Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1918, p. 1

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lCtlu‘l l’ian o and "0ice Telephan Muiu 277T J. T. SAIGEON C. WALKINGTON Maple King Licensed AllCHnnP(‘l'.~ ful the Unnntynf York. Sales :llll‘lldt‘d tn un shun [05L noticv. and at rezmnnuhlv rntvs. Patronage solicited Offices Snlimlor All mail orders will receive prompt attention. FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales at every dyseriplinn. Farms and farm stock sales a specialtv. Farms bought, and Snld on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest nuticv. and con- ducted by the mustnpprm‘ed methods. 2.00 BERESFOHD A mm. W EST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. Patronage solicited JOHN B. CAMPBELL. BARRIS’I‘ER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office. Richmond Baildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Lihox-al’ Otficok every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday after-11mm. V‘Voodhridcze, Saturday forenmm. Money to Loan at PIANO'TUN’INGK €173 u!) VOLXL. BARRISTER SOLICITOR 7 NOTARY {Lumsdvn Bldg. 6 Adelaide St. f’fices { East. Toronto anugln-m Blvck. Aurm-n. I Thu-130w!) 0f Aurm-a "mum. [Ur 1.1. .\l. \Valmn, Aurora Denton, Grover 4S: Macdonald aBurz-isbers. Solicturs. &c M ANNIXG ARCA L E. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA Frank Danton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mucdonald Barry D. Anger TWENTY~FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Tel. M. 3631 ._ __ v _ -_----- v I onunn 13.115 by plume up otherwise prompth “tum respvr nded to'. I {(92 A. Camerqq “MapgNaughton Undertaken-s a: Embnlmers. RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept. at. the above places HOUSE PAINTER, 1 Glazier. Grainer and Paper-l Hanger. 1 RPIS§DENCE. RICHMOND HILL! W-f dH_E_W_'§_Q N I .I. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS ON HAND REAL ESTATE JOHN T. AVDERSDN Pmo FUNER LICENSED AFCTIONEER Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST VETERINARX SURGEON, ’1‘hornllill.‘ ‘none or mail mess attended to. Satin 3. 9avidson II. Naughton Organs Repaired. Expert Work I’I. I)I'(}lltiCO 415 Bulliul St. Turunln. l’hnnv Belmont 134T RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. TEACHER OF â€"AGENCYâ€" mail nlessugos promptly i to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL 'I‘. C. M. Residvnute Elgin Milk Residence Phone 41.4 MANAGER l )(“'(!l' Current Rates i of Education , movement, 1away from Iright to i should be ‘ . view that it would be a l" Special to'l‘he Liberal The past week in the Legislature has been a quiet one. but considerable progress is being tirade and quite at number of bills have received their seCond reading and others passed through the Committee stage. The second reading ofthe bill to extend the life of thi- Legislature was the occasion of a peculiar division in the. House when H. H. Dewar-t. Liberal member for South-\Vest Toronto. opposed the extension unless for some definite time. He suggested an ex- l tension for twelve months subject to ‘ further extensions from year to year 1 it considered necessary. In this atti- i tude he folrndlnnrself alone. both sides ‘ of the House voting against him and v defeating him by a vote of 58 to 1 in . the first division for the session. The ‘bill provides that the duration (-f the Assembly be extended “until after , the present war. the return of the. Canadian forces serving overseas with l the military and naval services (ifCan- I ada and of (heat Britain and her Allies, and until one year has elapsed. and a session of the Legislature has‘ been held." l Mr. Proudfoot, the Opposition Lead- l er registered a strong protest against ' the. City of Toronto bill to amend the 3 Public Schools Act. The amendment l l ; aims to restrict the vote for the Board . to those eligible ‘ vote at municipal elections. Mr. l Proudfoot thought it was a retrograde as the, bill \vould take hundreds of people the vote. He believed there a uniform franchise which would obviate the present double lists. The bill was referred to the Municipal 1 Committee. ' Capt. J. I. Hartt introduced a Day- ilight Saving bill. Both the Premier and the Leader of the opposition approved the measure. but Mr. Proud- , foot thought it should not be passed unless a slmilar measure was passed for the Dominion and expressed the great. advan- tage if the United States could be inâ€" duced to take similar action. $9.00t),00t) were voted by the Legisâ€" lature to the Hydro Electl'lt: Power ()ornmission for development \vork i and extensions. The ProvincialTreasâ€" i urer stated that if the Connnisximr required the. whole of this amount this ‘ year the Government \vonld secure a . loan to provide the money. In reply to Mr. Proudfoot the Attorney Gener '; :11 stated that the work on the Ulrippa~ \va scheme might possibly be complet- ed in 1921. to‘ Edward Hurst, :1 carpenter. about 60 years of age. was burned Ln (lea Lh when the house in which lwresided alone at \Villowdnle was totally de- stroyed by fire early Tuesday morning. The house was a stn-rey and a. half frame one. owned by John McKenziP, and had been occupied by the old gentleman fur the past three months. How the' fire started Is a mystery as the place was a mass of flames when fitst discovered about 5 u. m.. A. seauch among the ruins later revealed the charred body of the occupant. Two daughters of the unfnrtuuute man reside in Toronto. Mrs. Ed- wards, 250 Brunswick am. and Mrs. Green, 758 Markth street. {Millinery Opening Presbyteriat‘ Church Sunday, Mar. 17H), the minister will preach at both services: in the morning “Love fortified by Know- ledge;" in the evening un “A CiLV Without \Valls." A Cungregational Supper and So- cial will be held in the church this Thurs. evening. followed by the ad- journed annual meeting. -- - n ,,J J The “Mary Slessor" Mission Bnud will meet, Fri. 4 p.1n. at. Miss Boyle‘s. The “CMJS. will meet, Tues. next. 7.45 p.11). at the home of Miss Heise. The regular meeting of the Red Cross Auxiliary, will he held in the Public School. on Monday" March 18th. at four o’clock. A sewing meeting will be held at the home of Mis. \Villinm (look. on Friday. March 15m at one Cook. on E'rn: thirty o’clock. The Week In The Legislature Store closed Monday, W'eduesday and Friday evenings. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY.1\1ARCH You are invited to attend the Spring Millinery Opening at Thornhill Man Burned at Willowdale on March 21, 22, 2.3 and following days Misses N. and E. Barker Red Cross Notes to Thp Lihm In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in allthings The many friends of Scout \Vilfre-(l Dean \villI-e-gl'i-L In hear thatlio is very ill with planm-neumunia. The sympathy 01' the scouts is extended to his parents with [he SIDCPH‘ wish thaL he can he. spared to be amongst us again lwfm-e lung. Dr. Johns ()f'lfhm-nhill. special Ex- aminer for St. John‘s Ambulance exâ€" amined eleven Scnuts. \Vcthmsday Evening. th sixth. at Scout Head- qnaru-I's. the examination being successful; the candidates names will bu_pnlx_lish§d later on. M, u” _.. :... ux ls buns, Cub, wnn tlw prize for the host Union Jack drawn hythv Cubs, the examinvr was our gum] frinnd. Mr. H. G. Hammond and the prize was presentr-(l by tleuh Muster. Stanley Ransom hus been promoted to THva Lender and Home». \Vndo has taken his place in the Peewilz as Pulrul Lender, and Jack Innos us Cnrpm'ul. Le!an Farr has been promoted as Palm] Leader of the Lions with L-Imhmt, Atkinsnnns Qty-porn]. m. n A \r,»;.... I.._.u‘ V”. V". Re (lamp-The Scuut Muster hopes the parents will nllmv all their buys to go to Camp this year, as Lheumw that, go lessens the expense for the rest. It Is estimutvd it will cost 50 cts. per. day for em‘h hnv; thr- place we propose to camp will he pllllllallt‘d later. i The recent concert ln-ld hv the l Scouts and Cubs. realize-d. after (‘x- l penses were paid, in thv neighborhood I of $25.00. Our lnnstI-uspecled (-nlnred citizvn, Mrs Susan Maxwell, celebrated lhv one hundred and Lhiltuenth :mnivm's- ‘ :n'y uf hm- l)i1-thd.-1y in right, myul I style last Sunday, the 10th uf Mal-ch. ' Guests cnnunencvd Lu arrive on Szuux- ‘ day. nnhvilhstmniing lht- rugingstm'm. i and by Sunday uftPrnonn smne eighty ' friends had assembled tn (in honor to ‘ the more than cenwmn-iun, and came ‘ from puian as far distant sis Guelph, i fr'un Toronto and nun-er homo. Thai ufwrnnnn was \‘W-ll spent in singing uld plantation melodies. hymns nf Ihv old SnuLhm-u school, and profitable mmmfl March Rnd and Gun is on the news stands and its contents are of special interesttn lovers of the'uul: of doors. Some of the stories must, wm-lh read- ing me. "A Canadian Unusin” by Mar- vin Leslie Hayward; "Skin forSkin” by Harry \V. Luughy; "The Cache Thiet” by P. \V. Parkinson; “A Canadian “’0” Stury” by T. S. Scott; “A Big Game Hunt, at, Brunt-ll Creek"_ by A. A slight en nr was made in the Laague announceinaub of Feb. 25. the papexgnn "Admiral Beauy” was given by Miss M. Trench instead of .\Ir. \Valk- er as stated in last, week's Liberal. ‘ The Enwurlh League meeting next Monday evening will be in charge (if the Litenu'y Department, A pm- giamme of unusual interest is being prepared consisting of Irish Songs and recitationsalsn some limelight views nf Ireland will be shuwn. Everybody welcome. The Epwm'th League meeting Mon- duy evening. which was in change of the Misswnary Department, was of a. very inteiesting nature. After the opening exercises. a 5010 was given bv Mrs. A. Savage. followed by an excell- ent, paper entitled "His Dominion" ill- nstrarpd hy limelight views. given by Miss ‘Vellwoud. G. Lnd\\'1g:“A \Veek in the Mount- ains of Quebec" by Marian '1‘. Scott; "Sufficient unto the Day" by H. C. Headdnn. (-tc. Theregulzu- departments devoted tu Guns and Ammunition. Fishing Notes. Alnng the Tmp LinP. Alphine Club of Cnnudu. etc. ale well maintained and the numheras a whole is replvtP with gund things. \V. J. Tayhm Limited. puhlishps Rnd and Gun Magazine at \Voodstuck, Ont. Ru cu Tabulea cure dizziness. Re-Boy Scouts 113th Birthday Epworth League Rod and Gun the (Jul) us been The above Uuunc strong’s Hotel. King day. the 23rd day of Members were all utes of last meeting ed. Several coived and u numhex (‘ Ml-Mutchyâ€"Dnlsunâ€"Thab theTxcus- urer in- insLx uctvd L0 [my to [he Suw- ling Bank of Uunuduun hehani. G. Reid the sum uf $373.65 hcingvslvimnlv uf Frank Bur-her Engim-m- of blunt) Bridge in acumdnncv with inslruulhms Bridge in acumdnncv \i/ith inslrncliuns from his assistant. Fred thislitj. " Mu\lnrchyâ€"MchLchsmnâ€"â€"'l‘hat, Lhn Treasurer place Lu the credit vi" the Municipality the sum of $3‘IIU lhosznne being for cement Tile sold to (frvmge Phillips-2' McUutChetm~«l(uukâ€"â€"Thut tln- Plan (if \Vest half of Lot 27. in the 6th cun- cessinn and the \VesL qunller uf lmls 28 and 29 in the 6th cuncessinn of the Township of King as submitted on beâ€" half of Stevens Gt Cu. bu npprmcd on cnnditiun that the Township be nut, responsible fur cnnsunctinn. repairs. nmint‘ninence or any 'truclur [hm-mm of the’rtmd way, unLil‘Snch time as in the opinion of the Township fldlhlll- iLies they will be warranted in nun-epi- ing the 5511119. KanKeâ€"IMIsnnâ€"Thpt this Council acct-pt, the offer (If U. i5. Lumiy for printing and sLulinnuy tor the cm; n‘nL year. i )‘IcMurchyâ€"McCutChennâ€"Thnt the l Audilms’ Rl‘pm-t of the Treasurers ‘ Account fur the your cnding Dw. 3], 1917 he and is hereby n-ct-ived and ‘ anplt'll and that the Glen k he illllllUI- izcd Ln have the usual nulnlu-l- prinu-Ll. | Knuluv-McUulchsunâ€"That [his Cunn- ‘cil pay the Andilms Ulms. Fry and A. i E. Hullingshund Lhé stun of $10.00 eucl). l in full for servit us. I 013 nmtiun Council :uljt-urned to 1 Inwet. at, Sliney's Hutel. Sclmlnhm-u, (in Saturday. Msuuh301h at, 10.30 at. HI. Kuukeâ€"McCut(:hsnnâ€"Thut the Twas. he inslrucLed to pay Luke Auvklund the sum of $933.00 us part uf e-xccuiiun 01' work pmt‘m'med «In rund nu (vl‘del' issued by [he Ulelk on uccuunt returnâ€" ed on slututP L mmn'. ~ Dulsonâ€"Kgmkeâ€"ThuL Joseph \Velrâ€" sLer be nppbinlod Sheep \Huuuter in Division N0. 9. in lieu of Thus. \me. Km:Keâ€"Dolsunâ€"Thnt this Council nnV Lennux & [.Hnmx. the sum 01‘ Mrs. James, wife 31’ Mr. David James (if Thornhill. died suddenly at her home early Sunday innrning. Shv was the youngest daughter uf the late \Villiznn Jacksmi. (me 01' [he pium‘ors ut' Yuik Township. A pinzn- inent Church \vm kvr. she “as the filst presidan of the Ladies’ Aid of ’J‘hwrn- hill )IL‘lhOdisL Church, und a pn>t p115â€" identnf the Missmnzu-y Smic-tv. b‘hv was-11150.1 past, president of tlw Wmn- en’s Institute of 'l‘hm-nhill and prim:- inently idelilifivd with the \Vt-nwn‘s Institutes (f the province. Tho: lnle Mrs. Jami-,5 was in hm‘ 69th your and leaves her husband. fivv suns and nine grandchildren. The- SUNS are: Edgar day anammry,1918, are required to send by push. preputid. “1- to deliver to the undersigned snliciuns fur the Administrntrlx nf the said deer-used. on or before the Twenty-eighth day of Malch. 1918. their Uln'isllnu mum-s and surnames, addresses and desm ipliuns. With full particulars. in Willing, of their clnirns. nnd statements nl’ their accnunts and of the nnlnle of the .secmily. if any, held by lhmn. duly unified by Statntmy Dt-clnrntiuu. and after the said dale th- Administmtrix will pmceed m distribute the assets of the deceased nnmng the persons en-l titled thereto. having H‘gux'd nan to the claims of which she has then grandchildren. The- suns are: Edgar A., chief engineer of lhe York County Good Roads Cmmnissiun; Frank H. and (7. S. ui CarsLaiI-s and Urnssfield. Altm; Gal-l IL. (If 'l‘hnrnhill. and 0. (l. Jaust uf ’l‘m-ontn. By Mrs. James’ death the con unuity sut’fels a real loss as her ban?) was always upen for all meetings and gatherings uf an ele- vating character. 36 HI. 1UL| K3:th of James Oster, late of the 'i'nwnbhip nf Vaughan. in 1119 Uuumy uf Yolk. Gentleman. dreamt-d. NOTICE is hvl'ehy giwn. pursuant to R.S.O. 1914. UhaplvrlZL Seminn 56, Lhnt cieâ€"diidi-s'nr ul-hPl's having claims against the vstnte ofth said James Ostel'. \thdied 1-11 or about the 28th notice. LAWRENCE & DUNBAR. 36 Toronto Street. Toronto. Solicitors for Administrattix. Dated at. Toronto. this 25m day of I'ebruuly, 1918. 35/3 IN THE MATTER OF p119 oslflge Lemmx A: lwnnhx 33 for arm icvs in full 10th, 1918. NOTICE TO CREDITORS King Township Council Mrs. James Died Suddenly nmmunicutixms worn end. The Council szs hills and accounts. RESULUTIUNs il un-L at Arm City,(m Sulun February. prveent and mm rmentvund mm [d and confirm Charity. ilCL nun: up Lo Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison CROVVNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build. ing. Office hours 9.3Uu.m. L0 5 p.m Hon. Graduate Rnynl Ds-nml Surgmns. Tux-nub Richmond Hill evvry ' Licensed Auctiunnms fur Toronto and the Counties of Yurk, Pee-l and Simcoe Riohmona Hill Phone No. 23. CCMM'SSIONER. CONVEY A N"ER. B. H. LASEEB J. If. I‘Iolevom ;% Son {Psidence address Victoria Square PIANIST Teacher of Pianoâ€"Playing at the Toronto Gunservntury uf Music Organist and Chuirmuster St. Paul's Presbyterian Chulch, Toronto Conductor Ym-k Choral Society \Vill ascept a. limith number of pupils at his Home studio, Richmond Hill D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN “Will he in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September 1. 1916 Addrese Nurdvimer Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto H. A. NICHOLLS Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Commissioner, Cnnvoyancex‘ etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. PO. Box 436 THORN J EDWARD FRANCIS PHONE 1834 Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone out to order RICHMOND NOTARY PUBLIC Riclnnond HiM LICENSED AUC'I‘{0NEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Pun-unam- :md influence [especlfully solicited Real Estate and Insurance OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ki 112:. ()nt. PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER North Yungv Street Phone 950 \Vnndln-idge [Single copies, 3 cts. EARLE NE\VTON . J. II [T HIE MARRIAGE LICENSEE PAINTER PAPERIIANGER Gimmick. ETC. NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING SHEPHERD Phn no ISSUER OF Royal Guile-g»! I‘m-um“, will he :vvry Tuesday 5 F|7id 14 1' ()P. NV P. 0. add Gol'nllt')’, R. Residence Phone 183 Ml

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