 2.30 p. in. to b' p. in. Mr. and .\Ir<. Frank Denton, Toron- to lellllllllii‘t‘ lllr' engagement of tln-ir daughter. Lily. to Norman Alex-indel- Keys. .\l. C. late lieutenant in the 31:1 Battalion. ('. l5. l".. soil lrf l'ioli'ssot' and Mrs. D. If. Keys of Toronto. The \\ edding will take place vei v slroi tly. A very enjoyable time was spent last LI'Jirday alter-noon aml melting when the teachers of the Melllt-(list Sun- day School gave a tea and entertainâ€" merit to toe Scholars. It had been the intention to give the children an old fashioned sleighride, but the con- dition oflhc roads made it till“ ise to do so. The children gathered .itier 4 o'clock and “'01 e serwd an abundance of good things to eat and drink, after which a very nice programme of songs and rccitations was given by the pi im- ary class, whose efforts shnwi d great effort and skill on the part oflheir teacher Mrs. i\l_vlks. This was fi-llow- ed by a very ï¬ne stereopticon enter- tainment. consisting of floral displays. landscape and war \‘ie\\'s,. and the stories of Robinson Crusoe and Cind- erella. The lantern and slides were in charge of Mr. ()rowhurst. assisted by Air. Harry Sanderson, while Miss Trench read the stories. The last picture shown was that of His Majesty ..r this ‘ Village, .\lr~'. Graham and .\1.|~li‘l;\l--, .ciwly lllt‘ satire mite-gut)? Optometrist - l l l r l I Village Taxes and Finances \\'~: aru- (Iveply \l'l‘r‘ll l-- till)" lv'lll- bl»- wli~ir~ra~~il war i‘irl.tlilllrl1~‘.\\t‘ :ilt‘.ili\r' {H lllt‘ ll’ ">-s~ii_\‘ ill or l‘llllllly and thiitt. but l urn llil'llli-il to llllllK that iur ltlr‘i‘.‘ in that lll.'-. wr llt‘ more on i lll own pariinilar caw. Is it not lln- tune that t'\r‘l_\' good lIUIISL'hL’rlH‘l l3 leiiing Ii-i inn-n illlil othrr household t'urnislnnru inn ill on. and try to niake' “lllll they now have go to the limit, knowingr lliat ll plenâ€" ,r~hing liliilt't' plt‘s’t‘id m ialiliou~ is l.l t g. i d u-orrnmy. Are not rnlinitipal llrulic-ls in Die. Sllnillil ltlil oni t'vliinitil like the saint- stand :u a good housekeeper and pl ill. for this year sit least. to do in) \\r.rk of :ill iuipmu-mn-nt Character in t immedâ€" lilll'ly l't'tl‘lill'tl. .\li. lllllll': trlls llit‘ til it lb:- li-vy for this†year lil'l (llll‘ llPlll :ilnlii'. l/l‘llt‘ l’alriulic l‘ und i will call l. i over SEANâ€. ard every rail-payer knows that the tax bills are pro\ in; \ or _v lrlll‘tli'll~4rlllt-. llltllll't‘ that the (‘oilniril are iltl\i‘l'- lining for ll!†yards of gravel, and l reariin Conceib- that thu- (‘wnncil are more likely to know than myself whether ornot penditure can llt'tll'lil_\'t‘tl for another year. but I lt‘:llt'l,‘llllll\’ submit that policy of the gr (rd lllltlsi'kt't'pi'l‘:llrlllltl , be their policv. There are in) doubt plenty (‘1' Village‘ inipli-venu‘tils insisting on the (,'rvrr.xâ€" ril's attention, iinprovi nn-nls ilo dulbt necessary bill, would lllt‘ delay of one year really do any onean lllJtllV.’ 1 submit that it is the duty of the Council to rill. of e\eiy kind and undertake no won it that can poSsibly stand in er. Yours truly, llllpPl‘Hll‘t‘ \\'.\i. PRATT .â€"‘o-*_ The Crackers Win Their Name Thr.~ Maple Crackers were again successful when they met the Ed- geley Speeders on the Thornhill rink last Thursday night. The game was very interesting. although it was Eli-nil decided that the Crackers had a walk over theSpeeder-s who were outclassed. The penalty box was pretty well pat- the King. at sight of which the aud-l ronized by the Crackers. but they did iencc rose and joined heartily in sing- l not sulfer much by it. and when the ing the National Anthem. which brought to a close one of the functions of the year. ' The teachers wish to thank the par- cuts and others who contributed toâ€" geley alone. The players were as r Glee†“Vinâ€!th Bac‘m fn'm‘ ' 4061b game was drawing to a close it looked as if the Crackers had also captured the name of Speeders, and the latter Were glad to get off with the name of Ed- wards the commissriat and otherwise | l'ollows:â€"â€"l\laple Crackers, Coal J. Orr; assisted in giving the children a good time. Open all year! Enter now ELLIOTT Toronto. Ont., has to-day a strong- er hold uphn the public conï¬dence ‘ than ever before. “THOROUGH TRAINLVG†for choice posrtions in Business Life is give: in all our De- . partnrents. This college does not ask for a better reputation than it has now. \Ve place many students in positions each year. \Vri e to- day for Large Catalogue. x 734 Yonge St. { W.J. ELLIOTT YougeckC’har-les Sts 1 Principal defence. K. Blanchard. E. Orr; R wing. \V. Grady: L. wlug, H. Charles: centre. L. Clement; Referee. 0. Smith. “'illowdale. ‘~>â€"â€"â€"- A fur mitt. was picked up on Yonge Street and left at this office. Owner may have same by proving property. BIRTH McLEANâ€"On Monday. February 25th. at “Braesrde†“'Oodbridge. to Dr. and Mrs. G. D. McLean, a son, (Charles Douglas). DIED CASELEYâ€"At his late residence. Straitf- ville. on Tuesday. Feb. 19th. IQIH. Thomas Caseley, in his 74th year. COLBRASâ€"At the London Hospital, London Unt.. on Sundav Feb. 4th. I918 of Pneumonia, Pie. “'alter Colbr'an. Sprinr Wheat Seed Fr *flniarin The world demand for wheatin 1918 justiï¬es the greatest possible effort towards increased production. The small acreages of Fall Wheat; put in last Fall will mean increased acreage in Ontario available «for Spring Wheat. The Ontario Government is co operating with the farmers in ordea to provide seed. It has purchased 50,000 bushels of No. 1 Marquis Spring Wheat Seed through the Seed Branch of the Federal Department of Agriculture. necessary to ï¬ll needs. DIS I‘RIBUTIONâ€"Seed is sold only in 2-bushel bags. More will be purchased it Carloads the i'onli-mplalt-«l ex-t rItlI. lillllh‘ will be placed at certain points in the Province where less than carload orders can be ï¬lled, the purchaser paving local freight from such dis~ tributing point to his own station. Where Farmers’ Clubs or other Organizations bring in cariord lots, the price at their local stations will be the same as at Distributing points. WHERE TO BUYâ€"Purchase may be made either in the warehouse at the distributing points. or orders may be placed with the nearest District Representative of the Provincial Department of Agri~ culture, or they may be sent direct by mail to the Markets Branch, De- partment of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Tsronto. PAYMENT IN CASHâ€"Price is $2.74 per bushel at Distributing Points. IN ALL cases, \vrrnocr EXCEPIION, CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. Send remittance by marked cheque, postal note, post ofï¬ce or express order made payable to Ontario Department of Agriculture, Markets Branch. ORDER EARLYâ€"In the event of the requirements of the Province being underestimated, there may be not enough seed to go around. It is advisable in order to insure having their orders ï¬lled that purchasers should place orders as soon as pOSSible. All orders are subject to conï¬rmation and will be ï¬lled in the order received. As seed is delivered in two bushel bags, order should be for even numbers of bushels, and no order for less than 5 bushels can be accepted. NAMES OF DISTRIBUTORS at local points will be announced later. Distributing points at present decided arezâ€"Ohatbam, London, Woodstock, Hamilton, Brampton. St. Marys, Oshawa, Toronto, Port Hope, Port Perry, Peterboro. Lindsay, Barrie, Orillia. Newmarker, Listowel, Orangeville, Alliston, Durham, Simcoe, Welland, Palgrave, Kemptville, Branrt‘ord, Stouffville. Ontario Department of Agriculture J. C. Steckley, Markets Branch. Parliament Buildings. Toronto. District Representative, Newmarket, Ont. F. J. Mansbrid begs tothank ‘l:c inhabitants 1 fl awarded him in rhe support prrt tow weeks. and trusts [Lat by sub- rnitiing the uriilerinerait-nrrl slitcizils it may interest all lauw- w it‘cs: ~ STAerlno V'ALL'E l.\' mu l’i‘esli Sea Salmon 17c lcr lb, whole or half, from .3 to It! lli>. t‘acll, Sliced 20c. per lb. if rii'ry tiunn's l’uie Laid "Maple Ixaf Iliaiab 1 lb. prints In; per lb. .i and 3 lb. pails . . . , , . SHI'. pr] lb. Ill lb. pail» . . . . _ . , 2H“. poi ll‘. Ill! lb. pails . . . . . illt‘. lwi lb. lirlBlllISi and In invstic Slit-Herring llb.prints’ :'rr.-_ :4 lb. pails . . . . . . . . , . . ll. A. Margarine ill 1 lb. i'arti ns per lb. equal to best butter [it I‘ ll) ‘ ..Ii'h'. per lb. .,â€"I .rlt. Ilii'll (‘anadian (‘lll-dtiai t‘lret-sr- 2w. lb. ltipc old Cheddar t'neese. illic. lb. ‘ A spei-iil blend ofIndirrn and ('eylon .' ‘TL'JIS, blark t-l' llllXt‘tl 47»: per lb. Beef Bologna. . . . . . . . 2W: per lb llanr lit‘lr‘gllrt '... . 22c per lb \\'eini-r \\ msts .. .. . 23c per lb r . Black and “bite l’udding .].')c prr lb rJt‘lllt‘tl lit-ad Cheese . . . . . lSc per lb .lellied llorks . 35c p-r lb ‘t‘ookrd Pt‘l’k Ham .... .230 per lb I Roast Meat Loaf .. . . . 25c per lb , l’itkleil l’olk llm'ks . . . . . . lec per lb ' Pickled Spar-eribs , .. lTr pr‘l lb Pickled I’icnic Hams, whole lialf . .........L’S:per lb Pickled boneless belly baci n lili: per lb Pickled Ox Tongues... . .. 27c per lb Pickled oi Corned Beef from .. l‘c lb Pickled ltolls Boneless ... . 330 per lb Pickled Jowls Boneless 32¢ per lb Fitsh Shoulder Roasts I‘ork 32c per lb Lean Pork Chops ... .... 35c per lb Livers, kidneys. hearts & swcetbreads Smoked breakfast bacon ....ltlc per lb " " sliced 42c per lb Smut ed back bacon trimmed 50c per lb " “ " sliced. 52c per lb Smoked llolls Boneless . 35¢ per lb Smoked Hams "Maple Leaf".3b'c per lb Smoked \Viltsliire Bacon from . 40c lb i Prime Heifer Beef all cuts at popular prices Special Price by the Quarter Gnod Cooking Apple? . . . . . . 50 per lb " " " . . . . . 500 per pk I $5.00 per barrel Desert Apples ‘Roine Beauties’ 40c dl z i l Sunniland Florida Oranges extra. . . . . . . . . . 60c doz. Grape Fruit, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 for 25c Spanish Onions . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lb for 25¢ Davies Pork Pies . . . . . . . . .. . . So each large and sweet. Smoked and Fresh Fish in great \arrety. ___M_‘_â€"â€".__â€"_.__â€"h'â€"_ Our Sausages Are ahead of any argument we can offer in their behalf. Nothing we can say here will quite. come up to the sausages themselves. Delicious and Dainty, Toothsome and Tasty. Homemade, about 6 to the pound 22c Little Pig, about 1'2 to the pound 25c Davies Cambridge, about 6 to lb. 25c| Special Country Sausage about 10 to the pound ............28c Obtainable at NSBRIDGE’S A T A E ARKET Richmond Hill , r Skating Rink l Open for Skaters on l ’ Wednesday & Saturday Evenings I 7.30 to 10 pan. B A N D Saturday Evenings TICKETS \Vednesday. Evenings â€" Admission for all 10 cents. i l r l l v r l Saturday Eveningsâ€"Adults 15 as; " Children 10 cents. l The Rink will be open on \Vedues l days from 4 to 5 p.in.. free to children under ten years of age. J. A. )onxnas. ( lairman of (‘oinn ittee. m MOOOWOOOMOONO Willovvvdale Biuiilders’ Suppltj Co’g I. & G. H. MCKENZIE, CONCRETE HOUSE Plain .\Iqu1UiS(.’LtC Witll hem stitched border, \. Will!) 30 in., cream color, d ...................................... 38c 3,4 in. \Yhite Marlsz .\IU>llll ........................ vd. 30c I in. Colo Spot. Muslin, 30 in. wide, yd ............ 20c \\ intc Figured Curtain Muslin, small pattern, yard {5C 56 in. Printed Turkey Red Chintz yd ........................ 300 Art Sateen, dark blue and white stripe with blue grey and green floral design, yd ......................... 38c 36 in. Art Sateen green ground, and pink roses, yd. 4,5 Silkoline white ground with pink and grey floral pattern, yd. ............................................... . ............ 286 Drapery Crctonrcs medium and dark colorings, iloral patterns, yd ............... , ..................... 30 and 35c Clnld.cn’s \V'hite I’lannelctte Drawers, ï¬nished With full, srze‘s z, 4, 6 and 12 yrs., pr. ...... .. ........ 350 Good quality of Black Sateen Bloomers, sizes 2 to 12 years, pair ........................... . ........ ........ .....5oc \Vomcn‘s line cambric corset covers with round yoke in front of embroidery and lace, and ribbon draw string. ........................ .............. ..480 .Plain white lawn aprons made with plain band at waist. ï¬nished with insertions each........ ....... .....380 Men'sbeavy flanneletre night shirts, white ground with blue or pink stripe, size 15 to 17 collar....r.go Men‘s derby ties, good assortment of colors each....3oc Men's all wool ribbed sock. pair. ......65c Men's colored working Shirts, large and roomy. made of good material to 1.25 l l Atkinson & Switzer STORE CLOSES AT srx RM. I MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY I l l r Richmond Hill Furnishing Store We carry a good stock of men’s odd pants, overalls and smocks, work shirts, heavy sox. heavy work boots and rubbers of all kinds. Also agentfor Fire Insurance. N. J. GLASS, Yonge Street ,,r ,. Hard Wall Plaster Plaster Boards Mortar Colors Also Lime Fire Brick Plaster Paris lite. Cement Sewer Pipe Weeping Tile Flour and Feed -â€"b-W=9â€" \VILLOWDAI.E, ONTARIO W. J. LAWéE NCE ‘ llVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST GREENHOL’SES RICHMOND HILL GREENHOL‘SES AND OFFICE 152 RUSELAWN AYE. Tormx'ro Flowers tastefully arranged for weddings, funerals, etc. Roses and Carnations Phone Richmond Hill, or nights and Sundays Belmont 989, City E 2 Only one lot left on Church St.. 80 ft. front, by 160 ft. deep. gravel road entrance to garage. Ornamental and fruit. trees. This is a rare choice to secure a beautiful place for a new borne Some choice lots on Church St., Baker- Ave. and Roseview Aux, liberal discnunt for cash, or $1.00 per foot down anu three to live year agreement. RICHMOND llll.l., ()Nl‘. W \. T‘\T h n. Cr. --â€" w "aw-3 ~43. ... "- l "T". . ,.1u W‘ k 7