{Proved (lute lilore in Southampton, Ont. That Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cure Rheumatism. Harold D. Bertram Had inflammatory Rheumatism and One Box of BMW5 You speak to me with voices soft and , church, whore I'd never been before, I . Kidney Pills cleared It Out of HIs System. , Southampton, Ont., March 25thâ€" (Special)â€"That rheumatism is caused by disordered kidneys and that Do’dd‘s Kidney Pills will cure it is again Proved by the case of Harold D. Ber- tram, a young man well and favor- itny known here. He had inflamma- tory rheumatism for two months. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured him. "The doctor said my trouble started with the grippe," Mr. Bertram states. “My hands and feet were badly swol- - Jen and the doctor did not seem to be doing me any good. My grandmother, Mrs. G. Grasser, advised me to take Dodd’s Kidpey Pills. I took _one box of them and I haven't been bothered since. I am clear of the rheumatism." That Mr'. Bertram’s trouble came ‘_ from his kidneys As shown by his other symptoms. Hehad stiffness in the joints, was tired and nervous, and there were flashes of light before his eyes. He had a dragging sensation across the Ioins, was always thirsty and felt heavy and sleepy after meals. Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood; Cured kidneys strain the uric acid out of the blood. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure the kidneys. W’ I- TO MAKE A MAGIC BQAT. An Interesting Experiment_ for the Small Boy to Make. The surface of all water is covered by a ï¬lm of the water‘itself, which in its action is not.‘ unlike that of a thin sheet of india rubber. Torcomprehend this one must imagine the rubber to be transparent. The surface of the ’water itself is so elastic and under ten- sion, so that a needle, thoughheavier than the/water, may be floated on the surface. Several interesting experiments may, be made with the elasticity-of“ this ï¬lm. One-of the best is to place two slender splinters of wood side by side on the water. Now drop a little alco-. hol between the splinters. This alco;, hol will immediately break the surface' ï¬lm between the splinters, and the pulling force of the remaining ï¬lm, since there is nothing between to hold them, will cause the splinters instantâ€" ly to fly apart. Another interesting experiment is to Whittle a thin, \‘slender splinter, pointed at one end somewhat- like ai boat. Place a tiny bit of gum cam- phor on the rear of this splinter and the gum will destroy the surface ï¬lm so that there will be no pull in the rear. As there-is a pull in the front not balanced by one in the rear, the tiny boat will run\ forward as rapidly as the camphor can dissolve the ï¬lm. in the rear. / Some interesting little “magic tricks might be developed» from these experiments Which would surprise and instruct friends. ‘ 'g The bachelor may think he is hav-I ing a good time but really he isn’t. I \ Nothing will take the place of sunlight for a vegetable garden. Don’t try to raise crops under trees. .The shade is bad, and the roots of a tree, spreading as far out as‘ the crown spreads, "wolf" the moisture, that the vegetables need. I / THE ONLY The Old Sugar Bush. Let me sing of the March wind in the maples, The frost and the flaming sun“ Hear the tinkle 6f the drops in the bucket That tells of a bountiful sap run! Tender wind, in the high tops of the maples, snow and >ilic Wise sun playing havoc with the ‘ khaki; they took away my name, and, snow, gentle, Of pleasures that \izerc minc long ' ago. The breezes brought a whisper from the Southland, Summoning the sulky soap to rise-â€" And the blue in the sky above the hilltops, But echoed my little sweetheart-'5 eyes. There was happiness in sweet. sunny corners, , That even a cynic could not missâ€" And the syrup in the simmering ket- ties yVas sweet as my little sweetheart's kiss! As sweetsâ€"and yet possessionâ€"â€" Empty memories of days far done, Return to me these wooing Spring-I like mornings, Telling of the oldemtime sap run. The sugar bush, its buckets and it‘s ï¬res, The shy little kiss my sweetheart gave, Are" as far and as faint as fading snow-wreaths That lie on my little sweetheart’s gravel ‘ â€"~Nina Moore Jamieson. MEDICINE For unit mus Once a mother has used Baby’s Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else. Their use teaches her they are absolutely safe; that they never fail to give relief and that the little ones do hot dread taking them as they do castor oil and other harsh purgatives. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. John M. Weaver, Blissï¬eld, N.B., says:â€"~“I have used Baby’s Own Tab- lets tor the past ten years and have found them so good I always keep a. box ,in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. :oâ€"~_. A flock of sheep add to the ap- pearance and value of the farm, both by keeping down the weeds and ma- nuring the ground that they are graz- edwver. Ton for ion sheep manure is more valuable as fertilizer than that of any other farm animal. Marion Bridge. C. a, May 30, '02. I have handledaMlNARD'S LINI-‘ MENT during the past year. It is al- vays the ï¬rst Liniment asked for here, seller of all the Linimem I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. .__...___,._._..______.._.â€"_ To relieve the soreness of a pain- ful soft corn, try binding it up each night with baking soda moistened. with a little water. mnard’l Liniment ems mm“. Germans Salute British. Lu- as far from my and Unquestionably " the best. different kinds of. Order New ' ONTARIO FERTILIZERS. LIMITED ‘WEST TORONTO CANADA I Tommy Atkins‘ Hardships. ; “They put me in barracks," wrote a 'young soldier to his parents: “they itook away my clothes and put me in 1.madc me ‘No. 575'; they took me to l lland they made me listen to a ser- ymon for 40 minutes. Then the parâ€" !son said: ‘No. 575, Art thou weary, Kart thou languid?‘ and I got seven ;dZi_\'S in the guardhousc because I ,Ianswered that I certainly was!“ iLEMON JUlCE lS FRECKLE REMOVER . ._..q.> _.__.._.. Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion , to clear and whiten the skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into [a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. shake well. and you thave a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- iier, at very, very small cost. ‘ Your grocer has the lemons and any ldmg store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of orchard while for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into ,the face, neck, larms and hands each day and see how IIliow clear, soft and white the skin be- ,comes. Yes! It is harmless. I 9*â€" To Brighten Linoleum. To make linoleum or floor oilâ€"cloth look brighter and keep it bright heat buttermilk and wash the linoleum before stepping on it. Minard'l Liniment Cures Burns. rite. If there is an old building in the ,neighborhood and the plaster can be ‘had from the walls and ceilings gath- l er it and spread over the garden. The I lime will improve the condition of the soil. When old ceilings are torn down on'the garden. [/RINB Granulated Eyelids, .Qï¬ï¬kké Sore Eyes, Eves’l‘lipï¬gmed by 3’; ;1 Sun. Dust and m quickly relieved by Murine. ltin , your EyesandtnBaby's yes No SmartingJuIt Eye Comfort †At Y D r in Marine Eye Remedy... £359.39 1.. 31...: Ky. Salvo. in Tube! 260. For ooh/o! the aâ€"Frcu. u" Ask Karine Eye Bomch Co.,, Mouse 0 7 . Nothing so good for a sprain as ,bathingi with very hot water, to which turpentine has been added, an ounce to a quart. The simi of a Piano is the Action. Insist on thb “ OTTO HIGELl' PIANO ACTION OQOQOQOQQQQQQOQQ Cause of Early Old Age The celebrated Dr. Michenhoi’f, an authojty on early old ago, says that it is “caused by poi-on- generated in the intestine.†th: your stomach digests food properly it is absorbed without forming poinonous matter. Poi- sonl bring on early old age and premature death. 15 to 30 drops 3freckles and blemishes disappear and - 'with it, allowing it to dry thoroughly be sure to save the old mortar for use I A Boy Thai Laughs. i [1 know a funny little boy-â€" L The happiest ever born; His face is like a beam of joy, i Although his clothes are turn. {I saw him tumble on Jiis nose. 5 And waited for a groanâ€" 'But how he laughed! Do you suppose ‘ He struck his funny bone? There‘s sunshine in each word he speaks, , His laugh is something grand; .Its ripples overrun his cheeks Like waves. on snowy sand. ‘INo matter how the day may go. 5 You cannot make him cryf He’s worth a dozen boys I know, Who pout and mope and sigh. _.:.~â€"v â€"__. Proï¬teering An Old Crime. Profiteering in necessities, which has been revealed in all degrees of base- ,ness since the beginning of the war is one of the worst crimes, according to the Bible and other ancient writings. Bunyan showed that it was one of the banes of his time, and Pepys told of the sacking of storehouses by the hun- gry English populace as the specula- tors held back supplies for higher .prices when the people starved. Mlnard'l Liniment for sale everywhere. 1'03 SALE EEKLY NEWSPAPER 1N WES/L ern Ontario. Doing a. good busi- Death of owner places it on the market. A great chance for, a man win: cash. Anni Box 82, Wilson Publishing Co. Limite . Toronto. ., ELL EQUII’PED NEWSPAPER , W ness. and Job printing‘plant in Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried 81.500. Will Hm for $1,200 on quick sale. Box 69. Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd. Toronto. meannganous ANGER. TUMORs. LUMPS. ETC. internal and external. cured with out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical (20.. Limited. Collinzwood. Ont. ’ The world is short of horses. Torget the most out of your team use ’ MICA AXLE GREASE . " Use half as much as any other" The mica flakes ï¬ll the pores and crevices in the axle and the grease keeps them there. Mica Grease means fresher horses at the end of the; day and longer life for your harness and wagons. EUREKA HARNESS OIL " Lengtbau leather Ilfa " OVercomes leather's worst enemiesâ€"water and dirt. It makes harness pliable and waterproof, prevents breaks ing of stitches and imparts that rich black lustre to all dark dressed leather. Sold in standard sized packages by live I dealers ex erywhere. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BRANCHES IN LLETT COMPANY LIMIT 2 Toaonro our. new“ Used for making _‘ hard and soft soap, for ~ softening water, fer clean- " lng,dlslnfecting and for over 500 other purposes. RIFUOI OUISTITUTIO. E.W.GILLETIMQPN¥°PIA§Y“ UNITED ._ ‘00:!le naming The bicycle is still barred from the streets of Constantinople or the high- ways leading to it. Cuticiuabicps I {itching At Gate 1 Treatment:- , Cleanse With Cuticara Soap. ; Dryaiiii Heal i Wllh Cutitura (lament For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irri« tations, pimples, dandruff, sore hands and baby'humors, Cutiâ€" supremely effective as well as ideal for toilet purposes. Samples Each Free by Mail ‘ Address “Cuticum. Dept. N. Boston. U. S. A." Bold throughou: the world. Whitâ€"Elli I a 'Fllli YEARS l Mrs. Courtney Tells How She j 'Was Cured by Lydia E», l Pinkham’s Vegetable | l 7 Compound. I Oskaloosa. Io,wa.-â€"“ For years I was simply in misery from a weakness and ' awful painsâ€"and nothing seemed to do me any good. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham'l Vege. table Com ound. I did so an got ro- lief right away. I can certainly ro- commend this valu- able medicine to other women who suffer, for it has s done such good work for me and I know it will help 7 pthera if they will gi,ve it a fair trial." -"â€"Mrs. LIZZIE COURTNEY, 108 8th Ava, West, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Why will women drag along from day to day, year in and year out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this are continual ybeing cura Soap and *Ointment are r of “Seigel's Syrup" After meals makes your digestion sound. in QOQGQOQQQQQMQO _____3______.______â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" published. Every woman who suffers from displacements, irregularities, in- flammation, ulceration, backache, ner- ‘ vousness, or who is passing through the 1 Change of Life should give this famous I root and herb remedy,†Lydia E. Pinkâ€" ham’s Vegetable Compound, 3 trial. For ‘ special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham I Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result' of its long experience is at your service. .___..A .-. . , .. ' cerne I had an experience that was hu- MQQOMOQWOQ “During my ï¬rst few days in I ,iWakeful j Nights , go out of style in , the family that once ~~ I drank tea or coffee but now uses instant ‘ Posth I I I o 0 3 I I fmorous and seemingly anomalousunw Itil I got an explanation," said a Red {Cross workerI who returned recently Ito the United States. “The mountain irepublic is ï¬lled with interned sol- diers from both sides, and I Went about I a good deal with a British ofï¬cer in charge of many British prisoners. “ ‘Is he a German?’ civilians whis- pered to one pnother as we walked to lour hotels. The Britisher was literal- ly bombarded with salutes from Ger-‘ man soldiers, and at the outset it be- came embarrassing for him. But his embarrassment. could not continue long, as the salutes were too frequent. , b . d . d n , d Soon he was acknowledging them as, ‘32:†“Busisfuzï¬zf ago] (it: a?†imechanically as if he had been walk- prom,“ application, No need to ing through the streets of London. rub, It quickly penetrates to the , “The matter was made plain to me trouble and drives out the pain. Cleaner thanmussy piastera‘oroint- . , Dangerous Gas and Acids That Hart The Stomach-"Soar The Food I Cause Dyspepsia, indigestion Recommends a Safe Way to Treat Stomach Trouble At Home Bruises and Sprains ‘ Have Sloan's Liniment handy for THIS wholesome be\'. when later I found out that lit is the. S, n. L. .me t A t Many stomach sufferers who are sour. fermentan muss into the in. era e of delicious fla_ rule in Su'itzerland that soldiers of all me?“ on. 5 m‘ “ CV": “0 alwayfl full or an a d whose atom- testines and so relieve the stomach g armies mlute ofï¬cer- of an a. ' g ‘ "am d†3k!“ n0? 3108 d" POIGS- act-.5 burn with acid after nearly naln but the acid Still remains in the vor contains no drug ‘ “. . . .° “me†For rheumatic aches. neuralgia, everv m nl mink Peso thlnil are the stomach to zenerate more as and German (llSClpllne did the rest " i “,5 and.“ 1.... 5.“, lumbar, “m, REï¬â€˜L‘L h of Inugez‘uï¬usflwhen in prodluce more trouble at l 9 next ~ ‘ ' Ev :~'.'. »- ‘ raw ‘2 I . me . elements to u p S e t strum, and CPIHM,“ iii-:3 quick .1: z i r a i155 £153 “eroolnah to “a unm- : I you are "5mg dmosuve aids at. Cmqou and bottle: a: all drusztsa. do, ,Ier meals drop them for a while and nsteag get a few 5-8I‘Bln tablets of A pure laurated magnesia from any .â€" drusizisï¬ and take two With each - mea. isuratvd Magnesia does not 5, dikes: food b‘l! will neutralize the ex‘- " stomach. keep 7. Baked Indian Puddiug.~â€"Mix to- gether 2 table spoons cornmeal with 1 pint cold milk, ‘2 cup molasses, a , little salt and 1 well beaten egg. Stir, 1' gradually into a quart of boiling milk, :ial (ligament? {no a; p in. o a stomac ul 0 gas an aoi it would be or a man who ad a e - per] on a tack to rub liniment on h a root without removing the tack. Some stomachs Reneraée too much. gas and mi . Gas (listen 3 the stom- .ceasgve acid in your ach walla. causing a lull, bloated ops I the and sweet and will driVe the gas heart or nerves and its cheery goodness is just the thing in the way of a hot table drink E stirring until ,thick and free from prgssive feeling While the, acidfirrhlâ€" and bloat right out of your burly. Au Hemp-*9 Pour mm a pudding fééiiaé‘tdx‘éfl‘i’hi? Insert: .3: tiara: as?a...‘.t..riktf “ ' â€â€œ i†W SW" We" W Prussian'r: “our “III S 3 ‘Scxwe “Lil Tlth milk 0‘; Cleani. aligiflscidinadlgesrt‘eme' wlsil pilsh mi: nï¬injdreit‘ilérst‘omsati angiwaï¬d ' ED. 7. _ lsst'a l3-â€"’18. : ’ "1" ibhuard'a imminent Relieves Neuraigia.